The Reconstruction of Magnetic Particle Imaging: Current Approaches Based on the System Matrix
:1. Introduction
2. MPI Principle
3. The Theory of SM-Based MPI
3.1. Current SM Construction Methods
3.2. The Theory of SM-Based MPI
4. Current SM-Based MPI Reconstruction Methods
4.1. SM-Based MPI Reconstruction Based on the State-of-the-Art Tikhonov Regularization
4.2. SM-Based MPI Reconstruction Based on the Improved Methods
4.3. SM-Based MPI Reconstruction Methods to Subtract the Background Signal
4.4. SM-Based MPI Reconstruction Approaches to Expand the Spatial Coverage
4.5. Matrix Transformations to Accelerate SM-Based MPI Reconstruction
5. Current Phantoms Used for SM-Based MPI Reconstruction
6. Performance Indicators for MPI Reconstruction
7. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Journal | Phantoms | Description |
2016 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | | The size of the cube-shaped calibration sample size is 2 × 2 × 2 mm3. The calibration sample is moved in vertical and horizontal steps of 2 mm over the 30 × 30 mm2 FOV [6]. |
2017 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | | Three different phantoms with one percent Gaussian noise are used to evaluate the reconstruction quality: a simulated stenosis, overlapping ellipses, and a vascular tree [45]. |
2018 | Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | | The first is a typical resolution phantom with round objects of different size and concentration. The second includes three ellipses with different size and concentration. The third simulates a situation where objects cannot be covered by a single FOV [62]. |
2019 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | | The first is the filled 3D-printed model, which consists of four rectangles with different sizes. The second is the UKE phantom. The letters of the phantom are located in different planes in the y direction [38]. |
2019 | Physics in Medicine & Biology | | These two phantoms are from the open MPI datasets ( (accessed on 7 October 2020)). The first is a cone and the second consists of five tubes with a common origin on one side of the phantom [56]. |
2019 | Measurement | | Real images are used to study MPI reconstruction, which represent the different mouse organs: the lungs, left kidney, right kidney, and reproductive system [7]. |
Journal | Indicator | Equation and Description |
Measurement | the absolute mean error | The absolute mean error is a quantitative evaluation [7]. It considers eventual image transforms, such as rotation, translation, and zoom transform [45]. Therefore, it is fairer. |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | NRMSE | The NRMSE is an objective evaluation index of image quality based on pixel error. It reflects the degree of difference between the reconstructed image and the original image [45]. The smaller the NRMSE, the better the reconstruction quality. |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | SSIM | SSIM (I, U) = L(I,U) × C(I,U) × S(I,U) where uI and uU represent the mean values of images I and U, respectively. σI and σI represent the standard deviations of image I and U. σIU represents the image I and U covariance. C1, C2, and C3 are constants to prevent the denominator from being 0 and maintain stability. SSIM takes the similarity of local structures into account [45], therefore, it is more suitable for perceiving visual quality. The SSIM is limited by 1, and a higher SSIM means a better reconstruction result [79]. |
Physics in Medicine & Biology | The reconstruction time t | The reconstruction time represents the solution time of equation , where and represent the truncated system matrix and truncated measurement, respectively. The shorter t is, the better the reconstruction performance. The reconstruction time is always the mean of the execution time for 100 times [56]. |
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Share and Cite
Chen, X.; Jiang, Z.; Han, X.; Wang, X.; Tang, X. The Reconstruction of Magnetic Particle Imaging: Current Approaches Based on the System Matrix. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 773.
Chen X, Jiang Z, Han X, Wang X, Tang X. The Reconstruction of Magnetic Particle Imaging: Current Approaches Based on the System Matrix. Diagnostics. 2021; 11(5):773.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Xiaojun, Zhenqi Jiang, Xiao Han, Xiaolin Wang, and Xiaoying Tang. 2021. "The Reconstruction of Magnetic Particle Imaging: Current Approaches Based on the System Matrix" Diagnostics 11, no. 5: 773.
APA StyleChen, X., Jiang, Z., Han, X., Wang, X., & Tang, X. (2021). The Reconstruction of Magnetic Particle Imaging: Current Approaches Based on the System Matrix. Diagnostics, 11(5), 773.