3.1. Brief Review of the Antifield–BRST Deformation Method
It is possible to reformulate the long standing problem of generating consistent interactions in gauge field theories via the antifield–BRST deformation method [
30] based on the observation that, if consistent couplings can be added, then the solution to the classical master equation of the original gauge theory,
S, can be deformed into a solution to the classical master equation for the coupled gauge theory,
the coupling constant or deformation parameter. Regarding the interacting theory, we preserve the field, ghost, and antifield spectra of the initial theory in order to maintain the number of physical degrees of freedom with respect to the free limit. In addition, we do not alter either the antibracket or the standard features of
compared to those of the initial theory, only the canonical generator itself; thus,
remains a real bosonic functional of fields, ghosts, and antifields, with the ghost number equal to 0. The projection of the key equation
on the various increasing powers in the coupling constant
is equivalent to the chain of equations
known as the
equations of the antifield–BRST deformation method. The functionals
are known as the
deformations of order i of the solution to the classical master equation. The first equation is fulfilled by assumption, while the remaining ones may be expressed via the canonical action
as follows:
The solutions to (
72) always exist as long as they pertain to the cohomology of the BRST differential
s in ghost number 0 computed in the space of
all functionals (local and non-local) of fields, ghosts, and antifields,
(this cohomology space is generically non-empty due to its isomorphism to the algebra of physical observables of the original gauge theory). All
trivial first-order deformations, defined via
s-exact elements of
, must be
discarded as they produce trivial interactions (these can be removed by several possibly non-linear field redefinitions). The existence of solutions to the remaining deformation equations, (
73), (
74), etc., has been proved to exist [
28] on behalf of the triviality of the antibracket map in the BRST cohomology
computed in the space of all functionals. Thus, if we enforce
no restrictions on the interactions (such as the space-time locality or other properties), then the antifield–BRST deformation procedure proceeds unobstructed.
On the other hand, if we impose restrictions on the deformations, such as, for instance that
(and implicitly all its components) should be a local functional, then the construction of consistent interactions via the antifield–BRST method must be approached differently, as in this context there is no guarantee that there exist non-trivial solutions to the main equations, (
74), etc. that comply with these constraints. Assuming the space-time locality of deformations, if we make the notations
then Equations (
74), etc. take the local form
All the general properties of
are transferred to its non-integrated local density, thus,
All the non-integrated densities of the deformations of various orders of perturbation theory, namely,
c, etc., are restricted now to be bosonic real elements of ghost number 0 of the BRST algebra of local “functions”, i.e., simultaneously polynomials in the ghosts, antifields, and their space-time derivatives up to some finite orders, with coefficients that are local functions of the original fields and their space-time derivatives,
. In addition, all the currents
, etc., are essentially required to be fermionic real elements of ghost number 1 from
Thus, Equation (
77), which is now responsible for the non-integrated density of the first-order deformation, is equivalent to the fact that
a should be a (non-trivial) element of the local cohomology of the BRST differential at ghost number 0,
. By non-trivial we mean that
a does not reduce to an
s-exact modulo of
d-exact local quantities. In the next subsection, we construct the general non-trivial solution to the first-order deformation Equation (
77) in an even more restricted BRST algebra than
in order to comply with all the standard “selection rules” imposed on field theories.
