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Peer-Review Record

Preliminary Investigations on the Use of a New Milling Technology for Obtaining Wholemeal Flours

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(13), 6138;
by Pavel Skřivan, Marcela Sluková *, Lucie Jurkaninová and Ivan Švec
Reviewer 1: Anonymous
Reviewer 2: Anonymous
Reviewer 3: Anonymous
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(13), 6138;
Submission received: 6 May 2021 / Revised: 27 June 2021 / Accepted: 29 June 2021 / Published: 1 July 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Effects of Plants’ Ingredients on Dough and Final Product)

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report


Author Response



Dear Editorial Office,

we have revised and modified the text according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. We have responded to reviewers’ comments and remarks as follow:


Reviewer 1:

Even, I don´t feel qualified to judge about the English language and style a suggest reading manuscript from a native English speaker in order to improve grammar and style.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The article has been submitted for revision in English. The text was corrected.


Again I suggest some specific „surprising" results to put in the abstract“ For example: Moisture contents in the studied flour samples were significantly lower (9-10%) than it is common in standard flours (13-14%).

Authors´ answers and corrections: Results were added and abstract was completed.

Explanation: Grain disintegration in this type of mill takes place in floating in an air stream with a temperature of 50-60° C (the grist is heated to a temperature of 30-40°C). This leads to a partial dehydration of the material, the resulting moisture of which is then lower than in the case of conventional grinding.


Line 14/15 It is not technically very difficult to achieve fine granulation of the bran particles, many disintegration devices can be used for this.  Please transform this sentence.

Authors´ answers and corrections: Abstract was corrected.

Special disintegration equipment is required to achieve fine granulation of the bran particles. In this study, we have tested a special type of impact mill (originally intended for grinding of plastics) to produce special finely ground wholemeal flours with lower starch damage and higher farinographic absorption. Moisture content in the studied flours was significantly lower (9-10%) than it is common in standard flour (13-14%). According to the results of flour analyses obtained from several cereal sources, it seems that especially in rye and wheat this technology is suitable for both achieving fine granulation of bran particles and in terms of not very substantial damage of starch granules.

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report

- As a general comment, the novelty supports the work however it seems just a preliminary study.

- Abstract (line 15) "especially in some of them"... the abstract should stand the investigation, so, please mention at least the cereal types that are suitable for. 
- The introduction should be focused on the objective and the objective should be improved to a more convincent sentence. Why it's important or could be important the utilization of alternative methods or cereals? The contribution of this study? at least should be highlighted in the objective.  
- As a suggestion, (Line 209) basic analyses... should be changed to chemical characteristics. "Basic" could be correlated with "easy", and those analyses are not, especially, fiber content with Megazyme KIT.  
- Please use british or american english (Characterize)
- Results and conclusion are quite vague, for example, the degree of the damaged starch has been repetitively mentioned however was not clearly determined and demonstrated with the methodology and techniques utilized by the authors. It should be considered for further investigations.

Author Response



Dear Editorial Office,

we have revised and modified the text according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. We have responded to reviewers’ comments and remarks as follow:


Reviewer 2:

- Abstract (line 15) "especially in some of them"... the abstract should stand the investigation, so, please mention at least the cereal types that are suitable for.

Authors´ answers and corrections: Abstract was corrected.

According to the results of flour analyses obtained from several cereal sources, it seems that especially in rye and wheat this technology is suitable for both achieving fine granulation of bran particles and in terms of not very substantial damage of starch granules.

Explanation: From this point of view, rye grain yields best to disintegration (particles 160-180µm predominate) (Figure 2b), followed by common wheat (with a maximum frequency of particles of 200µm without significant presence of coarser fractions) (Figure 2a).


- The introduction should be focused on the objective and the objective should be improved to a more convincent sentence. Why it's important or could be important the utilization of alternative methods or cereals? The contribution of this study? at least should be highlighted in the objective.

Authors´ answers and corrections: It was added. The objective has been emphasized.

What is essential for this work is the assessment of the extent to which the grain disintegration technique used leads to intensive comminution of the grain outer layers (bran particles) into fine granulation without significant damage to the starch granules. (More significant compared to conventional grinding.)


- As a suggestion, (Line 209) basic analyses... should be changed to chemical characteristics. "Basic" could be correlated with "easy", and those analyses are not, especially, fiber content with Megazyme KIT.

Authors´ answers and corrections: It was corrected.

3.1. Chemical Analysis of Flours (moisture, ash, protein and fiber content)


- Results and conclusion are quite vague, for example, the degree of the damaged starch has been repetitively mentioned however was not clearly determined and demonstrated with the methodology and techniques utilized by the authors. It should be considered for further investigations.

