1. Introduction
Globe artichoke (
Cinara cardunculus L. subsp.
scolymus (L.) Hegi) is one of the most important cultivated species in the Mediterranean Basin and is continuing to be planted and adapted in other parts of the world due to its health benefits [
2]. In Tunisia, the cultivation of globe artichoke is mainly concentrated in the low Madjerda valley. In 2016, the total area involved with this crop reached 3850 hectares, and the total production was approximately 19,000 tons [
3]. Around 75% of this area is represented by the cultivar “Violet d’Hyères” which is the most appreciated purple variety in Tunisia for its fast commercialization in local and international markets. In the last five years, Tunisian globe artichoke exportations have increased in a remarkable way, and reached 1222 tons in 2014 [
4]. Due to the large quantity of propagation material present in a plant, globe artichokes are generally propagated vegetatively by offshoots, stumps, or dried shoots harvested from commercial fields at the end of the growing cycle [
5]. In recent years, the propagation of artichokes has undergone considerable evolution to avoid soil borne diseases following the development of micro-propagation systems [
7], grafting techniques [
10], and by using hybrid seeds [
11]. All of these agronomic innovations are commonly applied in developed countries, where there are nursery techniques and technological equipment. In other contexts, such as Tunisia, vegetative propagation is the most widely used technique that can easily be adopted by producers.
For Tunisian farmers, earliness is one of the most important factors for the production, and it is directly linked to the export period which extends from November to January. The absence of specialized nurseries for artichoke plantlet production, especially for the local varieties, has lead to the growers producing their cuttings by themselves, in inappropriate conditions. As a consequence of this uncontrolled practice, the national average yield of globe artichoke has never exceeded 7 t ha
−1 during the last years [
3]. Yet, many researchers in some countries, such as Italy [
13], Turkey [
15], and the US [
16], conducted several experiments to improve the vegetative propagation materials and production techniques of globe artichoke; however, they did not refer to the available vegetative material of the farmers, but they focused their attention on the use of micro-propagated plants. Then, they started to promote the nurseries’ establishment, and to schedule the cuttings’ propagation. This strategy seems to be quite difficult and inadequate in the case of Tunisia, for several reasons. The first one is linked to the absence of nurseries for the in vitro-plant production. The second reason is related to the harvest time, that starts at the end of February or in March. As a result, Tunisian farmers are not able to export their production and this affects negatively their incomes. In addition to that, head production of micro-propagated artichokes could be lower than the ordinary plants and instable from one season to another [
In the last three decades, artichoke breeding programs have produced some hybrids, which started to be considered in the main artichoke producing areas as an alternative to the traditional ones [
19]. Yet, hybrids are free from the main endemic diseases like viruses and fungi, and showed good yields [
22], but they start to produce heads later if compared to the standard cultivars [
23] and they are still not widely commercialized. Indeed, the cost of hybrid seeds is often very high and not all farmers can deal with it.
Considering the qualitative aspects of artichoke, there are many sources which clearly describe the noticeable health properties and quality of this vegetable [
25]. Until now, the main research lines evaluating the effects of agricultural practices on artichoke quality, are concerned with seed propagation [
27], stress effects [
28], different fertilization techniques [
30], mycorrhiza use [
31], the application of bio-regulators [
32], and the use of sustainable farming systems [
33]. Regarding the management of vegetative propagation material and artichoke quality, there is little information.
Earliness, high yield, and good quality of the production are the main criteria targeted by the farmers. These objectives could be reached just by improving the quality of cuttings by upgrading the rooting of offshoots in the nursery [
12], scaling the production of early transplants [
34], or conditioning the transplants to mitigate heat, drought stress, and biotic stresses [
The main objective of this work is to improve the quality of artichoke cuttings on the base of the simple tools that Tunisian farmers can afford. In this trial, plants derived from nursery’s cuttings were evaluated for their agronomic, marketable, and qualitative traits, compared to the traditional plants originated from field’s ovoli (underground dormant axillary buds).
