Eocene Gravity Flows in the Internal Prebetic (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain): A Vestige of an Ilerdian Lost Carbonate Platform in the South Iberian Margin
:1. Introduction
2. Geological Framework
3. Materials and Methods
- (1)
- Field analyses included the logging and sampling (all samples were taken following standard procedures after removing the surficial cover) for microfacies analysis and for biostratigraphic studies (18 samples) of the Aspe-Terreros stratigraphic section (Table 1). Well-preserved rock samples were collected from the section, covering all the identified field lithofacies and increasing the sampling resolution where significant changes in sedimentary facies or palaeontological content occurred. For the construction of a geological map, an aerial photo was performed with our own drone (DJI air 2s) using the software dronelink. In an area of 0.300 km2, 263 photos were taken.
- (2)
- Laboratory analyses concerned microfacies, biostratigraphy, and bio-chronostratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton, and LBF. For the Eocene biostratigraphy, the following zonations were used: (1) planktonic foraminifera [29,30,31]; (2) LBF, the Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ) [32]; and (3) calcareous nannoplankton [33]. The formal names of the taxa cited throughout the text are compiled in a taxonomic appendix added in Supplementary Materials. Analysis of microfacies was carried out by the study of standard thin sections (2.0 × 3.0 cm), following the methodology of Flügel [34], where the percentages of fossil abundance were evaluated by point counting on the thin sections. The identification of larger foraminifera was performed following Loeblich and Tappan [35], where the genus Assilina includes both Assilina s.s. and ‘operculiniform Assilina’, as defined by Tosquella and Serra-Kiel [36]. Systematics of nummulitids is mainly based on Hottinger [37] and Schaub’s [38] works. Paleobathymetric reconstructions of the LBF are mainly based on Hottiger [39], Baceta and Mateu-Vicens [40], and Mariani et al. [41]. Processed and illustrated studied samples, with their sampling numbers, are stored and available for future research in the Ecology and Geology Department of the University of Málaga (planktonic foraminifera) and in the Earth Sciences Department of the University of Huelva (LBF).
- (3)
- Geological modeling during which the data obtained were processed to elaborate our interpretations and conclusions.
4. Results
4.1. Lithostratigraphy of the Aspe-Terreros Section
4.2. Age of the Sedimentary Succession
4.3. Microfacies Description
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Samples | EP80a, EP95 and EP96 | EP80b, EP84, EP86 and EP93 | EP81–83 EP85, EP87–92, EP94, EP97 |
Field facies | Bioclastic turbidites | Bioclastic turbidites | Mudstones |
Studied fossil groups | LBF in loose samples | LBF in thin section | planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton |
Stratigraphic Formation | Intervals | Age of the Deep-Water Sedimentation | Age of the Bioclasts |
upper marly-clayey fm | Third interval | late Lutetian to Bartonian (E10–13 zone) | Cuisian (SBZ11) |
lower marly-clayey fm | Second interval | early-middle Lutetian (E8-E9 zones) | |
First interval | Paleocene-early Lutetian (from the literature) | Ilerdian (SBZ8) | |
Not studied | |||
Capas Blancas Fm | Not studied | Senonian (from the literature) |
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Tosquella, J.; Martín-Martín, M.; Miclăuș, C.; Tent-Manclús, J.E.; Serrano, F.; Martín-Pérez, J.A. Eocene Gravity Flows in the Internal Prebetic (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain): A Vestige of an Ilerdian Lost Carbonate Platform in the South Iberian Margin. Geosciences 2025, 15, 81. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences15030081
Tosquella J, Martín-Martín M, Miclăuș C, Tent-Manclús JE, Serrano F, Martín-Pérez JA. Eocene Gravity Flows in the Internal Prebetic (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain): A Vestige of an Ilerdian Lost Carbonate Platform in the South Iberian Margin. Geosciences. 2025; 15(3):81. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences15030081
Chicago/Turabian StyleTosquella, Josep, Manuel Martín-Martín, Crina Miclăuș, José Enrique Tent-Manclús, Francisco Serrano, and José Antonio Martín-Pérez. 2025. "Eocene Gravity Flows in the Internal Prebetic (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain): A Vestige of an Ilerdian Lost Carbonate Platform in the South Iberian Margin" Geosciences 15, no. 3: 81. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences15030081
APA StyleTosquella, J., Martín-Martín, M., Miclăuș, C., Tent-Manclús, J. E., Serrano, F., & Martín-Pérez, J. A. (2025). Eocene Gravity Flows in the Internal Prebetic (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain): A Vestige of an Ilerdian Lost Carbonate Platform in the South Iberian Margin. Geosciences, 15(3), 81. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences15030081