3.2. Construction of the First-Order Deformation
The goal of our paper is to generate all the non-trivial consistent self-interactions that can be added to the free model exposed in
Section 2 with the help of the antifield–BRST deformation method briefly reviewed in the previous subsection. We adopt the standard selection rules from field theory on the deformed solution to the classical master Equation (
67), namely,
analyticity in the coupling constant, space-time locality, Lorentz covariance, Poincaré invariance, and conservation of the differential order of the interacting field equations with respect to their free limit (
). In detail, the last requirement means that all of the interacting vertices are asked to possess the maximum derivative order of the free Lagrangian density at all orders in the coupling constant, i.e., one. Due to the space-time locality hypothesis and based on the first notation from (
75), it follows that the non-integrated density of the first-order deformation,
a, should be a non-trivial solution to Equation (
77), and hence a non-trivial element of the local BRST cohomology
. The last cohomology space will be computed in the BRST algebra of local “functions”, which, in addition, must be Lorentz scalars independent of the space-time coordinates (in order to ensure the Poincaré invariance of deformations), and should contain at most one space-time derivative acting on the BF field spectrum (
3) at the level of its antifield-independent component (this is ghost-independent due to the fact that
, and thus can only involve the BF fields and their space-time derivatives). We denote this restricted space of the BRST algebra as
In order to compute the general non-trivial solution to Equation (
77) in compliance with all imposed selection rules, we simultaneously decompose the first-order deformation
a and the associated current
according to the antifield number
and assume, without loss of generality, that the above decomposition stops at some finite value of the non-negative integer
. The components of
a and
are subject to the following properties, which are induced by (
Inserting (
86) into (
77) and taking into account expansion (
21) of the BRST differential, it is easy to see that the first-order deformation equation becomes equivalent to the next tower of equations:
Due to the fact that the starting
collection of Abelian BF models is a linear gauge theory of Cauchy order equal to 6, several standard results from the literature [
32] adapted to this case stipulate that one can, without loss of non-trivial terms, take expansion (
86) to stop at antifield number
. Moreover, it can be shown (see for instance [
41]) that the last component,
, can be taken as a non-trivial element of the cohomology of the longitudinal exterior differential
computed in
instead of its local version,
, computed in the same space, such that (
86), (
89), and (
90) can be safely replaced with
If we manipulate Equations (
92) and (
93) in a cohomological fashion that takes into account the specificities of the initial
collection of Abelian BF models (such as, for example in [
41]), we reach the conclusion that the non-trivial solution to the Equation (
92) satisfied by the component of maximum antifield number from (
91) can be generated, without loss of non-trivial terms, by ‘gluing’ the ghost basis of the pure ghost number equal to 6 from the cohomology of the exterior longitudinal differential computed in
, further projected on antifield number 0, denoted by
(by convention, the elements of the ghost basis from
display strictly positive values of the pure ghost number, do not depend on either the original BF fields (
3) or the antifields or their space-time derivatives, and are assumed to be non-trivial; thus, they may depend only on those
-closed combinations of the ghosts and possibly certain of their space-time derivatives that are not
-exact), to the non-trivial elements of the local homology of the Koszul–Tate differential at antifield number 6 and pure ghost number 0 computed in the space of the gauge-invariant component of
, denoted by
On the one hand, from actions (
61) of the exterior longitudinal differential on the BRST generators it follows that the ghost basis from
at pure ghost number
is spanned by the monomials of partial orders
in the
undifferentiated -closed non-trivial ghosts
, and
, respectively, obtained as all distinct solutions (in
) to the Diophantine equation
The space-time derivatives of all orders of these ghosts, although
-closed according to the last formula in (
59) and (
61), respectively, are nevertheless
-exact due to the middle relation from (
59) for
and, respectively, (
60) for
, which produce
and are therefore trivial in the cohomology of
. For
, there are only two distinct solutions to the equation
, namely, the triplets
, finally yielding
On the other hand, it can be shown (see for instance [
40] for an antifield-BRST approach or [
49] for a Hamiltonian BRST analysis) that both the spaces
are entirely spanned by non-trivial elements that depend
only on the antifields corresponding to the one-forms
and to their ghosts (the latter originating in the gauge transformations of
and their reducibility relations). Actually, in each remaining space of the local homology of the Koszul–Tate differential at strictly positive values of the antifield number,
j, and pure ghost number 0 computed in the space of the gauge-invariant component of
, there exist non-trivial elements depending only on the antifields
, although they no longer span the entirety of
. The general expressions of these elements from
are provided below. For
, we have
stand for some arbitrary, smooth functions allowed to depend only on the undifferentiated scalar fields