3. Discussion
Vegetative propagation methods on globe artichoke significantly affected the yield, and the marketable and qualitative characteristics of the product. Under the production point of view, the lowest growth rhythm, registered in T2, could be due to the transplant age [
27]. This can influence the vegetative development of artichoke plants, modifying the development stage of the auxiliary buds that were activated during the nursery phase and the aerial part of T2 cuttings grew up laterally using the accumulated reserves. The height development of T2 plants was affected by the slow emission of new adventitious roots, and the damage of the existed roots during the nursery phase, after the removal of plants from the nursery to the field. In fact, tissue age can affect the ability of cuttings to form new adventitious roots, and it is also linked to ontogenetic phases; these mark the differentiation of the tissue from meristem that is getting physiologically older and more mature [
35]. The slow growth rate of T2 plant also affected the reproductive phase of the crop, and this result is confirmed by T1, which produced the earliest and the heaviest primary heads compared to other treatments. These results prove that ovoli typology can influence the number of early harvested heads and head weight, as reported in literature [
36]. Overall, T1 provided the highest yield results, with more than 29 t ha
−1, which are in line with those obtained from other experiments. In 2013, an experimental essay was conducted in Kaâlat El Andalous in Ariana governate in the north of Tunisia (37° N, 10° E, altitude 238 m). As suggested in other studies [
37], the biggest head size was obtained in the early harvest season. In addition, the harvest period significantly influenced the physical quality of heads. The lowest mean weight and mean diameter of heads were obtained in the late harvesting period. Similar results were presented by another experiment [
38], where the highest head weight (253 g) and head diameter (74 mm) were obtained on 15 January, whereas the lowest values (179 g for head weight and 67 mm for head diameter) were registered on 15 March.
As reported for agronomic and marketable parameters, the qualitative ones were influenced by the vegetative propagation methods. Taking into consideration head color characteristics, different pigment contents were observed. As known, pigment content depends on the photosynthetic capacity of leaves and leaf area [
39]. This information can be linked to our experiment, where leaves of T1 and T2 plants were wider than T0, in fact, significant differences were observed in plant width during the vegetative phase. The values measured for antioxidant capacity were generally lower than those observed for other artichoke varieties, like “Violetto di Chioggia” and “Violetto di S. Erasmo” [
2]; if we consider “Violetto di Toscana”, instead “Violet d’Hyères”, the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) values are on average 50% higher. This variability in the concentration of antioxidant compounds is mainly due to genetic aspects, agronomic practices, and environmental conditions [
40]. Furthermore, the high content of antioxidants and total phenols in T0 and T1 may also be connected to more stressful conditions that the plant cuttings have experienced before transplanting in the experimental field. The drought stress, that was induced for 60 days, at least for T0 and T1 plants to obtain cuttings with quiescent buds, has influenced the quality of produced heads during the growing cycle. As previously reported [
36], ovoli management has an important impact on the head production. As known, a stress experienced by the plant during the growing season can significantly influence the antioxidant amount. In fact, plant stress tolerance may be improved by the enhancement of in vivo levels of antioxidant [
42]. The lower or slower root system development reduced, for some periods, the nutrient and water availability to the plant, by inducing such responses. The low antioxidant content in T2 is probably due to the lower stress condition that the plant has suffered during the crop cycle. As a result, the concentration of chlorogenic acid (caffeoylquinic acid) was lower in T2 by 29.6% and 30.2% compared to T0 and T1. Based on total caffeoylquinic acid contents, caffeoylquinic acid is the most abundant single component (39%), followed by 1,5-
O-dicaffeoylquinic acid (21%), and 3,4-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid (11%). Cynarin (1,3-
O-dicaffeoylquinic acid) content is usually very low (about 1.5%) in methanolic extracts of artichoke [
1]. The chlorogenic acid content in the leaves was much lower than that of the head. This result is similar to what reported for the “Violetto di Toscana” artichoke variety (−82.9%) [
43]. Moreover, it should be remembered that the caffeoylquinic derivatives content in artichoke tissues highly depends on the physiological stages of the plant. The total caffeoylquinic acid content can range from about 8% in young tissues to less than 1% in senescent tissues on dry matter basis [
As known, the artichoke is a species characterized by a high amount of long and short chain of sugars. In addition to simple sugars, the fructan group is of growing interest as a functional food ingredient, because of their potential benefits for human health [
47]. As human enzymes cannot digest fructans, they reach the colon and serve as a substrate for enterobacterial growth [
1]. Fructan containing diets selectively stimulate bifidobacteria and make them the predominant species [
48]. Consequently, an increased fecal content of short-chain fatty acids and a decreased concentration of tumor-promoting substances, such as ammonia, were observed [
49]. The inulin values measured for “Violet d’Hyères” artichoke, commonly grown in Tunisia, are in line with those obtained for other varieties of artichoke (Le Castel and Green Globe) [
47]. The sugar ratio is also greatly influenced by the varietal characteristics. The sucrose/glucose ratio ranges from 0.46 to 2.29 for the varieties Poivrade and Buette, respectively [
