Glycine Metabolism and Its Alterations in Obesity and Metabolic Diseases
:1. Introduction
2. Glycine Dietary Intake and Metabolism
2.1. Glycine Synthesis
2.2. Glycine Catabolism
2.3. Glycine Uptake
2.4. Glycine Conjugation and Excretion
3. Plasma Concentrations of Glycine are Decreased in Obesity and Associated Metabolic Disorders, Although Dietary Intake are Unaltered
4. Potential Causes of Decreased Glycine Availability
4.1. Importance of Dietary Patterns in Determining Glycine Availability
4.2. Contribution of the Gut Microbiota in Determining Glycine Bioavailability
4.3. Interaction between Host Metabolism and Fate of Glycine
5. Potential Benefits of Glycine Supplementation in Obesity and Associated Metabolic Disorders
6. The Contribution of Glycine to Host Metabolism and the Pathogenesis of Metabolic Disorders
6.1. Importance of Glycine for Antioxidant Protection by Glutathione
6.2. The Role of Glycine in Heme Biosynthesis
6.3. Importance of Glycine Conjugation and Urinary Excretion
6.4. The Key Role of Glycine in the One-Carbon Metabolism
6.5. Glycine as a Neurotransmitter
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
AGAT | Alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase |
ALA | delta-aminolevulinic acid |
ALAS | delta-aminolevulinic acid synthase |
BA | Bile acids |
BAAT | Bile acid-coenzyme A: amino acid N-acyltransferase |
BCAA | Branched chain amino acids |
BCKDH | Branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase |
BHMT | Betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase |
CH2-THF | 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate |
CPS1 | Carbamoyl-Phosphate Synthase 1 |
DHF | dihydrofolate |
DHFR | dihydrofolate reductase |
DMGDH | Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase |
EPIC | European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition |
GLYAT | Glycine N-acyltransferases |
GlyR | Glycine receptor |
GNMT | Glycine N-methyltransferase |
GSG index | Glutamate-serine-glycine index |
GWAS | Genome-wide association study |
HOMA index | Homeostatic Model Assessment index |
NAFLD | Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease |
NMDA | N-methyl-D-aspartate |
SAM | S-adenosylmethionine |
SAH | S-adenosylhomocysteine |
SDH | Sarcosine dehydrogenase (SDH) |
SHMT | Serine hydroxymethyltransferase |
SNP | Single nucleotide polymorphism |
T2DM | Type 2 diabetes mellitus |
THF | tetrahydrofolate |
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Study Group | Health Status | Glycine Concentration (µmol/L) | Level of Significance | Reference | |
Control Group | Study Group | ||||
20 control subjects, 15 subjects with obesity with NAFLD | Controls vs. obesity with NAFLD | Mean: 205.9 ± 9.7 | Mean obesity with NAFLD: 179.2 ± 7.6 | p = 0.03 | [9] |
The observational, prospective cohort PPSDiab: 151 women with gestational diabetes or normoglycemia during pregnancy | NGT vs. PGT | Median NGT: 272.6 | Median PGT: 224.6 | p < 0.01 | [14] |
399 nondiabetic adults | IS vs. IR | NA | 0.85 fold vs. controls | p = 2.79 × 10−11 | [15] |
124 adults (63 European American and 60 African American) | IS vs. IR and T2DM | Mean IS: 306.8 | Mean IR: 257.0 | p < 0.01 for the two comparisons vs. IS | [16] |
Mean T2DM: 246.8 | |||||
[Glycine concentration was correlated to GDR in a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp] | |||||
64 adults | sex-matched groups for BMI [lean vs. morbid obesity] and risk of developing T2DM [IS vs. IR] | Glycine concentration is negatively associated to fasting insulin and HOMA-IR | R = −0.51, p = 0.0017; and R = −0.49, p = 0.0033 | [17] | |
Framingham Heart Study (n = 1015) and the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study (n = 746) | 45% of individuals meeting the criteria for metabolic syndrome | Mean NGT = 270 | Mean PGT = 220 | p = 0.0005 | [18] |
73 control subjects, 10 subjects with obesity | Controls vs. obesity | Mean: 223.7 ± 33.0 | Mean: 197.9 ± 41.4 | p = 0.027 | [19] |
51 healthy control subjects; 31 overweight or obese subjects; 52 subjects with T2DM | Controls vs. obesity and T2DM Men and women were analyzed separately | Mean men: 211 ± 30 | Mean men with obesity: 186 ± 30 | p < 0.05 for all comparisons vs. controls | [20] |
Mean men with T2DM: 187 ± 44 | |||||
Mean women: 231 ± 67 | Mean women with obesity: 203 ± 48 | ||||
Mean women with T2DM: 184 ± 48 |
