Mechanisms of Carotenoid Intestinal Absorption: Where Do We Stand?
:1. Introduction
2. Digestion Process of Carotenoids
3. Carotenoid Absorption through the Enterocyte
3.1. Apical Transport Across the Brush Border Membrane of the Enterocyte
3.2. Cytosolic Transport and Intracellular Metabolism
3.3. Secretion Through the Basolateral Membrane of the Enterocyte
4. Regulation of Carotenoid Transporter Expressions in the Enterocyte
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
ABCA1 | ATP binding cassette A1 |
ABCB1 | ATB binding cassette B1 |
ABCG5 | ATP binding cassette G5 |
BCO1 | β-carotene-oxygenase 1 |
BCO2 | β-carotene-oxygenase 2 |
CD36 | CD36 molecule |
CEH | cholesterol ester hydrolase |
DGAT1 | diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 |
HR-LBP | human retinal lutein-binding protein |
ISX | intestine-specific homebox |
FABP | fatty-acid-binding protein |
HDL | high-density lipoproteins |
LRAT | lecithin retinol acyltransferase |
NPC1L1 | NPC1-like transporter 1 |
SR-BI | scavenger receptor class B type 1 |
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Carotenoids | Molecular Structure | Examples of Food Sources (mg/100 g) [10,11] |
Phytoene | | Tomato juice: 2.24 Carrot juice: 0.94 |
Phytofluene | | Tomato juice: 0.86 Carrot juice: 0.59 |
Lycopene | | Tomato sauce: 15.92 Tomatoes: 3.03 Watermelon: 4.87 |
β-carotene | | Raw carrot: 8.84 Canned carrot: 5.78 Cooked spinach: 5.24 |
α-carotene | | Carrot juice: 1.70 |
β-cryptoxanthin | | Sanguinello juice: 0.02 |
Lutein | | Cooked spinach: 7.04 Lettuce: 2.64 |
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Reboul, E. Mechanisms of Carotenoid Intestinal Absorption: Where Do We Stand? Nutrients 2019, 11, 838.
Reboul E. Mechanisms of Carotenoid Intestinal Absorption: Where Do We Stand? Nutrients. 2019; 11(4):838.
Chicago/Turabian StyleReboul, Emmanuelle. 2019. "Mechanisms of Carotenoid Intestinal Absorption: Where Do We Stand?" Nutrients 11, no. 4: 838.
APA StyleReboul, E. (2019). Mechanisms of Carotenoid Intestinal Absorption: Where Do We Stand? Nutrients, 11(4), 838.