New Developments in Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics
:1. Introduction
- Minkowski metric: . A curved-spacetime metric is denoted by ;
- Levi–Civita tensor in Minkowski spacetime: with ;
- Fluid velocity four vector: with and ;
- Direction of the magnetic field: with . Note that and ;
- Projector transverse to : ;
- Projector transverse to both and : ;
- Cross projector: . Note that , ;
- Co-moving derivative (or material derivative or proper-time derivative) of A: ;
- Spatial gradient of A: ;
- Symmetrization, anti-symmetrization, and traceless symmetrization of a rank-two tensor : , , and ;
- Decomposition of velocity gradient: where is the vorticity tensor and ∇〈μuν〉 θ = Δαβwαβ
2. Macroscopic Approach: The Entropy–Current Analysis
2.1. Primer to the Entropy–Current Analysis
2.2. Relativistic MHD from the Magnetic Flux Conservation
2.2.1. Entropy Production Rate with Magnetic Flux
2.2.2. Zeroth-Order in Derivatives: Nondissipative RMHD
2.2.3. First-Order Derivative Corrections: Dissipative RMHD
Electric Field and Resistivities
Stress Tensor and Viscosities
3. Nonequilibrium Statistical Operator Method for Relativistic MHD
3.1. Optimized Perturbation with Local Gibbs Distribution
3.2. Evaluating the Local Gibbs Averages
3.3. Evaluating the Dissipative Corrections
4. Interlude: Connection to the Conventional MHD
4.1. Anisotropic Pressure
- The right-hand side of the energy–momentum non-conservation law, , describes the Joule heat and Lorentz force which provide the source and/or dissipation of the energy and momentum, respectively. Similarly, the electric current in the Maxwell equation provides a source of EM fields. This latter equation constrains the electric field as a gapped mode excited by the source term. The new formulation does not contain such a redundancy and can work in the strict hydrodynamic limit.
- The pressures and in Equation (19) satisfy . Subtracting the magnetic pressures and , we obtain the anisotropic matter pressures as and , respectively. One thus finds that in the rest frame of the fluid. This leads to since the magnetic susceptibility is usually positive.
- These non-conservation equations can be combined together into the form , where is the Maxwell tensor. Explicitly, this means that . Therefore, this equation can be reduced from the first equation in Equation (13) if one assumes a clear separation between the matter and electromagnetic contributions to the energy–momentum tensor as in Equation (79). However, it would not be possible to separate those contributions in a strongly coupled system where excitations are composed of mixture of matter and electromagnetic fields. Moreover, hydrodynamic framework itself should not care such microscopic details of the system, and the translational symmetry of the system only tells us the conservation of the total energy–momentum. Those facts should be respected in the formulation.
- Excluding an electric field from the set of hydrodynamic variables, one does not need to assume an “infinite electric conductivity” as in the conventional formulation (see, e.g., Refs. [134,160]). Note that the electric conductivity is a dimensionful quantity and is, moreover, not defined a priori in the formulation of hydrodynamics. If it implies an infinitesimally short relaxation time, there would be also a conceptual conflict when one tries to include (finite) dissipative effects such as a viscosity in the derivative corrections. The formulation in Section 2 and Section 3 is free of such a dilemma.
