4.2.1. NSGA-II
In addressing the multi-objective optimization problem of production scheduling, we opted for the NSGA-II due to its demonstrated effectiveness and efficiency in handling low-dimensional multi-objective problems. The NSGA-II was developed by Deb [
33] to address the limitations of the original NSGA. NSGA-II introduces the concept of fast non-dominated sorting and an elite strategy, significantly reducing computational complexity, accelerating convergence, and eliminating the need for manually set sharing parameters through the introduction of crowding distance, thus reducing solution errors and enhancing the overall performance and practicality of the algorithm.
In the realm of large-scale production scheduling problems, the diversity of solutions and the efficiency of solution processing are of paramount importance. The former provides manufacturers with a broader range of options, enabling them to select the most suitable scheduling strategies based on specific production requirements and constraints. Meanwhile, the latter ensures the timely execution of production scheduling, which is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency and meeting delivery deadlines.
Compared to other multi-objective optimization algorithms, NSGA-II stands out due to its unique mechanisms. The Crowding Distance Calculation in NSGA-II ensures that the algorithm explores a wide range of potential schedules, thereby maintaining a high level of solution diversity. This is particularly beneficial in large-scale production environments where multiple feasible solutions need to be evaluated to identify the optimal one. Additionally, the Fast Non-dominated Sorting mechanism of NSGA-II allows for the rapid identification and prioritization of high-quality solutions. This ensures that the most promising scheduling options are processed and refined in a timely manner, aligning well with the demands of large-scale production scheduling problems.
In particular, comparing to NSGA-III, extensive comparative studies have demonstrated that NSGA-II performs comparably to, or in some cases even outperforms, its successor NSGA-III, particularly in scenarios involving fewer than five objectives. For instance, in the study by Ishibuchi et al. [
34], both algorithms were evaluated on a variety of test problems, including the Max-DTLZ (Max Deb-Thiele-Laumanns-Zitzler), Distance Minimization, the Knapsack Problems and DTZL (Deb-Thiele-Laumanns-Zitzler) problems. The results indicated that NSGA-II and NSGA-III exhibit similar performance in these low-dimensional contexts. Notably, NSGA-II outperformed NSGA-III on the Knapsack Problems, which are representative of practical scheduling scenarios. This finding aligns with the original proposal of NSGA-II, which demonstrated its proficiency in handling problems with two to three objectives by quickly converging to the Pareto front while maintaining solution diversity [
Conversely, NSGA-III was specifically designed to address high-dimensional multi-objective problems (i.e., those involving five or more objectives) by employing a reference-point-based strategy to guide population evolution [
35]. While this approach is highly effective for high-dimensional problems, it introduces additional computational complexity that may not be necessary for lower-dimensional problems. Given that our production scheduling problem involves a relatively low number of objectives, the use of NSGA-II is justified by its proven ability to efficiently explore the solution space and maintain diversity without the increased computational overhead associated with NSGA-III.
The standard NSGA-II algorithm consists of the five following key components [
Fast Non-Dominated Sorting
The fast non-dominated sorting is a pivotal step in the NSGA-II, which is utilized to stratify the population based on the dominance relationships among individuals. This process aids the algorithm in discerning solutions across various levels, thereby more effectively guiding the search process toward the Pareto front. Let the population size be denoted by
N, and the individuals within the population be represented by
i. After undergoing a fast non-dominated sorting process,
n non-dominated fronts can be obtained (
). Each of these fronts possesses the following Equation (24):
The procedure for fast non-dominated sorting is as follows:
Initialization: Assign each individual a domination count () and a dominated set (). Initialize fronts to hold Pareto fronts, starting with the first layer.
Dominance Assessment: Compare each pair of individuals. If individual P is better or equal in all objectives and superior in at least one, it dominates q. Update their and accordingly.
Identify First Front: The first front includes individuals with a of zero, not dominated by any other.
Layer Assignment: For each individual in the current front, decrease the of those they dominate. If an individual’s count reaches zero, it is placed in the next front.
Repeat: Continue this process until all individuals are sorted into fronts.
