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Journal: Cancers, 2020
Volume: 12
Number: 2803

Article: Complete Loss of EPCAM Immunoexpression Identifies EPCAM Deletion Carriers in MSH2-Negative Colorectal Neoplasia
Authors: by Míriam Cuatrecasas, Iñigo Gorostiaga, Cristina Riera, Esteban Saperas, Gemma Llort, Irmgard Costa, Xavier Matias-Guiu, Cristina Carrato, Matilde Navarro, Marta Pineda, Núria Dueñas, Joan Brunet, Vicente Marco, Isabel Trias, José Ignacio Busteros, Gemma Mateu, Francesc Balaguer, María-Teresa Fernández-Figueras, Manel Esteller and Eva Musulén

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