Authors´ answers:

Explanation: Amylographic tests and especially scanning electron microscopy assessments were used to characterize the degree of starch damage. This is an initial examination, which will be continued and further deepened.

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 3 Report

Authors determined some physical-chemical properties of eight types of different wholemeal grain flours obtained by incorporating into the milling process a Mahltechnik Görgens mill designed for other industries/aims.


I recommend authors to revise the title as it is not entirely correlated with the content of the manuscript. The method is not entirely alternative - by using Mahltechnik Görgens mill, it involved modification of some technological parameters. Also, the study was not based on determining nutritionally important components, but rather analysing some physical-chemical properties of flours.


Authors did not compare obtained flours with control ones (commercial or obtained with the classic technology), thus one can`t make a proper conclusion of the benefits of using the new device. I recommend authors to add controls (targeted flour obtained through classic technology).


All references are concentrated in the introduction section. Results and discussion section lacks discussion and comparison with other finding on its topic. Thus, taking into account also the lack of control samples, one can`t observe the effect of the technology applied. I recommend authors to compare results with scientific literature on the topic of the influence of milling process on physical-chemical properties of flours, such as to be able to draw valuable conclusions.


Values reported for granulation, farinograph water absorption, Solvent Retention Capacity, Falling Number, and Amylograph are presented without standard deviation. I recommend authors to add standard deviation of at least duplicate samples.


The devise used for flour production was generally presented in the section entitled “Flour Production”. Taking into account that the aim of the study was to present wholemeal flour characteristics produced with a “special mill”, authors are asked to add a figure containing at least a technical sketch of the mill and the most important components.


Line 110. „The flours used were as follows: finely granulated wholemeal flour of wheat (wheat WM FG), rye (rye WM FG), spelt (spelt WM FG), barley (barley WM FG), buckwheat (buckwheat WM FG), oat (oat WM FG) and sorghum (sorghum WM FG).” Materials used weren`t correctly presented. Beneath, at line 113, authors present the method for flour obtaining. Thus, materials used can`t be flours, but whole grains.


The manuscript has many English language mistakes. In many places the verb is missing.  For exemple: Line 22. “Over the centuries, it was replaced by…”.

Line 25 „The most efficient methods of endosperm separation and production of “light” (white) flours obtain in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).” The phrase can`t be understood. It needs English revision.


Comments for author File: Comments.docx

Author Response


Original title: An Alternative Method of Wholemeal Flour Production and its Effect on Nutritionally Important Cereal Components

New title proposed (by Reviewer 3): Production and Physico-Chemical Properties of Special Wholemeal Flours from Different Cereals and Pseudocereals



Dear Editorial Office,

we have revised and modified the text according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. We have responded to reviewers’ comments and remarks as follow:


Reviewer 3:

I recommend authors to revise the title as it is not entirely correlated with the content of the manuscript. The method is not entirely alternative - by using Mahltechnik Görgens mill, it involved modification of some technological parameters. Also, the study was not based on determining nutritionally important components, but rather analysing some physical-chemical properties of flours.

Authors´ answers and corrections:

Original title: An Alternative Method of Wholemeal Flour Production and its Effect on Nutritionally Important Cereal Components

New title proposed: Production and Physico-Chemical Properties of Special Wholemeal Flour from Different Cereals and Pseudocereals


Authors did not compare obtained flours with control ones (commercial or obtained with the classic technology), thus one can`t make a proper conclusion of the benefits of using the new device. I recommend authors to add controls (targeted flour obtained through classic technology).

Authors´ answers and corrections:

Explanation: White wheat flour (T530) was used as a comparative control sample.


All references are concentrated in the introduction section. Results and discussion section lacks discussion and comparison with other finding on its topic. Thus, taking into account also the lack of control samples, one can`t observe the effect of the technology applied. I recommend authors to compare results with scientific literature on the topic of the influence of milling process on physical-chemical properties of flours, such as to be able to draw valuable conclusions.

Authors´ answers and corrections:

Explanation: Confrontation and discussion with other studies was not possible because there are no available literature data on the grinding of cereals on this particular type of mill, which was not originally intended for their processing. Although similar types of grinding machines have already been used for these purposes, there are still relatively few literature data and each of the principally similar mills has its own specifics, for which comparison is difficult.


Values reported for granulation, farinograph water absorption, Solvent Retention Capacity, Falling Number, and Amylograph are presented without standard deviation. I recommend authors to add standard deviation of at least duplicate samples.

