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Journal: Nutrients, 2021
Volume: 13
Number: 377

Article: Feed Composition Differences Resulting from Organic and Conventional Farming Practices Affect Physiological Parameters in Wistar Rats—Results from a Factorial, Two-Generation Dietary Intervention Trial
Authors: by Marcin Barański, Dominika Średnicka-Tober, Leonidas Rempelos, Gultakin Hasanaliyeva, Joanna Gromadzka-Ostrowska, Krystyna Skwarło-Sońta, Tomasz Królikowski, Ewa Rembiałkowska, Jana Hajslova, Vera Schulzova, Ismail Cakmak, Levent Ozturk, Ewelina Hallmann, Chris Seal, Per Ole Iversen, Vanessa Vigar and Carlo Leifert

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