Experimental Findings
The outcomes of the experimental study [
25] were considered for the design of experiments and these outcomes are listed as:
The steady state conversion with respect to sodium hydroxide raised with increased temperature.
The higher reactor volume leads to reduced Xa.
An increased stirrer rate from 70 to 150 rpm results in declined steady state NaOH conversion.
The increased reactants flow is attributed to a decrease in reaction conversion.
An analysis was applied to determine the correlation amongst the predictors (X
1, X
2, X
3 and X
4), and steady state conversion (X
A) is presented (
Table 2). The moderate positive correlation (r = 0.446) is revealed between conversion and temperature. The correlation coefficient between stirrer speed and steady-state conversion is 0.099, specifying that 1% variations in stirrer rate lead to 9.9% variation in NaOH conversion. Low negative correlation (r = −0.076) was observed between feed rate and conversion, which states that conversion increases with reduced feed flows. Moderate positive correlation (r = 0.599) was observed between volume and conversion, which states that 100% increase in volume results in 59.9% surge in reaction conversion. It is realized that correlation is substantial at 0.05 significance level.
An attempt was made to develop a regression equation model to optimize reaction conversion. The X
A was assumed as a process response variable (dependent variable) and X
1, X
2, X
3, and X
4 are the predictors. A SPSS tool was used to enter all the dependent and independent variable entered into model. Equation (5) was established to augment the steady state conversion of NaOH.
XA: predicted variable; X1, X2, X3, and X4 are the predictors. All beta terms are the coefficient of predictors and βo is an intercept of the developed model, which is a constant parameter. The symbol e signifies an error term of the developed model.
As illustrated in
Table 3 Model Summary, moderate positive correlation was observed between the dependent and independent variable. R square demonstrates that the goodness of fit is moderate, whereas adjusted R
2 explains an extraordinary influence of the extraneous variable. F value, as depicted in model summary
Table 3, explains that the influence of independent variables varies considerably at 0.05 significance level. The
p-value less than 0.05 demonstrates that influence of independent variables varies significantly with 95% confidence interval as explained in
Table 4. The tabulated F value is lower equated with the calculated one and recommends that independent variables variances of contribution are statistically substantial. It can also be concluded from the calculated sig. value presented in
Table 5 (0.048) that the researcher is not fully confident about the variation of contribution of all predictors.
Table 5 illustrates the impact of all independent variables on steady-state conversion of NaOH. The calculated
p value is statistically significant for X
1 and X
4, while insignificant for X
2 and X
3. Furthermore, the
p value demonstrates that X
3 is highly insignificant but X
2 is lowly insignificant as compared to X
3. Equation (6) was formulated using the coefficients shown in
Table 5. As stated in Equation (6), the impact of agitation rate and feed flow rate is insignificant amongst all predictors in calculating steady state reaction conversion X
The investigation of residual described through
Table 6 characterizes the highest and lowest steady state NaOH conversion expected by the model of Equation (7). As observed, maximal X
A equals 0.6024, minimal X
A = 0.3501, which specifies that the conversion predicted by the model is not very good and may be further amended for predicting higher reaction conversion. Relying on a highly insignificant predictor as depicted in
Table 5, X
3 (Feed flow rate) was removed in the first step for further analysis.
The regression Equation (7) was formulated to augment the steady-state NaOH conversion.
The coefficient of correlation with only three predictors declined slightly as compared to the four predictors, which is shown in
Table 7. Fitness of model and contribution of extraneous variable also declined slightly with three predictors. F value is still significant with three predictors as stated in
Table 8, which explain that the impact of three independent variables varies considerably.
The coefficient of predictors are summarized in
Table 9.
p value is statistically significant for X
1 and X
4 while insignificant for X
2. Equation (8) is formulated using the coefficient presented in
Table 9. As reported in Equation (8), the stirrer rate’s contribution is marginal amongst all three predictors in forecasting the conversion with respect to sodium hydroxide (response variable).
Table 10 signifies the highest and lowest steady state conversion for NaOH applying residual analysis predicted by model Equation (8). As stated in the Table, the highest NaOH conversion is 0.6019, which signifies that predicted conversion is not very good. The conversion can be further enhanced by the deletion or addition of some independent variables. There is not much difference on maximum and minimum conversion observed with four predictors and three predictors as indicated through
Table 6 and
Table 10, respectively.
On the basis of a highly insignificant predictor as depicted in
Table 9, X
2 (stirrer rate) was removed in the second step for further analysis to optimize the reaction conversion. Regression Equation (9) was formulated to augment the NaOH conversion with only two predictors.
A moderate positive correlation is observed between dependent and independent variable as shown in
Table 11. R square demonstrates that the goodness of fit is moderate while adjusted R
2 explains that extraneous variable has moderate influence on response variable. F value, as illustrated in ANNOVA
Table 12, explains that the impact of independent variables varies considerably at a significance level of 0.05.
The impact of all independent variables on steady-state NaOH conversion is shown in
Table 13. The value of
p is statistically significant for X
1 and X
4. Equation (10) is formulated applying coefficients shown in
Table 13. As observed in Equation (10), the effect of volume and temperature is positive and statistically significant in forecasting the NaOH conversion.