Authors´ answers and corrections: Values of standard deviation were added in the relevant tables.


The devise used for flour production was generally presented in the section entitled “Flour Production”. Taking into account that the aim of the study was to present wholemeal flour characteristics produced with a “special mill”, authors are asked to add a figure containing at least a technical sketch of the mill and the most important components.

Authors´ answers and corrections: Figure was added.

Figure 1. Scheme of grinding equipment


Line 110. „The flours used were as follows: finely granulated wholemeal flour of wheat (wheat WM FG), rye (rye WM FG), spelt (spelt WM FG), barley (barley WM FG), buckwheat (buckwheat WM FG), oat (oat WM FG) and sorghum (sorghum WM FG).” Materials used weren`t correctly presented. Beneath, at line 113, authors present the method for flour obtaining. Thus, materials used can`t be flours, but whole grains.

Authors´ answers and corrections: It was specified and added.

Cereal grains (Triticum aestivum L., Triticum spelta L., Secale cereale L., Hordeum vulgare L., Avena sativa L., Sorghum bicolor Moench) and a pseudocereal (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) were decontaminated (cleaned) and then disintegrated in a special impact mill. Finely granulated wholemeal flours as final products, were subsequently analysed.

Cereal grains (Triticum aestivum L., Triticum spelta L., Secale cereale L., Hordeum vulgare L., Avena sativa L., Sorghum bicolor Moench) and a pseudocereal (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) were decontaminated (cleaned) and then disintegrated in a special impact mill. Finely granulated wholemeal flours as final products, were subsequently analysed.


The manuscript has many English language mistakes. In many places the verb is missing.  For exemple: Line 22. “Over the centuries, it was replaced by…”.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The article has been submitted for revision in English. The text was corrected.

It has been replaced by the production of flours containing mostly the endosperm over the centuries.


Line 25 „The most efficient methods of endosperm separation and production of “light” (white) flours obtain in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).” The phrase can`t be understood. It needs English revision.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The article has been submitted for revision in English. The text was corrected.

The most efficient procedures of endosperm separation from coating layers of the grain and the production of white flours is achieved in the case of wheat.

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Round 2

Reviewer 1 Report

Paper can be published in present form

Author Response

Please rotate the Figure 1. Scheme of grinding equipment. It is need to respect the technological sens. The input of the grains is locate at the top of the equipment.

Authors´ answers: The grinding scheme shown as Figure 1 is correct. This is a new, non-standard approach to milling (grains enter at the bottom, are in the elevator, disintegration occurs, and finely ground flours exit at the top of the device). The description and principle of milling is detailed in Chapter 2.1.


Please complete the manuscript with the granulation spectra for the other samples because were presented only for four samples. Figures 2 and 3 can be combined in a single one.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The number of flour samples analysed was modified. The images were combined (Figure 2 a-d).


Also, please complete with the Scanning Electron Microscopy for the other samples (only for three samples is presented). Figures 4, 5 and 6 can be combined in a single one. Please combine all images  of microstructure in a single Figure where images for each flour samples can be noted with (a), (b), .... and (h).

Authors´ answers and corrections: SEM images of spelt was added. The images were combined (Figure 3 a-d).


Please include discuses referring to scientific literature on the topic.

Authors´ answers – explanation: Confrontation and discussion with other studies was not possible because there are no available literature data on the grinding of cereals on this particular type of mill, which was not originally intended for their processing. Although similar types of grinding machines have already been used for these purposes, there are still relatively few literature data and each of the principally similar mills has its own specifics, for which comparison is difficult.


Please write the values in the all Tables with two decimals.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The analytical values are given to one or two decimal places according to the precision of the method of determination. Values (to two decimal places) have been added to the results for determination of protein content (Table 1).

The number of decimal places for the measured analytical and rheological values corresponds to the precision of the determination.

The rheological measurements have international standards for repeatability and reproducibility of measurements. There is no justification for stating the results of these measurements to two decimal places. Including the results of the fiber determination, the results of the fiber determination do not make sense to two decimal places (the statistical evaluation of the results of the fibre determination is based on the principle of the methodology and the precision of the determination, the enzymatic-gravimetric method).


Finally, I recommend you to use the Track Change function when complete the manuscript.

Authors´ answers: It was used.

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 3 Report

All comments are provided in the attachement

Comments for author File: Comments.docx

Author Response




Dear Editorial Office,

we have revised and modified the text according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. We have responded to the comments and remarks as follow:



The manuscript presents little improvement; it still lacks necessary quality for publication. I recommend authors to extend the study and resubmit the manuscript.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The article has been completed and edited.


