Flow Resistance in Open Channel Due to Vegetation at Reach Scale: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Flow Resistance Equations
3. Descriptive and Photographic Comparison Approaches
4. Analytical Methods
4.1. Rigid Vegetation
4.1.1. Emergent Rigid Vegetation
4.1.2. Submerged Rigid Vegetation
4.1.3. Submerged and Emergent Rigid Vegetation
4.2. Flexible Vegetation
4.2.1. Potentially Changing Vegetation Condition
4.2.2. Submerged Flexible Vegetation
4.2.3. Non-Submerged Flexible Vegetation
5. Numerical Methods
6. Hydraulic Roughness Assessment
7. Flow Resistance and Vegetation Management
8. Future Research and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
A | area of water cross-section |
a | projected plant area per unit volume |
A0 | plant area projected onto a plan orthogonal to the flow direction when the plant is on free air |
Ab | bed area related to a plant |
Ac | characteristic area of plants |
Ai | projected area of the ith plant on a plane normal to the streamwise direction |
Ai* | net submerged frontal area of the plant in the plane normal to the flow direction |
AL | one-sided leaf area |
Ap | plant area projected onto a plan orthogonal to the flow direction when the plant is under the flow action |
AS | total cross-sectional area of all of the stems of an individual plant, measured at a quarter of the non-deflected height of the plant |
b | Vogel exponent |
Bx | fraction of channel cross section blocked by vegetation |
C | Chézy coefficient |
Cb | Chézy coefficient of the bed |
CD | drag coefficient |
CDχ | species-specific drag coefficient |
CDχ,F | species-specific drag coefficient of leaves |
CDχ,S | species-specific drag coefficient of stems |
Cf | Luhar-Nepf [11] friction coefficient |
Ck | Chézy coefficient in the presence of emergent vegetation |
Cr | Chézy coefficient in the presence of submerged rigid vegetation |
Cu | coefficient in the Yang and Choi [76] model and in the Katul [87] model |
C0, C1 | coefficient in the Kouwen model |
D | vegetation diameter |
E | modulus of elasticity |
f | Darcy Weisbach friction factor |
fc | function |
FD | drag force |
fv | friction factor due to vegetation |
g | gravity acceleration |
h | water depth or depth of the immersed part of the cylinder |
hv | vegetation height or vegetation height in the absence of flow |
hvf | bent vegetation height |
representative length in Li et al. model [77] | |
i | bed slope |
I | second moment of the cross-sectional area of the stems |
J | energy line slope |
K | Gauckler-Strickler velocity coefficient |
L | length of river reach |
LAI | Leaf area index |
M | number of stems per unit bed area |
m | number of cylinders per unit bed area |
MEI | flexural rigidity |
n | Manning roughness coefficient |
nb | soil Manning roughness coefficient |
Q | discharge |
R | hydraulic radius |
ReD | stem Reynolds number (=VD/ν) |
ReD* | vegetation Reynolds number calculate with the average pore velocity (=VvD/ν) |
Rev | vegetation Reynolds number (=Vvrv/ν) |
rv | vegetation-related hydraulic radius |
rv* | dimensionless vegetation-related hydraulic radius |
s | separation between individual resistance element |
S | energy slope |
SP | stream power |
u | mean velocity along the vertical |
us | mean velocity along the vertical in the surface layer in the case of submerged vegetation |
uv | mean velocity along the vertical in the vegetated layer in the case of submerged vegetation |
uz | local time-averaged velocity |
shear velocity | |
vegetal critical shear velocity | |
V | mean flow velocity or approach velocity |
Vv | average pore velocity |
Vχ | lowest velocity used in determining χ in Västilä et al. [104] model |
x | streamwise coordinate |
z | vertical coordinate |
α0E, α1E | coefficients in the Ergun relationship for the drag coefficient |
αKA | characteristic eddy size coefficient in the Katul et al. [87] model |
characteristic turbulence length scale in the Klopstra et al. model [73] | |
β1, β2, β3 | numerical coefficients in the Carollo et al. [91] model |
χ | vegetation parameter in Västilä et al. [104] model |
χF | parameter in Västilä et al. [104] model relative to leaves |
χS | parameter in Västilä et al. [104] model relative to stems |
δe | depth of penetration of suspension layer in vegetation in Li et al. [77] model |
γ | water specific weight |
λ | density of vegetation |
ν | water kinematic viscosity |
ξ | parameter that takes into account the deformation of the plant |
ξE | vegetation index |
ρ | water density |
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Authors | Relationship |
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D’Ippolito, A.; Calomino, F.; Alfonsi, G.; Lauria, A. Flow Resistance in Open Channel Due to Vegetation at Reach Scale: A Review. Water 2021, 13, 116. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13020116
D’Ippolito A, Calomino F, Alfonsi G, Lauria A. Flow Resistance in Open Channel Due to Vegetation at Reach Scale: A Review. Water. 2021; 13(2):116. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13020116
Chicago/Turabian StyleD’Ippolito, Antonino, Francesco Calomino, Giancarlo Alfonsi, and Agostino Lauria. 2021. "Flow Resistance in Open Channel Due to Vegetation at Reach Scale: A Review" Water 13, no. 2: 116. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13020116
APA StyleD’Ippolito, A., Calomino, F., Alfonsi, G., & Lauria, A. (2021). Flow Resistance in Open Channel Due to Vegetation at Reach Scale: A Review. Water, 13(2), 116. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13020116