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Edge-Compatible Deep Learning Models for Detection of Pest Outbreaks in Viticulture

Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
GeoDouro—Consultoria e Topografia, Lda., 5100-196 Lamego, Portugal
Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense, 5000-033 Vila Real, Portugal
Centro de Investigação e de Tecnologias Agro-Ambientais e Biológica, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agronomy 2022, 12(12), 3052;
Submission received: 15 November 2022 / Revised: 24 November 2022 / Accepted: 29 November 2022 / Published: 2 December 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Application of Image Processing in Agriculture)


The direct effect of global warming on viticulture is already apparent, with unexpected pests and diseases as one of the most concerning consequences. Deploying sticky traps on grape plantations to attract key insects has been the backbone of conventional pest management programs. However, they are time-consuming processes for winegrowers, conducted through visual inspection via the manual identification and counting of key insects. Additionally, winegrowers usually lack taxonomy expertise for accurate species identification. This paper explores the usage of deep learning on the edge to identify and quantify pest counts automatically. Different mobile devices were used to acquire a dataset of yellow sticky and delta traps, consisting of 168 images with 8966 key insects manually annotated by experienced taxonomy specialists. Five different deep learning models suitable to run locally on mobile devices were selected, trained, and benchmarked to detect five different insect species. Model-centric, data-centric, and deployment-centric strategies were explored to improve and fine-tune the considered models, where they were tested on low-end and high-end mobile devices. The SSD ResNet50 model proved to be the most suitable architecture for deployment on edge devices, with accuracies per class ranging from 82% to 99%, the F1 score ranging from 58% to 84%, and inference speeds per trap image of 19.4 s and 62.7 s for high-end and low-end smartphones, respectively. These results demonstrate the potential of the approach proposed to be integrated into a mobile-based solution for vineyard pest monitoring by providing automated detection and the counting of key vector insects to winegrowers and taxonomy specialists.

1. Introduction

The estimated world area planted with vines in 2020 was 7.3 million hectares, resulting in an estimated world production of 260 million hectoliters of wine [1]. Despite these promising indicators for the wine industry, a substantial body of literature is already available regarding the harmful effects of climate change on viticulture. These effects range from wine quality, grape composition, and vine physiology and phenology to unexpected diseases and pest outbreaks [2].
Automation in agriculture via computer vision (CV) and machine learning (ML) is particularly challenging due to the uncontrolled field conditions and uncertainties of the outdoor environment. Nevertheless, edge artificial intelligence (AI) is already reshaping the way farming is carried out. Digitalization and processes automation via AI-powered agricultural systems are already relieving common pain points, such as in the prevention and monitoring of pest outbreaks in viticulture. The monitoring of seasonal dynamics and accurate species identification of key insects is crucial for optimizing the effectiveness, insecticide use, and costs of pest management programs. Deploying sticky traps on grape plantations to attract key insects has been the backbone of conventional pest management programs. However, they are time-consuming processes for winegrowers, conducted through visual inspection via the manual identification and counting of key insects. Additionally, winegrowers usually lack taxonomy expertise for accurate species identification.
In this work, we aim to improve pest monitoring and prevention processes by developing lightweight AI algorithms, suitable for deployment on edge devices, that automatically identify and quantify pest counts. In particular, we envisioned that the proposed approach should work on-site with mobile-acquired images of yellow sticky and delta traps, thus avoiding instrumented traps and complex hardware infrastructure. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are currently considered the state-of-the-art in the CV domain for object detection, providing higher accuracies than traditional methods such as scale-invariant feature transform (SHIFT) and histograms of oriented gradients (HOGs) [3]. These traditional methods are based on hand-crafted ML features, which would require a substantial amount of feature engineering effort to encompass all of the variable factors usually present in hand-held images acquired in the open field, e.g., the variability and heterogeneity of illumination, or artifacts such as dust and leaves. We started by selecting five different object detection deep learning models suitable to run locally on mobile devices, namely: (i) SSD ResNet50 (RetinaNet50); (ii) CenterNet ResNet50; (iii) SSD MobileNet V2; (iv) EfficientDet-D0; and (v) Faster R-CNN ResNet101. This selection considered model lightness (i.e., it should be suitable for the computational power available on regular Android devices) and the availability of the model in the Tensorflow Object Detection API (to ensure model compatibility to run on Android devices by converting to TensorFlow Lite). The selected backbones have the following parameter number (PN) and time complexity in floating-point operations (FLOPs): ResNet50: 23.6M PN and 5G FLOPs; ResNet101: 42.7M PN and 8G FLOPs; MobileNet V2 3.4M PN and 0.31G FLOPs; and EfficientDet-D0 3.9M PN and 0.02G FLOPs. For benchmarking purposes, we applied both model-centric and data-centric training strategies to find the most suitable model and respective parametrization.
This paper has the following structure: Section 1 presents the motivation of the work and respective objectives; Section 2 summarizes the relevant related work; Section 3 provides the technical background regarding key insects in vineyards; Section 4 describes the used dataset and respective data preparation procedures; in Section 5, the proposed methodology is detailed; Section 6 presents the results and discussion; and, finally, Section 7 draws the conclusions and future work.

