Assessment of Hydrological Responses to Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Forest-Dominated Watershed Using SWAT Model
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area Description
2.2. SWAT Model Description and Data Inputs
2.3. SWAT Model Setup and Simulation
2.4. Model Calibration and Validation Approach
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. SWAT Model Performance
3.2. LULC Scenarios on Hydrological Components
3.2.1. Groundwater Recharge
3.2.2. Water Yield
3.2.3. Evapotranspiration
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Descriptions | Range Value | Fit Value |
r__CN2.mgt | Initial SCS runoff curve no. for moisture condition II | −0.2–0.2 | −0.18 | | Baseflow alpha factor (days) | 0–1 | 0.7 | | Groundwater delay (days) | 1–1 | 1 | | Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur (mm) | 0–1500 | 1141.5 | | Groundwater “revap” coefficient | 0.02–0.2 | 0.005 |
v__ESCO.hru | Soil evaporation compensation factor (-) | 0–1 | 0.084 |
v__EPCO.hru | Plant uptake compensation factor (-) | 0–1 | 0.173 |
r__SOL_AWC().sol | Available water capacity of the soil layer (mm mm−1) | −0.3–0.3 | −0.23 | | Deep aquifer percolation fraction | 0–1 | 0.57 |
r__SOL_K().sol | Saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/h) | −0.2–0.2 | −0.18 |
r__SOL_BD().sol | Moist bulk density | −0.2–0.3 | −0.12 | | Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for “revap” to occur (mm) | 0–500 | 274.5 |
r__HRU_SLP.hru | Average slope steepness (m/m) | 0–0.2 | 0.076 |
r__OV_N.hru | Manning’s “n” value for overland flow | −0.2–0.2 | −0.037 |
r__SLSUBBSN.hru | Surface runoff lag coefficient | −0.2–0.2 | −0.02 |
Year | 2000 | 2013 | 2022 | |||
Statistical variable | Calibration | Validation | Calibration | Validation | Calibration | Validation |
R2 | 0.91 | 0.86 | 0.90 | 0.85 | 0.90 | 0.86 |
NSE | 0.90 | 0.82 | 0.89 | 0.78 | 0.89 | 0.80 |
PBIAS | 11.3 | −10.4 | 7.4 | −17.6 | 8.3 | −15.9 |
Hydrological Components | LULC-2000 | LULC-2013 | LULC-2022 |
Precipitation, mm | 1266.8 | 1266.8 | 1266.8 |
Surface runoff, mm (%) | 218.48 (17.25) | 263.5 (20.80) | 252.69 (19.96) |
Lateral flow, mm (%) | 289.48 (22.85) | 289.54 (22.86) | 288.33 (22.76) |
Water yield, mm (%) | 711.17 (56.14) | 733.06 (57.87) | 729.84 (57.61) |
Recharge, mm (%) | 208.18 (16.43) | 184.84 (14.59) | 193.63 (15.28) |
ET, mm (%) | 549.3 (43.36) | 528.3 (41.70) | 531.6 (41.96) |
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Ware, H.H.; Chang, S.W.; Lee, J.E.; Chung, I.-M. Assessment of Hydrological Responses to Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Forest-Dominated Watershed Using SWAT Model. Water 2024, 16, 528.
Ware HH, Chang SW, Lee JE, Chung I-M. Assessment of Hydrological Responses to Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Forest-Dominated Watershed Using SWAT Model. Water. 2024; 16(4):528.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWare, Hiyaw Hatiya, Sun Woo Chang, Jeong Eun Lee, and Il-Moon Chung. 2024. "Assessment of Hydrological Responses to Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Forest-Dominated Watershed Using SWAT Model" Water 16, no. 4: 528.
APA StyleWare, H. H., Chang, S. W., Lee, J. E., & Chung, I.-M. (2024). Assessment of Hydrological Responses to Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Forest-Dominated Watershed Using SWAT Model. Water, 16(4), 528.