133,000 Years of Sedimentary Record in a Contourite Drift in the Western Alboran Sea: Sediment Sources and Paleocurrent Reconstruction
:1. Introduction
Regional Setting and Present Day Oceanography
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Dataset
2.2. CTD Analysis
2.3. Chronostratigraphy Analysis
2.4. Grain Size Analysis
2.5. End-Member Modelling
2.6. Sediment Composition Analysis and Statistical Calculations
3. Results
3.1. CTD Records
3.2. Chronostratigraphic Framework and Sedimentation Rate
3.3. Sedimentary Facies and Sequences
3.4. End-Member Modelling and Grain-Size Parameters
3.5. Magnetic Susceptibility and Sediment Geochemistry
4. Discussion
4.1. Drift Sediment Sources
4.2. Paleocurrent Reconstruction of the Intermediate and Deep Flows
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Sagas Core | Latitude (N) | Longitude (W) | Water Depth (m) | Core Depth (cm) | AMS 14-C Age (yr BP) | 1σ Calibrated Age (Cal yr BP) | Median Probability Age (Cal yr BP) | Lab Code |
K3 | 36°04.94′ | 3°35.59′ | 712 | 22–23 | 9950 ± 60 | 10,842–11,072 | 10,948 | Poz-53720 |
49–50 | 19,760 ± 110 | 23,148–23,506 | 23,330 | Poz-55671 | ||||
87–88 | 25,320 ± 220 | 28,729–29,228 | 28,986 | Poz-53721 |
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López-González, N.; Alonso, B.; Juan, C.; Ercilla, G.; Bozzano, G.; Cacho, I.; Casas, D.; Palomino, D.; Vázquez, J.-T.; Estrada, F.; et al. 133,000 Years of Sedimentary Record in a Contourite Drift in the Western Alboran Sea: Sediment Sources and Paleocurrent Reconstruction. Geosciences 2019, 9, 345. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9080345
López-González N, Alonso B, Juan C, Ercilla G, Bozzano G, Cacho I, Casas D, Palomino D, Vázquez J-T, Estrada F, et al. 133,000 Years of Sedimentary Record in a Contourite Drift in the Western Alboran Sea: Sediment Sources and Paleocurrent Reconstruction. Geosciences. 2019; 9(8):345. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9080345
Chicago/Turabian StyleLópez-González, Nieves, Belén Alonso, Carmen Juan, Gemma Ercilla, Graziella Bozzano, Isabel Cacho, David Casas, Desirée Palomino, Juan-Tomás Vázquez, Ferran Estrada, and et al. 2019. "133,000 Years of Sedimentary Record in a Contourite Drift in the Western Alboran Sea: Sediment Sources and Paleocurrent Reconstruction" Geosciences 9, no. 8: 345. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9080345
APA StyleLópez-González, N., Alonso, B., Juan, C., Ercilla, G., Bozzano, G., Cacho, I., Casas, D., Palomino, D., Vázquez, J. -T., Estrada, F., Bárcenas, P., d’Acremont, E., Gorini, C., & Moumni, B. E. (2019). 133,000 Years of Sedimentary Record in a Contourite Drift in the Western Alboran Sea: Sediment Sources and Paleocurrent Reconstruction. Geosciences, 9(8), 345. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9080345