2. Related Work

Object detection is a key field in AI and CV, allowing computer systems to “see” their environments by detecting objects in images or videos. During the last decade, the advent of deep learning (DL) techniques led to significant and promising advances in the field of object detection. In particular, CNNs and GPUs are the main drivers behind the significant advancement of CV-based object detection. CNNs have exhibited superior skills in learning invariant features in various categories of objects with large quantities of training data [4,5]. Compared with conventional computer vision approaches based on hand-crafted features, CNNs facilitate the hunt of regions of interest for the detection of target objects and the extraction of more discriminative features.
Currently, object detection frameworks can be divided into two categories: (1) two-stage detectors such as region-based CNN (R-CNN) [6], faster R-CNN [7], and other detectors that use feature pyramid networks (FPN) [8] that first output multiple region proposals for object candidates and then generate more accurate regions with corresponding class labels; and (2) one-stage detectors such as SSD [9], YOLO [10], and RetinaNet [11] that simultaneously regress object locations and classes. One-stage detectors are significantly more time-efficient, structurally simpler, and have a greater applicability in real-time applications, but the two-stage detectors usually achieve a better detection performance.
Computational approaches for the automatic identification of key insects for vineyards monitoring are starting to emerge in the literature and commercial solutions. Image acquisition and the annotation of sticky traps were already reported in different works to foster the development of CV-based automated approaches [12,13,14]. In most cases, these traps also capture insects that are non-threatening to the crop, or artifacts such as dust and leaves, which might interfere with the automated detection and identification of pests. Additionally, open-field image acquisition is especially challenging due to light variability and the adequacy of trap images to be further analyzed (e.g., properly focused, the trap is entirely visible, proper perspective, etc.) [15].
Several studies are exclusively focused on camera-equipped trap prototypes to facilitate the acquisition process in a controlled environment [16,17,18,19,20,21]. In fact, controlling the acquisition via instrumented traps with static set-ups allows for standardizing the image acquisition process by fixing variables such as illumination conditions or the image acquisition angle. However, the benefits of using camera-equipped traps can be overshadowed by the need to establish a costly hardware infrastructure on the field and the respective maintenance.
To avoid such infrastructure restrictions, smartphones appear as an exciting alternative, being widely disseminated devices that simultaneously allow portability, communication, and computational power to run AI algorithms on the edge [15]. A recent study [22] investigated the impact of using images captured with scanners in laboratory settings versus smartphone images acquired under more realistic conditions and concluded that smartphone images were crucial to ensure the robustness of the trained network. Furthermore, the same authors assessed the impact of using images captured from different devices for insects classification using CNNs [23], and concluded that the training process benefits from the variability of using images acquired with different devices, resulting in improved classification performances. Although several annotated sticky trap datasets have already been created [14,19,24,25], to the best of our knowledge, neither of them provides annotations of key insects for viticulture.
In terms of CV and AI approaches for pest detection, earlier studies used traditional CV and AI algorithms such as the watershed algorithm and Mahalanobis distance [26], multiple-task sparse representation and multiple-kernel learning [24], unsupervised feature learning [25], or the two-dimensional Fourier transform spectrum [27]. More recently, several DL-based approaches have been proposed to identify and count a wide range of insects on sticky traps [16,18,19,21,23,26,28,29,30]. In particular, Zhong et al. [16] developed specialized hardware using a Raspberry Pi system for counting and recognizing six species of insects in sticky traps. They used a hybrid approach by merging DL (YOLO) with a conventional ML classifier (SVM), obtaining an accuracy increase of 30% for all six species in comparison with using only the YOLO model. Espinosa et al. [29] also developed an approach using classical image processing that detects objects using morphological features and color features, in combination with DL, achieving F-measures of 0.96 and 0.94 for whiteflies and thrips, respectively. Hong et al. [30] made a study comparing the various CNN-based object detectors for moths in images of delta traps. Using a faster R-CNN ResNet101, they achieved a mean average precision (mAP) of around 90% for four classes of moth.
In summary, it is clear that CV-based approaches based on object detection and DL for insect detection and classification brought significant improvements. However, DL methods might not perform well if the object resolution is low (e.g., small insects) or if only few training samples are available. Data collection and annotation processes can be relatively expensive and time-consuming, and the usage of data-centric ML strategies to mitigate this problem in this field is a topic that remains unexplored. Additionally, we found that research on using DL object detection for pest monitoring in viticulture, particularly to detect and count key insects in vineyards, is very scarce.

3. Pest Monitoring in Viticulture

The implementation of pest assessment processes through the monitoring of traps, assessment of damages, and risk estimation, allows for the application of preventive and protective measures. These procedures allow for maximizing the effectiveness of the protective interventions, and consequently promote the sustainable use of pesticides, contributing to the implementation of the EU directive 2009/128/EC [31]. Both yellow sticky and delta traps must be monitored weekly to count the number of captured adults and to obtain the insect flight curve. Based on this information, risk estimates are performed, from which, the most appropriate strategy for the control of different pests is defined. This work addresses the automated detection of five different insects relevant for pest monitoring in viticulture (see Figure 1):
  • European Grapevine Moth (GM), Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is among the most economically important vine pests, in particular because of its relationship with the development of grey and acetic rot, which affect the quality of the grape [32]. The adult is brownish-grey, 11–13 mm long, and approximately 6–8 mm wide [33]. It hibernates in the pupae stage and can develop three to four generations, causing damage to the vine’s flowers or bunches, from March to October. This pest is monitored via delta traps in which a glue base with a capsule containing a pheromone, a synthetic chemical compound ((E,Z)-7,9-dodecadien acetate, is placed, similar to the pheromone released by females to attract males [34]. In this way, the males are attracted by the trap and are retained in the glue base, which allows for monitoring the flight of this pest.
  • Green Leafhopper (GL) (Empoasca vitis (Göthe) or Jacobiasca lybica (Bergevin & Zanon)) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is a stinger sucker insect that migrates to the vine when it has foliage, sucking the sap from the leaves and causing necrosis that can, on the one hand, cause damage in terms of maturation of the vine grape, and, on the other, cause the weakening of the vine. In its adult stage, the insect is 3 mm long. Yellow sticky traps are used for monitoring, to which, adults are attracted and glued [35].
  • Flavescence DoréeLeafhopper (FDL), Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is the vector of the “Flavescence dorée”, one of the most destructive diseases of the vine, caused by the phytoplasma Grapevine flavescence dorée [36]. The size of this leafhopper in its adult stage varies between 4.5 and 5.5 mm, with a yellowish-brown color [37]. This insect is also monitored with yellow sticky traps.
  • Tomato Moth (TM), Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is a key pest of tomato, which may also be present on other hosts, such as the weed Solanum nigrum, which is very common in vineyards. It is a small butterfly with a length of 7 mm, and has a pair of greyish wings, is speckled with darker spots, and has a second pair of darker colored wings [38]. It is possible that the pheromone released by the grape moth has some chemical compound similar to the pheromone released by the tomato moth, as a considerable number of tomato moths adults are captured in delta-type sex traps used for the grapevine moth, which can cause errors in the counts.
  • Idaea degeneraria (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), hereinafter referred to as Morphotype C (MC) for practical reasons, is a moth that is approximately 18 mm long and is usually recorded in a delta trap. This moth does not negatively impact the vine culture, but might interfere with the detection and counting of other relevant insects in delta traps.

