2.3. Phenotypic Data Collection
Table 2.
List of the assessed traits.
Table 2.
List of the assessed traits.
Traits | Data Collection Period | Trait Type | Method |
1. Plant Vigor (Pvig) | Three months after planting | Agronomic | Visual assessment of the strong and healthy growth of each plant per plot using a 1–3 scale where 1 = weak (75% of the plants or all the plants in a plot are small and have few leaves and thin vines), 2 = medium (intermediate or normal), and 3 = vigorous (75% of the plants or all the plants in a plot are robust with thick vines and leaves very well developed or with abundant foliage). |
2. Number of tubers per plant (NTTP) | At harvest nine months after planting | Agronomic | By counting the total number of tubers harvested in a plot. |
3. Tuber yield per plant (YPP) | At harvest nine months after planting | Agronomic | Using the weighting balance to record in kilograms the tuber’s weight on a plant basis. |
4. Yam Anthracnose Disease severity (YAD) | Two–six months after planting | Agronomic | Severity score was assessed based on a visual assessment of the relative area of plant leaf surfaces affected by the fungus disease using a five-ordinal scale of 1–5 where 1 = no visible symptoms of anthracnose disease, 2 = few anthracnose spots or symptoms on 1 to ~25% of the plant, 3 = anthracnose symptoms covering ~26 to ~50% of the plant, 4 = symptoms on >51% of the plant, and 5 = severe necrosis and death of the plant. |
5. Dry Matter Content (DMC) | Post-harvest | Quality | Chopping 100 g of fresh tuber flesh into shredded pieces, and then oven drying at 105 °C for 16 h, after which a constant weight was achieved. |
6. Tuber Oxidation Browning (TBOxi) | Post-harvest | Quality | The intensity of tuber flesh oxidation (color change or browning of cut tuber flesh) assessed at different time intervals (0, 30, 60, and 180 min after cutting) using a Chroma meter (colorimeter) (CR-400, Konica Minolta, Japan). |
7. Boiled Tuber Quality (BldT) | Post-harvest | Food quality | Scoring based on boiling quality at 30 min for fresh tubers (250–500 gm) of each genotype. Scoring based on components described in Table 3. |
8. Pounded Tuber Quality (PndT) | Post-harvest | Food quality | Scoring based on poundability of the boiled yam. The components of pounded yam are described in Table 3. |
Table 3.
Sensory evaluation traits for boiled and pounded yam and scales of rating used by panelists in this study [
Table 3.
Sensory evaluation traits for boiled and pounded yam and scales of rating used by panelists in this study [
Traits | Rating Scale |
Boiled yam |
Appearance | 1 = Dislike extremely; 2 = Dislike; 3 = Neither like nor dislike; 4 = Like; 5 = Like extremely |
Color | 1 = Dislike extremely; 2 = Dislike; 3 = Neither like nor dislike; 4 = Like; 5 = Like extremely |
Aroma | 1 = Dislike extremely; 2 = Dislike; 3 = Neither like nor dislike; 4 = Like; 5 = Like extremely |
Taste | 1 = Dislike extremely; 2 = Dislike; 3 = Neither like nor dislike; 4 = Like; 5 = Like extremely |
Texture | 1 = Strong; 2 = Intermediate; 3 = Soft |
Mealiness | 1 = Soggy; 2 = Slightly mealy; 3 = Mealy |
Pounded yam |
Appearance | 1 = Dislike extremely; 2 = Dislike; 3 = Neither like nor dislike; 4 = Like; 5 = Like extremely |
Aroma | 1 = Dislike extremely; 2 = Dislike; 3 = Neither like nor dislike; 4 = Like; 5 = Like extremely |
Color | 1 = Dislike extremely; 2 = Dislike; 3 = Neither like nor dislike; 4 = Like; 5 = Like extremely |
Mealiness | 1 = Soggy (seedy); 2 = Slightly mealy; 3 = Mealy |
Mouldability | 1 = not mold well/sticky at hand; 2 = intermediate; 3 = easy to mold |
Stretchability | 1 = Not elastic/stretch at all; 2 = Intermediate; 3 = Stretch very well or very elastic |
Taste | 1 = Dislike extremely; 2 = Dislike; 3 = Neither like nor dislike; 4 = Like; 5 = Like extremely |
Texture | 1 = strong; 2 = intermediate; 3 = soft |
The YAD severity score values were converted to percentages, and then used to estimate the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) values as described by Forbes et al. [
where N is the number of observations,
yi is the disease severity at
ith observation, and
ti is the time at
ith observation.
