Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) with Non-Pharmacological Interventions: Clinical Recommendations from a Systematic Scoping Review and an Expert Consensus Process
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Phase 1: Scoping Review
2.1.1. Literature Search
2.1.2. Study Screening and Selection Criteria
2.1.3. Data Extraction and Reporting
2.1.4. Risk of Bias Assessment
2.2. Phase 2: Structured Expert Consensus Process
Criteria for Consensus Finding
- S = safe;
- CE = clinical experience (rated on a numerical scale 0 to 5, with 0 = no effect and 5 = maximum effect);
- ET = effort of training (education requirements in addition to a nursing grade; 0 = no additional instructions or education needed, 1 = instructions needed, 2 = application under guidance, 3 = repeated practice needed, 4 = basic training of rhythmical embrocation (200 h) recommended but partial skills can be acquired with less than 200 h, and 5 = basic training of rhythmical embrocation (200 h) needed);
- PF = practical feasibility (PFt = feasibility limited due to time requirements; PFtt = feasibility strongly limited due to time requirements; PFc = feasibility limited due to high costs (>30 EUR per month)).
3. Results
3.1. Search Results
3.2. Consensus from the Expert Panel
3.3. Preventative Options for CIPN
3.4. Complementary Treatment Options for CIPN
- −
- 1 incl. aromatherapy, topical therapy, no oral phytotherapeutics, and flaxseed bath;
- −
- 2 incl. physical therapy, sensorimotor training, exercise, closed kinematic chain exercise, resistance training, cardiovascular exercises, walking, cycling, whole-body-vibration, passive mobilization, coordination training, and tactile stimulation;
- −
- 3 incl. relaxation, PMR, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, guided imagery, cognitive therapies, and distraction therapy, as well as Qi Gong and Tai Chi;
- −
- 4 incl. vitamin and mineral supplements and dietary modification;
- −
- 5 incl. alcaline bath and cold knee and/or arm showers;
- −
- 6 incl. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and massage acc. to TCM;
- −
- 7 incl. cryocompression, cold applications, and hypothermia;
- −
- 8 incl. hyperthermia;
- −
- 9 incl. massage, reflexology, and foot reflexology;
- −
- 10 incl. healing touch, Reiki, and therapeutic touch;
- −
- 11 incl. compression, cupping (draining procedures), hydroelectric bath, music therapy, support groups, patient education, and nurse-led follow-up.
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- Note. Study quality of the included studies varied—see Table S3 (Supplementary S5) for critical appraisal.
O for p or t | Author 1 | Study Design 2 | p 3 | t 3 | Intervention | Outcome Measures | Result/Clinical Experience (CE) 4 |
Phytotherapy | Arslan et al. 2020 [17] | RCT (n = 60) | √ | - | Henna application | CIPN assessment tool | Significant beneficial effect. Low cost, safe intervention, and well tolerated by patients. |
Fallon et al. 2015 in S3 clinical guideline Supportive therapy [37] | Proof of concept study | - | √ | Application of menthol crème 1% | Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), Quantitative Sensory Testing | Significant reduction in pain symptoms. | |
Izgu et al. 2019 [101] | Pilot RCT (n = 46) | - | √ | Aroma hand and foot massage. | Neuropathic symptoms, numeric rating scale | Significant lower severity of pain based on NRS. | |
Li et al. 2019 [35] | Meta-analysis | √ | √ | All types of Chinese herbal medicine in TCM | CIPN grade, Levi’s grade | Improvement of sensory nerve conduction velocity and motor nerve conduction velocity. | |
Noh et al. 2018 [36] | Syst. Review of RCTs (n = 28) | √ | √ | All types of Phy used for medicinal purposes | Clinical improvement, nerve conduction study (NCS) | Potentially preventive and/or therapeutic effects for CIPN | |
Noh and Park 2019 [50] | RCT (n = 31) | - | √ | Aroma foot reflexology | CIPN assessment tool | Statistically significant reduction of symptoms. | |