4. Dataset and Data Preparation

This section details the used image dataset and the respective data preparation procedures. The creation of this dataset was motivated by the lack of publicly available sticky trap datasets with annotations of key insects for viticulture.

4.1. Dataset

This mobile-acquired image database was specifically created under the scope of this work. Different mobile devices were used by several winegrowers and taxonomy specialists to acquire a dataset of 168 images of yellow sticky and delta traps. The images were acquired in three different vineyards of the Douro Wine Region, namely Quinta de São Luíz (Sogevinus Quintas SA), Quinta do Seixo (Sogrape Vinhos, SA) and Quinta do Bom Retiro (Adriano Ramos Pinto—Vinhos SA), with image resolutions ranging from 720 × 540 to 4096 × 3072 pixels (see Figure 2).
Each image was annotated manually by experienced taxonomy specialists regarding the presence of five key insects for viticulture (as detailed in Section 3) in the form of bounding boxes enclosing the target insect and respective species labeling. The distribution of annotations by species is summarized in Table 1, the presence of more than one species being frequent in a single trap image.

4.2. Subset Division

The dataset division in training, validation, and test subsets was made in two distinct phases:
(i) Division of the dataset in training and test subsets to train and evaluate the model, respectively. This division was performed at image level using a routine that ensures the attribution of around 20% of each class annotation to the test set. The used dataset is quite variable regarding the volume of annotations per image, ranging from images with few annotations to more than 500 annotated insects on a single image. Thus, this image-wise separation decreases the risk of potential bias by avoiding the usage of regions of the same image for both training and test purposes. By ensuring that 20% of each class annotations belongs to the test set, data balancing and representativeness are improved since similar per-class distributions can be guaranteed in each subset.
(ii) Division of the training subset into three training/validation subset splits to allow for the usage of a three-fold cross-validation strategy during training. The selection of three folds allowed for an appropriate amount of training instances while ensuring sufficient validation images. The same strategy regarding image-wise separation and similar per-class distributions was followed, resulting in three mutually exclusive subsets. For each split, one subset was selected for validation and the remaining two for training. The details about the dataset regarding the stratification of insect annotations for each subset can be consulted in Table A1 (Appendix A).

4.3. Image Patches Extraction

Most object detection models require input images of fixed dimensions to restrain the computational resources required for training and inference. Still, resizing (downsampling) trap images should be avoided since it can severely impact the detection of small objects such as GL insects due to the critical decrease in object resolution. Thus, we followed a similar approach presented in [39], where the images are divided into adjacent patches. An overlap between adjacent patches is allowed to reduce the risk of an insect not being detected when cut between patches, where the overlap percentage of the settings is further optimized. It should be noted that patches without annotations will also be fed to the model as negative examples, which usually have non-threatening insects for viticulture, as well as some artifacts, such as dust, leaves, debris, or different spread patterns of the glue used in the trap.
To standardize the image patches extraction, CV algorithms were applied to segment and correct the trap perspective according to the work presented in [15] (see Figure 3B,C). After the model performed patch-wise inferences, the coordinate of insects bounding boxes in each patch was then recomputed to the referential of the original image according to the patch position. In this work, a fixed patch dimension of 640 × 640 pixels was selected, which was filled with a black border if the patch size was larger than the remaining image pixels (see Figure 3D).

5. Methodology

The model-centric approach is currently the prevalent strategy for designing ML models in the ML community, i.e., focused on optimizing model architectures and respective parameters. However, the performance of ML models does not exclusively depend on these types of optimizations, where the quality of the data used to develop the model is a crucial factor. Techniques that aim to improve the performance of ML models by enhancing the data are referred to as data-centric approaches.
The proposed methodology explores three groups of optimization strategies: model-centric, data-centric, and deployment-centric. Each group comprises different types of optimizations, which are executed and assessed iteratively (see Figure 4).

5.1. Model-Centric

In the model-centric phase, the dataset is fixed, and the ML model is improved iteratively. The main goal is the optimization of the model to deal with noisy data. In particular, a series of comparative studies were made to further fine-tune the ML models’ hyperparameters, where the model architecture, loss function, anchor boxes, learning rate and respective decay, batch size, and patch overlap were optimized.

