Development and Validation of a Method for the Simultaneous Quantification of 21 Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient and Exhaled Air by Thermal Desorption and Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
Detailed remarks:
Page 4. Line 172. Was the amber glass used here? If so, please complete it in the sentence.
Page 4. Line 177. Was the internal standard added manually? Were automatic pipettes or chromatographic syringes used for injecting? This is an important aspect in the precision of dosing, as it was a small volume of the standard.
Page 6. Line 245. How was accuracy and precision tested? Were enriched samples or certified material used? Please explain this. Referring to previous studies does not answer the question of how the accuracy and precision of the method were assessed.
Page 6. Line 250. Why was air transferred from one Tedlar bag to another? What was the purpose of this operation? Please explain this.
Fig. 1 and 2 Chromatograms do not show mass peaks from MS detection. These are normal GC chromatograms. Please explain the use of MS-MS detection in these studies. Was the only reason for lower limit of detection and quantification?
Table 1 shows using of the 30 m column. Please explain the use this type of column to the MS detector. Typically longer columns (60m) are used for GC / MS to separate the analytes with higher precision. By using a longer column, the peaks can be separated better. Was an MS / MS detector used or only a single MS? This is not clear in the description of the methodology.
Table 2. The linearity range, given as ng / m3, is very wide. Please provide the analytical range of the calibration curves for chromatographic analysis in concentration units. Were the high end of this range [ng / m3] obtained by sample dilution?
There was no testing of enrichment samples (fortified), both to assess the propriety of sampling and to evaluate the analytical method. However, I understand that the aim of the work was to develop an analytical method for mVOC determination, not to validate of sampling.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.docx
Reviewer 2 Report
Development and Validation of a Method for the Simultaneous Quantification of Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient and Exhaled Air by Thermal Desorption and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Sarah Tabbal, Badr El Aroussi, Michèle Bouchard, Geneviève Marchand and Sami Haddad
Abstract: Lines 14-27
Please structure it as:
Results and interpretation
Introduction lines 32-139
``In today's increasingly urbanized societies, people tend to spend 80–90 % of their time indoors (e.g., home, school, office, industry, etc…) [1]`` Lines 33-34
Eliminate ``…``
Literature review should be done, updated to 2022 and internationalized.
Please analyses critically the findings of the articles and the limitations.
Please indicate also at least tree similar article to your research published recently (last 5 years).
Please insert a flowchart of your research methodology steps for bettwer visibility and understanding by the journal readers as well as as large public
Fig.1 line 312 -insert in the text the detailed explanations link to this
Fig.2 line 318 --insert in the text the detailed explanations link to this
Fig 3 line 418-in the explanation please indicate which lab of which univ you mentioned?
Pathogeny upon the humans should be added to Results and Discussion chapter.
Conclusions: this subchapter should be enlarged; Underline the results of this study may suggest a potential application of bioaerosol profiling for tracing the source of atmospheric pollution, influencing factors in different environments for human community.
References: update the references to 2022
Please cite also:
IlieÈ™, D.C.; Hodor, N.; Indrie, L.; Dejeu, P.; IlieÈ™, A.; Albu, A.; Caciora, T.; IlieÈ™, M.; Barbu-Tudoran, L.; Grama, V. Investigations of the Surface of Heritage Objects and Green Bioremediation: Case Study of Artefacts from MaramureÅŸ, Romania. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6643.
A. Oneț, D. C. Ilieș, A. Ilieș, G. V. Herman, L. Burtă, F. Marcu, R. Buhaș, T. Caciora, Ș. Baias, C. Oneț, M. Ilieș, A. Lincu, 2020, Indoor air quality assessment and its perception. Case study - historic wooden church, Romania, in Romanian Biotechnological Letters 3:1547-1551 (
Is it relevant and
The paper is relevant for postpandemic period. It synthetizes the actual available literature data, focus mainly on efficiency of tests conducted in laboratory conditions. The paper is interesting for devices marketing, too, because the tests results contribute to reflect the real dimensions and conditions observed in indoor polluted environments.
How original is the topic?
Is an actual topic even it is not very original; but the subject is important especially in the post pandemic period.
What does it add to the subject
area compared with other published material?
The paper should be better documented (cca 70 scientific published articles in references list), very few updated to 2022.
Is the paper well written?
The paper is well written. The quality of English translation is good.
Is the text clear and easy to read?
The text is well structured, clear and easy to read from the specialists in the field but as well as from the persons from public.
Are the conclusions consistent with the evidence and arguments presented?
The conclusions should be better represented in the paper. The authors must underline the potential application of bioaerosol profiling for tracing the source of atmospheric pollution, influencing factors, etc effects on the human community.
August 2022
Author Response
Please see the attachment
Author Response File: Author Response.docx