Unmanned Aircraft Systems Risk Assessment Based on SORA for First Responders and Disaster Management
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- Technical issue with the UAS (OSO # 1-OSO # 10);
- Deterioration of external systems supporting UAS operation (OSO # 11-OSO # 13);
- Human error (OSO # 14-OSO # 20);
- Adverse operating conditions (OSO # 21-OSO # 24).
- Tactical mitigations which aim to reduce the probability of mid-air collision, applicable during missions, allowing for reactions from a few seconds to several minutes (for instance: detect and avoid sensors, TCAS, ADS-B, FLARM, trackers, dynamic geofencing, active communication with ATC and other airspace users);
- Strategic mitigations which aim to reduce the probability violations of operational volume by other airspace users, applicable before missions, allowing for reactions from a few days to several weeks (for instance: operational time frame—day or night, flight in zones, atypical/segregated airspace, geocaching).
- Machine—type of vehicle, additional equipment, Ground Control Station, reliability, continuing airworthiness, technical documentation, and safety devices;
- Man—any person involved in an operation, training, competency, division of tasks, and assignment of responsibilities;
- Mission—the purpose of the flight, tasks, and difficulty level;
- Management—operational instructions, checklists, procedures, legal bases, activity supervision, and control;
- Medium—meteorological conditions, natural environment, topography, and time of day.
- Software;
- Hardware;
- Environment;
- Liveware.
- Execution and use of a checklist;
- Use of observers with adequate communication;
- Operations performed by qualified operators with appropriate authorizations;
- Performing operations in specific weather conditions;
- Checking the manned air traffic;
- Checking the availability of airspace;
- Hardware knowledge.
- Additional FPV cameras;
- ADSB receivers;
- ADSB transmitters;
- Redundant power supply;
- Redundant communication systems;
- Appropriate structure;
- Parachute/airbag;
- Obstacle detection and avoidance systems.
3. Results
- Detection of gases and their toxicity;
- Recognition through the RBG camera.
- Meteorological conditions (e.g., wind);
- UAS delays (e.g., delays that affect the ability of the UAS to maneuver at the right time);
- The behavior of the UAV during the activation of the technical security measure;
- The UAV’s performance.
- Informing the FIS;
- Installation of the anti-collision light;
- Submission of a NOTAM application;
- Inform the public order services about the prohibition of using civilian UAVs;
- Activate the detection and neutralization systems for other UAVs (if available);
- Establishing a UAV flight coordinator in the area of operations.
- During the scenario UAV will be used in VLOS operation, and;
- The designated residual ARC is of the class and does not require a TMPR, and TMPR level of robustness.
- Loss of the operator’s radio signal due to too much distance, interference from external sources (tactical command and communication vehicles, BTS, antennas, etc.);
- The GPS signal interference;
- The GPS receiver failure;
- A badly planned mission (flying over an obstacle blocking the signal);
- The GCS failure;
- The perception error or loss of orientation by the operator.