5.1.1. Model Architecture

For benchmarking purposes, we tested and compared five different object detection deep learning models suitable to run locally on mobile devices, namely: (i) SSD ResNet50 (RetinaNet50); (ii) CenterNet ResNet50; (iii) SSD MobileNet V2; (iv) EfficientDet-D0; and (v) Faster R-CNN ResNet101.

5.1.2. Loss Function

Focal loss introduced by [11] assigns higher weights to hard examples, so that all of the easy examples contribute less to the loss and learning can focus on the hard examples, with the aim of alleviating the high background–foreground imbalance. Assuming that all objects are correctly annotated, focal loss modifies the standard cross-entropy equation by adding a factor ( 1 p i ) λ . When λ > 0 , the relative loss for easy and well-classified samples is reduced, putting the effort on the classification of hard examples.
The three major challenges on our dataset that affect the suitability of the standard implementation of the focal loss are the following: (i) unlabeled insects that will be treated as the background and potentially confuse the model during training (e.g., annotations discarded due to a lack of image quality, occlusions, or a bounding box split during patches division); (ii) the classes’ imbalance, which might compromise the correct detection of easy examples on certain classes; and (iii) the heterogeneity of the classes in terms of annotations sizes, as depicted in Figure 1. To solve these problems, we introduced some modifications to the focal loss for this particular dataset. We combined improvements presented by Zhang et al. [40] and by Sergievskiy and Ponamarev [41]. In particular, we modified the focal loss to soften the response of the loss function on the hard samples, which mirrors the response of the easy examples at given threshold values.

5.1.3. Anchor Boxes

Given the inter-class heterogeneity regarding insect sizes previously reported, it was crucial to adjust the hyperparameters associated with the anchor boxes, i.e., the bounding box priors that can be specified in terms of scales and aspect ratios, which define the object candidates proposed by the model. In our work, an exploratory data analysis was made regarding the dimensions and aspect ratio of bounding box annotations for each class, thus allowing for the adjustment of the anchors’ scales and aspect ratios to match our dataset. A clustering-based approach was then applied to find the hyperparameters’ optimal values through a methodology described in [42] and already applied in a healthcare use case [43].

5.2. Data-Centric

In the data-centric phase, the ML model is fixed, and the data quality is improved iteratively. Rather than collecting more data, the main goal is to improve the existing data quality through methods such as selecting the most suitable image size, data augmentation techniques, down-sampling empty patches, and removing inadequate images.

5.2.1. Image Size

This optimization step involved resizing all the images to a fixed width of 1500 pixels. As detailed in Section 4.1, there was a significant discrepancy between image sizes in our dataset (and, consequently, in insect sizes), which could promote misclassifications and missed detections. It should be noted that this is a suitable standardization approach for our use case because: (i) traps have a fixed width; and (ii) we applied the pre-processing techniques for trap segmentation and perspective correction described in Section 4.3.

5.2.2. Data Augmentation

In the model-centric stage, we already used online data augmentation techniques, performed randomly for each training batch during training. The applied transformations included random variations in hue (max up to 5%), rotations, flips, brightness, contrast, and saturation (a maximum of up to 10%). In the data-centric stage, we further applied offline data augmentation techniques before training to balance classes. In particular, we applied random brightness, saturation, and contrast alterations, on top of random rotations and flips, as illustrated in Figure 5. This balancing was performed on the patch level, and only patches containing annotations of a single label were augmented.

5.2.3. Down-Sampling Empty Patches

The number of empty patches (patches without any annotation) was down-sampled to balance the number of empty and annotated patches during training. In this step, empty patches with more than half of their area composed of padding (black pixels) were discarded (as exemplified in Figure 6). These empty patches not only do not contain any annotations but also do not have a relevant amount of the background, meaning that they would be highly uninformative for the networks.

5.2.4. Removal of Inadequate Images

This step involved removing images deemed inadequate for training purposes. This was performed through manual observation; as such, there was a certain subjectivity attached to this process (see Figure 7). The main factors analyzed were: (i) the sharpness/quality of the image and its annotated areas; and (ii) the positioning of the camera with regard to the trap (i.e., images too far away or too angled in relation to the trap were discarded). In addition to this, the quantity of under-represented classes in each image was also taken into account in order to avoid discarding too many images containing these classes.

5.3. Deployment-Centric

In the deployment-centric phase, the ML model and data are fixed, and the model compression is improved iteratively. The main goal is to find the best trade-off between the performance, model size, and inference time. Specifically, several comparative studies were performed, including training the fixed model with quantization awareness, model compression using TensorFLow Lite, and model size reduction techniques.

6. Results and Discussion

This section presents and discusses the obtained results sequentially, where the results obtained at each step are compared to the best baseline found until that point. In particular, we explored model-centric, data-centric, and deployment-centric optimization strategies, executed and assessed iteratively, to find the most suitable ML model for our use case.

