Brain Hemorrhage Classification in CT Scan Images Using Minimalist Machine Learning
:1. Introduction
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- Epidural Hemorrhage (HED);
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- Subdural Hemorrhage (SDH);
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- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH);
- -
- Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH); and
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- Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH).
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- Interpretability means providing explanations to end users for a particular decision or process.
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- Transparency quantitatively measures the ease or accessibility of a model or algorithm.
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- Explainability allows an explanation to be given of how a particular model has taken a particular solution.
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- Contestability means that any XAI user can affirm or reject a decision taken.
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- Justifiability indicates an understanding of the case to support a particular outcome.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Image Processing
2.1.1. Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
2.1.2. Mean Filter
2.2. Morphological Operations
2.2.1. Erosion
2.2.2. Dilation
2.3. dMeans
Algorithm 1:dMeans algorithm. |
Input: training set, with two mutually exclusive classes . The attributes are formed by a set of attributes
2.4. Minimalist Machine Learning
3. Proposed Methodology
3.1. Image Enhancement
3.1.1. Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
3.1.2. Mean Filter
3.1.3. Removing the Skull
3.1.4. Segmentation of Possible Hemorrhages
3.1.5. Superimposition
3.2. Minimalist Machine Learning
3.2.1. Learning Phase
3.2.2. Hypothesis Function
3.2.3. Test Phase
3.3. Illustrative Examples of Minimalist Machine Learning
Example 1: Gordon Dataset
- The positions of the first 171 most relevant attributes.
- The line representing the hypothesis function, which in this case is the value 359.63 on the y-axis. This value was calculated using expression 3.3.
- This third piece of data is very important for the classification phase: the AD class (blue) is above the hypothesis line, while the MPM class (red) is below the hypothesis line.
Example 2: Adenocarcinoma Dataset
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Dataset
DS: Brain Hemorrhage CT Dataset
4.2. State of the Art Classifiers for Comparison
4.2.1. K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN)
Algorithm 2: K-NN Classification algorithm. |
Input: |
Training set, with defined classes |
1. Training set with classes included. |
2. Examine the elements close to the pattern to be classified. |
3. A new element is placed in the class with the highest number of nearby elements. |
4. The process is repeated for each tuple to be classified (depending on the size of the training set). |
Output: Class label for the test pattern. |
4.2.2. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Algorithm 3: MLP Classification Algorithm. |
Input: |
training set, with classes desired outputs . |
1. Choose a vector of initial weights . |
2. Initialize the approximation to cost minimization. |
while the error does not converge do |
for all patterns do |
1. Apply the patterns to the network and compute the network output. |
2. Calculate . |
3. For all weights, sum over all training patterns. |
4. Update the weights in each error minimization approximation pattern. |
end while |
Output: Approximate class label for the test pattern. |
4.2.3. Support Vector Machine
- Non-linear representation of an input vector in a higher dimensional feature space.
- Construction of an optimal hyperplane to separate the attributes [47].
4.2.4. Adaboost
4.2.5. Random Forest
4.2.6. Naïve Bayes
4.2.7. Hierarchical Classifier
4.3. Performance and Comparative Analysis
- Training set: data that are shown to the model to be trained.
- Test set: data that the model has never observed and under which the performance of the classifier will be obtained.
4.3.1. Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV)
4.3.2. Performance Metrics
- TP is the number of correct classifications of a positive pattern.
- TN is the number of correct classifications of a negative pattern.
- FP is the number of incorrect classifications of a positive pattern.
- FN is the number of incorrect classifications of a negative pattern.
5. Conclusions and Future Works
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Algorithm | Parameters |
K-NN | K = 1; Distance Function = Euclidean Distance; Batch size = 100. |
RF | Iterations = 100; Batch size = 100; Features = ; Depth = Unlimited. |
MLP | Batch size = 100; Hidden Layers = 2; Learning rate = 0.3; momentum = 0.2; Epochs = 500. |
Naïve Bayes | Batch size = 100. |
SVM | Kernel = RBF; Batch size = 100; Kernel degree = 3; . |
Adaboost | Batch size = 100; Classifier = Decision Stump; Iterations = 10. |
Hierarchical | Defined by the authors in [33]. |
Algorithm | Accuracy | Sensitivity | Specificity | Training Time 1 |
K-NN | 0.7341 | 0.5890 | 0.8862 | 6.07 |
RF | 0.8650 | 0.8600 | 0.8700 | 203.11 |
MLP | 0.6071 | 0.6590 | 0.5528 | 100.73 |
Naïve Bayes | 0.7420 | 0.7440 | 0.7400 | 115.77 |
SVM | 0.5198 | 1.0000 | 0.0162 | 752.23 |
Adaboost | 0.7341 | 0.6590 | 0.8130 | 623.45 |
Hierarchical | 0.9246 | 0.9231 | 0.9262 | 60.57 |
MML | 0.8650 | 0.8280 | 0.9160 | 252.04 |
Algorithm | Mean Ranks 2 |
Hierarchical | 2.34 |
MML | 3.83 |
RF | 4.16 |
Naïve Bayes | 6.00 |
K-NN | 6.50 |
SVM | 6.66 |
Adaboost | 6.66 |
MLP | 7.83 |
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Share and Cite
Solorio-Ramírez, J.-L.; Saldana-Perez, M.; Lytras, M.D.; Moreno-Ibarra, M.-A.; Yáñez-Márquez, C. Brain Hemorrhage Classification in CT Scan Images Using Minimalist Machine Learning. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 1449.
Solorio-Ramírez J-L, Saldana-Perez M, Lytras MD, Moreno-Ibarra M-A, Yáñez-Márquez C. Brain Hemorrhage Classification in CT Scan Images Using Minimalist Machine Learning. Diagnostics. 2021; 11(8):1449.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSolorio-Ramírez, José-Luis, Magdalena Saldana-Perez, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Marco-Antonio Moreno-Ibarra, and Cornelio Yáñez-Márquez. 2021. "Brain Hemorrhage Classification in CT Scan Images Using Minimalist Machine Learning" Diagnostics 11, no. 8: 1449.
APA StyleSolorio-Ramírez, J.-L., Saldana-Perez, M., Lytras, M. D., Moreno-Ibarra, M.-A., & Yáñez-Márquez, C. (2021). Brain Hemorrhage Classification in CT Scan Images Using Minimalist Machine Learning. Diagnostics, 11(8), 1449.