. Although gauge-invariant, the space-time derivatives of all orders of the scalar fields
-exact from some local quantities, in agreement with the latter definition from (
57), and hence can be safely removed from the non-trivial elements of the local homology of the Koszul–Tate differential in strictly positive values of the antifield number. Exactly the same argument is in fact valid with respect to all the remaining gauge-invariant quantities constructed out of the BF fields and their space-time derivatives, namely,
in agreement with the former relation in (
57) and
together with
according to formula (
55). The only exceptions are represented by the undifferentiated scalar fields,
, which, while gauge-invariant, cannot be expressed as
-exact terms from
objects that are local in space-time because
, as can be seen from the last relation in (
57). In antifield number 5, the class of elements that span
can be represented as
For the remaining strictly positive values of
, the elements under discussion read
The quantities from (
102) can be written in a more compact form, as follows:
where the antisymmetrization operation
must be effectively realized only for the terms with
. This due to the fact that: 1. for
the antifields
are fully antisymmetric by definition; 2. for
the elements
are again fully antisymmetric with respect to their set of Lorentz indices due to the simultaneous anticommutation among all
and the full symmetry of the front coefficients with respect to the internal (collection) BF indices
; 3. for
there appears a single Lorentz index, and thus no antisymmetrization is necessary; and 4. for
there appear only two kinds of terms, which belong to the situations already discussed with respect to items 1 and 2. The status of (
102) with respect to belonging to
in strictly positive values of the antifield number is translated, via the action of the Koszul–Tate differential, into the relations
Returning to the construction of the general non-trivial component of maximum antifield number from the first-order deformation, we notice that by inserting results (
96) and (
97) into (
94) it follows that
reduces to the sum between two kinds of terms
are read as in (
97), with
replaced by
, respectively, and the quantities denoted by
N are real field-independent coefficients. In addition, the commutativity of the ghosts
and the respective anticommutativity of the ghosts
restricts these coefficients in order to satisfy the symmetry/antisymmetry properties:
Finally, the assumptions of Lorentz covariance and Poincaré invariance together with properties (
107) and (
108) allow us to represent the general form of both the functions and (constant) coefficients entering (
106) as follows:
are two real constants while the notation
signifies the operation of complete symmetrization with respect to the collection indices between brackets, and
that of complete antisymmetrization. Replacing (
111) in (
106), making a convenient choice on
, and using (
2) for
, we determine the concrete expression of the component of the highest antifield number from the first-order deformation as the general non-trivial solution to Equation (
92), which further complies with all the imposed selection rules, as follows:
The elements
read as in (
97), with
We observe that (
112) is parameterized in terms of two sets of smooth functions depending on the undifferentiated scalar fields, with complementary symmetry/antisymmetry properties related to their internal collection indices:
antisymmetric and
completely symmetric.
Inserting (
112) into Equation (
93) for
and then recursively solving the remaining equations for
k in reverse order (from higher to lower values), we obtain all the components of the first-order deformation from decomposition (
91) via the actions of the Koszul–Tate and exterior longitudinal differentials on the BRST generators, (
61). The decomposition of
into a sum between the two kinds of terms depending either on the parameterizing functions
(and their derivatives of various orders with respect to the scalar fields) or involving
and their derivatives is preserved at each antifield number from (
91); thus, we can finally state that
a can be conveniently expressed as
provided in (
112). The inner structure of
reveals the presence, apart from the elements emphasized previously, namely, (
102) from
in strictly positive values of the antifield number with
replaced by
, respectively, of several classes of non-trivial elements from
in strictly positive values of the antifield number and at pure ghost number zero that are no longer gauge-invariant, and therefore actually belong to
. More precisely,
contains a single class of such components and
two distinct types, each kind present only to selected values of the antifield number (
The concrete form of the various quantities from (
116) are provided below
As a side note, we mention that (
120) can be rewritten in a more compact manner as
In the above,
belong to
and should be read as in the appropriate formulas (
101), with
. In addition,
denotes the number of combinations of
n items taken
k together. The objects denoted by
display the antifield number
j, the pure ghost number 0, and are non-trivial representatives from
depending on the BF form fields,
, of the form
where the quantities
are again provided by the relevant formula among (
102), with
, while
They satisfy the recursive relations showing their affiliation to
It is easy to see that
, provided in (
are not gauge-invariant due to the last terms from their structure depending on the BF form fields,
, endowed with the non-trivial gauge transformations placed on the third line from (
The various quantities from (
117) read as
belong to
and read as in formulas (
100), with
. We recall that
