Animal Health and Productivity of Organic Greek Pig Farms: The Current Situation and Prospects for Sustainability
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. The Organic Pig Population in Greece
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
- (e)
- feed containing minerals, trace elements, vitamins or provitamins shall be of natural origin. If these substances are not available, chemically well-defined analogous substances may be permitted for use in organic swine production. Some premixes and supplementary feeds contain prohibited substances and are therefore not permitted [9,10,11].
- (a)
- (b)
- antibiotics, coccidiostats, hormones, drugs, growth promoters and any other substances intended to stimulate growth or production shall not be used in animal nutrition. Hormones, however, may be administered to individual animals as therapeutic veterinary treatment. The use of veterinary vaccines is permitted when a disease has been identified as present in a specific area where the production unit is located [9,10,11].
- (c)
- If the use of phytogenic and homeopathic remedies proves ineffective or is not appropriate to prevent the suffering or distress to the animal, chemical synthetic allopathic veterinary drugs or antibiotics may be used under the responsibility of a veterinarian. When veterinary drugs are used, the type of drug and the details of the corresponding records of the veterinarian (diagnosis, dose and withdrawal period of pharmacological substances, duration of treatment, method of administration) must be clearly indicated [9,10,11].
3. Challenges in Organic Pig Production
3.1. Animal Health Issues
3.2. Animal Welfare Issues
4. Future Directions and Prospects for Sustainability
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Organic Pig Population | |||
Total Number of Pigs | Fatteners | Breeding Stock | Other Ages (Suckling/Weaning Piglets) | |
2012 | 6292 | 1892 | 1933 | 2467 |
2013 | 4797 | 1770 | 1406 | 1621 |
2014 | 4664 | 1512 | 1268 | 1884 |
2015 | 4203 | 1469 | 1004 | 1730 |
2016 | 4710 | 1977 | 1005 | 1728 |
2017 | 4434 | 1928 | 975 | 1531 |
2018 | 4746 | 2275 | 958 | 1513 |
2019 | 4994 | 2212 | 1008 | 1774 |
2020 | 5075 | 2379 | 1004 | 1692 |
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Share and Cite
Papakonstantinou, G.I.; Arsenakis, I.; Pourlis, A.; Papatsiros, V.G. Animal Health and Productivity of Organic Greek Pig Farms: The Current Situation and Prospects for Sustainability. Animals 2023, 13, 2834.
Papakonstantinou GI, Arsenakis I, Pourlis A, Papatsiros VG. Animal Health and Productivity of Organic Greek Pig Farms: The Current Situation and Prospects for Sustainability. Animals. 2023; 13(18):2834.
Chicago/Turabian StylePapakonstantinou, Georgios I., Ioannis Arsenakis, Aris Pourlis, and Vasileios G. Papatsiros. 2023. "Animal Health and Productivity of Organic Greek Pig Farms: The Current Situation and Prospects for Sustainability" Animals 13, no. 18: 2834.
APA StylePapakonstantinou, G. I., Arsenakis, I., Pourlis, A., & Papatsiros, V. G. (2023). Animal Health and Productivity of Organic Greek Pig Farms: The Current Situation and Prospects for Sustainability. Animals, 13(18), 2834.