Crowding Distance Calculation
Crowding distance is a significant concept in NSGA-II, serving to maintain population diversity and prevent convergence towards a localized region of the Pareto front. It assigns to each individual a value that measures its "isolation" within the solution space. The greater the emptiness surrounding an individual, the larger its crowding distance, which aids in preserving widely distributed solutions during the selection process, thereby ensuring extensive coverage of the population.
The calculation of crowding distance typically follows the fast non-dominated sorting and proceeds as follows: Initially, the crowding distance for each individual in a front is set to zero. Subsequently, for each objective function, individuals within the front are sorted in ascending order based on their objective function values. In these sorted lists, the crowding distance for boundary individuals—those with the minimum and maximum objective function values—is set to infinity (or a very large number in practical implementations) to ensure the retention of these critical boundary individuals. Then, the crowding distance for intermediate individuals in the sorted list is calculated by summing the differences in objective function values between adjacent individuals. This method ensures the preservation of boundary individuals and maintains diversity within the population by calculating the crowding distance of intermediate individuals, thereby guiding the search process more effectively towards exploring the Pareto front. The crowding distance for an intermediate individual
j with respect to the
i-th objective function is computed as described in Equation (25):
represent the function values of the individual
j and its immediate neighbors to the right and left, respectively, within the sorted list for a given objective function. Meanwhile,
denote the maximum and minimum values of that objective function across the current front.
Crowding Distance Comparison Operator
Based on the two key metrics of fast non-dominated sorting and crowding distance, a crowding distance comparison operator can be employed to compare the relative merits of two individuals during the selection process. This enables the algorithm to maintain population diversity while effectively advancing the evolution of the population towards the Pareto optimal front.
The crowding distance comparison operator is defined as a binary decision rule used to determine the priority of two individuals during selection. Given two individuals p and q, the comparison logic of the operator is as follows:
Priority of Non-Dominated Rank: If individuals p and q belong to different non-dominated ranks, the individual from the lower non-dominated rank (i.e., the one with a smaller numerical value of non-dominated rank) is considered superior. This reflects the individual’s dominance advantage over others in the objective space.
Secondary Priority of Crowding Distance: If p and q are on the same non-dominated layer, their crowding distances are compared. The individual with the larger crowding distance is considered superior, as a greater crowding distance implies a sparser surrounding area, and selecting such an individual helps to maintain the diversity of the population.
Let the non-dominated ranks of individuals
p and
q be denoted as
, their crowding distances be denoted as
, respectively. The crowding distance comparison operator can be represented in Equation (26):
Elite Preservation Strategy and Niching Method
In the NSGA-II, an implicit elite preservation strategy is employed. This strategy involves merging the current parent population () with the offspring population generated (), forming a new population () of double the original size (), where N is the fixed number of individuals in the population. Subsequently, all individuals in the new population undergo fast non-dominated sorting and crowding distance calculation. Based on these rankings and crowding distances, the top N individuals are selected to form the new parent population . Following this, the next generation of offspring is produced through genetic operations such as replication, crossover, and mutation. This elite preservation strategy ensures that superior individuals are retained and participate in the reproduction of the next generation, thereby accelerating the algorithm’s convergence and maintaining the quality of solutions. Not only does this strategy enable the NSGA-II algorithm to effectively maintain population diversity, but it also prevents the algorithm from prematurely converging to local optima. Furthermore, by stratifying the population and calculating crowding distances, the search process is better guided to identify optimal solutions on the Pareto front.
NSGA-II also incorporates the niching method, inspired by Darwin’s principle of “survival of the fittest” in biology. Under conditions of limited resources, different species must compete for these resources to ensure the survival and proliferation of their populations. When species differ significantly, they compete less due to dissimilar habits; however, species with minor differences engage in more intense competition due to their similar lifestyles. In the NSGA-II algorithm, crowding distance serves as a measure of individual similarity; a larger crowding distance implies greater dissimilarity among individuals, increasing the likelihood of their retention during the selection process. Through the application of niching techniques, the NSGA-II effectively prevents premature convergence and local optima in the evolutionary process, ensuring broad diversity within the population throughout its evolution.