6.1. Model-Centric

To ensure the proper benchmark of the selected object detection deep learning models, we used the Tensorflow Object Detection API version 2.3 [44], which is an open-source machine learning framework built upon Tensorflow [45]. The Tensorflow Object Detection API provides several pre-trained models and procedures for experimentation. These detection models were pre-trained on the COCO [4], KITTI [46], and Open Images [47] datasets.
The configuration for all training sessions encompassed 200,000 steps with a batch size of 8, resulting in 925 epochs. This value was chosen after several experiments using different models, which showed that they do not need more than 200,000 steps to converge. All experiments were performed through a singularity container in a high-performance computing cluster equipped with a 48-core Intel® Xeon® Silver 4214 CPU (2.20 GHz) and a 32 GB NVIDIA® V100 GPU.
The next model-centric optimization experiment had the goal of fine tuning all aspects related to the learning rate in order to find a suitable trade-off between the convergence time and avoiding missing any local minima. Using the Adam optimizer with default exponential rates, each meta-architecture/backbone combination was then trained with different values of learning rates and decay steps. By using the three-fold cross-validation strategy described in Section 4.2, the learning rate was then fixed to 1.0 × 10 5 , with a decay rate of 0.95 per 45,000 steps.
A comparative study regarding the most favorable patch overlapping ratio was also performed. Different overlap percentages were tested, where the best average performance on validation sets of each fold was obtained for an overlap of 6.25%, i.e., 40 pixels between adjacent patches. The average three-fold cross-validation detection performance obtained for the five models tested is supplied in Table 2.
By analyzing the AP values, it is clear that the most promising model architectures are the SSD ResNet50, Faster R-CNN ResNet101, and CenterNet ResNet50. We then extracted the performance of these three models on the test set, which is depicted in Table 3.

6.2. Data-Centric

In the data-centric stage, we focused on increasing the performance of the most promising ML models found previously by improving the data training quality through iterative data-oriented optimization steps. From the five model architectures initially considered, we only selected the two most promising options for further experiments, namely the SSD ResNet50 and Faster R-CNN ResNet101. The results for the different data-oriented optimization steps described in Section 5.2 are presented in Table 4 and Table 5 for the SSD ResNet50 and Faster R-CNN ResNet101, respectively.
For both architectures, the approach that achieved the highest mAP consisted of simultaneously applying image resizing and empty image down-sampling. It is worth noting that the inadequate image removal step retrieved similar but slightly lower results while combining these three steps, and, as such, it was not the ideal approach to maximize the models’ performance.

6.3. Deployment-Centric

In the deployment-centric stage, our goal was to test and compare different techniques that optimize the best-performing models for deployment. Unlike previous stages, in this stage, the criteria used to select the most suitable model are not restricted to performance indicators. Our models are envisioned to be deployed on mobile devices; thus, we aimed to find the best trade-off between several criteria, such as performance, model size, and inference time. The results for the different deployment-oriented optimization steps described in Section 5.3 are presented in Table 6 and Table 7 for the SSD ResNet50 and the Faster R-CNN ResNet101, respectively.
Given the complexity and computational requirements of each architecture selected, they are used for different deployment scenarios. As SSD ResNet50 is more lightweight, it is our choice for deployment on mobile devices. Thus, we selected a high-end and low-end smartphone model to test the deployment of our model, namely the Samsung S10 (16 MP camera, 8GB RAM, Exynos 9820 Octa-core CPU and Mali-G76 MP12 GPU) and Samsung S6 (16 MP camera, 3GB RAM, Exynos 7420 Octa-core CPU and Mali-T760 MP8 GPU), respectively. As shown in Table 8, the usage of model size reduction clearly benefits both devices in terms of the inference time, RAM usage, and model size.
For both architectures, the approach that we considered that provided the best trade-off consisted of training with quantization awareness, applying model compression using TensorFLow Lite, and finally employing a model size reduction (MSR) technique. While it is an obvious choice for the faster R-CNN ResNet101 (simultaneously maximizing the performance and model compression), the decision for the SSD ResNet50 is not straightforward, since the usage of MSR affects the capacity of the model to detect the FDL class.
To further discuss this topic, the confusion matrix and corresponding performance metrics for the final SSD ResNet50 model running on a Ubuntu virtual desktop infrastructure are provided in Table 9 and Table 10, respectively.
The model obtained a high accuracy and recall across most classes, with the exception of FDL, as all 26 instances were missed or misclassified. This is likely due to its similarity to other classes, such as TM, and the comparatively small number of training examples (124 FDL vs. 744 TM instances). Further supporting this is the contrasting good performance on the GM class, obtaining a higher precision, recall, and F1 score than on any other class, again likely due to its disproportionate number of training examples (8522 instances). Illustrative examples of SSD ResNet50 model predictions are provided in Figure 8.
Though the SSD ResNet50 model seems to be the most suitable architecture for deployment on edge devices, we also tried to deploy the faster R-CNN ResNet101 model on both mobile devices. However, we were unable to run this model on the low-end device due to a lack of computational resources. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the faster R-CNN ResNet101 presents slightly better results in several classes, as shown in the results depicted in Table 11 and Table 12, obtained on a Ubuntu virtual desktop infrastructure. Thus, we considered this model to be the most suitable for cloud deployment, i.e., the trap images could be acquired with a mobile device and sent to a virtual machine, where the model is executed and the results are provided back to the mobile device.
Despite the marginally better results in most cases, there are some results worth noting, e.g., the case of FDL, from which, 7 out of 26 examples were correctly identified by the network (as opposed to none with the SSD ResNet50). Another noteworthy case is the one regarding TM, which had a considerable increase in precision (+27%) in comparison with the SSD ResNet50, albeit with a slight decrease in recall (−4%). Illustrative examples of SSD ResNet101 model predictions are provided in Figure 9.

6.4. Limitations

Despite the promising results obtained, there are certain limitations in the presented work worth noting. One of them is the models’ sub-par performance with regard to the FDL class, which is especially noticeable in the final SSD ResNet50 model as it was not able to detect any of those instances in the test set. Due to the highly destructive risk imposed by this species, it is necessary to consider this factor in real-world applications. The system’s poor performance for this class is certainly related to the disproportionately lower number of FDL instances in the collected dataset due to the low incidence of this species in the three vineyards involved in this study. Given that deep learning approaches similar to the ones presented usually require a substantial volume of data to achieve a good generalization performance, data scarcity might limit the adaption of the proposed methodology for the detection of pest outbreaks in other agricultural productions where data acquisition is challenging.
Additionally, the inadequate image removal in the data-centric stage was performed through manual observation, leading to a certain subjectivity attached to this image selection process. Coupled with the down-sampling of partially empty patches, this might have led to the unnecessarily excessive removal of images from the dataset, thus negatively impacting the models’ performance. In the future, more objective approaches for assessing the presence of adequacy criteria should be considered to potentially overcome this limitation.