The new title does not sound better. I would suggest: “Preliminary investigations on using of a new milling technology for obtaining wholemeal flours” or “The influence of milling process on physical-chemical properties of different cereals and pseudo-cereals”

Authors´ answers and corrections: The new title (Preliminary investigations on using of a new milling technology for obtaining wholemeal flours) of the article was used.


Introduction section presents a lot of information regarding glycemic index of starch (lines 102-113), which is not relevant for the present study.

Authors´ answers – explanation: Information on the glycemic index is relevant to the subject of the study. The reason for the production of wholemeal flours, which usually do not reach the quality of conventional bakery flours sensory or technologically, is the increase in fiber content in final bakery products. An increase in fiber content causes a significant decrease in glycemic index, which is a very important fact from a nutritional point of view. In the production of wholemeal flours with fine granulation of the bran particles, there is important to prevent excessive damage of the starch granules at the same time. This would, among other things, result in an increase in the glycemic index.


Flour samples obtained by the new technology were:

finely granulated wholemeal flour of wheat (wheat WM FG),

finely granulated wholemeal flour of rye (rye WM FG),

finely granulated wholemeal flour of spelt (spelt WM FG),

finely granulated wholemeal flour of barley (barley WM FG),

finely granulated wholemeal flour of buckwheat (buckwheat  WM FG),

finely granulated wholemeal flour of oat (oat WM FG) and

finely granulated wholemeal flour of sorghum (sorghum WM FG)

and a control sample - commercial white flour (530).

however, granulation spectra were presented only for four samples and Scanning Electron Microscopy only for three samples. I recommend authors to revise the study, such as to present results obtained with applied methods for all samples.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The number of samples has been modified.


The control sample provided was commercial white flour (530). The type of flour chosen is quite different from the type of flours studied. My opinion is that the new information provided does not help to emphasize the difference of the new milling technology.

Authors´ answers – explanation: The use of common (standard) bakery flour as a control sample is entirely appropriate. The values of the starch damage indicators, which are achieved in the standard grinding process, are related to the indicators of the degree of starch damage in flours produced by the new technological process examined in this work.


Study lacks appropriate discussion of the results. I understand that authors could not compare their results with similar ones, due to the fact that the technology is new. If possible, it would favor the study to analyze wholemeal flours (from the same sources) obtained through standard milling technology and to compare the differences due to the new milling technology. If it is not possible, all results have to be discussed referring to scientific literature on the topic of the influence of milling process on physical-chemical properties of flours, such as to be able to draw valuable conclusions.

The high number of chosen cereals and pseudo-cereals are not justified taking into account the lack of discussion for each flour type.

Authors´ answers – explanation: Confrontation and discussion with other studies was not possible because there are no available literature data on the grinding of cereals on this particular type of mill, which was not originally intended for their processing. Although similar types of grinding machines have already been used for these purposes, there are still relatively few literature data and each of the principally similar mills has its own specifics, for which comparison is difficult.


Lines 246-253. Authors present a very interesting statement that emphasizes the importance of the work, with the core idea that the impact of the intervention on the starch structure was the subject of investigation. First, the information is more appropriate for the introduction section. Second, the effect of the new proposed milling technology on starch properties can`t be observed if not compared with similar flours (whole meal wheat, rye, spelt, barley, buckwheat, oat, sorghum flours) obtained with the classic technology.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The number of samples has been modified.


Line 245. A new paragraph can`t be started with However.

Authors´ answers and corrections: It was modified.


At line 261, authors stated: In Figure 2 and Figure 3, granulation spectra of the studied wholemeal flours are present. However, only for four of the eight fours were presented the granulation spectra. Authors have to modify the phrase accordingly. Results were not discussed referring to scientific literature on the topic of the influence of milling process on physical-chemical properties of flours, such as to be able to draw valuable conclusions.

Authors´ answers – explanation: Granulation spectra were determined only for flours, which are currently promising (due to demand) in terms of production in the mill. For others, the study focused only on the parameters of starch damage. Due to the objections raised by the opponent, these samples were excluded from the presentation. The results were compared with general knowledge about the influence of different types of grinding on the microstructure of grain. No scientific literature is yet available specific in relation to the researched grinding technique.


Figures 2 and 3 can be combined in a single one. The same is valid for figures 4, 5 and 6.

Authors´ answers and corrections: The number of flour samples analysed has been modified. The images were combined (Figure 2 a-d). SEM images of spelt was added. The images were combined (Figure 3 a-d).

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

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