In this manner, the NSGA-II not only enhances its performance in multi-objective optimization problems but also improves the stability and diversity of the population during the evolutionary process. This leads to a more comprehensive exploration of the solution space and the identification of superior Pareto front solutions.
Selection, Crossover, and Mutation in NSGA-II
In the NSGA-II, the process of generating new individuals involves three main steps: selection, crossover, and mutation. These operations work collectively to explore the solution space and optimize the objective functions. The process begins with the selection operation, where NSGA-II employs a binary tournament selection method, a common and effective selection strategy in genetic algorithms.
Binary Tournament Selection: Randomly select two individuals; prioritize those with lower non-dominated ranks. If ranks are equal, choose the one with greater crowding distance to foster diversity.
Crossover: After selection, perform crossover between parents to generate offspring. This paper uses single-point crossover to combine parental traits and potentially produce superior solutions.
Mutation: Introduce random changes to an individual’s chromosome to maintain genetic diversity and avoid premature convergence. This paper employs insertion mutation to explore the solution space and prevent local optima.
The entire procedure of the NSGA-II can be depicted in
Figure 7.
The NSGA-II emulates the selection mechanisms found in nature and the genetic processes of biological evolution to achieve optimization. The algorithm initiates with the random generation of an initial population, which is then successively refined over generations through a series of genetic operations: selection, crossover, and mutation. These operations ensure that individuals better adapted to the environment are retained while those less adapted are gradually eliminated. Consequently, the population evolves towards more favorable directions and areas within the search space. Through continuous iterative processes, the algorithm progressively approaches an optimal population configuration that is best suited to the environment. Ultimately, the algorithm converges upon a set of optimal solutions, representing the best solution set for the problem at hand.
4.2.2. Improved NSGA-II
NSGA-II enhances traditional GAs by incorporating non-dominated sorting and elitism, along with crowding distance measures, to effectively address the complex multi-objective optimization challenges. Despite its strengths, NSGA-II has limitations:
Fixed Operators: The use of static crossover and mutation operators may hinder extensive solution space exploration, particularly for complex or high-dimensional problems, affecting efficiency and solution quality.
Diminished Later-Stage Performance: While NSGA-II excels in initial global search, it may falter in later stages, slowing evolution and impeding precise identification of the true Pareto set, which can limit its effectiveness in detailed optimization tasks.
To overcome these shortcomings, the following two improvements are proposed based on the standard NSGA-II.
Adaptive Improvement of Crossover and Mutation Operators
The adaptive strategy adjusts crossover and mutation probabilities in response to the population’s diversity. Lower probabilities are used when individuals are widely dispersed to encourage local search; higher probabilities are employed as individuals become more homogeneous to avoid local optima. Additionally, different probabilities can be assigned to chromosomes at various evolutionary stages to achieve adaptive adjustment of crossover and mutation rates.
The adaptive improvements to the crossover and mutation operators are detailed in Equations (27) an (28):
The incorporation of adaptive crossover and mutation operators in the NSGA-II offers significant advantages. The adaptive strategy, by dynamically adjusting the probabilities of crossover and mutation, not only fosters a balance between global exploration and local exploitation, but also effectively prevents premature convergence to suboptimal solutions. This enhances the algorithm’s adaptability to diverse problem characteristics. Furthermore, the adaptive operators maintain population diversity, reduce ineffective searches, and improve the algorithm’s efficiency and performance.
The introduction of such a strategy significantly enhances the flexibility and robustness of multi-objective optimization algorithms when dealing with complex problems, enabling the algorithm to more effectively identify multiple high-quality solutions.
Incorporating Greedy Algorithm Concepts for Local Search
In the later stages of the optimization process, when fine-tuning solutions for a more accurate Pareto front is required, the local search capabilities of NSGA-II often fall short. This is primarily because the algorithm struggles to precisely approach the global optimum when faced with dense, near-optimal solution areas using its standard operations. First, the algorithm often finds it difficult to make effective decisions for further optimization as it approaches the final stages of a solution, as traditional genetic operations tend to result in minimal changes within a highly optimized solution space. Second, the randomness of the algorithm may no longer yield beneficial exploration but instead cause fluctuations or degradation in solution quality. These issues collectively make it challenging for the algorithm to accurately reach or identify the Pareto front in high-dimensional, complex optimization problems, even when solutions are very close to being optimal.