4. Discussion
- Manned aviation—air medical assistance, water discharge planes, etc.;
- Environmental conditions during the action—dynamic physicochemical phenomena occurring during a fire, e.g., convective movements of hot air, fire gases and smoke, high temperature, humidity, etc.;
- Flight in difficult conditions (operator’s stress) and changing weather conditions;
- Civil and commercial flights are planned and usually take place in good weather, and FR flights are not planned and take place when necessary;
- The methodology does not take into account safety-related aspects, e.g., intrusion of another unidentified UAV into the area of operation;
- Additionally, the SORA methodology does not take into account the use of a swarm of drones—a relatively new possibility of the simultaneous use of several UAVs at the same time, which cooperate. Such an application is also envisaged in the ASSISTANCE project, and the authors’ team believes that such solutions will appear more and more often and more widely among various FRs.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | No. | Issue | Confirm |
Man | 1. | Operator and pilots are competent and/or proven (have appropriate licenses, drone logbook) | |
2. | Ensure the operator and pilots have appropriate authorization and approvals | ||
3. | Pilots are fit to operate (use the IMSAFE checklist: illness, medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue, and emotion) | ||
4. | The division of duties and competences and roles are known | ||
Machine | 5. | Visual inspection of the UAS (propellers, cover, etc.) | |
6. | Software in Ground Control Station and UAV is updated | ||
7. | RGB camera works (if used) | ||
8. | Thermal camera works (if used) | ||
9. | Additional payload works (if used) | ||
10. | Check the Ground Control Station (C2 links, screen, buttons, sticks, etc.) | ||
11. | Calibration | ||
12. | Battery is charged | ||
13. | SC card is empty and in place | ||
14. | Checking the power supply and operation of additional equipment (laptop, additional display, walkie-talkies) | ||
Mission | 15. | Mission is planned, a goal is known | |
16. | Path planning is done | ||
17. | Establish a geocache | ||
18. | Set the Failsafe | ||
19. | Take-off site is safe and marked | ||
Management | 20. | The ways of communication between pilots and visual observers are fixed | |
21. | The ways of communication between other first responders are fixed | ||
22. | Operational manual, ERP, and checklist are in place | ||
23. | Instructions and technical documentations are in place | ||
Medium | 24. | Inspection of the take-off site and surrounding area, detection of potential obstacles | |
25. | Meteoritical conditions are meet (KPI, wind, humidity, air temperature, etc.) | ||
26. | Weather forecasts |
Pilot | The Place of Use of the UAV | Tasks | Type of Platform |
Pilot 1 Earthquake | Izmir (Turkey) Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Fire and Natural Disaster Training Center | Road reconnaissance, assessment of the technical condition of the building, video stream | DJI Phantom 4 with an integrated telemetry module based on a Pixhawk autopilot |
Pilot 2 Industrial accident pilot scenario | Rotterdam (The Netherlands) GB training area | Assessment of the technical condition of the building, video stream, infrared image, CBRN module | DJI Matrice 200 |
Pilot 3 Terrorist attack | Villacarrillo (Spain) ATLAS test flight centre | Video stream, CBRN module, deployment of a drone swarm to establish ad-hoc communications coverage | DJI Matrice 600 |
Intrinsic UAS Ground Risk Class | ||||
Max UAS characteristics | 1 m/approx. 3ft | 3 m/approx. 10ft | 8 m/approx. 25ft | >8 m/approx. 25ft |
Typical kinetic energy expected | <700 J (approx. 529 Ft Lb) | <34 KJ (approx. 25,000 Ft Lb) | <1084 KJ (approx. 800,000 Ft Lb) | >1084 KJ (approx. 800,000 Ft Lb) |
Operational scenarios | ||||
VLOS/BVLOS over controlled ground area | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
VLOS in sparsely populated environment | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
BVLOS in sparsely populated | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
VLOS in populated environment | 4 | | 6 | 8 |
BVLOS in populated environment | 5 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
VLOS over gathering of people | 7 | |||
BVLOS over gathering of people | 8 |
Robustness | ||||
Mitigation Sequence | Mitigations for Ground Risk | Low/None | Medium | High |
1 | M1—Strategic mitigations for ground risk | 0: None −1: Low | −2 | −4 |
2 | M2—Effects of ground impact are reduced | 0 | −1 | −2 |
3 | M3—An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is in place, operator validated and effective | 1 | 0 | −1 |
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Share and Cite
Janik, P.; Zawistowski, M.; Fellner, R.; Zawistowski, G. Unmanned Aircraft Systems Risk Assessment Based on SORA for First Responders and Disaster Management. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 5364. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125364
Janik P, Zawistowski M, Fellner R, Zawistowski G. Unmanned Aircraft Systems Risk Assessment Based on SORA for First Responders and Disaster Management. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(12):5364. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125364
Chicago/Turabian StyleJanik, Paweł, Maciej Zawistowski, Radosław Fellner, and Grzegorz Zawistowski. 2021. "Unmanned Aircraft Systems Risk Assessment Based on SORA for First Responders and Disaster Management" Applied Sciences 11, no. 12: 5364. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125364
APA StyleJanik, P., Zawistowski, M., Fellner, R., & Zawistowski, G. (2021). Unmanned Aircraft Systems Risk Assessment Based on SORA for First Responders and Disaster Management. Applied Sciences, 11(12), 5364. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125364