Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analyses on the Formability of AA6061 Aluminum Alloy with Different Ageing Treatments
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental Procedure
3. Numerical Modeling
3.1. Crystal Plasticity Model
3.2. Implementation of the M-K Approach
3.3. Finite Element Model
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Initial Microstructure and Crystallographic Texture
4.2. Stress–Strain Behavior and Parameter Calibration
4.3. FLC Prediction
4.4. Effect of Heat Treatment and Initial Texture
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- The microstructures of the differently heat-treated alloys exhibit fully recrystallized equi-axis grain morphology, and the grain size of the PA and AA alloys is slightly higher than that of the AR alloy. When compared to the AR alloy, which has a dominant cubic texture component and S component, the texture of the PA and AA alloys is also slightly modified due to the solution heat treatment process.
- (2)
- Due to the different aging treatment processes, the AR alloy has the highest yield strength (290 MPa along the TD) and moderate elongation (0.152 along the DD), and the PA alloy shows a good ductility (0.21 along the RD and TD) with a low yield strength (149 MPa along the DD) and high work hardening. The AA alloy is in the mediate between the other two.
- (3)
- A CPFE model was successfully combined with the M-K approach, which can precisely predict the stress–strain behavior and the forming limits of the alloys using only a small set of modeling parameters. It is revealed that a slight change in the imperfection factor could lead to a large discrepancy in the predicted FLC of the material, and the deformed textures of the RVE-A and the RVE-B are similar in uniaxial tension and balanced biaxial tension, but are quite different in plane strain tension.
- (4)
- The ageing treatment effect on the FLC exhibits a clear dependency on the loading paths. The highest difference in the forming limit strain is observed to happen in the case of plane strain tension, where the PA alloy exhibits better formability than the other two, owing to its high work hardening. The random texture is found to yield lower forming limits than the real texture, which is dominated by the cubic texture component in the AR alloy.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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AR | AA | PA | |||||||
YS | UTS | YS | UTS | YS | UTS | ||||
RD | 285 | 383 | 0.15 | 233 | 345 | 0.145 | 115 | 298 | 0.207 |
DD | 277 | 376 | 0.152 | 237 | 359 | 0.16 | 149 | 332 | 0.197 |
TD | 290 | 386 | 0.137 | 244 | 362 | 0.152 | 139 | 325 | 0.21 |
(MPa) | (MPa) | (MPa) | q | ||
AR | 1500 | 115 | 199 | 2.6 | 1.4 |
AA | 1000 | 98 | 185 | 2.1 | 1.4 |
PA | 1400 | 50 | 150 | 2.4 | 1.4 |
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Wang, H.; Lee, H.-W.; Kang, S.-H.; Kim, D.-K. Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analyses on the Formability of AA6061 Aluminum Alloy with Different Ageing Treatments. Metals 2024, 14, 503.
Wang H, Lee H-W, Kang S-H, Kim D-K. Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analyses on the Formability of AA6061 Aluminum Alloy with Different Ageing Treatments. Metals. 2024; 14(5):503.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Huai, Ho-Won Lee, Seong-Hoon Kang, and Dong-Kyu Kim. 2024. "Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analyses on the Formability of AA6061 Aluminum Alloy with Different Ageing Treatments" Metals 14, no. 5: 503.
APA StyleWang, H., Lee, H.-W., Kang, S.-H., & Kim, D.-K. (2024). Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analyses on the Formability of AA6061 Aluminum Alloy with Different Ageing Treatments. Metals, 14(5), 503.