7. Conclusions and Future Work

This paper provides three main original contributions. The first contribution consists of a novel CV-based approach based on deep object detection networks to improve pest monitoring and prevention processes in viticulture. The development of lightweight AI algorithms suitable for edge scenarios was explored, allowing for automated insect detection and counting on conventional sticky traps via mobile devices.
Given the lack of freely available image datasets of key insects for viticulture, different mobile devices were used to acquire a dataset of yellow sticky and delta traps, consisting of 168 images with 8966 key insects manually annotated by experienced taxonomy specialists. This collected dataset is also an original contribution of this work. Five different deep learning models suitable to run locally on mobile devices were selected, trained, and benchmarked to detect five different species.
To find the most suitable model, we proposed a new methodology based on three groups of optimization strategies: model-centric, data-centric, and deployment-centric. Each group comprises different types of optimizations, executed and assessed iteratively. While this methodology is an original contribution of this work, it was still only validated in the reported use case, but we believe that it provides an important foundation for future research in the field of edge-compatible deep learning models. Nevertheless, refinements to the proposed methodology should be explored in future work, e.g., reapplying the model-centric phase after the best data-centric and deployment-oriented optimization steps were found and fixed. This approach might allow us to obtain better performances with a different architecture and/or hyperparameter combination for the fixed set-up of ideal data-centric and deployment-centric optimization steps.
Regarding the findings of this study, they can be grouped into four different categories: model-centric; data-centric; deployment-centric; and the selection of the most suitable model for deployment on edge devices. The findings for each category are separately detailed in the following paragraphs.
In the model-centric stage, the dataset was fixed and the ML models were improved iteratively. The most promising results at this stage were obtained by SSD ResNet50 and faster R-CNN ResNet101 models, with mAPs of 0.418 and 0.407 and average recalls (ARs) of 0.24 and 0.21, respectively.
In the data-centric stage, we focused on increasing the performance of the most promising ML models found previously by improving the data training quality through iterative data-oriented optimization steps. By applying image resizing and empty image down-sampling techniques, we were able to increase the mAPs to 0.515 (+23.2%) and 0.491 (+20.6%), as well as the ARs to 0.288 (+20.0%) and 0.262 (+24.8%) for SSD ResNet50 and faster R-CNN ResNet101, respectively.
In the deployment-centric phase, models were iteratively improved to find the best trade-off between the performance, model size, and inference time. For both architectures, the most suitable model was obtained by training with quantization awareness, applying model compression using TensorFLow Lite, and finally employing a model size reduction technique. While the application of model size reduction had a slight negative impact on the SSD ResNet50 model, with a decrease in mAP to 0.452 (−12.2%) and AR to 0.245 (−14.9%), the inference time on low-end and high-end mobile devices improved drastically from 120.2 s to 62.7 s (−47.8%) and 40.2 s to 19.4 s (−51.7%), respectively. As expected, the model size for both models decreased significantly from 204 MB to 52 MB (−74.5%), with registered improvements in terms of the RAM usage from 1200 MB to 1000 MB (−16.7%) on low-end devices and 600 MB to 540 MB (−11.7%) on high-end devices.
Given this, the SSD ResNet50 model seems to be the most suitable architecture for deployment on edge devices, whereas the faster R-CNN ResNet101 model seems to be the most suitable for cloud deployment, i.e., sending mobile-acquired trap images to a virtual machine, where inference is executed, and results being sent back to the mobile device. With this clear identification of the best-performing models for both edge and cloud scenarios, the selection of the most suitable model can be made according to the goals and requirements of the pest monitoring system in development. For instance, if compatibility with both low-end and high-end devices is mandatory, as well as insect detection near real-time and on site without the need for a network connection, the best option is clearly the SSD ResNet50 model. In contrast, if maximizing the detection performance is a priority and the inference can be made asynchronously (e.g., the images are only sent to the cloud for analysis when a network connection is available), the best option would probably be the faster R-CNN ResNet101 model.
In terms of future work, we plan to perform field trials with stakeholders to validate the solution in a real-world scenario. We also aim to complement the created image database with more annotations, namely balancing the number of annotations of under-represented classes, as well as expanding the automated detection to other key species in viticulture. Additional strategies used to deal with class imbalance should also be explored in the future, such as hard negative mining or generative methods to generate new artificial samples for under-represented classes. Furthermore, adapting the proposed methodology to other agricultural productions can also be considered in the future, e.g., detecting key insects in olive production such as Bactrocera oleae in yellow sticky traps or Palpita unionalis and Prays oleae in delta traps.
As a last remark, the proposed approach represents one component of a solution based on mobile devices for pest prevention in viticulture currently in development. The proposed models will be integrated into a decision support tool for winegrowers and taxonomy specialists that allows them to: (i) automatically verify the quality and adequacy of sticky trap images acquired with mobile devices; (ii) automatically detect and count key insects; and (iii) optimize insecticide usage for the detected pests.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, L.R., T.N., A.F. and C.C.; methodology, J.G., E.S., P.F., T.N., A.F., C.C. and L.R.; software, J.G., E.S., P.F. and L.R.; validation, J.G., E.S., P.F., T.N., A.F., C.C. and L.R.; formal analysis, J.G., E.S., P.F. and L.R.; investigation, J.G., E.S., P.F. and L.R.; resources, T.N., A.F. and C.C.; data curation, J.G., E.S., P.F., A.F., C.C., T.N. and L.R.; writing—original draft preparation, J.G., E.S. and L.R.; writing—review and editing, J.G., E.S., P.F., T.N., A.F., C.C. and L.R.; visualization, J.G., E.S., P.F. and L.R.; supervision, T.N., A.F., C.C. and L.R.; project administration, T.N., A.F., C.C. and L.R.; funding acquisition, T.N., C.C. and L.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the frame of Norte 2020 (Programa Operacional Regional do Norte), through the project EyesOnTraps+ - Smart Learning Trap and Vineyard Health Monitoring, NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-039912.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


