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Journal: Cancers, 2021
Volume: 13
Number: 2954

Article: Combination of Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor Blockers and CDK4/6 Inhibitor for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treatment
Authors: by Hsin-Pai Li, Chen-Yang Huang, Kar-Wai Lui, Yin-Kai Chao, Chun-Nan Yeh, Li-Yu Lee, Yenlin Huang, Tung-Liang Lin, Yung-Chia Kuo, Mei-Yuan Huang, Yi-Ru Lai, Yuan-Ming Yeh, Hsien-Chi Fan, An-Chi Lin, Jason Chia-Hsun Hsieh, Kai-Ping Chang, Chien-Yu Lin, Hung-Ming Wang, Yu-Sun Chang and Cheng-Lung Hsu

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