Racism in Football in Portugal: Perceptions of Multiple Actors
:1. Introduction
2. Portugal Fighting against Discrimination and Violence in Football
3. Intersectionality as a New Landmark: Theoretical Framework to Conduct Our Study
4. Method
4.1. Objectives
- To determine the expression of racism and other forms of discrimination in football in Portugal from the point of view of direct and indirect actors;
- To analyze how perceptions of racism in football in Portugal are characterized according to gender, age, and participants’ condition;
- To assess the formal or informal strategies of the (ir)resolution of cases of racism in football in Portugal and their (in)effectiveness;
- To map potential measures for preventing and combating racism in football in Portugal.
4.2. Sample
4.3. Questionnaire
4.4. Procedures
5. Results
5.1. Discrimination in Portuguese Football
5.2. Racism in Portuguese Football
5.3. Victims of Racism
5.4. Handling Racism in Portuguese Football
5.5. Measures for Preventing and Combating Racism in Football in Portugal
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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n | % | M | SD | |
Age | 33.02 | 12.64 | ||
Gender | ||||
Male | 1221 | 72.6 | ||
Female | 456 | 27.1 | ||
“Other” | 4 | 0.2 | ||
Nationality | ||||
Portuguese | 1507 | 89.6 | ||
Other | 174 | 10.4 | ||
Area of residence | ||||
North | 742 | 44.1 | ||
Lisbon | 322 | 19.2 | ||
Center | 302 | 18.0 | ||
Alentejo | 59 | 5.3 | ||
Algarve | 41 | 2.4 | ||
Madeira | 37 | 2.2 | ||
Azores | 34 | 2.0 | ||
Education | ||||
1st cycle of basic education | 69 | 4.1 | ||
Secondary school | 613 | 36.5 | ||
Bachelor’s degree | 570 | 33.9 | ||
Master’s degree | 237 | 14.1 | ||
PhD degree | 26 | 1.5 | ||
Professional occupation | ||||
Dependent workers | 715 | 42.5 | ||
Students | 389 | 23.1 | ||
Self-employed workers | 189 | 11.2 | ||
Working students | 122 | 7.3 | ||
Unemployed | 98 | 5.8 | ||
Retired | 24 | 1.4 | ||
Condition as participants | ||||
Football fans | 419 | 24.9 | ||
Coaches | 336 | 20.0 | ||
Amateur athletes | 278 | 16.5 | ||
Members of the refereeing team | 196 | 11.7 | ||
Sport managers | 144 | 8.6 | ||
Parents | 92 | 5.5 | ||
Journalists | 57 | 3.4 | ||
Sport agents | 50 | 3.0 | ||
Staff (e.g., doctor, communication, PR) | 43 | 2.6 | ||
Professional athletes | 33 | 2.0 | ||
Other members of the technical team | 33 | 2.0 | ||
Time of practice | ||||
Athletes | ||||
Less than 5 years | 59 | 18.9 | ||
More than 5 years | 252 | 81.0 | ||
Coaches | ||||
Less than 5 years | 88 | 73.8 | ||
More than 5 years | 248 | 26.2 | ||
Managers | ||||
Less than 5 years | 53 | 37.1 | ||
More than 5 years | 90 | 62.9 | ||
Club division | ||||
1st League | 625 | 37.2 | ||
Portuguese championship | 175 | 10.4 | ||
Elite division | 102 | 6.1 | ||
2nd League | 72 | 4.3 | ||
Other divison | 707 | 42 |
Reasons for Discrimination | Women | Men | p | RR | Total Sample | |||
n | % | n | % | n | % | |||
Skin color | 312 | 68.4 | 604 | 49.5 | <0.001 | 1.38 | 918 | 54.6 |
Nationality | 205 | 45.0 | 416 | 34.1 | <0.001 | 1.32 | 622 | 37.0 |
Ethnicity | 292 | 64.0 | 555 | 45.5 | <0.001 | 1.41 | 850 | 50.6 |
Gender | 346 | 75.9 | 507 | 41.5 | <0.001 | 1.83 | 854 | 50.8 |
