1. Introduction
Developing a thorough understanding of the social behaviour of group-living species in captivity is critical for facilitating conservation efforts [
1]. The ability to exhibit natural social behaviours like the expression of social preferences is a key aspect of animal welfare and important for reproduction and productivity [
3]. For example, the formation of enduring social bonds is known to enhance fitness in female feral horses (
Equus ferus caballus) [
4], free-ranging chacma baboons (
Papio ursinus) [
7], and wild savannah baboons (
Papio cynocephalus) [
8]. Inadequate social conditions and/or suppressed social status may impair fitness in captivity, which can be detrimental to reintroduction programs and conservation of genetic diversity of any species [
The Przewalski’s horse or takhi (
E. ferus przewalskii Poljakov, 1881) is well known for its remarkable history of survival in captivity, having descended from < 20 founder individuals after complete extinction of the wild population by the 1960s [
11]. Moreover, with reintroduction projects in Mongolia and China Przewalski’s horses returned to their natural habitat [
22]. Some horses were released into conservation reserves across Eurasia (Holland, England, France, Hungary, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and the Russian Federation) [
26]. These conservation efforts led to a change in the conservation status of the species from Extinct in the Wild (EW) to Endangered (EN) by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2011 [
21]. By 2020, the global population increased to almost 2500 individuals [
27]. However, many Przewalski’s horses continue to be bred in captivity to maintain genetic diversity and to provide a source population for augmentation and reintroduction programs [
Studying the sociality of species like the horse is critical for providing appropriate husbandry conditions and ensuring animal welfare but also for identifying the most suitable individuals for potential release into the wild, given that post-release they must communicate effectively with conspecifics [
24]. In the context of reintroduction, social skills acquired in captive settings have proven critical to fitness in the wild including for primates, rodents, and carnivores [
30]. For example, black-tailed prairie dogs (
Cynomys ludovicianus) reintroduced in family groups had higher survival and reproductive success than individuals reintroduced without regard to family group [
Social structure in equids varies from solitary territorial species that can also form fusion-fission societies like Grevy’s zebra (
E. grevyi) and African wild ass (
E. africanus) to coherent family groups in feral horses, plains zebra (
E. quagga), and mountain zebras (
E. zebra) [
34]. The three latter species exhibit female-defense polygyny, forming breeding groups called bands [
37]. A stallion that acquires a harem of females defends them (and their offspring) from other males throughout the year (with competition somewhat relaxed in winter) [
37]. Juveniles remain with the natal band until reaching sexual maturity, typically at 2–3 years of age for females (fillies) and 3–4 years for males (colts) [
39]. Dispersing immature males and stallions that fail in obtaining and retaining females rarely exist in isolation; rather, it is typical for them to aggregate into bachelor groups [
41]. Even though the social structure of Przewalski’s horses was not well known before the species went extinct in the wild [
42], it is assumed that they also had a harem structure similar to the above [
46]. Reintroduced Przewalski’s horses form harems and bachelor groups, and sometimes multiple breeding groups aggregate into a larger herd [
Social integration is therefore particularly important for horses, where stallions compete for access to females. Stallions with poor competitive skills may be excluded from breeding, thus failing to contribute their genetic material to the population, which could jeopardize species or group persistence probability [
13]. In the context of male equids, time spent in non-natal but non-breeding groups of other males (bachelor groups) is essential for the development of social skills to be used later in life [
38]. Young males gain important social skills for securing and defending a future harem as they mature [
46]. Moreover, the social position in these bachelor groups affects reproductive success, as has been shown for stallion Przewalski’s horses with the positive correlation between the dominance rank in the bachelor group with the number of foals sired later in life [
The correct development of social behaviour is a crucial aspect for the released groups success in the wild, as stated by IUCN/SSC Equid Specialist Group in the Action Plan for the Przewalski’s horse [
48]. While much is known of the social dynamics of horses (including Przewalski’s horses) in the context of band relationships, less is known of the behaviours exhibited among bachelor males [
50]. In part, this is because non-breeding horses in semi-wild and captive conditions are often kept in artificial social constructs [
46]. Even less is known of how older or surplus males (a focus of this study), which are no longer candidates for reintroduction, fare in relation to forced social constructs in captivity.
