Empirical Consequences of Emergent Mass
:1. Introduction
2. Strong Interactions in the Standard Model
2.1. Natural Mass Scale
The establishment by the mid-1970’s of QCD as the correct theory of the strong interactions completed what is now known prosaically as the Standard Model. It offers a description of all known fundamental physics except for gravity, and gravity is something that has no discernible effect when particles are studied a few at a time. However, the situation is a bit like the way that the Navier-Stokes equation accounts for the flow of water. The equations are at some level obviously correct, but there are only a few, limited circumstances in which their consequences can be worked out in any detail. Nevertheless, many leading physicists were inclined to conclude in the late 1970’s that the task of basic physics was nearly complete, and we’d soon be out of jobs. A famous example was the inaugural lecture of Stephen Hawking as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a chair first held by Isaac Barrow at Cambridge University. Hawking titled his lecture, ‘Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?’ And he argued strongly for ‘Yes’.
The Higgs field is often said to give mass to everything. That is wrong. The Higgs field only gives mass to some very simple particles. The field accounts for only one or two percent of the mass of more complex things, like atoms, molecules, and everyday objects, from your mobile phone to your pet llama. The vast majority of mass comes from the energy needed to hold quarks together inside atoms.
QCD is quite possibly the most remarkable fundamental theory ever invented.
2.2. Whence Mass?
3. Confinement
The Confinement Hypothesis: Colour-charged particles cannot be isolated and therefore cannot be directly observed. They clump together in colour-neutral bound-states.
4. Strong QCD
4.1. Dyson–Schwinger Equations
4.2. Gluon Mass
4.3. Effective Charge
4.4. Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking
The Nambu–Goldstone theorem is fundamentally an expression of equivalence between the one-body problem and the two-body problem in QCD’s colour-singlet pseudoscalar channel.
4.5. Pion and the Trace Anomaly
5. Empirical Manifestations of Emergent Mass
5.1. Pion Wave Function
5.2. Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor
5.3. Valence-Quark Distributions in the Pion
5.4. Emergence of Diquark Correlations
5.5. Proton Wave Function
5.6. Proton’s First Radial Excitation
5.7. Emergent Features of Nucleon Form Factors
6. Epilogue
Conflicts of Interest
CSM | continuum Schwinger-function method |
DA (PDA) | (parton) distribution amplitude |
DF (PDF) | (parton) distribution function |
DCSB | dynamical chiral symmetry breaking |
DSE | Dyson–Schwinger Equation |
EFT | effective field theory |
EHM | emergent hadronic mass |
ERBL | Efremov–Radyushkin–Brodsky–Lepage |
JLab | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
lQCD | lattice-regularised quantum chromodynamics |
PDG | Particle Data Group |
PI | process independent |
PFF | parton fragmentation function |
pQCD | perturbative quantum chromodynamics |
QED | quantum electrodynamics |
QCD | quantum chromodynamics |
RGI | renormalisation group invariant |
SM | Standard Model (of Particle Physics) |
SPM | Schlessinger point method |
2PI | two-particle irreducible |
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asymptotic PDA | ||||
lQCD [225] | 0.314 (3) | 0.314 (7) | ||
lQCD [226] | 0.323 (6) | |||
DSE proton [203] | 0.302 (1) | 0.319 (3) | ||
DSE proton | ||||
DSE Roper [203] | ||||
DSE Roper |
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Roberts, C.D. Empirical Consequences of Emergent Mass. Symmetry 2020, 12, 1468. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12091468
Roberts CD. Empirical Consequences of Emergent Mass. Symmetry. 2020; 12(9):1468. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12091468
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoberts, Craig D. 2020. "Empirical Consequences of Emergent Mass" Symmetry 12, no. 9: 1468. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12091468
APA StyleRoberts, C. D. (2020). Empirical Consequences of Emergent Mass. Symmetry, 12(9), 1468. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12091468