Rostami et al. 2019 [75] | RCT (n = 34) | - | √ | Topical c. colocynthis oil | Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT), Neurotoxicity score | Failed to improve the symptoms of CIPN compared with placebo. | |
Consensus process | N/A | √ | √ | Aconit oil application | Clinical improvement | CE 3 | |
Consensus process | N/A | √ | Solum oil application | Clinical improvement | CE 1 | ||
Consensus process | N/A | √ | √ | Flaxseed bath | Clinical improvement | CE 4 | |
Consensus process | N/A | √ | √ | Arnica comp/Formica oil application | Clinical improvement | CE 3 | |
Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Arnica comp/Formica ointment (for stronger effect of Aconit) | Clinical improvement | CE 3–4 | |
Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Rosemary ointment | Clinical improvement | CE 3–4 | |
Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Peppermint oil application for heat sensations and paraesthesia | Clinical improvement | CE2 | |
Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Eucalyptus oil application for heat sensations and paraesthesia | Clinical improvement | CE 2 | |
Movement therapies | Andersen et al. 2020 [38] | Single-blind ex-ploratory RCT (n = 48) | √ | √ | Physical therapy | Patient questionnaires, quantitative sensory testing | Improvement of CIPN pain for patients with breast cancer. Correlation to preservation of sensory function. |
Brami et al. 2016 [16] | Systematic review of RCTs (n = 13) | - | √ | Physical activity | Nerve conduction velocity, (NCV), Neurological Symptom Score, Total Neuropathy Score, QoL | Evidence was reported for interventions consisting of physical activity components; for strength and endurance training; and for multimodal self-help strategies including physical activity, yoga, and mindfulness. | |
Fernandes and Kumar 2016 [69] | Single-group pre-post prospective study (n = 25) | - | √ | Closed kinematic chain exercise | Modified Total Neuropathy Score (mTNS), Berg Balance Score (BBS) | Significant change in values before and after the exercise. | |
Kanzawa-Lee et al. 2020 [54] | Comprehensive inte-grative review(7 RCTs, 6 quasi-experimental studies) | - | √ | Exercise with Aerobic, strength training, and balance training | CIPN, balance, and fitness | Empirical evidence is insufficient to definitively conclude that exercise interventions ameliorate CIPN. | |
Kleckner et al. 2018 [48] | Secondary analysis of a phase III RCT (n = 355) | - | √ | EXCAP©® a standardized, individualized, moderate-intensity, home-based, six-week progressive walking and resistance exercise program | Patient-reported CIPN symptoms | Reduction of CIPN symptoms (hot/coldness in hands/feet, numbness, and tingling). | |
McCrary et al. 2019 [84] | Prospective pilot intervention study, single group pre-post design (n = 35) | - | √ | 8-week multimodal exercises (resistance, balance, cardiovascular training) | Total Neuropathy Score—clinical version (TNSc), EORTC CIPN-20, functional assessment tools, disability, and QoL | Reduction of CIPN symptoms and related functional and quality of life deficits. No changes in sensory or motor neurophysiologic parameters. | |
Schönsteiner et al. 2017 [89] | Randomized exploratory phase 2 study (n = 131) | - | √ | Whole-body vibration including massage, passive mobilization, and physical exercise. | Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy/Gynecologic Oncology Group neurotoxicity subscale (FACT/GOG-NTX), EORTC QLQ-C30 Quantitative sensory testing (QST) | Significantly and clinically relevant beneficial impact on symptom relief, physical fitness, and sensory function. | |
Schwenk et al. 2016 [90] | Single blinded, randomized controlled pilot study (n = 22) | - | √ | Interactive motor adaptation balance training program | VPT score, numeric rating scale for pain (NRS), neuropathy-related numbness in feet (NRS score), Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12), Falls, Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) | Significant reductions in postural sway parameters in challenging semi-tandem position. No significant changes were noted for balance with “eyes closed”, gait speed, and fear of falling. | |