Maintaining Przewalski’s horses in captivity requires taking many factors into account, including genetic compatibility (if breeding), health conditions, and more [
42]. It has been shown that >100 years of captive breeding has resulted in reduced heterozygosity, increased inbreeding, and variable introgression of domestic alleles [
10]. Maintaining welfare of captive animals also entails considerations of social confinement, including sex and age structure as well as availability and size of enclosures and housing conditions, etc. [
51]. For equids, a common result is the formation of artificial bands constructed from genetic considerations over behaviour, while surplus males not intended for breeding are left either to live alone or are forced together in bachelor groups. Both housing arrangements come with risks: the former may lead to stereotypic behaviours (e.g., pacing) due to solitary living [
42], while the latter can result in increased aggression between stallions forced to tolerate one another in confined spaces [
46], a problem also observed in domestic horses [
2]. Keepers must carefully examine how social relationships within these artificial groups impact daily life, welfare, fitness, and potential reproductive success [
Analysis of behaviour in comparison to an expected benchmark is a simple and effective tool for assessing animal welfare in captivity [
52]. For example, data on time budgets (qualitative and quantitative) and evenness of enclosure use can be collected to detect abnormalities in behaviour that could have negative fitness consequences [
55]. Time budgets are widely used to evaluate the well-being of domestic horses [
52] and various zoo-housed species [
56]. Social covariates considered in relation to time budgets include sex, reproductive status, and dominance rank [
57], while factors like gregariousness, individual centrality, and subgroup formation are often overlooked [
Social structure of a group consists of social relationships built on interactions and associations [
59]. Studying associations and interactions in animal groups can therefore provide insights into their social structure and its influence on daily life [
60]. The aim of this study was to describe the social structure for a sample (captive) bachelor group of older Przewalski’s horses (ages 6–21 years), assess their time budgets and space use with different space availabilities, and investigate how social relationships influenced time allocation and territory utilization. While our focus is on the sociobiology of older males, our results likely apply to the housing of male horses in general. The first hypothesis we aimed to test was that associations and interactions were not random due to individual preferences in social partners. We predicted that each individual would have a preferred social partner in spatial associations and affiliative interactions, and both to be correlated. Additionally, we predicted that the formation of associations and affiliative bonds (from friendly interactions) would emerge from higher genetic relatedness, similar age, dominance index, and gregariousness.
Next, we described typical time budgets throughout the day. We predicted feeding and rest to be the primary activities of all horses, but rates of grazing and foraging to be different among animals due to preferential access to high-quality hay in high-ranking individuals. We also hypothesized that with the availability of a second enclosure, such effects would relax as horses would be freer to redistribute as predicted by models like the ideal free distribution [
61], which predicts equal distribution of space access per individual in the absence of social constraints on movement. The alternative, deviation from ideal-free distribution, would suggest continued despotism of access to space related to social hierarchy.
Finally, we hypothesized that social preferences would affect time budgets and space use because social partners would be synchronizing their behaviour and use the territory similarly, particularly in relation to key resources (hay and water) within the enclosure. We predicted that horses forming associations and frequently interacting would have more similar time budgets and demonstrate behavioural synchrony. We also predicted that high-ranking individuals would enjoy more rest time and require less feeding time, as they monopolized high-quality resources and therefore needed less time foraging. In terms of space use, we predicted that high-ranking individuals would monopolize important resources and use areas with hay and water more than lower-ranking individuals.
2. Materials and Methods
We studied the social behaviours of adult, bachelor Przewalski’s horses at the Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve, for 25 days from 21 July to 14 August 2015. Located in the Kherson region of southern Ukraine, the reserve is one of the oldest and most prominent nature reserves in Europe and was designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1985 [
62]. Spanning approximately 33,000 hectares, Askania-Nova is composed of three primary areas: the pristine steppe, the arboretum, and a zoo. The steppe constitutes over half the reserve area, representing one of the last remaining sections of undisturbed temperate grassland in Europe. Its preservation is crucial for maintaining steppe biodiversity and serves as a refuge for native fauna [
63]. The zoo and animal park, where our work was conducted, has played a significant role in the breeding and reintroduction of endangered animals including Przewalski’s horse [
63]. Animals are maintained in semi-wild conditions within expansive enclosures that mimic their adjacent natural habitat, allowing for more natural behaviour and successful reproduction [
For this study, we focused our observations on a group of nine adult bachelor Przewalski’s males aged 6–21 years (
Table 1). Breeding experience and health status of the studied individuals were unknown (but none had registered foals in the studbook), and body condition was not scored. At the start of our study, the level of familiarity, e.g., how long individuals were in the same group, was also unknown. Horses shared the enclosure with a herd of 18 Mongolian wild ass or khulans (
E. hemionus hemionus). No visitors were allowed at the enclosure or near it at any time during the period of observation.
During the 3-week intensive observation period the group lived in Enclosure I, with a total area of 3.78 ha (
Figure 1). For the first 2 weeks of observation, from 21 July to 3 August, horses also had access to the Enclosure II, 0.84 ha in size. To study space use, enclosures were roughly divided into 22 equal-sized zones/quadrats (30 × 70 m). In addition to evenly distributed grass cover, available for grazing in both enclosures, animals had
ad libitum access to a prescribed diet of hay with fresh hay added daily (zones A3–A6, B3–B6). Fresh water was available
ad libitum at a freshwater container (repurposed metal bath approx. 1.5 × 0.5 m in size) in zone C6. No shelter was provided for the animals.
Median daytime air temperature throughout the study was 33 °C (ranged from min 28 °C, max 37 °C) and 25 °C in the evening (min 20 °C, max 29 °C). On most days the weather was sunny with only a couple of cloudy days.
