Influence of Three Dental Implant Surfaces on Cell Viability and Bone Behavior. An In Vitro and a Histometric Study in a Rabbit Model
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Dental Implant Groups
2.2. Surface Characterization
2.2.1. Morphological Analysis of the Surface
2.2.2. Elemental Analysis of the Surface
2.2.3. Analysis of Surface Roughness
2.3. Cell Viability Study
2.4. Experimental Animal Study
2.5. Radiological Analysis
2.6. Histomorphometric Analysis
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Surface Characterization
3.1.1. Morphological Analysis of the Surface
3.1.2. Elemental Analysis of the Surface
3.1.3. Analysis of Surface Profile
3.2. Cell Viability Study
3.3. Experimental Animal Study
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Implant Manufacturer | Surface Name | Group Name | Titanium Grade | Reference |
Ziacom | SLA (sandblasted and acid etched) | SLA | Ti grade IV | ZSS4011 |
BioHorizons | RBT (resorbable hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate (HA and TCP) blast texturing) | HA/TCP | Ti-6Al-4V (grade V) | PGR4009 |
Zimmer | MTX (microtextured, HA blast, and non-etching acid wash) | HA + AW | Ti-6Al-4V (grade V) | TSVT4B8 |
Element | Weight % | ||
SLA | HA/TCP | HA + AW | |
C K | 9.38 (10.23) | 5.23 (8.05) | 3.91 (1.02) |
Al K | - | 4.60 (4.36) | 3.82 (0.19) |
Ti K | 89.53 (11.77) | 84.76 (15.59) | 92.27 (0.82) |
SLA, sandblasted and double acid etched. HA/TCP, hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate blasted. HA + AW, hydroxyapatite blasted and non-etching acid wash. |
Implant | Ra (μm) (SD) | Rq (μm) (SD) | Rp (μm) (SD) | Rv (μm) (SD) |
SLA | 0.82 (0.10) * | 0.97 (0.08) * | 1.84 (0.04) **, *** | 2.21 (0.01) |
HA/TCP | 1.11 (0.03) * | 1.45 (0.10) * | 2.97 (0.28) *, *** | 3.38 (1.28) |
HA + AW | 0.97 (0.17) | 1.18 (0.24) | 2.07 (0.27) *, ** | 3.11 (0.62) |
Implant | Sa (μm) (SD) | Sq (μm) (SD) | Sp (μm) (SD) | Sv (μm) (SD) |
SLA | 0.76 (0.01) **, *** | 0.97 (0.01) **, *** | 4.20 (0.12) * | 4.62 (0.20) *, ** |
HA/TCP | 1.61 (0.02) *, *** | 2.05 (0.01) *, *** | 11.69 (1.48) * | 9.35 (4.02) * |
HA + AW | 0.92 (0.07) *, ** | 1.21 (0.11) *, ** | 10.67 (7.27) | 7.97 (0.68) ** |
Mean | SD | ||
Volume (mm3) | SLA | 0.197 | 0.225 |
HA/TCP | 0.129 | 0.242 | |
HA + AW | 0.009 | 0.007 | |
Bone density (HU) | SLA | 642.00 | 149.14 |
HA/TCP | 505.83 | 212.02 | |
HA + AW | 442.25 | 235.28 | |
Accumulated density (HU) | SLA | 4,806,900.00 | 5,857,115.70 |
HA/TCP | 1,862,223.17 | 3,282,273.12 | |
HA + AW | 233,098.00 | 225,000.53 |
Mean | SD | ||
Area (mm2) | SLA | 2499 | 2026 |
HA/TCP | 3147 | 1978 | |
HA + AW | 1933 | 1022 | |
BIC (%) | SLA | 40.6 * | 17.77 |
HA/TCP | 41.28 ** | 11.26 | |
HA + AW | 27.60 *, ** | 9.62 |
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Rizo-Gorrita, M.; Fernandez-Asian, I.; Garcia-de-Frenza, A.; Vazquez-Pachon, C.; Serrera-Figallo, M.-A.; Torres-Lagares, D.; Gutierrez-Perez, J.-L. Influence of Three Dental Implant Surfaces on Cell Viability and Bone Behavior. An In Vitro and a Histometric Study in a Rabbit Model. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4790.
Rizo-Gorrita M, Fernandez-Asian I, Garcia-de-Frenza A, Vazquez-Pachon C, Serrera-Figallo M-A, Torres-Lagares D, Gutierrez-Perez J-L. Influence of Three Dental Implant Surfaces on Cell Viability and Bone Behavior. An In Vitro and a Histometric Study in a Rabbit Model. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(14):4790.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRizo-Gorrita, María, Ignacio Fernandez-Asian, Andreina Garcia-de-Frenza, Celia Vazquez-Pachon, Maria-Angeles Serrera-Figallo, Daniel Torres-Lagares, and Jose-Luis Gutierrez-Perez. 2020. "Influence of Three Dental Implant Surfaces on Cell Viability and Bone Behavior. An In Vitro and a Histometric Study in a Rabbit Model" Applied Sciences 10, no. 14: 4790.
APA StyleRizo-Gorrita, M., Fernandez-Asian, I., Garcia-de-Frenza, A., Vazquez-Pachon, C., Serrera-Figallo, M.-A., Torres-Lagares, D., & Gutierrez-Perez, J.-L. (2020). Influence of Three Dental Implant Surfaces on Cell Viability and Bone Behavior. An In Vitro and a Histometric Study in a Rabbit Model. Applied Sciences, 10(14), 4790.