Detecting Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructures by Classifying Exposed Industrial Control Systems Using Deep Learning
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
2. State of the Art
3. Methodology
3.1. Critical Infrastructure Dataset
3.2. Proposed Pipeline
3.2.1. Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning
3.2.2. Architectures
4. Experimental Results and Discussion
4.1. Experimental Settings
4.1.1. Transfer Learning Settings
4.1.2. Fine-Tuning Settings
4.2. Discussion of Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Architecture | Top-5 Accuracy (%) | Top-1 Accuracy (%) | Dataset |
LeNet [20] | - | MNIST [20] | |
DenseNet [21] | CIFAR-10 [22] | ||
AlexNet [23] | ImageNet | ||
ZFNet [24] | ImageNet | ||
GoogleNet [25] | ImageNet | ||
VGG16 [26] | ImageNet | ||
ResNet [27] | ImageNet | ||
ResNeXt-101 [28] | ImageNet | ||
Inception-V3 [29] | ImageNet | ||
SENet [30] | ImageNet | ||
MobileNet-V1 [31] | ImageNet | ||
MobileNet-V2 [32] | - | ImageNet | |
MobileNet-V3 [33] | - | ImageNet | |
EfficientNet [34] | ImageNet | ||
Xception [35] | ImageNet | ||
Inception-ResNet-V2 [36] | ImageNet | ||
NasNetLarge [19] | ImageNet |
Architecture | F1-Score (%) | Accuracy (%) | CPU (s) | GPU (s) |
ResNet50 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/) | (+/) |
VGG16 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Xception | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Inception-V3 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Mobilenet-V1 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Mobilenet-V2 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
NasNetLarge | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Inception-ResNet-V2 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
ResNet152v2 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Architecture | F1-Score (%) | Accuracy (%) | CPU (s) | GPU (s) |
ResNet50 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/) | (+/−) |
VGG16 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Xception | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Inception-V3 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Mobilenet-V1 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Mobilenet-V2 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
NasNetLarge | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Inception-ResNet-V2 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
ResNet152v2 | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) | (+/−) |
Architecture | F1-Score (%) | Accuracy (%) | CPU (s) | GPU (s) |
ResNet50 | (+/−) | (+/−) | ||
VGG16 | (+/− | (+/−) | ||
Xception | (+/−) | (+/−) | ||
Inception-V3 | (+/−) | (+/−) | ||
MobileNet-V1 | (+/−) | (+/−) | ||
MobileNet-V2 | (+/−) | (+/−) | ||
NasNetLarge | (+/−) | (+/−) | ||
Inception-ResNet-V2 | (+/−) | (+/−) | ||
ResNet152v2 | (+/−) | (+/−) |
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Share and Cite
Blanco-Medina, P.; Fidalgo, E.; Alegre, E.; Vasco-Carofilis, R.A.; Jañez-Martino, F.; Villar, V.F. Detecting Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructures by Classifying Exposed Industrial Control Systems Using Deep Learning. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 367.
Blanco-Medina P, Fidalgo E, Alegre E, Vasco-Carofilis RA, Jañez-Martino F, Villar VF. Detecting Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructures by Classifying Exposed Industrial Control Systems Using Deep Learning. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(1):367.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBlanco-Medina, Pablo, Eduardo Fidalgo, Enrique Alegre, Roberto A. Vasco-Carofilis, Francisco Jañez-Martino, and Victor Fidalgo Villar. 2021. "Detecting Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructures by Classifying Exposed Industrial Control Systems Using Deep Learning" Applied Sciences 11, no. 1: 367.
APA StyleBlanco-Medina, P., Fidalgo, E., Alegre, E., Vasco-Carofilis, R. A., Jañez-Martino, F., & Villar, V. F. (2021). Detecting Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructures by Classifying Exposed Industrial Control Systems Using Deep Learning. Applied Sciences, 11(1), 367.