The Influence of Political Factors on the Architecture of Ducal Castles Owned by the Griffin Dynasty
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. The Historical Outline of the Political and National Relations in the Area of Pomerania
3.2. The Case Study of the Ducal Castle in Szczecin
3.2.1. The Ducal Castle in Szczecin during the Rule of the Griffin Dynasty and during the Swedish Rule
3.2.2. The Attitude of Prussian and German Authorities towards the Castle until 1945
3.2.3. The Attitude of Polish Authorities towards the Castle and Its Reconstruction after 1945
3.3. The Case Study of the Ducal Residence in Słupsk
3.3.1. The Historical Background of the Creation of the Ducal Residence in Słupsk
3.3.2. The Ducal Castle in Słupsk during the Rule of the Griffin Dynasty
3.3.3. The Attitude of Brandenburg, Prussian, and German Authorities towards the Castle until 1945
3.3.4. The Attitude of the Polish Authorities towards the Castle after 1945
3.4. The Case Study of the Ducal Castle in Darłowo
3.4.1. The Ducal Castle in Darłowo during the Times of the Griffin Dynasty
3.4.2. The Attitude of Prussian and Polish Authorities towards the Castle
3.5. Transformations in the Case of the Remaining Ducal Residences
4. Discussion
4.1. An Attempt to Evaluate Attitude of the Prussian Authorities to the Material Heritage of Pomeranian Dukes
4.2. An Attempt to Evaluate Activity by Polish Authorities with Reference to the Material Heritage of Pomeranian Dukes
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | The issue was also raised by A. Bartetzky while referring to the reconstruction of the Malbork Castle, which was converted by the Prussian government into a granary and abandoned, despite the fact that it was a symbol of Germanic culture. Conrad Steinbrecht, the castle reconstruction manager, referred to the process as a functional degradation counterproductive for the “German cause” and contradictory to the German national interest (Bartetzky 2012). The activity driven by utility goals diminished existential and situational values. |
2 | Although the family link between the first Griffins and the Polish Piast dynasty has never been proven, the Pomeranian dynasty was described as having a direct connection with the dynasty of the first Polish kings. It was a part of propaganda designed to reassure Poles displaced to Pomerania about the Polish roots of the ducal dynasty. |
Cause/Motives: | Factors: | Architectural and Spatial Intervention | Symbolic Action: | ||
Loss of previous function | Utility factors: | ⮕ | Demolishing | ⮕ | Blurred memory |
⮕ | Interior rebuilding | ⮕ | Functional degradation | ||
Diminished role of ducal castle as symbol of Pomerania’s independence | Political factors: | ⮕ | Demolishing | ⮕ | Blurred memory |
⮕ | Interior rebuilding | ⮕ | Functional degradation | ||
⮕ | Exterior conversion | ⮕ | Domination of new authorities (architectural forms associated with new authority) | ||
⮕ | Removal of symbols and remnants of Griffin Dynasty | ⮕ | Blurred memory Weakening of previous local identity |
Cause/Motives: | Factors: | Architectural and Spatial Intervention | Symbolic Action: | ||
Restoring utility, aesthetic and historical values | Conservation factors: | ⮕ | Removal of secondary layers considered valueless | ⮕ | Removal of rebuilding traces—burred memory of its German past |
⮕ | Rebuilding and restoring the most valuable artistic form | ⮕ | Restoring form of castle dating back to the rule of Griffin Dynasty | ||
Restoration of historical values, creation of new cultural values | Political factors: | ⮕ | Rebuilding and highlighting the place of the castle in urban landscape | ⮕ | Creating a symbol of “being rooted” in the Recovered Territory |
⮕ | Development of cultural role of the castle | ⮕ | Strengthening of Polish culture in recovered land | ||
⮕ | Displaying artefacts related to the Griffin Dynasty | ⮕ | Highlighting the affiliation of the land to Polish culture and politics |
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Gołębiewski, J.I. The Influence of Political Factors on the Architecture of Ducal Castles Owned by the Griffin Dynasty. Arts 2020, 9, 124.
Gołębiewski JI. The Influence of Political Factors on the Architecture of Ducal Castles Owned by the Griffin Dynasty. Arts. 2020; 9(4):124.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGołębiewski, Jakub Ignacy. 2020. "The Influence of Political Factors on the Architecture of Ducal Castles Owned by the Griffin Dynasty" Arts 9, no. 4: 124.
APA StyleGołębiewski, J. I. (2020). The Influence of Political Factors on the Architecture of Ducal Castles Owned by the Griffin Dynasty. Arts, 9(4), 124.