47]. Other authors, instead, found lower sucrose/glucose ratios (0.07–0.1), respectively, for “Violetto di S. Erasmo” and “Violetto di Chioggia” [
2]. The high concentration of glucose, compared to fructose and sucrose in leaf biomass, were significant. Treatments remarkably influenced the glucose content, and T2 supplied the highest outcomes. This result is mainly linked to the bigger size of the leaves in T2 in the first part of the crop cycle, thus promoting the photosynthetic activity. This confirms that the high artichoke leaf area positively influenced the photosynthesis activity, as already reported [
The mineral profile was also affected by the plant propagation mode. In general, most of results are attributable to the different ability of offshoots and ovoli to form new roots, and to their ability to explore the soil. Some significant changes have been recorded for potassium and sodium. In fact, these minerals are the main indicators for plant tolerance to mitigate drought stress [
52]. During the nursery phase, the cuttings of T2 were continuously irrigated until their transplantation in the experimental field, whereas cuttings of T1 and T0 were forced to enter in a vegetative rest period by causing drought stress through stopping of irrigation for more than 2 months. After 80 days from field transplantation, T2 plants emitted new secondary roots, mainly in the 0.25 m of the topsoil, whereas T0 and T1 plants developed deeper secondary roots. This could explain why the absorption of mineral nutrients was lower in T2 than the other treatments. In general, the mineral content was significantly higher in the leaves compared to the marketable yield. Such a response is in agreement with other findings [
43]. In the head, the most abundant element was potassium, with values close to 30 g kg
−1 dw and to 40 g kg
−1 dw in the leaves. On the other hand, the content of chlorides is particularly high, probably due to their persistence in the soil, because of the use of potassium chloride as a fertilizer for previous cultures. Compared to the mineral composition of other vegetables reported in the literature, the globe artichoke represents a good source of K [
53]. In addition, the Na/K ratio of globe artichoke is one of the lowest ratios, following potato. This parameter is very important, since a high level is involved in increasing blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases [
54]. Therefore, the consumption of globe artichoke might also be suggested to overcome these diseases. Moreover, the increased mineral content in the leaves can be explained by the capacity of globe artichoke to compartmentalize excess ions in the vegetative, rather than the reproductive, parts of the plant [
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Experimental Site
The experiment was conducted in the Support Station of Manouba (SAM), which is under the supervision of the Inter-professional Group of Vegetables (GIL). It is located in Manouba region, situated in the north of Tunisia (36°48′ N; 10°03′ E, altitude 469 m). The local climate of this area is characterized by an upper semi-arid stage, with an average daily temperature ranging from 9 °C as minimum in January, to 25 °C as maximum in August. The rainfall is irregular, with an average of 450 mm per year. Meteorological data recorded during the trial period are reported in
Figure 6.
4.2. Plant Material and Offshoots Nursery Phase
All the artichoke (cv. Violet d’Hyères) cuttings were selected and collected from the artichoke field of the agricultural development company “ESAADA” situated in Manouba governorate (36°50′ N; 9°51′ E). Three cutting management method were considered (
Figure 7): summer field’s ovoli (T0), spring offshoots nursery’s cuttings forced to pass a vegetative rest period by stopping irrigation (T1), and offshoots nursery’s cuttings not forced (T2).
All the plant material used in this trial was obtained from 200 mother plants vegetatively propagated in ESSAADA field. For the T0 treatment, ovoli were directly removed from the field of ESSAADA on 5 September. Then, they were selected according to their visual phytosanitary aspect and their rhizome diameter (15 mm to 20 mm). Successively, they were pre-germinated 10 days in watered sand before the plantation in the experimental field. Concerning offshoots, characterized by 5 to 7 leaves, they were removed from mother plants that were controlled since November 2014 for their morpho-phytosanitary aspects and homogeneity. After removal, they were trimmed 0.15 m from the base, eliminating the apical part of leaves to reduce transpiration, then dipped in a copper hydroxide solution (50%) for 2 min to disinfect them. An artichoke nursery was established on 4 April 2015 in SAM. Before that, the soil (clay 28%; silt 48%; sand 24%) was plowed by offset, then prepared by rotative herse on 20 March. After that, ridges were made respecting a spacement of 0.6 m among the rows, and a drip irrigation system was installed. In the nursery, the planting was carried out on four twinned lines 22 m long, by placing the offshoots in a staggered pattern on the two blanks of the ridge, and respecting gaps of 0.15 m between the plants. The plant density in the nursery was about 22 plants m−2. The T1 nursery offshoots were differently treated compared to those of treatment T2. T1 cuttings were grown from 1 April to 15 June 2015 (75 days), then forced to pass a vegetative rest period (83 days) by stopping irrigation. Then, they were removed from the soil in 5 September and pre-germinated for 10 days before field transplantation (15 September). T2 cuttings were grown for 163 days (1 April to 10 September) without vegetative rest, removed from the soil in 15 September, the aerial part cut-down and washed, then the root part was dipped in a copper hydroxide solution (50%) for 2 min and planted in the experimental field. For the fertilization, 47 kg of N ha−1, 25 kg of P2O5 ha−1 and 42.5 kg K2O ha−1 were fractionated and distributed during the nursery phase.