The dry matter content was determined by chopping 100 g of fresh tuber flesh into shredded pieces, and then oven drying at 105 °C for 16 h, after which a constant weight was achieved. The percentage of the dry matter content was then estimated as follows:
The intensity of tuber flesh oxidation (color change or browning of cut tuber flesh) was assessed 180 min after cutting using a Chroma (colorimeter) meter (CR-400, Konica Minolta, Japan). The
L* (lightness),
a* (red/green coordinate), and
b* (yellow/blue coordinate) values were recorded. A reference of white and black porcelain tiles was used to calibrate the Chroma meter before each reading. The total delta color difference (ΔE*) among all three coordinates was determined following the formula [
where FΔE* is the final delta and IΔE* is the initial delta.
For boiled and pounded yam, healthy yam tubers were selected from each genotype, peeled and cut with a kitchen knife into roughly uniform-sized slices, and cooked in an electric yam cooking and pounding machine (QYP-6000, Qasa, Cheerfengly Industrial Co., Ltd., Taipei city, Taiwan) for 15–30 min or more (depending on the yam texture) with 380 mL of water. The cooked yam was divided into 2 parts whereas one part was used to assess the boiled properties. Thereafter, the remaining cooked yam was pounded within 3 min using the pounding machine. A total of ten panelists were used to evaluate the genotypes for the boiled and pounded characteristics. The panelists are IITA trained staff familiar with sensory evaluation techniques for several years. The sensory evaluation of both boiled and pounded yam was based on traits (
Table 3) such as texture, mealiness, appearance, color, aroma, taste, stretchability, and mouldability [
2.4. Data Analysis
Statistical analyses were carried out using R software version 4.2.2 [
30]. The MGIDI analysis was conducted based on each family, while the rest of the analysis was conducted by combining the four families. This allowed for overcoming the error effect due to the smaller number of progenies in some families while taking advantage of half-sib progenies in the selection process.
In the sensory evaluation, data for each trait were combined together and an index for boiled and pounded characteristics was generated using the MGIDI index [
31]. The indices were then used for further analysis.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed and the best linear unbiased estimations were generated using Lme4 [
30] as follows:
Yijk is the value of the observed quantitative trait, μ is the population mean,
Gh is the effect of the
hth genotypes,
Si is the effect of the
ith growing season, (
Gh ∗
Si) is the genotypes × season interaction associated with genotype h and season
Rij is the effect of the
jth replicate (superblock) in the season
ith, R(
Bk) is the effect of the k
th incomplete block within the
jth replicate, and
εhijk is the experimental error.
The mean error (
δ2e), genotypic (
δ2g), and phenotypic (
δ2p) variances were calculated from the expected mean squares (EMSs) of ANOVA following Kresovich’s [
32] method where genotypes were considered as the random effect.
From the variance component analysis, the following genetic parameters were determined: genotypic variance, phenotypic variance, genotypic coefficients of variation, phenotypic coefficient of variation, and broad-sense heritability H
2, using the variability R package [
Phenotypic coefficient of variance:
Genotypic coefficient of variance:
δ2g is the genotypic variance and
δ2p is the phenotypic variance.
