Physical and Biological Water Column Observations during Summer Sea/Land Breeze Winds in the Coastal Northern Tyrrhenian Sea
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
Sampling Survey Design
3. Results
3.1. Transect Survey: Shows the Coast-Wide Gradient of the Fluorescence Patch and the Physical Characteristics of the Sea Water
3.2. Fixed Point Survey: Highlights Coastal Currents, Fluorescence Patch, and the Physical Characteristics of the Sea Water over Time
3.3. Gridded Survey: Shows the Fluorescence Patch and the Physical Characteristics of the Sea Water in a Large Area of the Study Domain
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Measurement Day | Measurement Time | Measurement Strategy | Sampled Parameter | |
CTD | ADCP | |||
20 August 2012 | 06:00–08:00 | Offshore transect (St. 1: 42.0827083N/11.7778383E; St. 2: 42.08385N/11.78378E; St. 3: 42.085011N/11.788541E; St. 4: 42.085766N/11.79377E) | X | |
22 August 2012 | 06:30–14:00 | Offshore transect | X | |
24 August 2012 | 06:00–11:00 | Offshore transect | X | |
28 August 2012 | 06:00–09:00 | Offshore transect | X | |
23 August 2013 | 06:30–10:30 | Moored at St. 1 (40 m isobath) | X | X |
4 September 2013 | 06:00–11:00 | Moored at St. 1 (40 m isobath) | X | X |
22 August 2014 | 06:20–14:00 | Moored at St. 1 (40 m isobath) | X | X |
3 September 2014 | 10:40–14:00 | Moored at St. 1 (40 m isobath) | X | X |
28 August 2015 | 06:30–11:30 | Moored at St. 1 (40 m isobath) | X | X |
26 August 2016 | 09:30–12:30 | Gridded survey (Figure 8d,e) | X |
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Martellucci, R.; Pierattini, A.; De Mendoza, F.P.; Melchiorri, C.; Piermattei, V.; Marcelli, M. Physical and Biological Water Column Observations during Summer Sea/Land Breeze Winds in the Coastal Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. Water 2018, 10, 1673.
Martellucci R, Pierattini A, De Mendoza FP, Melchiorri C, Piermattei V, Marcelli M. Physical and Biological Water Column Observations during Summer Sea/Land Breeze Winds in the Coastal Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. Water. 2018; 10(11):1673.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMartellucci, Riccardo, Alberto Pierattini, Francesco Paladini De Mendoza, Cristiano Melchiorri, Viviana Piermattei, and Marco Marcelli. 2018. "Physical and Biological Water Column Observations during Summer Sea/Land Breeze Winds in the Coastal Northern Tyrrhenian Sea" Water 10, no. 11: 1673.
APA StyleMartellucci, R., Pierattini, A., De Mendoza, F. P., Melchiorri, C., Piermattei, V., & Marcelli, M. (2018). Physical and Biological Water Column Observations during Summer Sea/Land Breeze Winds in the Coastal Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. Water, 10(11), 1673.