signifies full antisymmetry with respect to the indices between brackets, defined according to the conventions explained in the paragraph following Formula (
2). The quantities denoted by
, respectively, possess an antifield number equal to
j, a pure ghost number equal to 0, and define non-trivial elements from
that involve the BF form fields
, expressed as follows:
The notation
implied in (
133) is defined by
We stress that only the elements from (
133) with the antifield number
are present in (
117) and (
129); there is a more general chain in
that includes the value
. The above quantities satisfy the next recursive relations, marking their inclusion in
Just as in relation to (
neither of the elements (
is gauge-invariant, due to its dependence on the BF form fields
displaying non-trivial gauge transformations, as can be seen from the second line in (
At each value of the antifield number strictly less than its maximum value from decomposition (
, we must investigate the supplementary non-trivial solutions to the first-order deformation Equation (
77) that stop at antifield number
j and are independently consistent of
, and among themselves (of course, only at order one of perturbation theory, as at higher orders their parameterizing coefficients may be restricted to satisfy certain identities that ensure the existence of the remaining deformation equations, (
78) and (
78), etc.):
where the main degrees of the quantities involved in (
139) and (
140) read as in (
87) and (
88). The solutions to the last (homogeneous) equation from each descent for
, fall into two classes. A cohomological BRST analysis for
reveals that such homogeneous solutions may be safely constructed as at the maximum value of the antifield number, 6, namely, by “gluing” the non-trivial representatives of
(in antifield number
j and pure ghost number 0) to the ghost basis from
(in pure ghost number
j and antifield number 0), where the latter is taken to be field-independent. For
, by coupling the gauge-invariant non-trivial representatives of
(again in antifield number 1 and pure ghost number 0) to the field-independent, ghost basis from
The main difference between the two situations resides in the fact that, while for
the elements
are subject to the equation
necessarily a gauge-invariant current of antifield number
and pure ghost number 0,
), in antifield number 1, although still gauge-invariant because it is ghost-independent and belongs to
is only subject to the more general equation
, where
may depend only on the BF fields and their space-time derivatives (as both its antifield and pure ghost numbers are equal to 0); however, it is no longer required to be gauge-invariant, and thus
may be non-vanishing. Finally, in antifield number 0 we can search for the non-trivial non-homogeneous solutions to the first-order deformation equation
, where
may be non-trivial (
); thus, we can write that
denotes the local cohomology of
in pure ghost number 0 (upper index) and antifield number 0 (lower index) computed in
. Taking into account the previous remarks and the imposed selection rules (among which the Lorentz covariance is particularly important, as it helps with ruling out the components from (
139) with
, and
), it can be shown that
hosts only three kinds of such non-trivial solutions that can extend the first-order deformation, which stop individually in antifield numbers 4, 3, and 0, respectively:
are some real constants with all
g fully symmetric and all
f antisymmetric, while
stands for an arbitrary smooth function depending only on the undifferentiated scalar fields
. Solutions
, although non-trivial, may be absorbed into (
115) via simple shift-like redefinitions of the parameterizing functions
M and
Z, as follows:
represents the only new functionally independent component that can be added to the first-order deformation (
115). It is interesting to observe that even in antifield number 0 it is possible in principle to work with non-trivial solutions to the non-homogeneous equation
, although in the case of the model under study we are confined only to a single class of solutions to the homogeneous version,
, depending only on the undifferentiated scalar BF fields,
. This result is not obvious, and can be proved following a line similar to that employed, for instance, in [
41] (Appendix A, beginning with Formula (243)) or [
51] (Appendix A,
Section 2, starting from Equation (A42)). The main consequence of the results obtained in the above is that the most general form of the non-integrated density of the first-order deformation actually decomposes as in (
115), to which we must add the arbitrary ‘potential’,
The final conclusion of the approach developed thus far is that the most general non-integrated density of the first-order deformation of the solution to the master equation related to all consistent self-interactions that can be added to a non-standard collection of topological BF models described in the free limit by action (
1), which, in addition, satisfies all the imposed selection rules discussed in the beginning of
Section 3.2, decomposes as in (
150), where the first two components are provided in (
115) and are structured as in (
116) and (
117), their concrete expressions being contained in (
120) and (
130), while the various elements from the local homology of the Koszul–Tate differential
involved therein are detailed in (
123) and (
133). It is important to underline that the entire first-order deformation is parameterized in terms of two sets of functions,
, and a ‘potential’,