Broad-sense heritability (ℎ
2) was categorized as 0–29% for low, 30–60% for intermediate, and greater than 60% for high according to Johnson et al. [
Pearson’s correlation coefficient was generated among the estimated traits using the Corrplot R package v0.92 [
30]. In order to identify the most discriminative traits with a high contribution to the observed genotypic variation, the principal component analysis (PCA) was performed using the FactoMineR package v2.6 [
30]. Genotype grouping was carried out using the Gower dissimilarity matrix based on the Ward.D2 method [
35]. The final hierarchical tree was built using the cluster package v2.1.4, and viewed using the dendextend package v1.16.0 [
36] and the circlize package v0.4.15 [
37] in R v4.2.2. The optimum number of clusters was identified using the NbClust package v3.0.1 [
To examine the relationships between variables, and determine the direct and indirect effect of agronomic and tuber quality traits on tuber yield and dry matter content for indirect selection, the path coefficient analysis was led using the lavaan package v0.6-14 [
39] and the semPlot package v1.1.6 [
The MGIDI index [
14] theory was based on four key steps: (i) rescaling the traits so that they all have a 0–100 range, (ii) factor analysis to account for the correlation structure and data dimensionality reduction, (iii) planning an ideotype based on known/desired trait values, and (iv) computing the distance between each genotype and the planned ideotype.
- (i)
Formula used to rescale traits:
ηnj and
φnj are the new maximum and minimum values for the trait
j after rescaling, respectively,
φoj and
φoj are the original maximum and minimum values for the trait
j, respectively, and
hij is the original value for the
jth trait of the
ith genotype/treatment. The values for
ηnj and φ
nj were chosen as follows. For the traits in which negative gains are desired, then
ηnj = 0 and
φnj = 100 should be used. For the traits in which positive gains are desired, then
ηnj = 100 and
φnj = 0 should be used [
41]. In the rescaled two-way table (
rXij), each column has a 0–100 range that considers the desired sense of selection (increase or decrease) and maintains the correlation structure of the original set of variables.
- (ii)
The factorial scores of each genotype were estimated using the rescaled values and by computing a factor analysis to group the correlated traits into factors as follows:
X is a
p x 1 vector of rescaled observations, µ is a
p x 1 vector of standardized means,
L is a
p x f matrix of factorial loadings,
f is a
p x 1 vector of common factors, and Ɛ is a
p x 1 vector of residuals. Furthermore, the initial loadings were obtained by the traits having more than one eigenvalue that is acquired from the correlation matrix of
Then, final loadings were estimated using the varimax rotation criterion [
14] as given by:
F is a
g ×
f matrix with the factorial scores,
Z is a
g ×
p matrix with the standardized means (rescaled), A is a
p ×
f matrix of canonical loadings,
R is a
p ×
p correlation matrix between the traits, and
f, and
p denote the number of test genotypes, factors retained (FA), and traits analyzed, respectively.
- (iii)
Ideotype planning
In designing the ideotype (ID), it was assumed that the selected genotype has the highest rescaled value (i.e., 100) across all the traits analyzed. Hence, the ID can be defined by 1 × p vector ID such that ID = [100, 100, …,100]. In addition, the ID final scores were calculated according to the above formula (Equation (11)).
- (iv)
The MGIDI index
The MGIDI index was calculated based on the following formula using the mgidi() function included in the metan package. Additionally, the MGIDI index was calculated for ranking the genotypes based on the multi-trait, and not based on multicollinearity [
42] as follows:
is the score of the ith genotype in the
jth factor (
i = 1, 2, …,
j = 1, 2, …,
f) and
is the
jth score of the ideotype. The genotypes with the lowest
MGIDI values, i.e., genotypes closer to the ID, exhibited the desired values for all the traits studied.
The proportion of the MGIDI index of the
ith genotype explained by the
jth factor (
ωij) was used to show the strengths and weaknesses of genotypes and was computed as follows:
Dij is the distance between the
ith genotype and the ideotype for the
jth factor. Low contributions of a factor specify that the traits within that factor are similar to the ideotype designed.
The radar chart was then generated using the radar chart function of the fmsb package [
16]. This is a data visualization chart displaying multiple dimensions of multi-variate data represented on axes starting from the same point showing outliers and commonality clearly. The predicted genetic gain SG (%) was computed from the
MGIDI index for each trait considering α% selection intensity as follows:
Ⴟs is the mean of the selected genotypes,
Ⴟo is the mean of the original population, and
h2 is the heritability.