Insights into Anthropogenic Micro- and Nanoplastic Accumulation in Drinking Water Sources and Their Potential Effects on Human Health
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Physicochemical Methods for Removal of Micro- and Nanoplastics from Drinking Water Sources
3.1.1. Coagulation–Flocculation–Sedimentation (CFS)
3.1.2. Disinfection Technologies
3.1.3. Adsorption
3.1.4. Membrane Filtration Process
3.1.5. Other Technologies
3.2. Analytical Methods for Monitoring Micro- and Nanoplastics in Drinking Water Sources
3.2.1. Methods Based on Mass Determination
3.2.2. Methods Based on Particle Determination
3.3. Potential Toxicological Effects of Micro- and Nanoplastics from Drinking Water Sources on Human Health
4. Conclusions and Future Perspective
- setting sampling and monitoring standards for MPs/NPs
- reducing the production of non-biodegradable plastic items
- reducing single-use plastic
- implementing the circular economy using biodegradable plastic items
- using the “refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle” concept
- innovation for plastics that do not need reusable, recyclable, or compostable materials
- total removal of MPs/NPs from DWTPs
- designing innovative packaging technologies to unscrew bottle caps in other ways, such as easy-to-open caps
- the use of bio-inspired technology related to biomimetics involving the design of advanced systems or devices inspired by nature, where principles from interdisciplinary fields such as engineering, chemistry and biology are applied to the development of materials, synthetic systems or instruments with functions that mimic biological processes [181]
- raising people’s awareness of the toxicological effects of MPs/NPs.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
MPs | microplastics |
NPs | nanoplastics |
DWTPs | drinking water treatment plants |
Pyr-GC/MS | pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry |
RAC | Committee for Risk Assessment |
SEAC | Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis |
EPS | extracellular polymers |
PFAS | per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances |
WHO | World Health Organization |
ATSDR | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry |
PS | polystyrene |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
CFS | coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation |
TD-PTR/MS | thermal desorption–proton transfer reaction–mass spectrometry |
µ-FTIR | micro-Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy |
µ-Raman | micro-Raman |
TD-GC/MS | thermal desorption–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry |
SP-ICP-MS | single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy |
SERS | surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy |
ICP-MS | inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy |
MALDI-ToF/MS | matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry |
DLS | dynamic light scattering |
SEM-EDX | scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy |
TEM | transmission electron microscopy |
PET | polyethylene terephthalate |
NOM | natural organic matter |
polyDADMAC | diallyldimethylammonium chloride |
PE | polyethylene |
PACl | polyaluminum chloride |
Al2(SO4)3 | aluminum sulfate |
AlCl3 | aluminum chloride |
FeCl3 | iron chloride |
NaHCO3 | sodium bicarbonate |
PC | polyamine-coated |
ER | elongated-rough |
ES | elongated-smooth |
SR | spherical-rough |
SS | spherical-smooth |
GAC | granular activated carbon |
Pd | palladium |
DOM | dissolved organic matter |
IONPs | iron oxide nanoparticles |
LOQ | limit of quantification |
AF4 | asymmetric flow field flow fractionation |
DLS-MADLS | multiangle and dynamic light scattering |
PA | polyamide |
PU | polyurethane |
HDPE | high-density polyethylene |
POU | three point-of-use |
IX | ion exchange |
MF | microfiltration |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
LDPE | low-density polyethylene |
DAF | dissolved air flotation |
SAN | styrene acrylonitrile |
PES | polyester |
PPS | polyphenylene sulfite |
FPA | focal plane array |
TFU | tangential flow ultrafiltration |
LOD | limit of detection |
EvOH | ethylene vinyl alcohol |
LDIR | laser direct infrared |
PC | polycarbonate |
AFM-IR | atomic force microscope-infrared spectroscopy |
ATR-FTIR | attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy |
NWERS | nanowell-enhanced Raman spectroscopy |
ILs | ionic liquids |
PAM | polyacrylamide |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt |
SDS | sodium dodecyl sulfate |
BPA | bisphenol A |
BFR | brominated flame retardants |
4-NP | 4-nonylphenol |
TCS | triclosan |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
ROS | reactive oxygen species |
BSA | bovine serum albumin |
HMC-1 | human mast cells |
PBMCs | peripheral blood mononuclear cells |
RBCs | red blood cells |
RBL-2H3 | rat basophilic leukemia cells |
HeLa | cervical cancer cells |
HDFs | human dermal fibroblasts |
Caco-2 | human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cells |
ECHA | European Chemicals Agency |
PAN | poly(acrylonitrile) |
PMMA | poly(methyl methacrylate) |
PVA | poly(vinyl alcohol) |
PEVA | ethylene (vinyl acetate) copolymer |
AC | activated carbon |
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Source | Method | Characteristics of MPs/NPs | Polymer Type | Ref. |