Table 14 characterizes the maximal and minimal NaOH conversion as predicted by model Equation (10) applying residual analysis. The highest steady-state NaOH conversion is 0.6019. Whereas, the lowest conversion with respect to NaOH is equal to 0.3496. The findings of response variables with three predictors and with two predictors are almost the same.
The two predictors have a positive impact and are statistically significant, hence an attempt was made to check the model based on a 2nd order polynomial to optimize the reaction conversion. To optimize the product formation, a 2nd order regression model among important (significant) variables was developed to examine the influence of significant factors (temperature, X
1 and volume, X
4) on predicted response (conversion, X
A) as follows (Equation (11)):
where, β
16 and β
19 are the coefficient of predictors, while
are squares of their corresponding predictors. X
4 are interactions between two significant independent variables. The regression analysis was examined to obtain optimum NaOH conversion utilizing 2nd order polynomial as shown (
Table 15). As observed, there is robust optimistic correlation among the significant variables and steady-state NaOH transformation to products. The R
2 (observed) showed that the model in Equation (11) is appropriate about 80%, while adjusted R
2 clarifies that the influence of external factors is nearly equal to 18%, which is considerably smaller and equated to the preceding results. The sig. F variation that is equal to 0.001 is considerably <0.05. Also, this value is substantial with an adopted 5% level of significance. The 2nd order model of polynomial having two independent variables clarifies that F-value is smaller. The significance level is <0.05, which signifies that the impact of each independent variable varies considerably with 5% significance level as represented in
Table 16.
The coefficient in
Table 17 is utilized to formulate a relationship applying values of β to obtain the best solution for the hydrolysis of CH
5 by NaOH. It can be established from Equation (9) that 100% rise of temperature may augment the conversion of NaOH by 2.10% while keeping all other predictors constant. The maximal and minimal NaOH conversion under steady-state condition equal to 63.15% and 28.03% with an average conversion rate of 49.34% was obtained using residual analysis as presented in
Table 18. The 63.15% NaOH conversion obtained using Equation (9) is the maximum amongst four models. An increase in reaction NaOH conversion to product capacity was observed using second order polynomial (X
A = 0.6315) as compared to a lower value of (X
A = 0.60198) using the same predictors with 1st order polynomials.
The regression standardized residual to determine the steady-state conversion of NaOH mechanism is depicted in
Figure 1a. An equivalent variance is witnessed for the experiment as revealed. No substantial difference between an observed and expected values of predicted response (X
A) in terms of conversion of NaOH was found.
Figure 1b exemplifies a plot (scatter) of NaOH conversion and validates that the values (experimental data) of reaction conversion lie on the straight line, and this shows that the random error is at a minimal and acceptable level. The curve also signifies outlier number for determining the best conversion. As depicted in the graph, the optimum level of reaction conversion is 0.63 (63%).
To further optimize the reaction conversion, a 3rd order model of polynomial with major factors was used to examine the effect of significant factors (X
1, X
4) on response (Conversion, X
A) as shown in Equation (13):
1 to β
8: coefficient of predictors;
are third order terms of respective predictors. To check any significant impact of 3rd order polynomial on reaction conversion, regression analysis was examined as shown in
Table 19. There is a robust positive relationship among the independent variable, NaOH conversion, and the polynomials of predictors. The coefficient of correlation is exactly the same in 2nd order and 3rd order polynomials. The outputs of R, R
2, and adjusted R
2 are accurately the same in 2nd and 3rd order polynomials. The 3rd order polynomial of two independent variables of smaller F value with significance level < 0.05 show that the impact of each independent variable varies significantly at 5% significance level as shown in
Table 20. Even in the significance level, no changes were observed with the change in order of polynomial. A lower
p value states that the chances of an error in the findings is minimal in decimal percentage. This means that the confidence level is at its maximum capacity i.e., 99.9%.
The coefficient in
Table 21 is utilized to formulate the 3rd order polynomial equation of regression to get the best solution for the hydrolysis of CH
5 to synthesize C
5OH and CH
A as reaction products. As stated in Equation (14), the influence of extraneous variable declined in the 3rd degree polynomial as compared to the 2nd degree polynomial, which explained that the model with the 3rd degree polynomial improved with respect to reaction conversion. The coefficient of X
1 in Equation (11) depicts the inverse relationship between the temperature and reaction conversion, which contradicts the underlying theory. The contribution of volume with the 2nd order term is also negative and has a significant impact on reaction conversion. Significance values in
Table 21 state that only the volume with 2nd order and 3rd order terms was significant with 95% confidence level. Whereas, the temperature with the 1st order term and the interaction of volume with the 1st order with 2nd order term were insignificant. As depicted in residual
Table 22, the maximal and minimal steady-state conversion of NaOH equal to 63.15% and 28.03% with an average conversion rate of 49.34% were obtained as depicted in residual
Table 22. Further, no change was observed in the reaction conversion with 3rd order polynomial. In addition to this, the 3rd degree polynomial contradicts the underlying theories. The analysis of results clearly states that there is no change in reaction conversion with change in order of polynomial. The results also state that the NaOH conversion is maximal with 2nd order polynomial based on significant factors.