Manufacturing Processes of Integral Blade Rotors for Turbomachinery, Processes and New Approaches
:1. Introduction
2. Monolithic Components: Manufacturing Processes
2.1. Casting
2.2. Electro Discharge Machining (EDM)
2.3. Electro Chemical Machining (ECM)/Precise Electro Chemical Machining (PECM)
2.4. Additive Manufacturing (AM)
2.5. Conventional Machining Process: 5-Axis Milling
2.5.1. Cutting Tools and Tool Holders
2.5.2. Manufacturing Strategies
2.6. Super Abrasive Machining (SAM)
2.7. Algorithms to Optimise Manufacturing Processes
3. Summary and Conclusions
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- Complex design requirements and geometries: IBRs are classified as sculpted or free-form surfaces. For these geometries’ generation, different methods as B-Splines or NURBS are used. Therefore, additionally to the complexity of these geometries manufacturing, in some cases the accessibility for the tool along with the tough dimensional requirements are a handicap for manufacturers.
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- Difficult-to-cut materials: Present machining difficulties due to elevated cutting forces, high temperatures, limited cutting conditions and excessive tool wear.
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- High-cost production processes: Inside the IBRs manufacturing chain, many stages are presented such as, roughing, intermediate semifinishing, finishing and abrasive final operations in order to achieve desired tolerances. These stages imply higher machining times and tool wear.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Patent Number & Title | Description | Figures |
US 7144307 Point abrasive maching of nickel alloys. UTC [73]. | This patent develops a superabrasive manufacturing process similar to point milling strategy for nickel-based alloys. The used tool consists in a specific tool coated with abrasive material. | |
US 7101263 Flank superabrasive machining. UTC [74]. | This patent develops a new superabrasive conical tool for using flank SAM on complex geometries as turbine blades. | |
US 7007382 Slot machining. UTC [75]. | This patent presents a methodology for initial slots in fir-trees in three different stages. (1) Slot base, (2) right lateral side and (3) left lateral side. | |
US7303461B1 Method of machining airfoils by disc tools. Pratt and Whitney [76]. | This patent develops a grinding peripherical strategy to remove material on airfoils discs using multi-axis simultaneous motions. | |
US 7789732 Superabrasive tool. UTC [77]. | A special abrasive machining tool for point machining in different steps. The body is composed of a tool tip abrasive coating. | |
US 7896728 Machining methods using superabrasive tool. UTC [78]. | A tool for abrasive machining with a concave abrasive coated protuberance at the tip end and a radial span at least 20% of the protuberance radius. | |
EP 2705926 A1 Finishing process for making blade slots in a rotor disc. Fidia SpA & GE Avo SRL [79]. | This patent filed a finishing process for fir trees manufacturing using a grinding tool along trochoidal paths. | |
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González-Barrio, H.; Calleja-Ochoa, A.; Lamikiz, A.; López de Lacalle, L.N. Manufacturing Processes of Integral Blade Rotors for Turbomachinery, Processes and New Approaches. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3063.
González-Barrio H, Calleja-Ochoa A, Lamikiz A, López de Lacalle LN. Manufacturing Processes of Integral Blade Rotors for Turbomachinery, Processes and New Approaches. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(9):3063.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález-Barrio, Haizea, Amaia Calleja-Ochoa, A. Lamikiz, and L. N. López de Lacalle. 2020. "Manufacturing Processes of Integral Blade Rotors for Turbomachinery, Processes and New Approaches" Applied Sciences 10, no. 9: 3063.
APA StyleGonzález-Barrio, H., Calleja-Ochoa, A., Lamikiz, A., & López de Lacalle, L. N. (2020). Manufacturing Processes of Integral Blade Rotors for Turbomachinery, Processes and New Approaches. Applied Sciences, 10(9), 3063.