Shear and Punching Capacity Predictions for One-Way Slabs under Concentrated Loads Considering the Transition between Failure Mechanisms
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Background Calculations for One-Way Shear
2.2. Insights from the Literature for One-Way Shear
2.3. Background Calculations for Punching Capacity Predictions
2.4. Insights from the Literature for Punching Capacity Predictions
3. Proposed Approach
3.1. Proposed Approach for One-Way Shear
3.2. Proposed Approach for Punching Shear Capacity Predictions
4. Database
5. Results
5.1. Results with the European Code Expressions
5.2. Results with the Fib Model Code 2010 Code Expressions
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
- The ultimate capacity of one-way slabs under concentrated loads increases significantly when the loads are placed close to the support at distances av/dl ≤ 2, due to arching action, regardless of the slabs failing in one-way shear as wide-beam (WB) or punching shear (P). In this study, the enhancement factor μshear,1 and μpunch,1 are applied for both one-way shear and punching shear expressions to consider this mechanism. Comparatively, the ultimate resistance of the slabs decreases significantly when the loads are placed at distances av/dl ≥ 3. At such positions, most slabs from the database failed by punching, which is a failure mechanism concentrated around the load. Therefore, a reduced effective shear width should be employed if the one-way shear resistance needs to be checked at such positions. In this study, the factor μshear,2 allows for decreasing the effective shear width for larger distances from the load to the support.
- In the punching shear resistance predictions, however, the slab width may also play a significant role. For slabs with a reduced slab width compared to the effective depth, for instance, t < 5 with t = (bslab − lload − 4davg)/davg, the contribution of the sides of the control perimeter parallel to the free edges is reduced due to the small shear flow going through these sides. In this study, it is proposed to multiply the contribution of these sides by μpunch,2 to consider this effect. In the case of cantilever slabs, and particularly with the Eurocode expressions, another aspect considerably influences the predictions of punching capacity. The punching capacity expressions use the bottom reinforcement of the slab in the calculations, and many of these slabs fail in one-way shear, presenting higher demand on the top reinforcement of the slabs. Consequently, the predictions of punching capacity can become overly conservative for loads placed at distances av/dl close to 2. Because of this, a third factor was needed to reach enhanced predictions for cantilever slabs using the Eurocode expressions.
- The one-way shear capacity predictions are significantly enhanced by considering the arching action for loads close to the support by a factor μshear,1. Furthermore, the transition from one-way shear failures as wide-beam (WB) to punching failures (P) by increasing the shear slenderness av/dl can be considered in a simplified way by multiplying the predicted effective shear width beff,french by the factor μshear,2. In this way, enhanced predictions of one-way shear capacity can be achieved for the tests, even when they fail by punching. In practice, these observations were valid for both codes (Eurocode and fib Model Code).
- The predictions of punching capacity with the Eurocode expressions are significantly enhanced considering the factors related to arching action and to the slab width in the proposed approach. In the case of the fib Model Code 2010 expression, these enhancements were less pronounced since the results without the proposed factors already led to relatively enhanced predictions. In other words, the proposed recommendations to calculate the slab rotations and respective shear capacity on each portion of the control perimeter (without the use of numerical models) have already led to good levels of accuracy.
- In general, the one-way shear and punching shear predictions led to similar levels of accuracy when using the proposed recommendations. In the case of the current Eurocode, the average ratio Vtest/VR,predicted was 1.25 with a coefficient of variation of 17.2%, while the average ratio Ptest/PR,predicted was 1.17 with a coefficient of variation of 22.1%. In the case of the fib Model Code 2010, the average ratio Vtest/VR,predicted was 1.26 with a coefficient of variation of 18.2% and the average ratio Ptest/PR,predicted was 1.09 with a coefficient of variation of 15.6%. Therefore, both one-way shear and punching shear predictions may lead to close estimations of the ultimate capacity, regardless of the governing failure mechanism of the slabs, when the parameters that influence the transition from one failure mechanism to another are embedded in the calculations.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
a | shear span: distance between the center of the support and the center of the load |
av | clear shear span: distance between face of support and face of load |
b0 | total length of the shear-resisting control perimeter |
b0,x1 | side of the control perimeter in the spanning direction between the load and the closer support |
b0,x2 | side of the control perimeter in the spanning direction between the load and the far support |
b0,y1 | side of the control perimeter in the transverse direction close to the free edge 1 |
b0,y2 | side of the control perimeter in the transverse direction close to the free edge 2 |
beff | effective shear width |
beff,proposed | proposed effective shear width |
beff,french | French effective shear width |
bslab | slab width |
bload | size of the concentrated load in the slab width direction (transverse direction) |
davg | average effective depth of the flexural reinforcement |
dl | effective depth towards longitudinal steel |
dt | effective depth towards transverse steel |
dg | maximum aggregate size |
dg0 | reference aggregate size (=16 mm in fib Model Code 2010) |
ddg | parameter that considerers the crack roughness |
fc | average compressive strength measured on cylinder specimens |
fyi | steel yielding stress in the evaluated direction (x = longitudinal direction and y = transverse direction) |
