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Journal: Microorganisms, 2020
Volume: 8
Number: 99

Article: Thymol Inhibits Biofilm Formation, Eliminates Pre-Existing Biofilms, and Enhances Clearance of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in a Mouse Peritoneal Implant Infection Model
Authors: by Zhongwei Yuan, Yuyun Dai, Ping Ouyang, Tayyab Rehman, Sajjad Hussain, Tianyi Zhang, Zhongqiong Yin, Hualin Fu, Juchun Lin, Changliang He, Cheng Lv, Xiaoxia Liang, Gang Shu, Xu Song, Lixia Li, Yuanfeng Zou and Lizi Yin

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