Adaptation and Validation of the Hydration Status Questionnaire in a Spanish Adolescent-Young Population: A Cross Sectional Study
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Design of the Hydration Status Questionnaire in a Healthy Adolescent-Young Spanish Population
2.2. Questionnaire Analysis
2.3. Questionnaire Validation
2.4. Validation Protocol
- Haematological variables: haemoglobin, haematocrit and erythrocyte were determined by capillary finger-stick whole blood with Calligari™ Analyser.
- Body composition: TBW and water percentage was estimated by BIA with Bioscan Spectrum™ Multifrequency. Individuals were weighed using a digital scale with an accuracy of 200 g (SECA™ 877). Height was measured to the nearest 0.1cm using a wall-mounted stadiometer (SECA™ 213). The anthropometric measurements were made according to the recommendations of the International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment (ISAK) [43] by level I and II accredited anthropometrists.
- Urine variables: volunteers provided a first morning urine sample in which urine pH and USG was determined using urine stick test Spinreact™ and urine colour via the Urine Colour Chart [44]. Results were compared with reference values of hydration biomarkers in first urine morning spot established by Armstrong et al. [40] (Euhydration: specific gravity = 1.023–1.025, urine colour = 4–5).
- Haemodynamic variables: pulse, SBP and DBP were determined using a digital sphygmomanometer (Omron™, M3 model).
2.5. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Sample Characteristics
3.2. Validity of the Questionnaire
3.3. Reliability of the Questionnaire
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Males (n = 68) | Females (n = 60) | p Values | |
Weight (Kg) | 58.3 (55.3–61.3) | 54.8 (52.2–57.5) | 0.084 |
Height (cm) | 166.7 (164.5–169.0) | 161.4 (160.0–162.7) | 0.000 |
Body fat mass (Kg) | 15.1 (13.6–16.6) | 18.2 (16.7–19.7) | 0.004 |
Body lean mass (Kg) | 44.0 (41.9–46.1) | 36.9 (35.9–38.0) | 0.000 |
TBW (%) | 56.0 (55.0–57.1) | 51.3 (50.1–52.5) | 0.000 |
TBW (L) | 32.9 (31.3–34.5) | 28.1 (27.1–29.1) | 0.000 |
Specific gravity (g/L) | 1.025 (1.024–1.027) | 1.025 (1.024–1.026) | 0.681 |
pH | 5.3 (5.2–5.4) | 5.1 (5.1–5.2) | 0.043 |
Urine colour | 3.5 (3.2–3.7) | 3.4 (3.2–3.9) | 0.671 |
Haematocrit (%) | 43.1 (42.3–44.0) | 40.0 (39.1–41.0) | 0.000 |
Erythrocyte (mill/μL) | 5.5 (4.1–6.9) | 4.4 (4.3–4.6) | 0.133 |
Haemoglobin (g/dL) | 14.6 (14.2–15.0) | 13.7 (13.2–14.1) | 0.002 |
SBP (mmHg) | 120.1 (116.6–123.5) | 111.9 (107.6–116.2) | 0.003 |
DBP (mmHg) | 62.3 (60.2–64.5) | 67.1 (65.0–69.2) | 0.003 |
Pulse (beats/min) | 70.9 (68.1–73.8) | 81.0 (78.0–84.9) | 0.000 |
Males (n = 68) | Females (n = 60) | p Values | |
Drinking water (mL/day) | 1897.6 (1683.2–2112. 1) | 1611.1 (1293.2–1929.0) | 0.138 |
Water from beverages (mL/day) | 2713.7 (2465.0–2962.4) | 2308.8 (1983.2–2634.4) | 0.051 |
Water from food (mL/day) | 424.0 (366.8–481.2) | 501.5 (425.3–577.8) | 0.107 |
Water intake (mL/day) | 3137.7 (2880.7–3394.8) | 2810.3 (2465.6–3154.9) | 0.131 |
Total water loss (mL/day) | 3811.0 (3631.1–3990.3) | 3213.5 (3030.0–3397.0) | 0.000 |
Water balance (mL/day) | −673.3 (−975.1–−371.5) | −403.2 (−771.7–−34.7) | 0.259 |
1st Completion (n = 128) | 2nd Completion (n = 116) | Mean Difference | p Values | Limits of Agreements | |
Drinking water (mL/day) | 1628.1 (1472.2–1784.0) | 1577.0 (1429.3–1724.7) | 51.1 | 0.292 | 1068.8–966.6 |
Water from beverages (mL/day) | 2380.0 (2203.0–2557.0) | 2300.8 (2128.4–2473.1) | 79.1 | 0.230 | 1462.2–1303.9 |
Water from food (mL/day) | 459.0 (409.2–509.0) | 437.7 (380.0–495.3) | 21.3 | 0.398 | 551.5–508.9 |
Water intake (mL/day) | 2839.0 (2649.1–3029.0) | 2738.5 (2545.6–2931.3) | 100.4 | 0.184 | 1685.8–1485.0 |
Water loss (mL/day) | 3558.0 (3408.0–3708.0) | 3606.1 (3455.2–3757.0) | −48.2 | 0.090 | 547.0–643.4 |
Water balance (mL/day) | −719.0 (−934.0–−504.0) | −855.4 (−1074.9–−636.0) | 136.4 | 0.095 | 1848.1–1575.2 |
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Laja García, A.I.; Samaniego-Vaesken, M.d.L.; Partearroyo, T.; Varela-Moreiras, G. Adaptation and Validation of the Hydration Status Questionnaire in a Spanish Adolescent-Young Population: A Cross Sectional Study. Nutrients 2019, 11, 565.
Laja García AI, Samaniego-Vaesken MdL, Partearroyo T, Varela-Moreiras G. Adaptation and Validation of the Hydration Status Questionnaire in a Spanish Adolescent-Young Population: A Cross Sectional Study. Nutrients. 2019; 11(3):565.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLaja García, Ana Isabel, Maria de Lourdes Samaniego-Vaesken, Teresa Partearroyo, and Gregorio Varela-Moreiras. 2019. "Adaptation and Validation of the Hydration Status Questionnaire in a Spanish Adolescent-Young Population: A Cross Sectional Study" Nutrients 11, no. 3: 565.
APA StyleLaja García, A. I., Samaniego-Vaesken, M. d. L., Partearroyo, T., & Varela-Moreiras, G. (2019). Adaptation and Validation of the Hydration Status Questionnaire in a Spanish Adolescent-Young Population: A Cross Sectional Study. Nutrients, 11(3), 565.