4.3. Field Establishment
The cuttings coming from the different treatments were set up in the field in 15 September 2015, following a randomized block design with three replications for each treatment. All the treatments and other experimental traits are reported in
Table 8 for an easier overview. Each plot (36 m
2) inside the randomized block was made by 30 plants (90 plants in total for each treatment) spaced 0.8 m apart in the row, and 1.5 m between the plantation lines. The crop requirements in terms of water and mineral nutrient needs were achieved following the programs of irrigation and fertilization elaborated by SAM and CTPTA. The irrigation was performed by drip irrigation system using drilling water characterized by 1.4 g L
−1 of dry residue. The total consumption of water during all the crop cycles was about 730 mm. For the fertilization, 320 kg ha
−1 of N, 160 kg ha
−1 P
5, and 210 kg ha
−1 K
2O were fractionated, depending on the requirements of the crop in each phase.
4.4. Crop Measured Parameters
Ten plants from each plot were considered for measurements, and samplings from 70 to 190 days after planting. The measured parameters for vegetative growth were plant height (m), width (m), and number of shoots per plant. Total yield was recorded since the beginning of the harvest until the end of the production season, considering the number of harvested heads per plant and the yield of each harvest. Starting from the first harvest, primary heads were characterized by their height (mm), diameter (mm), and weight (g). Then, the cumulative yield per hectare was recorded monthly until the last heads were produced. Early yield was calculated taking into account the first harvest until the one before the mid of January. While, the mid-early yield was considered during the period from 16 January until the 15 March; the rest of harvests were treated as late yield. In the meantime, precocity was evaluated for each treatment. The calibration of harvested heads was based on the diameter measurements. The commercial quality of globe artichoke was estimated according to UNECE standard. For quality traits, a representative sample for each plot was harvested and stored at −80 °C for further freeze drying.
4.5. Pigment Extraction
b and xanthophylls + carotenoids content was determined on 0.2 g of freeze-dried artichoke sample, and extracted in ethanol for 48 h in the dark at +4 °C [
56]. The following formulas were used for pigments’ quantification (1–3):
where A is the absorbance obtained at each wavelength (665, 649 and 470 nm).
4.6. Extraction of Phenols for Analysis
Artichoke freeze-dried sample (0.2 g) were homogenized in methanol (20 mL) with an Ultra Turrax T25 until uniform consistency at 13,500 rpm. Samples were filtered (filter paper, 589 Schleicher) and appropriate aliquots of extracts were assayed by Folin–Ciocalteu (FC) assay for total phenol (TP) content and by ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay for total antioxidant activity. Concerning HPLC analysis, extracts were further filtered through cellulose acetate syringe filters (0.45 µm). For each sample, triplicate extractions and analyses were carried out.
4.7. Determination of Total Phenols by the Folin–Ciocalteu Assay
The content of TP was determined using the FC assay with gallic acid as calibration standard, by a Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc, Columbia, MD, USA). The FC assay was carried out by pipetting 200 µL of extract into a 10 mL polypropylene tube. This was followed by addition of 1 mL of FC reagent. The mixture was vortexed for 30 s, and 800 µL of filtered 20% sodium carbonate solution was added after 1 min, and before 8 min from addition of the FC reagent. This was recorded as time zero; the mixture was then vortexed for 30 s after addition of sodium carbonate. After 2 h at room temperature, the absorbance of the colored reaction product was measured at 765 nm. The content of TP in the extracts was calculated from a standard calibration curve, built with different concentrations of gallic acid, ranging from 0 to 600 µg mL
−1 (correlation coefficient:
R2: 0.9982). Results were expressed on the basis of mg of gallic acid equivalent per kg (mg GAE kg
−1) of dry matter [
4.8. Determination of Total Antioxidant Activity by Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power
The Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) reagent was prepared fresh, so that it contained 1 mM 2,4,6-tripyridyl-2-triazine and 2 mM ferric chloride in 0.25 M sodium acetate at pH 3.6 [
58]. A 100 µL aliquot of the methanol extract, prepared as above, was added to 1900 µL of FRAP reagent and throughly mixed. After leaving the mixture at 20 °C for 4 min, the absorbance at 593 nm was determined. Calibration was against a standard curve (0–1200 µg mL
−1 ferrous ion) produced by the addition of freshly prepared ammonium ferrous sulfate. FRAP values were calculated as mg mL
−1 ferrous ion (ferric reducing power) from three determinations, and are presented as mg of Fe
2+E (ferrous ion equivalent) kg
−1 dw.