Population | Health Status | Dose and Duration | Health Impacts of Glycine Supplementation | Reference |
Glycine dietary supplementation | ||||
Clinical studies | ||||
Adult humans: | Healthy patients | Single oral morning dose of 5 g glycine +/− 25 g glucose vs. water +/− 25 g glucose | Improves insulin response and glucose tolerance in response to glucose ingestion | [122] |
4 Women | ||||
5 Men | ||||
Age: 21 to 52 y | ||||
Adult humans: | Healthy lean patients with first degree relatives of T2DM | Single oral morning dose of 5 g glycine vs. magnesium oxide (placebo) | Improves insulin response, measured during an euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp; No significant alteration in insulin action | [123] |
8 Women | ||||
4 Men | ||||
Age: 23.7 ± 4.1 y | ||||
Adult humans: | Patients with MetS (NCEP/ATP III criteria) | 15 g glycine/day (3 times 5 g/d) dissolved in water vs. starch (placebo) for 3 months | Improves systolic blood pressure in men; Protects against oxidative damages determined from antioxidant enzymes activity in erythrocytes and leukocytes, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in plasma | [125] |
29 Women | ||||
23 Men | ||||
Age: 35 to 65 y | ||||
Elderly patients: | Patients with HIV | 1.33 mmol glycine/kg/day with 0.81 mmol/kg/day N-acetylcysteine for 14 days | Improves insulin sensitivity, measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp before and after supplementation | [124] |
9 Men | ||||
Age: 56.1 ± 1.0 y | ||||
Preclinical studies | ||||
Male Sprague Dawley rats: n = 48 | High fat/high sucrose feeding vs. standard chow for 24 weeks | 3.5 g glycine/kg/day in water vs. water (placebo) for 24 weeks | Improves hepatic steatosis assessed histologically | [128] |
Age: NA | ||||
Male KK-Ay mice: n = 5/group | Animal model of obesity and T2DM | Semisynthetic diet containing 5% glycine vs. casein (placebo) for 4 weeks | Improves hepatic steatosis assessed histologically Improves glucose tolerance measured during a glucose tolerance test | [129] |
Age: 7 weeks | ||||
Betaine dietary supplementation | ||||
Clinical studies | ||||
Adult humans: | patients with obesity and pre-diabetes | 3.30 g betaine, twice daily for 10 days, followed by 4.95 g twice daily for 12 weeks vs. microcrystalline cellulose (placebo) | No major effects on glucose homeostasis (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp) and liver fat deposition | [127] |
8 Women | ||||
20 Men | ||||
Age: 21 to 70 y | ||||
Preclinical studies | ||||
Female | High-fat feeding for 13 weeks | 1% weight/volume betaine, in water vs. water for 1 week | Improves insulin resistance and glucose homeostasis measured using glucose/insulin tolerance tests | [126] |
Kunming | ||||
Mice: n = 40 | ||||
Age: 6 weeks | ||||
Male C57Bl6 mice: n = 24 | High-fat feeding for 16 weeks | 1% weight/volume betaine, in water vs. water for 1 week | Improves insulin resistance and glucose homeostasis measured using glucose/insulin tolerance test and euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp; Reduces liver fat deposition quantified on chloroform-methanol extracts | [87] |
Age: NA | ||||
Male C57BL6/N mice: n = 46 | High-fat feeding for 12 weeks, methyl-donor supplementation was given during the last 4 weeks | 15 g/kg betaine, 15 g/kg choline chloride, 7.5 g/kg methionine, 15 mg/kg folic acid, 1.5 mg/kg vitamin B12, 150 mg/kg ZnSO4 | Prevented the progression of hepatic steatosis Increases phosphorylation of AMPK-α together with enhanced β-HAD activity, suggesting increased fatty acid oxidation | [34] |
Age: 8 weeks |
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Alves, A.; Bassot, A.; Bulteau, A.-L.; Pirola, L.; Morio, B. Glycine Metabolism and Its Alterations in Obesity and Metabolic Diseases. Nutrients 2019, 11, 1356.
Alves A, Bassot A, Bulteau A-L, Pirola L, Morio B. Glycine Metabolism and Its Alterations in Obesity and Metabolic Diseases. Nutrients. 2019; 11(6):1356.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlves, Anaïs, Arthur Bassot, Anne-Laure Bulteau, Luciano Pirola, and Béatrice Morio. 2019. "Glycine Metabolism and Its Alterations in Obesity and Metabolic Diseases" Nutrients 11, no. 6: 1356.
APA StyleAlves, A., Bassot, A., Bulteau, A.-L., Pirola, L., & Morio, B. (2019). Glycine Metabolism and Its Alterations in Obesity and Metabolic Diseases. Nutrients, 11(6), 1356.