The Prognostic Value of Liquid Biopsies for Benefit of Salvage Radiotherapy in Relapsed Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer

Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
A very detailed and sound study on the role of liquid biopsies in prostate cancer with the focus on the very important clinical issue of salvage radiation therapy in metastatic disease. The authors correctly indicate the limitations of this study but can still provide some significant data that gives this paper hifg significance and pave the way for further investigations.
Author Response
Dear reviewer,
I sincerely thank you for your careful review of our manuscript and for your helpful advice. We have implemented your advice and made small corrections.
best regards
Roland Merten
Reviewer 2 Report
This study was reported the prognostic value of liquid biopsies in patients with prostate cancer who had oligometastasis and relapse after definitive therapy. Overall, this paper is well written. The reviewer would like to suggest some critiques as follows.
1. The title is unclear. “in relapsed oligometastatic prostate cancer” may be better.
2. On line 99, this is a grammatical error.
3. On line 109, the authors described “completed definitive RT.” Haw many grays of radiation did the patients received?
Author Response
Dear reviewer,
I sincerely thank you for your careful review of our manuscript and for your helpful advice. We have implemented your advice and made small corrections.
best regards
Roland Merten