hslab | slab thickness |
k | constant accounting for size effect in one-way shear for EN 1992-1-1:2004 |
k1 | factor accounting for axial forces in one-way shear for EN 1992-1-1:2004 |
kdg | coefficient for aggregate size (=32/(16 mm + dg) in fib Model Code 2010) |
kv | factor accounting for strain effect and member size in fib Model Code 2010 |
kψ | factor accounting for effect of crack widths and roughness of cracks on shear strength in fib Model Code 2010 |
lspan | span length |
lload | size of the concentrated load in the span direction |
ls | is the length of the sides with one-way shear behavior |
mR,i | yielding moment per unit length in the evaluated direction |
mmax | maximum bending moment at the control section for a given applied load |
ms,ij | averaged acting bending moment at the loading plate edge ij within the width bs |
mEd | design bending moment at the control section |
rs | distance between the center of the concentrated load and the line of contraflexure of moments (subscripts x, y refers to the direction considered) |
rs,ij | distance between the center of the concentrated load and the point of contraflexure in the evaluated direction |
v | shear force per unit length (nominal shear force) |
vE | shear force at the control section |
vEd | design shear force at the control section |
vmin | minimum one-way shear resistance per unit length in EN 1992-1-1:2004 |
vR,shear | unitary one-way shear resistance |
vg | shear forcer per unit length in the control section placed at a/2 due to the self-weight |
wcr | width of the critical shear crack |
z | effective shear depth in fib Model Code 2010 |
As | cross-sectional area of flexural reinforcement |
CR,c | calibration factor in the shear and punching expressions of EN 1992-1-1:2004 |
Ec | modulus of elasticity of concrete |
Es | steel modulus of elasticity |
F | applied concentrated load |
FEd | design concentrated load |
Fpredicted | predicted load that causes a one-way shear failure or two-way shear failure |
Fu | applied concentrated load at failure |
Fhyp | arbitrary concentrated load |
L | span length |
Vcontrol | total shear force going through the evaluated direction along the slab width |
VEd | design shear action |
VFu | shear force due to the concentrated load Fu |
Vtest | measured one-way shear force at failure in the tests for a section at a/2. |
VR | one-way shear capacity |
VR,predicted | predicted one-way shear resistance |
VRd | design one-way shear capacity |
VR,CSCT | predicted one-way shear resistance with the CSCT expressions |
VR,ij | punching shear strength corresponding to b0,ij |
Ptest | maximum applied concentrated load at failure |
PEd | design concentrated loads |
PRd | design punching capacities |
Ppredicted | predicted punching resistance |
Pflex | concentrated load associated with the slab flexural capacity |
PR,punching | total shear force resisted by punching |
βshear | enhancement factor to account for arching action |
ρavg | average flexural reinforcement ratio considering both directions |
ρl | flexural reinforcement ratios in longitudinal direction |
ρt | flexural reinforcement ratio in transverse direction |
ψ | rotations around the loaded area |
ψij | rotations in each side of the control perimeter |
εx | strain in the control depth for one-way shear analyses |
εy | is the flexural reinforcement yield strain |
γ | concrete specific weight (assumed = 24 kN/m3 in this study) |
γc | partial safety factor of concrete |
μshear,1 | factor accounting for arching action in one-way shear analyses |
μshear,2 | factor accounting for reduced beff for loads far away from the support |
μpunch,1 | factor accounting for arching action in punching shear analyses |
μpunching,2 | factor accounting for the influence of the slab width in the effective contribution of the sides b0,y1 and b0,y2 to the punching capacity |
μpunching,3 | correction factor related to the load position in cantilever slabs for punching capacity predictions |
AVG | average |
COV | coefficient of variation |
P | observed failure mode is punching failure |
SS | test was performed with the load closer to the simple support |
CS | tests was performed with the concentrated loads close to a continuous support |
CT | test was performed with the concentrated load applied on a cantilever slab |
WB | observed failure mode is wide-beam shear failure |
WB + P | the observed failure mode combines characteristics of WB and P |
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Code | |
EN 1992-1-1:2004 [25] | (11) |
fib Model Code 2010 [21] | (12) |
Code | Sup. Cond. | Factors |
EN 1992-1-1:2004 [25] | SS, CS | (34) |
EN 1992-1-1:2004 [25] | CT | (35) |
fib Model Code 2010 [21] | SS, CS | (36) |
fib Model Code 2010 [21] | CT | (37) |
Code | Parameter | Factor μpunch,2 |
Eurocode EN 1992-1-1:2004 | (40) | |
fib Model Code 2010 | (41) |
Code | Factor μpunch,2 |
Eurocode EN 1992-1-1:2004 | (42) |
fib Model Code 2010 | (43) |
Parameter | Minimum | Maximum |
h (m) | 0.10 | 0.30 |
bslab (m) | 0.60 | 4.50 |
t = (bslab − lload − 4davg)/davg | 0.45 | 27.21 |
lspan (m) | 0.90 | 4.00 |
bslab/lload (-) | 1.67 | 23.08 |
bslab/dl (-) | 5.66 | 29.41 |
av/dl (-) | 0.24 | 7.66 |
fc (MPa) | 19.20 | 77.74 |
ρl (%) | 0.602 | 2.150 |
ρt (%) | 0.132 | 1.526 |
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de Sousa, A.M.D.; Lantsoght, E.O.L.; El Debs, M.K. Shear and Punching Capacity Predictions for One-Way Slabs under Concentrated Loads Considering the Transition between Failure Mechanisms. Buildings 2023, 13, 434.
de Sousa AMD, Lantsoght EOL, El Debs MK. Shear and Punching Capacity Predictions for One-Way Slabs under Concentrated Loads Considering the Transition between Failure Mechanisms. Buildings. 2023; 13(2):434.
Chicago/Turabian Stylede Sousa, Alex Micael Dantas, Eva Olivia Leontien Lantsoght, and Mounir Khalil El Debs. 2023. "Shear and Punching Capacity Predictions for One-Way Slabs under Concentrated Loads Considering the Transition between Failure Mechanisms" Buildings 13, no. 2: 434.
APA Stylede Sousa, A. M. D., Lantsoght, E. O. L., & El Debs, M. K. (2023). Shear and Punching Capacity Predictions for One-Way Slabs under Concentrated Loads Considering the Transition between Failure Mechanisms. Buildings, 13(2), 434.