The Question of Appropriateness. Museums Established in Synagogues in Communist Poland: The Cases of Łańcut and Włodawa
:1. Introduction
Following this quote, it is one of my goals to determine whose memory is represented by the two surveyed museums. The time frame of my research starts with the moment the idea of creating a given museum appears, through its period of activity in communist times, up to the time of social, economic, and political transformation in the 1990s. As for the end date, I decided to use the year of Poland’s accession to the European Union, because—mainly due to obtaining access to European funds—at that time, a completely new chapter began in the history of the protection of material heritage in Poland in general and Jewish heritage in particular.The conflict over the landscape does not stop when one of the competing groups is no longer in the competition but turns into a passive conflict of memories. […] In such a situation, the memory of the group that perished and its material representations can be manipulated in an unrestricted way by those who remained. Landscape preserves what the group wants to remember; that which the group wants to forget is destroyed, neglected or preserved in a distorted way.
2. Jewish Heritage in Poland after World War II
2.1. Jews in Communist Poland
2.2. Jewish Property in Poland after WWII
3. The Synagogue in Łańcut
3.1. Jews in Łańcut
3.2. The Synagogue
3.3. Museum in the Synagogue
4. The Synagogue Complex in Włodawa
4.1. Jews in Włodawa
4.2. Synagogues
4.3. Museum in the Synagogue
5. The Museums in the Synagogues in Łańcut and Włodawa: Similar Yet Different
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | In the years 1923–1939, a team under the direction of Prof. Oskar Sosnowski from the Department of Polish Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology conducted an inventory of Polish synagogues. This action covered about thirty synagogues (twenty of them were masonry), for which detailed descriptions and measurements were made. At the same time, the Central Office of Monument Inventory in Warsaw commissioned a group of photographers and architects (including Szymon Zajczyk) to prepare photographic documentation of Polish synagogues. Thanks to the work of this group of people, rich iconographic material has been preserved, particularly important because it largely covered the views of exteriors and interiors of wooden synagogues (Piechotka and Piechotka 2019, p. 22). |
2 | Online: (accessed on 7 September 2019). |
3 | MPLŁ f. 511/III, page not numbered (p. n.n.). |
4 | Programme of the 600th anniversary celebrations of the city of Łańcut, CPLŁ f. 362/III, p. n.n. |
5 | MPLŁ f. 511/III, p. n.n. |
6 | |
7 | “Władysław Balicki” in: Słownik biograficzny powiatu łańcuckiego; Online: (accessed on 10 March 2019). |
8 | “Jan Micał” in: Słownik biograficzny powiatu łańcuckiego; Online: (accessed on 10 March 2019). |
9 | ACMŁ-UHD f. HM-IV-41, pp. 2–3. |
10 | Decree No. X/15/74 of the Presidium of the District National Council in Łańcut of 17 October 1974, ACMŁ-UHD f. HM-IV-41, pp. 11–12. |
11 | ACMŁ-UHD f. HM-IV-41, p. 13. |
12 | Information on the organizational status of the regional museum, ACMŁ-UHD f. IV-032, p. n.n. |
13 | MPLŁ f. 511/III, p. n.n. |
14 | Annual Report for year 1984, ACMŁ-UHD f. IV-032, p. n. n. According to this Report “some heavily damaged Judaica was found in the attic of the synagogue, including three Torah Mantels”. |
15 | ACMŁ-UHD f. IV-032-1, p. n. n. |
16 | The Voivodeship Movable Monuments Storehouse in Łańcut was established in 1960. The name intentionally did not specify the category of monuments, it was a kind of sign that allowed for activities not accepted by the PPR authorities. They consisted in saving from destruction and theft monuments from eastern Poland, from which residents were resettled after World War II. The furnishings of many derelict churches was systematically brought to it. The depot was later transformed into the Department of Orthodox Art at the Castle Museum in Łańcut. This currently has the largest collection of Ukrainian religious art in Poland. See: The project of The Digital Archive of Jerzy Tur and Barbara Tondos, online: (accessed on 30 September 2019). |
17 | ACMŁ-UHD f. HM-IV-41/1/5, p. n. n.; From the content of the available documents it is not clear whether these objects were ever exhibited in the synagogue in Łańcut. |
18 | Annual Report for the year 2000, ACMŁ-UHD f. IV-032, p. n. n. |
19 | ACMŁ-UHD f. IV-032-1, p. n. n. |
20 | Annual Report for the year 1984, ACMŁ-UHD f. IV-032, p. n. n. |
21 | Ibid. |
22 | Ibid. |
23 | Ibid. |
24 | Ibid. |
25 | Ibid. |
26 | Ibid. |
27 | ACMŁ-UHD f. IV-032-1, p. n. n. |
28 | /stan%20na%2030.09.2018/LBL-rej.pdf (accessed on 17 March 2019). |
29 | Information about the photographic exhibition on the great fire of Włodawa: (accessed on 17 March 2019). |
30 | ŁWLMW-HD f. Various statistical materials about the Museum, prepared for its 25th anniversary, p. n. n. |
31 | ŁWLMW-HD f. NW-1984-1. |
32 | Annual report for the year 1989, ŁWLMW-HD f. Various statistic materials, p. n. n. |
33 | Annual report for the year 1992, ŁWLMW-HD f. KL-535-M, p. n. n. |
34 | ŁWLMW-HD f. 2. Documents related to the purchase of the History Department. |
35 | Ibid., p. n. n. |
36 | Information obtained during a conversation with Museum employees in 2018. |
37 | ŁWLMW-HD f. Various statistic materials, p. n. n. |
38 | Ibid., p. n. n. |
© 2019 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Migalska, K. The Question of Appropriateness. Museums Established in Synagogues in Communist Poland: The Cases of Łańcut and Włodawa. Arts 2019, 8, 167.
Migalska K. The Question of Appropriateness. Museums Established in Synagogues in Communist Poland: The Cases of Łańcut and Włodawa. Arts. 2019; 8(4):167.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMigalska, Kinga. 2019. "The Question of Appropriateness. Museums Established in Synagogues in Communist Poland: The Cases of Łańcut and Włodawa" Arts 8, no. 4: 167.
APA StyleMigalska, K. (2019). The Question of Appropriateness. Museums Established in Synagogues in Communist Poland: The Cases of Łańcut and Włodawa. Arts, 8(4), 167.