4.2. First-Order Constitutive Relations Including Hall Transports
5. Towards Relativistic MHD from Kinetic Equations
5.1. Chapman–Enskog Method
5.2. Grad’s Method of Moments
6. Perturbative Evaluation of Transport Coefficients
6.1. Transport Coefficients in Strong Magnetic Fields
6.2. Roles of the Chiral Symmetry
6.3. Contributions of Higher Landau Levels
7. Chiral Magnetohydrodynamics
7.1. Entropy-Current Analysis with Chiral Anomaly
7.2. Linear Waves in Relativistic MHD
7.3. Helical Instabilities in the Chiral MHD
8. Conclusions and Future Prospects
- (1)
- Spin hydrodynamics. One profound effect of the magnetic field is to polarize spin. This naturally addresses the question of, in the situation where the spin can be a quasi-hydrodynamic mode, how the formulation of RMHD is modified by the spin degree of freedom. Quite recently, relativistic spin hydrodynamics have attracted intensive discussions. It is theoretically very interesting and potentially applicable to the study of spin transport phenomena in QGP or supernova matter. In fact, one of the main motivations that drives the study of relativistic spin hydrodynamics is the recent experimental breakthrough of the observation of the spin polarization in the vortical QGP produced in heavy-ion collisions (see Refs. [256,257,258,259,260] and references therein).In the absence of EM fields, the basic symmetries underlying spin hydrodynamics are the translational and Lorentz symmetries, which give the conservation laws of energy–momentum and angular momentumSuch pseudo-gauge ambiguity brings freedom of choosing different structures for the spin current and energy–momentum tensor in constructing the spin hydrodynamics. Then, in a similar manner as we present in this article, one can construct the spin hydrodynamics in an order-by-order analysis in the derivative expansion (see, e.g., Refs. [122,124,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280]). In particular, anisotropic constitutive relations arise as in RMHD when there is a zeroth-order vector provided by a strong spin polarization [124]. When dynamical EM fields are present, it is worth looking into how we can unify the frameworks of spin hydrodynamics and RMHD and clarify the resulting new phenomena in such a unified formulation (see recent attempts in Refs. [281,282] and also in Ref. [283] and references therein for non-relativistic cases). In this case, we need to choose a pseudo-gauge (e.g., a totally antisymmetric spin current) and couple Equations (169)–(171) with the magnetic flux conservation
- (2)
- Kinetic theory and transport coefficient with the new formulation. As we demonstrated in Section 2 and Section 3, the formulation based on magnetic flux conservation provides a new view on RMHD based on the symmetries of the system. Noting that the hydrodynamics provide a universal description of low-energy behaviors of the system, we expect that this formulation of RMHD should also be derived based on the kinetic theory. Since the kinetic theory reviewed in Section 5 is based on the conventional approach with background magnetic fields, it is an interesting problem to reconstruct the kinetic description along the line of the recent formulation of RMHD with dynamical magnetic fields.In establishing such a kinetic theory, it is again crucial to consider the Bianchi identity (174) as an additional equation of motion together with the energy–momentum conservation law. Thus, the reformulated kinetic theory should be equipped with the distribution function of photons as well as matters, and we need to clarify how we can extract information of based on the distribution functions. Expanding the off-equilibrium part of the distribution function by generalizing the approaches in Section 5, one may obtain the dissipative corrections to the constitutive relations. Once this is established, one can extract values of all the transport coefficients by the use of the resulting kinetic theory.As for the computation of transport coefficients, we have already presented the Green–Kubo formulas in terms of the correlation functions in the recent formulation of RMHD. Thus, one can also compute the Green–Kubo Formula (77) with field theoretical techniques. In Ref. [284], such a calculation at a certain strong-coupling regime is performed based on the holographic principle, but there is little discussion about the perturbative evaluation at the weak-coupling regime in Ref. [105]. It is worth working out the perturbative evaluation of the Green–Kubo Formula (77) and clarifying their relations to those obtained from the conventional approach partly reviewed in Section 6.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Electric Charges in MHD
Appendix B. Matching and Frame Conditions in Relativistic MHD
Appendix C. Derivation of Equation (73a–c)
Appendix D. Viscous Coefficients and Inequalities
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Hattori, K.; Hongo, M.; Huang, X.-G. New Developments in Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics. Symmetry 2022, 14, 1851.
Hattori K, Hongo M, Huang X-G. New Developments in Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics. Symmetry. 2022; 14(9):1851.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHattori, Koichi, Masaru Hongo, and Xu-Guang Huang. 2022. "New Developments in Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics" Symmetry 14, no. 9: 1851.
APA StyleHattori, K., Hongo, M., & Huang, X.-G. (2022). New Developments in Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics. Symmetry, 14(9), 1851.