The authors would like to thank the stakeholders from Douro Wine Region that collaborated in this work, namely Sogevinus Quintas SA, Adriano Ramos Pinto—Vinhos SA, and Sogrape Vinhos, SA.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
AIArtificial Intelligence
MLMachine Learning
DLDeep Learning
CVComputer Vision
CNNConvolutional Neural Network
SHIFTScale-Invariant Feature Transform
HOGHistogram of Oriented Gradients
FLOPsFLoating-point OPerations
EUEuropean Union
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
CPUCentral Processing Unit
RAMRandom Access Memory
FPNFeature Pyramid Networks
YOLOYou Only Look Once
SSDSingle Shot Multibox Detector
CTChromotropic Traps
DTDelta Traps
GMEuropean Grapevine Moth
GLGreen Leafhopper
FDL"Flavescence Dorée" Leafhopper
TMTomato Moth
MCMorphotype C
mAPMean Average Precision
APAverage Precision
ARAverage Recall

Appendix A

This appendix details the dataset division, particularly the stratification of insect annotations for each subset (see Table A1).
Table A1. Dataset division: stratification of insect annotations division by insect species for the different subsets.
Table A1. Dataset division: stratification of insect annotations division by insect species for the different subsets.
Images DivisionAnnotations Division by Insect Species
Train + Validation Set79%132405377%235682%14985%16879%36383%
Test Set21%36121823%51618%2615%4421%7317%
FOLD 1 Division (3-fold Cross-validation)
Images DivisionAnnotations Division by Insect Species
Validation Set41%54183945%81134%5738%8249%14640%
FOLD 2 Division (3-fold Cross-validation)
Images DivisionAnnotations Division by Insect Species
Validation Set20%2682520%78633%2416%1911%5515%
FOLD 3 Division (3-fold Cross-validation)
Images DivisionAnnotations Division by Annotations Division by Insect Species
Validation Set39%52138934%75932%6846%6740%16245%