Three DWTPs | FTIR and Raman | Concentrations of 443 ± 10, 338 ± 76 and 628 ± 28 particles/L | PET, PP, PE | [16] |
1200 L to 2500 L water from DWTPs (sampled in 2014 in Germany) | µ-FTIR microscopy coupled to a FPA detector | Four blank samples contained 45 ± 22 fibers, 18% were black and 78% were transparent; DWTPs show 0.7 fibers/m3, with sizes ranging from 50 to 150 μm | Control: PP, SAN DWTPs: PE, PA, PES, PVC or epoxy resin | [115] |
DWTP, Germany | µ-Raman | MPs size varying from 50 to 5000 μm; Shape of MPs: 83.3 % fragments and 16.7% fibers | 37.8% PE, 31% PP and 24.4% PS were the most commonly found plastic in the analyzed samples | [116] |
38 samples were collected from different tap waters from China | µ-Raman | Concentration of MPs was varying from 0 to 1 247 particles/L Distribution of MPs according to different size classes was: 31.25 to 100% for 1–50 µm; 1.47 to 31.25% for 50–100 µm; 1.72 to 31.25% for 100–300 µm; 1.18 to 7.69% for 300–500 µm; 1.72 to 11.76% for 500–5000 µm | 26.8% PE, 24.4% PP, 22% compounds of PE and PP, 7.3% polyphenylene sulfite (PPS), 6.5% PS, 3.3% PET, and 9.8% other | [117] |
DWTPs | LDIR, optical microscopy | MPs decreased after pre-treatment (80–99%); Size of MPs ranging from 20 to 500 µm; concentration of 2 MPs/L | PA, PET, PE, rubbers, chlorinated PE | [118] |
Two DWTPs and ten tap water samples (from Iran) | Density separation techniques, digestion, observation, µ-Raman and FTIR, and SEM |
An average of 22–51.8 MPs/m3 for DWTPs; A high concentration of particles in tap water (85–390 MPs/m3) compared to those found in DWTPs | PS | [119] |
Two tap water samples (collected from Saudi Arabia) | µ-FTIR | First sample: 1.8 MPs/L Second sample: <LOQ | PE | [62] |
159 samples of tap water collected between January and April of 2017, from 14 countries | FTIR | Concentration ranging from 0 to 61 MPs/L, with an overall mean of 5.45 MPs/L; 98.3% MPs were identified as fibers, and the remaining particles were identified as fragments or films | Not mentioned | [120] |
Tap water sample (from China) | FTIR, AFM-IR and Pyr-GC/MS | The most frequently occurring particles had a size ranging from 58 to 255 nm, and a concentration between 1.67–2.08 µg/L | PE, PP, PS, PVC, PA | [121] |
Two brands of bottled water in PET bottles | TD-GC/MS combined with TFU; super-resolution optical nanoscopy with microsphere lens; DLS | Size ranging between 66–605 nm | Degradation products of PET: phthalate derivatives and ethyl p-ethoxybenzoate | [122] |
Mineral water bottles (0.5 L) consisted of transparent PET, with cap made of white HDPE | SPES and µ-Raman | Size distribution: fewer than 10% of particles have a dimension of 0.38 ± 0.03 µm, and fewer than 9% of particles have a dimension of 1.04 ± 0.14 µm | HDPE, PET | [123] |
Four mineral water bottles | FTIR | Concentrations ranging from <1 MP/L to 317 ± 257 MPs/L, with particle sizes ≥ 11 µm | PE, PP, PS, polyester, PVC, EvOH, and PA | [124] |
32 samples were collected from 21 different brands of mineral waters (from Bavarian location) | µ-Raman | Single use PET bottles: 2649 ± 2857 MPs/L Reusable PET bottles: 4889 ± 5432 MPs/L Glass bottles: 6292 ± 10,521 MPs/L Single and reusable PET: 95% of the plastic particles < 5 µm and 50% < 1.5 µm Glass bottle: ~15% of plastic particles were between 5 µm and 10 µm, and ~7% > 10 µm | PET for PET water bottle; PE (46%), PP (23%) and a styrene-butadiene-copolymer (14%) for glass water bottle | [125] |
Ten mineral waters, either still or sparkling, in PET plastic bottles (from Catania, Italy) | SEM, density, statistical analysis | MPs with a mean diameter of 2.44 µm ± 0.66 µm were detected on PET surface | Not mentioned | [65] |
Drinking water stored in PC and PP bottles (from China) | LDIR chemical imaging system, TEM | 53 to 393 particles/mL during 100 opening/closing cycles | PC, PP | [126] |
63 drinking water samples collected from decentralized refill kiosks in the Mexico City | ATR-FTIR | 11 to 860 MPs/L from which: 65% were fibers, 28% fragments, and 7% films | PET, PA, vinyl polymers, polyacetals, cellophane | [127] |
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Râpă, M.; Darie-Niță, R.N.; Matei, E.; Predescu, A.-M.; Berbecaru, A.-C.; Predescu, C. Insights into Anthropogenic Micro- and Nanoplastic Accumulation in Drinking Water Sources and Their Potential Effects on Human Health. Polymers 2023, 15, 2425.
Râpă M, Darie-Niță RN, Matei E, Predescu A-M, Berbecaru A-C, Predescu C. Insights into Anthropogenic Micro- and Nanoplastic Accumulation in Drinking Water Sources and Their Potential Effects on Human Health. Polymers. 2023; 15(11):2425.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRâpă, Maria, Raluca Nicoleta Darie-Niță, Ecaterina Matei, Andra-Mihaela Predescu, Andrei-Constantin Berbecaru, and Cristian Predescu. 2023. "Insights into Anthropogenic Micro- and Nanoplastic Accumulation in Drinking Water Sources and Their Potential Effects on Human Health" Polymers 15, no. 11: 2425.
APA StyleRâpă, M., Darie-Niță, R. N., Matei, E., Predescu, A.-M., Berbecaru, A.-C., & Predescu, C. (2023). Insights into Anthropogenic Micro- and Nanoplastic Accumulation in Drinking Water Sources and Their Potential Effects on Human Health. Polymers, 15(11), 2425.