Examining Digital Government Maturity Models: Evaluating the Inclusion of Citizens
:1. Introduction
- How frequently do DGMMs explicitly address citizens?
- In which issues are citizens explicitly considered, and how is their involvement characterized?
2. Digital Government Maturity and Citizen-Centricity: Two Key Concepts
2.1. Digital Government Maturity
2.1.1. Digital Maturity
2.1.2. Digital Maturity Models and Digital Government Maturity Models
2.2. Citizen-Centricity
3. Research Strategy and Process
- Timespan: According to Thordsen et al. (2020), the first DMM was introduced in 2011, but since 2013, the later generation of DGMM has emerged and views the e-government as a path to advance digital, resilient, equitable, and inclusive societies, rather than solely serving as a conduit for delivering e-services (Hujran et al., 2023b). The timeframe for my literature review spans from 2012 to the present, focusing on the interest of the newer wave of DGMM;
- Type of DGMM: This research includes DGMMs with different designs and purposes. For example, the model can be designed as a stage model or dimension-based model and the purpose can be descriptive, prescriptive, comparative, or holistic. Both practical applications and theoretical models have been included in this review because theoretical models can contribute to the development of models used in practice and are essential for theory building. The DGMM models are developed with different scopes of application. Sometimes, they are designed for use in different countries, while in other cases, they are developed specifically for use within the EU. In some instances, the geographic area of application is not explicitly mentioned;
- Sources: This literature review selected both academic (primary literature) and non-peer-reviewed literature, also known as grey literature (i.e., secondary data source). The Gartner Digital Government Maturity Model 2017 is not included;
- The literature screening: The screening for citizen addressed took place in the section for the DGMM and the text that discussed the model. The screening of citizens has not been conducted, for example, in the abstract, introduction, or theory chapter;
- Citizen addressed: This research aimed to examine how citizens are explicitly addressed in the literature. A search for references to “residents” instead of “citizens” was also conducted; however, the results remained unchanged, as “citizen” continued to be the predominant term. I acknowledge that citizens may be implicitly addressed in the models when they are referred to as customers, users, or similar terms. If the term “citizens” were not found, I scanned the models to see if they had used other concepts such as users, clients, customers, etc., that is, if they implicitly addressed citizens.
4. Result
4.1. Frequency of DGMM Addressing Citizens
4.2. DGMM: Incorporating Citizen Perspective
4.2.1. Theme 1, Maturity Stage
4.2.2. Theme 2, Area of Focus
4.2.3. Theme 3, Enablers
4.2.4. Theme 4, Constraints
4.2.5. Theme 5, Metrics
4.2.6. Theme 6, Insights
4.2.7. Theme 7, Recommendation
4.3. Models That Do Not Explicitly Address Citizens
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Further Research and Limitations
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Model | (1) Maturity Stage | (2) Area of Focus | (3) Enablers | (4) Constraints | (5) Metrics | (6) Insights | (7) Recommendation |
(Magnusson & Nilsson, 2019) Dimension-based | |||||||
(Kafel et al., 2021) Dimension-based | |||||||
(Nerima & Ralyté 2021) Dimension-based | |||||||
(Renteria et al., 2019) Dimension-based | |||||||
(OECD, 2014) Dimension-based | |||||||
(EU, 2023) Dimension-based | |||||||
(McKinsey, 2016) Dimension-based | |||||||
(Eggers & Bellman, 2015) Dimension-based | |||||||
(Heeks, 2015) Dimension-based and stages (in this case, maturity progressing from bottom to top) | |||||||
(Dias & Gomes, 2014) Dimension-based with stages in the dimensions | |||||||
(Joshi & Islam, 2018) Dimension-based and stages | |||||||
(Hujran et al., 2023a) Stage-based model, mainly, but they also refer to dimensions | |||||||
(Janowski, 2015) Stage model with characteristics | |||||||
(Fath-Allah et al., 2014) Stage model | |||||||
(Lee & Kwak, 2012) Stage model | |||||||
(Alhomod et al., 2012) Stage model | |||||||
(UN, 2012) Stage model | |||||||
(Chohan et al., 2020) Stage model | |||||||
Number of models/themes | 9 | 8 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 4 |
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No | Author/s, Year | Model | Type of Model | Frequency | Group |
1 | (Magnusson & Nilsson, 2019) | DiMiOS: A model for government digital maturity | Dimension-based | 0 | No mention 3 models (17%) |
2 | (Kafel et al., 2021) | Multi dimensional PS organisations’ DMM | Dimension-based | 0 | |
3 | (Nerima & Ralyté, 2021) | Digital maturity balance model | Dimension-based | 0 | |
4 | (Fath-Allah et al., 2014) | Measurement-based e-government portals maturity model | Stage model | 1 | Few mentions 6 models (33%) |
5 | (Heeks, 2015) | The Manchester e-government maturity model | Dimension-based with stage (process) | 2 | |
6 | (Lee & Kwak, 2012) | Open government maturity model | Stage model | 2 | |
7 | (Dias & Gomes, 2014) | A three-dimension maturity model | Dimension-based with stage within the dimensions | 5 | |
8 | (Renteria et al., 2019) | Digital government maturity framework | Dimension-based | 5 | |
9 | (Alhomod et al., 2012) | A four-stage maturity model of e-government | Stage model | 8 | |
10 | (OECD, 2014) | Recommendation of the council on digital government strategies | Dimension-based | 19 | Wide mentions 9 models (50%) |
11 | (UN, 2012) | E-Government survey 2012 e-government for the people | Stage model | 20 | |
12 | (EU, 2023) | eGovernment benchmark | Dimension-based | 29 | |
13 | (Hujran et al., 2023a) | SMARTGOV, an extended maturity model | Stage model but they also refer to dimensions | 34 | |
14 | (McKinsey, 2016) | Digital by defult | Dimension-based | 35 | |
15 | (Joshi & Islam, 2018) | E-Government maturity model for sustainable e-government services | Dimension-based with stage | 40 | |
16 | (Chohan et al., 2020) | E-Government maturity model | Stage model | 43 | |
17 | (Janowski, 2015) | Digital government evolution model | Stage model with charecteristics | 51 | |
18 | (Eggers & Bellman, 2015) | Digital maturity model | Dimension-based | 56 |
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Waara, Å. Examining Digital Government Maturity Models: Evaluating the Inclusion of Citizens. Adm. Sci. 2025, 15, 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci15030073
Waara Å. Examining Digital Government Maturity Models: Evaluating the Inclusion of Citizens. Administrative Sciences. 2025; 15(3):73. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci15030073
Chicago/Turabian StyleWaara, Åsa. 2025. "Examining Digital Government Maturity Models: Evaluating the Inclusion of Citizens" Administrative Sciences 15, no. 3: 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci15030073
APA StyleWaara, Å. (2025). Examining Digital Government Maturity Models: Evaluating the Inclusion of Citizens. Administrative Sciences, 15(3), 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci15030073