4.9. Separation and Analysis of Free Phenolic Acids by HPLC
The phenolic acids were separated and quantified using a HPLC-DAD constituted of a Jasco X-LC system (Jasco Co., Tokyo, Japan), consisting of a model PU-2080 pump, a multiwavelength detector (model. MD-2015, Jasco X.LC system, Jasco Co., Tokyo, Japan), an autosampler (mod. AS-2055, Jasco X.LC system, Jasco Co., Tokyo, Japan), and a column oven (mod. CO-2060, Jasco X.LC system, Jasco Co., Tokyo, Japan). ChromNAV Chromatography Data System software (Jasco Inc., Tokyo, Japan) was used for result analyses. The separation of phenolic acids was achieved on a Tracer Extrasil OSD2 column (5 µm, 250 × 4.6 mm), operating at 35 °C, at a flow rate of 1 mL min−1. The mobile phase consisted of two solvents: 0.1% acid formic (A) and methanol (B). Gradient elution was as follows: 0–100% B over 50 min, and held at 100% B for an additional 10 min to clean up the column. Two wavelengths (310 and 325 nm) were used to detect eluent composition. HPLC analysis at 325 nm was used for quantification of chlorogenic and caffeic acids. Phenolic acids were quantified following a calibration method. Standards ranging from 0.3 to 30 mg L−1 were used.
4.10. Quantitative Determination of Sugars by HPLC
The liquid chromatography apparatus utilized in these analyses was a Jasco X.LC system consisting of a model PU-2080 pump, a model RI-2031 refractive index detector, a model AS-2055 autosampler, and a model CO-2060 column. ChromNAV Chromatography Data System was used as software. The separation of sugars was achieved on a Hyper-Rez XP Carbohydrate Pb
++ analytical column (7.7 mm × 300 mm, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA USA), operating at 80 °C. Isocratic elution was effected using water at a flow rate of 0.6 mL min
d-(−)-fructose and sucrose were quantified following a calibration method. All standards utilized in the experiments were accurately weighed, dissolved in water, and the calibration curves were generated with concentrations ranging from 100 mg L
−1 to 1000 mg L
−1 for the standards. The inulin determination was performed according to a reported method [
4.11. Quantitative Determination of Anions and Cations by Ion Cromatography (IC)
The IC was performed using an ICS-900 Ion Chromatography system (Dionex Corp., Milan, Italy) equipped with a dual piston pump, a model AS-DV autosampler, an isocratic column at room temperature, a DS5 conductivity detector, and an AMMS 300 suppressor (4 mm) for anions, and CMMS 300 suppressor (4 mm) for cations. Chromeleon 6.5 Chromatography Management Software (Dionex Corp., Milan, Italy) was used for system control and data processing. A Dionex Ion- Pac AS23 (Dionex Corp., Milan, Italy) analytical column (4 mm × 250 mm) and a guard column (4 mm × 50 mm) were used for anion separations, whereas a Dionex IonPac CS12A 23 (Dionex Corp., Milan, Italy) analytical column (4 mm × 250 mm) and a guard column (4 mm × 50 mm) were used for cation separations. The eluent consisted of 4.5 mM sodium carbonate and 0.8 mM sodium bicarbonate at a flow rate of 1 mL min−1 for anions and of 20 mM metansolfonic acid for cations at the same flow rate. Anions and cations were quantified following a calibration method. Dionex solutions containing seven anions at different concentrations and five cations were taken as standards, and the calibration curves were generated with concentrations ranging from 0.4 mg L−1 to 20 mg L−1, and from 0.5 mg L−1 to 50 mg L−1 of the standards, respectively.
4.12. Statistical Analysis
Concerning agronomic parameters and marketable traits, statistical analysis was performed according to the randomized block design with three treatments (T0, T1, T2) and three replications. For the three treatments, 10 plants were considered from each plot. About qualitative traits, three representative samples from each treatment (one for each plot) were considered and analyzed in triplicate. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). In the case of a significant F-value, the means were compared with Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference test at the significance level of p < 0.05. For all figures and tables, standard errors were reported.