The nine subjects were observed almost every day once or twice a day for a time sample of 2 to 4.5 h during the hours of 0500 h to 2030 h for a total of 65 contact hours. This number of contact hours is justified with a case study on feral and Przewalski’s horses that found 15 h of observations per group to be sufficient for robust and reliable data for the analysis on social bonds [
65]. Care was taken to equally distribute the study hours throughout the day (morning: 0500–1000, afternoon: 1010–1500, evening: 1510–2030) during the field season. Only one observer (AN) collected all behavioural data. Observational methods were validated from the previous studies mentioned below; and a 3-day pilot study and individual-horse recognition practice were initiated prior to any data collection. For data collection, the observer always remained > 50 m away from horses, to minimize effects of observer presence on animal behaviour. All individuals were visible and identified during data collection. Horses were recognized by cold brands, earmarks, and fur colour and features. A pair of 7 × 35 field binoculars were used to aid in individual recognition.
Activity patterns were registered using instantaneous scan sampling with an interval time of 10 min for time budget calculations [
66]. Activity patterns used in sampling were grouped into the following behavioural categories: foraging, rest, locomotion, social, vigilance, other (
Table 2). At the same time as behavioural sampling, the location of each horse within enclosures was recorded to analyze space use. In horses individuals who stay less than two (2) horse body lengths (HBL) apart from one another are usually considered as connected [
67]. One HBL (approx. 1.5 m) corresponds to the horse’s individual distance, which is commonly from 1 to 2 m [
68]. Horses within 1 HBL from one another were considered associated at a given scan sample. If more than two horses stayed within 1 HBL from a given individual, all were considered associated to one another. Distance from horses to khulans was not measured at any time. Interspecies social interactions were not recorded, either.
All-occurrence sampling was used to record all social interactions between individuals, noting the actor, recipient, and the content of interactions [
66]. The ethogram for social interactions followed that of previous studies [
44] (
Table 3).
All data analyses were performed with R (R Core Team, 2021), using the RStudio interface (version 2023.12.1; RStudio Team, 2023) [
69]. The total number of scan samples for all horses used to construct spatial social networks was 3989. The definitions and procedures of social data analysis are presented in the
Table 4.
Pedigree trees for all studied individuals dating back to the founders were available from the Studbook of the Przewalski’s Horse [
71]. Kinship coefficients using the pedigree were calculated with a function kinship from the
Kinship2 package (
Appendix B). Correlations between associations, affiliative interactions, and kinship matrices were assessed with a Mantel test from package
Node betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector centrality were calculated for associations and affiliative interaction networks but were not included in the consequent analysis because of high correlation with the weighted degree. To quantify individual gregariousness, we used two node measures from association and interactions networks (node strength, weighted degree, see
Table 4).
Features of dominance relationships were calculated with a package
compete. Linearity test for dominance relationships within a band was completed with a function devries (randomization test, controlling for unknown dyadic relationships). David’s scores for all individuals were computed with a function ds. David’s score or dominance index (DI) assesses the relative dominance of individuals based on pairwise comparisons between dyads and reflects the relative number of times the individual wins an aggressive encounter (or triggers a submissive behaviour), thus dominating over the others. Here, we follow the definition of dominance as an attribute of the agonistic interactions between two individuals, with a consistent outcome in favour of the same dyad member (dominant) and a default yielding response of its opponent (subordinate) rather than conflict escalation [
72]. While we expect dominance relationships to be present within dyads, that would not imply the existence of the strict linear dominance hierarchy within a studied group [
We computed a behavioural synchronization index (BSI) as the proportion of time two individuals in a dyad performed the same behaviour (out of all 10-min scan-samples), ranging from 0 to 1 [
75]. To account for the probability of horses engaging in the same behaviour purely by chance, a randomization test was performed [
76]. In every permutation, a random horse was chosen and the sequence of randomly chosen 100 scan samples was shuffled. The BSI was then calculated for the permuted data in each randomization. A one-tailed
t-test was then performed to calculate
p-values (as a proportion of permuted behavioural synchronization indices greater than the observed index).
To calculate the relative use of zones within an enclosure, an electivity index (EI) was calculated for each zone as a ratio between an observed and expected use of it. The formulas for EI calculations are given in
Appendix C (Formulae (A2) and (A3)) [
77]. EI were computed per each individual zone and vary from −1 (no use of the zone) to 1 (maximum use of that zone) [
53]. To calculate the overall evenness of the enclosure usage for each horse, a spread of participation index (SPI) was calculated with a formula given in the
Appendix C (Formula (A4)). The SPI accounts for an observed and expected use of each zone within an enclosure, and varies between 0 (maximum enclosure use, all zones used equally) and 1 (minimum use, only one zone used) [
78]. Generalized mixed effects models (GLMM) were used to quantify the effect of social position on daily behaviour and space use. Fixed effects included social factor (cluster), time of day, availability of the second enclosure, while the horse identity was treated as a random effect (package
lme4). A separate model was fitted for a probability of each behaviour (foraging (in addition, models were fitted separately for feeding on hay and grazing), rest, locomotion, social, vigilance) in relation to fixed and random effects with binomial distribution. The same model with hay availability as a response variable was fitted to analyze differences in space use in relation to social factor. Additionally, a model with electivity index as a response variable, all same predictors (and hay availability) and gaussian family was fitted.