, all depending smoothly only on the undifferentiated scalar fields from the BF spectrum, among which the former set is antisymmetric and the latter set completely symmetric. Apart from their special symmetry properties, the two function sets (as well as the ‘potential’) are otherwise arbitrary. We will see in the sequel that while the consistency of the first-order deformation at order two of perturbation theory imposes certain relations among the two function sets, it does not constrain the ‘potential’,
3.3. Consistency of the First-Order Deformation. Obstructions. Complete Deformed Solution to the Master Equation
Having completed the construction of the first-order deformation, we pass to the next step, namely, investigating the existence of the second-order deformation,
, as a solution to Equation (
73). On behalf of notations (
75) and (
76), the local form of (
73) is expressed by Equation (
78). Using relations (
150), (
124), and (
134), we infer by direct computation that the non-integrated density of the antibracket
reads as
denote some purely fermionic quantities of ghost number equal to 1 that depend
only on the undifferentiated BRST generators (
33) and (
34), excepting the BF scalar fields, the dependence of which is entirely contained in the front coefficients (which multiply the
Ys). Inspecting (
78), we notice that the existence of the non-integrated density of the second-order deformation,
b, is equivalent to
belonging to a trivial (
s-exact modulo
d-exact terms) class from the local cohomology of the BRST differential in ghost number 1, which is precisely computed in the algebra
in order to comply with all the imposed selection rules. Nevertheless, this is not possible due to the obvious fact that neither the
Ys nor the coefficients that multiply them contain space-time derivatives of the BRST generators, while the actions of both
d and
s (see definitions (
61)) acting on
produce at least one space-time derivative acting on the fields, ghosts, and/or antifields. In conclusion,
the deformed solution to the master equation is obstructed at order two in the coupling constant due to the space-time locality hypothesis. Moreover, because the
Ys are functionally independent quantities, the only solution to solving this obstruction is to annihilate (
151), which is equivalent to setting as zero all the coefficients in front of
(then, all the other coefficients are contracted to the remaining
Ys, and will vanish strongly)
Assuming there exist any non-vanishing solutions to the algebraic equations
with respect to the functions of type
M and
Z, (henceforth called the consistency equations), we can safely use the second-order deformation to vanish
Substituting (
154) into (
71) and analyzing the remaining higher-order deformation equations, we can further deduce that we can set
It is important to observe that the ‘potential’,
, is
not restricted by the consistency of the deformations of the solution to the master equation, and remains completely arbitrary up to the smoothness condition.
Combining the results deduced thus far via (
67), we conclude that
the most general non-trivial deformation of the solution to the master equation that is consistent to all orders of perturbation theory, complies with all the working hypotheses, and provides self-interactions among a non-standard collection of topological BF models ends at order one in the deformation parameter
S is the solution to the master equation for the starting free model, that is, (
66), the functional
is expressed via (
150), (
124), and (
134), and the parameterizing function sets
as well as the ‘potential’,
, depend smoothly only on the undifferentiated scalar fields from the BF spectrum, with the function sets being non-vanishing solutions to the consistency conditions (
153). Assembling (
156) according to its components organized along the increasing values of the antifield number, we can write that
For further interpretation and analysis of the Lagrangian formulation of the self-interacting BF model corresponding to (
156), we present below the concrete expressions of each component of
following from the previous subsection without full antisymmetrization with respect to each set of contracted Lorentz indices. This means, for instance, that a former expression written previously as
, with
fully antisymmetric, may be replaced by
in agreement with our antisymmetrization conventions. The pieces of antifield number 0 and 1 read, respectively,
The terms of antifield number 2 are structured as follows:
The non-integrated density with the antifield number equal to 3 is provided by
Related to the piece of antifield number 4, we have
In the same manner, we can organize the terms of antifields number 5 and 6 as, respectively,
Due to the fact that the entire consistency of the deformed solution to the classical master equation (
156) relies on the existence of non-vanishing solutions to the algebraic consistency equation (
153), it is critical to provide viable situations where such classes of solutions exist. Therefore, we will assume that the parameterizing functions
Z and
M fall under one of the next two categories:
- A.
Zs are degenerate, and thus there exist null vectors
Accordingly, we construct the
M-type functions as solutions to (
153) as follows:
denote arbitrary completely symmetric smooth functions depending on the undifferentiated BF scalar fields,
- B.
Ms are degenerate, and thus there exist null vectors
Consequently, we generate the
Z-type functions as solutions to (
153) as follows:
represent arbitrary skew-symmetric smooth functions of the undifferentiated BF scalar fields,
With all the above results at hand, in the sequel we address the defining properties of the Lagrangian formulation of the self-interacting
BF model behind the fully deformed solution to the master equation expressed by (
156), the various components of which were introduced in expansion (
157) and listed in Formulas (