Steinmann et al. 2011 in S3 clinical guidelineS3 Guideline Supportive therapy 2020 [37] | Overview article | √ | √ | Tactile Stimulation (e.g., been bath) | Clinical improvement | 81% of patients consider tactile stimulation to be very effective or effective. | |
Streckmann, Kneis et al. 2014 in S3 Guideline Supportive therapy 2020 [37] | RCT (n = 62) | - | √ | Exercise (sensorimotor training, endurance, strength) | QOL; coordination, endurance, strength, therapy-induced side-effects. | Due to the highly significant physiological parameters, the study was terminated prematurely. | |
Streckmann, Zopf et al. 2014 [60] | Systematic review of RCTs (n = 10), CCT (n = 8) | - | √ | Exercise interventions | Side effects of Polyneuropathy | Number of patients with reduced deep sensitivity could be diminished. Only one RCT related to CIPN. | |
S3 Guideline Supportive therapy 2020 [37] | S3 Guideline | - | √ | Non-drug methods | Not described | Sensorimotor training and whole-body vibration represent new options for CIPN treatment. Clear evidence of improvement of functional limitation through non-medicinal procedures such as sports therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and physical therapy including electrotherapy. | |
Tofthagen et al. 2012 [96] | Review of RCTs (n = 10), single-arm study (n = 1), cross-over-study (n = 1), quasi-experimental study (n = 1) | - | √ | Strength training and balance training | Neuropathy symptoms, strength, balance | Recommendation of physical therapy as a treatment option, but no studies were identified that evaluate strength training and balance training for treatment of CIPN. | |
Zimmer et al. 2018 [94] | RCT (n = 30) | - | √ | Multimodal exercise program, (endurance, resistance, balance, coordination) | Trial Outcome Index (TOI),NCI-CTC/FACT/GOG-NTX | Regarding CIPN (TOI), there were significant differences between groups in the main analysis. | |
Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Sugar oil peeling | Clinical improvement | CE 3 | |
Consensus process | N/A | √ | √ | Tactile stimulation | Clinical improvement | CE 2–3 | |
Mind-body therapies | Brami et al. 2016 [16] | Systematic review of RCTs (n = 13) | - | √ | Mind-Body modalities | NCV, Neurological Symptom Score, Total Neuropathy Score, QoL | Evidence was reported for self-management strategies including yoga and mindfulness. |
Galantino et al. 2019 [80] | Open-label, single-arm, feasibility trial | - | √ | Yoga, Meditation | Functional Reach, Timed Up and Go, Patient Neurotoxicity Questionnaire (PNQ), (FACT-GOG-NTX) | Significant improvements were found in flexibility, balance, and fall risk. | |
Kanzawa-Lee et al. 2020 [54] | Comprehensive inte-grative review(7 RCTs, 6 quasi-experimental studies) | - | √ | Yoga, exercises | CIPN, balance, and fitness | Empirical evidence is insufficient to definitively conclude that exercise interventions ameliorate CIPN. | |
Nutritional therapy | Brami et al. 2016 [16] | Systematic review of RCTs (n = 13) | √ | √ | Glutamine, Goshajinkigan, vitamin E, Omega 3, Acetyl-l-carnitine, Alpha-lipoic-acid | NCV, Neurological Symptom Score, Total Neuropathy Score, QoL | Vitamin E, Glutamine, Goshajinkigan, and Omega-3 may prevent CIPN. Acetyl-l-carnitine may worsen CIPN; Alpha-lipoic-acid activity is unknown. |
Greenlee et al. 2017 [42] | Clinical practice guideline based on a systematic literature review of RCTs. | √ | √ | Omega-3, fatty acids, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, dietary modification | - | Acetyl-l carnitine is not recommended to prevent CIPN. Insufficient evidence that Omega-3, fatty acids, and vitamin E help to reduce neuropathy. | |
Rostock et al. 2013 [88] | Four arm RCT (n = 60) | - | √ | Vitamin B complex | Detailed questionnaire, NRS | Positive effects. No statistically significant results. | |
Hydrotherapy | Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Alkaline bath for hand/foot, then Aconit oil application | Clinical improvement | CE 3 |
Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Cold knee and/or arm showers | Clinical improvement | CE 3 | |
Acupuncture/Acupressure | Brami et al. 2016 [16] | Systematic review of RCTs (n = 13) | - | √ | Electroacupuncture | NCV, Neurological Symptom Score, Total Neuropathy Score, QoL | Not superior to placebo. |
Deng et al. 2013 [53] | Systematic review of meta-analyses (n = 4), syst. Reviews (n = 14), RCT (n = 16) | - | √ | Acupuncture | VAS, neuropathy symptoms, QoL. | Some improvement regarding VAS and neuropathy symptoms. | |
Donald et al. 2011 [68] | Retrospective Evaluation (n = 18) | - | √ | Acupuncture | CIPN symptoms. | 82% (n = 14) reported improvement of neuropathy symptoms. | |
Greenlee et al. 2017 [42] | Clinical practice guideline based on a systematic literature review of RCTs. | √ | √ | Acupuncture, electroacupuncture | - | Insufficient evidence that electroacupuncture help to reduce neuropathy. | |
Rostock et al. 2013 [88] | Four arm RCT (n = 60) | - | √ | Electroacupuncture | Detailed questionnaire, NRS Scale | Positive effects. No statistically significant results. | |
S3 guideline complementary medicine in the treatment of oncology patients [57] | S3 guideline | - | √ | Acupuncture, electroacupuncture | BPI, Total Neuropathy Score, NCS, Functional Assessment, QoL. | Data are available from a meta-analysis and two RCTs on the efficacy of A- for CIPN. | |
Wong et al. 2016 [93] | Prospective phase 2 study (n = 40) | - | √ | Acupuncture like TENS | Numbness score, mTNS, Edmonton Symptoms Assessment Scale (ESAS) | Statistically significant difference at 6 months from the baseline pain score. | |
Cryotherapy | Bandla et al. 2020 [18] | Proof-of-concept study (n = 26) | √ | - | Cryocompression | Total neuropathy score (TNS), NCS | Potentially improve efficacy of preventing CIPN. Safe and tolerable. |
Beijers et al. 2020 [39] | RCT (n = 180) | √ | - | Frozen glove and sock | CIPN20 | Significant reduction of CIPN symptoms. Dropout of one-third of patients. | |
Griffiths et al. 2018 [19] | RCT (n = 29) | √ | - | Frozen glove and sock | Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory, BPI. | No significant differences in neuropathy or pain. Drop-out rate, more than 50 %. | |
Sundar et al. 2017 [40] | Prospective pilot study (n = 20) | √ | - | Continuous-flow limb hypothermia. | Visual analog scale (VAS), subjective tolerance scale, NCS, | No significant difference in NCS. Well tolerated by all patients. | |
Consensus process | N/A | √ | - | Frozen gloves and socks | Clinical improvement | Cannot be assessed. | |
Manipulative therapies | Brami et al. 2016 [16] | Systematic review of RCTs (n = 13)) | - | √ | Massage, touch therapy | MD Anderson Symptom Inventory | Greatly reduced CIPN symptoms from grade 2 to 1 and significantly improved quality of life. |
Cunningham et al. 2011 [74] | Case report | - | √ | Massage | MD Anderson Symptom Inventory | Greatly reduced CIPN symptoms from grade 2 to 1 and significantly improved quality of life. | |
Izgu et al. 2019 [41] | RCT (n = 40) | √ | Massage | Self-Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Sign (S-LANSS), EORCT QLQ CIPN20, NCS. | Massage successfully prevented CIPN, improved the QoL, and showed beneficial effects on the NCS findings. | ||
Sarisoy, et al. 2020 [76] | RCT (n = 40) | - | √ | Foot-massage | VAS, Doleur Neuropatique/Neuropatic pain (DN4), Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) | Positive effect on CIPN pain. | |
Schönsteiner et al. 2017 [89] | Randomized exploratory phase 2 study (n = 131) | - | √ | Whole-body vibration including massage, passive mobilization, and physical exercise. | (FACT/GOG-NTX), EORTC QLQ-C30 Quantitative sensory testing (QST) | Significantly and clinically relevant beneficial impact on symptoms relieve, physical fitness, and sensory function. | |
Rhytmical embrocations | Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Aconit oil—rhythmical embrocation | Clinical improvement | CE 4 |
Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Arnica comp/Formica oil—rhythmical embrocation | Clinical improvement | CE 4 | |
TENS/Scrambler therapy | Coyne et al. 2013 [67] | Expanded trial, single arm trial (n = 39) | - | √ | Scrambler therapy | NRS, BPI, European Organization for Treatment and Cancer CIPN20 (EORTCCIPN20) | Clinically important and statistically significant improvements were seen in average, least, and worst pain. |
Gewandter et al. 2019 [65] | Single-arm study (n = 29) | - | √ | TENS | EORTC-CIPN20, Utah Early Neuropathy Score | Significant improvements were observed with the EORTC-CIPN20. | |
Loprinzi et al. 2020 [71] | RCT, two arm phase II pilot trial (n = 50). | - | √ | Scrambler therapy, TENS | EORTC CIPN20, NAS questionnaire regarding CIPN-associated pain | Scrambler therapy improves CIPN symptoms more than TENS. | |
Other supportive interventions | Kotani et al. 2021 [43] | Double-blind phase 2 trial (n = 56) | √ | - | Compression | Incidence of Grade ≥ 2 CIPN. | No significant reduction of CIPN incidence. |
Rostock et al. 2013 [88] | Four arm RCT (n = 60) | - | √ | Hydroelectric bath | Detailed questionnaire, NRS | Positive effects. No statistically significant results. | |
Consensus process | N/A | √ | - | Compression | Clinical improvement | Cannot be assessed. | |
Consensus process | N/A | - | √ | Copper ointment (0.4%) | Clinical improvement | E 2 |
3.5. Manipulative Therapies
Massage, Reflexology, and Foot Reflexology
3.6. Rhythmical Embrocations (Including Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki)
3.7. Phytotherapy (including Herbal Medicines)
Aromatherapy, Aromatherapy Massage, and Aromatherapy Reflexology
3.8. Movement Therapies
3.9. Mind–Body Therapies
3.9.1. Yoga
3.9.2. Distraction Therapies and Relaxation
3.9.3. Additional MBMs
Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Relaxation
Problem-Solving Therapies
3.10. Acupuncture/Acupressure (TCM)
3.11. TENS/Scrambler Therapy
3.11.1. TENS
3.11.2. Scrambler Therapy
3.12. Conceptual Therapeutic Approach
3.13. Side Effects and/or Interactions
4. Discussion
4.1. Interprofessional Teamwork
4.2. Challenges of Categorizing Non-Pharmacological Therapies
4.3. Further Integration of Non-Pharmacological Therapies in the Healthcare System
4.4. Directions for Future Research
4.5. Strengths and Limitations
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Klafke, N.; Bossert, J.; Kröger, B.; Neuberger, P.; Heyder, U.; Layer, M.; Winkler, M.; Idler, C.; Kaschdailewitsch, E.; Heine, R.; et al. Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) with Non-Pharmacological Interventions: Clinical Recommendations from a Systematic Scoping Review and an Expert Consensus Process. Med. Sci. 2023, 11, 15.
Klafke N, Bossert J, Kröger B, Neuberger P, Heyder U, Layer M, Winkler M, Idler C, Kaschdailewitsch E, Heine R, et al. Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) with Non-Pharmacological Interventions: Clinical Recommendations from a Systematic Scoping Review and an Expert Consensus Process. Medical Sciences. 2023; 11(1):15.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKlafke, Nadja, Jasmin Bossert, Birgit Kröger, Petra Neuberger, Ute Heyder, Monika Layer, Marcela Winkler, Christel Idler, Elke Kaschdailewitsch, Rolf Heine, and et al. 2023. "Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) with Non-Pharmacological Interventions: Clinical Recommendations from a Systematic Scoping Review and an Expert Consensus Process" Medical Sciences 11, no. 1: 15.
APA StyleKlafke, N., Bossert, J., Kröger, B., Neuberger, P., Heyder, U., Layer, M., Winkler, M., Idler, C., Kaschdailewitsch, E., Heine, R., John, H., Zielke, T., Schmeling, B., Joy, S., Mertens, I., Babadag-Savas, B., Kohler, S., Mahler, C., Witt, C. M., ... Stolz, R. (2023). Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) with Non-Pharmacological Interventions: Clinical Recommendations from a Systematic Scoping Review and an Expert Consensus Process. Medical Sciences, 11(1), 15.