The Construction and Functional Technology of Scythian Greaves: A Recent Find from the Elite Kurgan 6 near the Village Vodoslavka, Southern Ukraine
:1. Introduction
2. Barrow 6 of Vodoslavka and Its Burials
3. The Greaves from Vodoslavka
3.1. The Modern Condition of the Greaves from Vodoslavka
3.1.1. Left Greave
3.1.2. Right Greave
3.2. The Reconstruction of the Greaves from Vodoslavka
4. Discussion
4.1. Finds of Greaves
4.2. The Specific Features of the Scythian Greaves
4.3. Who Was Manufacturing the Greaves?
4.4. Who Wore Greaves?
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
НА ИА НАНУ | научный архив Института археoлoгии Нациoнальнoй академии наук Украины |
SEAT | Studien zur Eisenzeitlichen Archäologie Thrakiens |
ВДИ | Вестник Древней Истoрии |
АСГЭ | Археoлoгический сбoрник Гoсударственнoгo Эрмитажа |
КСИИМК | Краткие сooбщения института истoрии материальнoй культуры |
АДІУ | Археoлoгія та давня істoрія України |
АМА | Античный мир и археoлoгия |
САИ | Свoд археoлoгических истoчникoв |
МАР | Материалы пo археoлoгии Рoссии |
КСИА | Краткие сooбщения Института археoлoгии |
ДАС | Дoнецкий археoлoгический сбрoрник |
1 | |
2 | The catalogue mistakenly indicates Barrow 4 near Vodoslavka village instead of Barrow 6; see Černenko (2006, no. 665). |
3 | The greaves are held in the National reserve “Khortytsia” in Zaporizhzhya. |
4 | In the first case, there is a reference to an excavation report; in the second, a reference to a publication. The information appears to have been summarized as it appeared without verification. |
5 | While the inclusion of the finds from the Taman peninsula within northern Pontic Scythia is generally acceptable, the finds from the barrows of the necropoleis of Anapa, Teberda and Vanya (see Černenko 2006, nos. 688, 693, 694) need not be connected with the Scythians or even Scythia. |
6 | The work on greaves and trousers made from metal plates is part of a separate study for which data is being collected. |
7 | Masyakin (2021, pp. 190–91). Arrian (Tact., 4. 2–4) mentions lonchofóroi as a separate species of spear–bearing cavalry. Diodorus (XIX:29. 2; 39. 2) and Plutarch (Eumen., 18. 4) also mention this type of cavalry, which was recruited into the army of Antigonus I Monophthalmus in Media. |
8 | Metallographic analysis of the greaves from Vodoslavka, Soboleva Mogyla and Katerinovka showed that only oxide was preserved, no metal. |
9 | Such helmets with trimming came to light in burial mounds near the village Nadezhda, in the secondary burial of the Solokha barrow, in the Talaevski kurgan, Burial 1 from Artsyz and Burial 1 from Konski Razdory. For discussion, see Pleshivenko (2013); Polin and Koltukhov (2014, pp. 317–22). To the east of Scythia, in the Lower Volga region, the same type of converted helmet was found in a Sauromatian context, Barrow 1 near the village Nikolskoe (Zasetskaya 1977, pp. 215, 219, fig. 28). |
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Share and Cite
Polin, S.; Daragan, M. The Construction and Functional Technology of Scythian Greaves: A Recent Find from the Elite Kurgan 6 near the Village Vodoslavka, Southern Ukraine. Arts 2023, 12, 18.
Polin S, Daragan M. The Construction and Functional Technology of Scythian Greaves: A Recent Find from the Elite Kurgan 6 near the Village Vodoslavka, Southern Ukraine. Arts. 2023; 12(1):18.
Chicago/Turabian StylePolin, Sergei, and Marina Daragan. 2023. "The Construction and Functional Technology of Scythian Greaves: A Recent Find from the Elite Kurgan 6 near the Village Vodoslavka, Southern Ukraine" Arts 12, no. 1: 18.
APA StylePolin, S., & Daragan, M. (2023). The Construction and Functional Technology of Scythian Greaves: A Recent Find from the Elite Kurgan 6 near the Village Vodoslavka, Southern Ukraine. Arts, 12(1), 18.