Religion | 117 | 25.7 | 173 | 14.2 | <0.001 | 1.81 | 291 | 17.3 |
Age | 107 | 23.5 | 218 | 17.9 | 0.010 | 1.31 | 326 | 19.4 |
Migration status | 186 | 40.8 | 301 | 24.7 | <0.001 | 1.65 | 488 | 29.0 |
Socio-economic status | 132 | 28.9 | 286 | 23.4 | 0.020 | 1.24 | 419 | 24.9 |
Functional diversity | 256 | 56.1 | 460 | 37.7 | <0.001 | 1.49 | 718 | 42.7 |
Sexual orientation/gender identity | 267 | 58.6 | 566 | 46.4 | <0.001 | 1.26 | 835 | 49.7 |
Academic qualifications | 52 | 11.4 | 133 | 10.9 | >0.05 | 1.05 | 187 | 11.1 |
No reason identified | 46 | 10.1 | 318 | 26.0 | <0.001 | 0.39 | 365 | 21.7 |
Reasons for Discrimination | ≤18 Years | 19–24 Years | 25–39 Years | ≥40 Years | ||||
n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | |
Skin color | 125 | 72.3 | 291 | 71.5 | 299 | 55.5 | 203 | 36.1 |
Nationality | 63 | 36.4 | 200 | 49.1 | 200 | 37.1 | 159 | 28.3 |
Ethnicity | 93 | 53.8 | 264 | 64.9 | 272 | 50.5 | 221 | 39.3 |
Gender | 81 | 46.8 | 264 | 64.9 | 282 | 52.3 | 227 | 40.4 |
Religion | 23 | 13.3 | 107 | 26.3 | 94 | 17.4 | 67 | 11.9 |
Age | 25 | 14.5 | 100 | 24.6 | 101 | 18.7 | 100 | 17.8 |
Migration status | 59 | 34.1 | 162 | 39.8 | 147 | 27.3 | 120 | 21.4 |
Socio-economic status | 40 | 23.1 | 115 | 28.3 | 133 | 24.7 | 131 | 23.3 |
Functional diversity | 76 | 43.9 | 195 | 47.9 | 233 | 43.2 | 214 | 38.1 |
Sexual orientation/gender identity | 78 | 45.1 | 227 | 55.8 | 286 | 53.1 | 244 | 43.4 |
Academic qualifications | 17 | 9.8 | 59 | 14.5 | 47 | 8.7 | 64 | 11.4 |
None | 29 | 16.8 | 43 | 10.6 | 112 | 20.8 | 181 | 32.2 |
Types of Violence | Women | Men | p | RR | ||
n | % | n | % | |||
Verbal | 331 | 72.6 | 606 | 49.6 | <0.001 | 1.46 |
Physical | 53 | 11.6 | 74 | 6.1 | <0.001 | 1.92 |
Psychological | 188 | 41.2 | 341 | 27.9 | <0.001 | 1.48 |
Social | 54 | 16.2 | 132 | 10.8 | 0.003 | 1.50 |
Sexual | 19 | 4.2 | 19 | 1.6 | 0.001 | 2.68 |
Non Applicable | Female | Male | ||||
n | % | n | % | n | % | |
Athletes | 91 | 9.6 | 83 | 8.8 | 771 | 81.6 |
Coaches | 372 | 39.4 | 131 | 13.9 | 442 | 46.8 |
Sport managers | 514 | 54.4 | 82 | 8.7 | 349 | 36.9 |
Caretaker | 575 | 60.8 | 118 | 12.5 | 252 | 26.7 |
Cheerleader | 439 | 46.5 | 59 | 6.2 | 447 | 47.3 |
Technical staff | 471 | 49.8 | 97 | 10.3 | 377 | 39.9 |
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Neves, S.; Topa, J.; Borges, J.; Silva, E. Racism in Football in Portugal: Perceptions of Multiple Actors. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 165. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12030165
Neves S, Topa J, Borges J, Silva E. Racism in Football in Portugal: Perceptions of Multiple Actors. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(3):165. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12030165
Chicago/Turabian StyleNeves, Sofia, Joana Topa, Janete Borges, and Estefânia Silva. 2023. "Racism in Football in Portugal: Perceptions of Multiple Actors" Social Sciences 12, no. 3: 165. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12030165
APA StyleNeves, S., Topa, J., Borges, J., & Silva, E. (2023). Racism in Football in Portugal: Perceptions of Multiple Actors. Social Sciences, 12(3), 165. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12030165