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Figure 1. Illustrative examples of detected insects for viticulture pest monitoring (in scale): (A) Grapevine Moth; (B) Green Leafhopper; (C) “Flavescence Dorée” Leafhopper; (D) Tomato Moth; and (E) Morphotype C.
Figure 1. Illustrative examples of detected insects for viticulture pest monitoring (in scale): (A) Grapevine Moth; (B) Green Leafhopper; (C) “Flavescence Dorée” Leafhopper; (D) Tomato Moth; and (E) Morphotype C.
Agronomy 12 03052 g001
Figure 2. Illustrative images of original delta (A) and yellow sticky (B) traps comprised in the mobile-acquired image database. Images (C,D) illustrate manual annotations of GM and GL, respectively.
Figure 2. Illustrative images of original delta (A) and yellow sticky (B) traps comprised in the mobile-acquired image database. Images (C,D) illustrate manual annotations of GM and GL, respectively.
Agronomy 12 03052 g002
Figure 3. Image patches extraction: (A) original image; (B) trap segmentation; (C) trap perspective correction; (D) patches division.
Figure 3. Image patches extraction: (A) original image; (B) trap segmentation; (C) trap perspective correction; (D) patches division.
Agronomy 12 03052 g003
Figure 4. Methodology overview.
Figure 4. Methodology overview.
Agronomy 12 03052 g004
Figure 5. Examples of data augmentation: (A) original patch image; (B,C) random brightness, saturation, contrast, and rotation alterations.
Figure 5. Examples of data augmentation: (A) original patch image; (B,C) random brightness, saturation, contrast, and rotation alterations.
Agronomy 12 03052 g005
Figure 6. Examples of down-sampling empty patches: (A) patch kept; and (B) patch removed.
Figure 6. Examples of down-sampling empty patches: (A) patch kept; and (B) patch removed.
Agronomy 12 03052 g006
Figure 7. Examples of removal of inadequate images due to: (A) camera distance; (B) camera angle and illumination; and (C) low image quality.
Figure 7. Examples of removal of inadequate images due to: (A) camera distance; (B) camera angle and illumination; and (C) low image quality.
Agronomy 12 03052 g007
Figure 8. Examples of detections predicted by SSD ResNet50 model on delta (left) and sticky trap (right) images from the test set. The ground truth annotations are marked in white, GM predictions are in cyan, MC in purple, and GL in green.
Figure 8. Examples of detections predicted by SSD ResNet50 model on delta (left) and sticky trap (right) images from the test set. The ground truth annotations are marked in white, GM predictions are in cyan, MC in purple, and GL in green.
Agronomy 12 03052 g008
Figure 9. Examples of detections predicted by faster R-CNN ResNet101 model on delta (left) and sticky trap (right) images from the test set. The ground truth annotations are marked in white, whereas GM predictions are in cyan, TM in turquoise, MC in purple, GL in green, and FDL in red.
Figure 9. Examples of detections predicted by faster R-CNN ResNet101 model on delta (left) and sticky trap (right) images from the test set. The ground truth annotations are marked in white, whereas GM predictions are in cyan, TM in turquoise, MC in purple, GL in green, and FDL in red.
Agronomy 12 03052 g009
Table 1. Dataset distribution of annotations by species.
Table 1. Dataset distribution of annotations by species.
#Train annotations405323561493631687089
#Test annotations12185162673441877
#Total annotations527128721754362128966
#Train images-----132
#Test images-----36
#Total images-----168
Table 2. Model-centric results for 3-fold cross-validation.
Table 2. Model-centric results for 3-fold cross-validation.
Fold[email protected]AP GMAP MCAP TMAP GLAP FDLAR@100
SSD ResNet5010.3640.6260.3370.1070.5090.240.218
Faster R-CNN ResNet10110.3330.5960.3750.0680.4710.1540.167
SSD MobileNet V210.3090.5320.3570.0970.4510.1060.176
CenterNet ResNet5010.3630.6410.3650.1960.4650.1440.176
Table 3. Model-centric results of best model architectures on test set.
Table 3. Model-centric results of best model architectures on test set.
[email protected]AP GMAP MCAP TMAP GLAP FDLAR@100
SSD ResNet500.4180.7330.3180.4950.2790.2630.24
Faster R-CNN ResNet1010.4070.7860.3630.3960.3790.110.21
CenterNet ResNet500.3520.7690.2210.4870.2780.0440.212
Table 4. Data-centric results for SSD ResNet50.
Table 4. Data-centric results for SSD ResNet50.
Image Size0.4620.7290.4040.3320.5440.3020.247
Image Size +
Data Augmentation
Image Size +
Removal of Inadequate Images
Image Size +
Down-sampling Empty Patches
Image Size +
Removal of Inadequate Images +
Down-sampling Empty Patches
Table 5. Data-centric results for Faster R-CNN ResNet101.
Table 5. Data-centric results for Faster R-CNN ResNet101.
Image Size0.4040.7900.3970.2570.5310.0450.200
Image Size +
Data Augmentation
Image Size +
Removal of Inadequate Images
Image Size +
Down-sampling Empty Patches
Image Size +
Removal of Inadequate Images +
Down-sampling Empty Patches
Table 6. Deployment-centric results for SSD ResNet50.
Table 6. Deployment-centric results for SSD ResNet50.
Train with Quantization Aware0.5190.7500.4830.4470.5530.3620.287
Train with Quantization Aware +
TensorFLow Lite Compression
Train with Quantization Aware +
TensorFLow Lite Compression +
Model Size Reduction
Table 7. Deployment-centric results for Faster R-CNN ResNet101.
Table 7. Deployment-centric results for Faster R-CNN ResNet101.
Train with Quantization Aware0.4890.8010.4780.4880.5190.1590.240
Train with Quantization Aware +
TensorFLow Lite Compression
Train with Quantization Aware +
TensorFLow Lite Compression +
Model Size Reduction
Table 8. Impact of model size reduction (MSR) on the SSD ResNet50 model deployed on mobile devices.
Table 8. Impact of model size reduction (MSR) on the SSD ResNet50 model deployed on mobile devices.
Samsung S6Samsung S10
Inference Time (s)120.262.740.219.4
RAM Usage (MB)12001000600530
Model Size (MB)2045220452
Table 9. Confusion matrix for final SSD ResNet50 model on the test set, using a score threshold of 0.05 and 0.1 NMS threshold.
Table 9. Confusion matrix for final SSD ResNet50 model on the test set, using a score threshold of 0.05 and 0.1 NMS threshold.
False Alarm (FP)29313017123-
Table 10. Performance metrics for final SSD ResNet50 model on the test set, using a score threshold of 0.05 and 0.1 NMS threshold.
Table 10. Performance metrics for final SSD ResNet50 model on the test set, using a score threshold of 0.05 and 0.1 NMS threshold.
F1 Score64%69%-84%58%
Table 11. Confusion matrix for final faster R-CNN ResNet101 model on the test set, using a score threshold of 0.05 and 0.1 NMS threshold.
Table 11. Confusion matrix for final faster R-CNN ResNet101 model on the test set, using a score threshold of 0.05 and 0.1 NMS threshold.
False Alarm (FP)2371151428-
Table 12. Performance metrics for final faster R-CNN ResNet101 model on the test set, using a score threshold of 0.05 and 0.1 NMS threshold.
Table 12. Performance metrics for final faster R-CNN ResNet101 model on the test set, using a score threshold of 0.05 and 0.1 NMS threshold.
F1 Score66%63%37%86%67%
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MDPI and ACS Style

Gonçalves, J.; Silva, E.; Faria, P.; Nogueira, T.; Ferreira, A.; Carlos, C.; Rosado, L. Edge-Compatible Deep Learning Models for Detection of Pest Outbreaks in Viticulture. Agronomy 2022, 12, 3052.

AMA Style

Gonçalves J, Silva E, Faria P, Nogueira T, Ferreira A, Carlos C, Rosado L. Edge-Compatible Deep Learning Models for Detection of Pest Outbreaks in Viticulture. Agronomy. 2022; 12(12):3052.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Gonçalves, João, Eduardo Silva, Pedro Faria, Telmo Nogueira, Ana Ferreira, Cristina Carlos, and Luís Rosado. 2022. "Edge-Compatible Deep Learning Models for Detection of Pest Outbreaks in Viticulture" Agronomy 12, no. 12: 3052.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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