To solve this problem, introducing a local search phase with greedy algorithm concepts at the maximum number of iterations becomes a viable and effective strategy. Greedy algorithms, with their characteristic of making optimal decisions directly and swiftly, are well-suited for fine-tuning in the later stages of an algorithm. By selecting the best operation at each step, greedy algorithms can quickly converge within a local range, effectively enhancing the performance of NSGA-II during the local search phase.
The execution process of the improved algorithm consists of four parts:
Fast non-dominated sorting of the population, dividing it into different non-dominated fronts based on dominance relationships, with each front corresponding to a rank and prioritized for selection into the next generation using the crowding distance comparison operator.
Generating new individuals with adaptive crossover and mutation genetic operations to form the population.
Selecting individuals for the next generation using an elitism strategy, iterating until the maximum number of iterations is reached.
Conducting local search with a greedy algorithm, selecting the best current operation and iterating repeatedly until termination conditions are met.
The flowchart of the improved NSGA-II is shown in
Figure 8. When applying the improved NSGA-II to solve the multi-objective optimization problem of prefabricated component production, the scheduling plan is represented by chromosomes. The process also involves encoding and decoding, establishing an initial population, constructing a fitness function, and performing selection, crossover, and mutation operations on chromosomes. The details of each step in the process are as follows:
Encoding and Decoding: Due to the assembly line production method used for prefabricated components, once a component enters the production line, it is processed according to a predetermined sequence of operations. This means that the first operation of each component essentially dictates their order of processing. Based on this production characteristic, this paper employs an integer permutation encoding and decoding method to represent the production sequence of components. In the chromosome encoding used, the order of genes directly maps to the processing order of components on the production line.
Establishing the Initial Population: In practice, randomly generating the initial population involves assigning random parameter values to each individual, typically within a predefined range. This not only ensures population diversity but also prevents initial bias from affecting the search process, enhancing the algorithm’s probability of finding the global optimum. Additionally, the randomly generated initial population serves as a benchmark for assessing algorithm performance, aiding in identifying improvement directions and adjusting strategies in subsequent iterations, thus optimizing the overall search process and outcomes.
Establishing the Fitness Function: The first optimization objective function of the model is the contract penalty and storage costs, and the second is the production completion time. These two objective functions serve as the fitness function for the population, with the fitness value indicating the quality of a solution. The smaller the fitness value, the better the solution, making it more likely to be selected.
Selection, Crossover, and Mutation Operations on Chromosomes: We use binary tournament selection. The crossover and mutation operations are assisted by adaptive crossover and mutation operators, building upon the original methods for genetic operations.
The introduction of adaptive crossover and mutation operators significantly enhances the algorithm’s ability to explore the solution space during the early stages of the search. By dynamically adjusting the crossover and mutation probabilities, the algorithm can rapidly identify high-quality solutions, thereby laying a solid foundation for subsequent optimization processes. Building on these results, we further incorporate a greedy strategy for local search. This strategy operates on the solutions obtained after the adaptive operators have been applied, refining them through step-by-step optimization. By selecting the best possible operation at each step, the greedy strategy quickly converges towards higher-quality solutions. This local search mechanism not only addresses the limitations of traditional NSGA-II in the local search phase but also significantly improves the algorithm’s performance when dealing with complex constraints and multi-objective optimization problems. By integrating adaptive crossover and mutation operators with the greedy strategy, our improved method achieves a better balance between global exploration and local exploitation. This combination not only increases the efficiency of the algorithm in the early search stages but also further optimizes the quality of solutions through local search. As a result, the enhanced NSGA-II algorithm is capable of providing a higher-quality and more balanced Pareto front for the scheduling problem of prefabricated component production.