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Prototyping IoT-Based Virtual Environments: An Approach toward the Sustainable Remote Management of Distributed Mulsemedia Setups

Graphic Computation Center (CCG), University of Minho Campus de Azurém, Edifício 14, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Centro Algoritmi, Universidade do Minho Campus de Azurém, Av. da Universidade, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS), INESC Technology and Science (INESC-TEC), 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Engineering Department, School of Science and Technology, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(19), 8854;
Submission received: 2 September 2021 / Revised: 19 September 2021 / Accepted: 21 September 2021 / Published: 23 September 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Software Approaches to Improve the Performance of IoT Systems)


Business models built upon multimedia/multisensory setups delivering user experiences within disparate contexts—entertainment, tourism, cultural heritage, etc.—usually comprise the installation and in-situ management of both equipment and digital contents. Considering each setup as unique in its purpose, location, layout, equipment and digital contents, monitoring and control operations may add up to a hefty cost over time. Software and hardware agnosticity may be of value to lessen complexity and provide more sustainable management processes and tools. Distributed computing under the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm may enable management processes capable of providing both remote control and monitoring of multimedia/multisensory experiences made available in different venues. A prototyping software to perform IoT multimedia/multisensory simulations is presented in this paper. It is fully based on virtual environments that enable the remote design, layout, and configuration of each experience in a transparent way, without regard of software and hardware. Furthermore, pipelines to deliver contents may be defined, managed, and updated in a context-aware environment. This software was tested in the laboratory and was proven as a sustainable approach to manage multimedia/multisensory projects. It is currently being field-tested by an international multimedia company for further validation.

1. Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) rests on the premise that each and every common object may be equipped with identification, sensing and communication (networking) mechanisms. It would enable information exchange—without human intervention—between objects and also with Internet-based services, to achieve a given goal. The evolution of both the Internet and the World Wide Web, as well as all the development accomplished around consumer technologies (e.g., tablets, smartphones) ended up by defining IoT as what it is known for today: a massive network of different types of elements that interchange data. Among them and besides the usual tablets and smartphones, media players, watches, bracelets, cars, wearables, sensors, actuators, appliances, surveillance cameras and others can also be found to be a part of IoT networks [1]. Indeed, the number of applications that fall under the IoT technological umbrella have been growing so fast—in areas that include precision agriculture (e.g., [2]), security and surveillance (e.g., [3]), smart cities (e.g., [4]), and multimedia/multisensory environments (e.g., [5,6])—that by 2020, connected elements are expected to surpass 50 billion [7,8,9].
A recent survey focusing IoT for multimedia [8] presents a comprehensive review on the subject, in which some architectures are referred: agent/multi-agent [10,11], artificial intelligence [12], fog-cloud [13], as well as big data capable approaches [14] and security-based schemes [15]. In [7], an architecture for IoT multimedia (IoTMM) that brings together modern cloud services and mobile edge computing (MEC) is proposed, highlighting the importance of characteristics such as scalability, flexibility, efficiency and interoperability. IoTMM device level, IoTMM-to-cloud, IoTMM-to-MEC-to-cloud, or additional intermediate layers constitute different available options. Application and research areas are numerous. For example, in [16] traffic flow optimization was addressed resorting to cameras, ontologies and Bayesian networks. Furthermore, ocular recognition-based authentication has been reported as a suitable technology for IoT domain [17]. Within smart industry, wearable devices and Bluetooth were combined to determine visitors’ position inside a museum and present cloud-based artwork information [18]. Regarding E-health, an IoT-based system to train surgeons with existing data and real-time feedback [19] is just an example among many other available solutions. Other works focusing on IoT-based user-centered multisensory approaches can be found in the literature. For example, in [6], a home entertainment system was the reference to an architecture proposal. It consists of a four-layer architecture—application, aggregation, virtualization, and physical—that intends to define templates integrating virtual objects (device properties abstraction) with Micro-Engines (i.e., tiny sensors that enable connectivity and control in all the “things”). Concerned with the multiplicity of sensors, actuators, and computation devices that can be found in multisensory IoT systems, in [20], a design proposal was based on service-oriented architecture for alleviating heterogeneity issues (interoperability of components, portability, scalability, etc.). Proof of concept was made with a RGB camera and smart insoles, focusing identity recognition. In the health context, a monitoring system based in blockchain, multiple sensors and multimedia big data was proposed to monitor physiological and mental states of cancer patients, with medical real-time decision support capabilities [21]. Also, the “Magic Room” proposed in [22] reports an IoT-based multisensory system to develop therapies for children with neurodevelopmental disorder. It consists in completely customizable environments that allow stimuli combination through “smart” objects control. Electrocardiogram devices, wearable sensors, location systems and machine learning have been associated to IoT to monitor patients’ heart-rate while performing distinct physical activities. Targeting therapeutic interventions, but also novel didactic methods, Magika was reported as an inclusive system that allows educators to interact with children by stimulating their tactile, auditory, visual, and olfactory senses, through IoT-based digital projections and physical smart objects [23]. Other studies that use multisensory interaction in citizen science stream monitoring training have also been reported [24]. Hotel hosting is another example of a potential business model that can benefit from multisensory IoT. Both managers and guests associate IoT-based sensory experiences to an increase in satisfaction and loyalty levels [25].
The combination of multimedia and multisensory can be defined as mulsemedia [26]. Alone, these environments have great potential to deliver outstanding experiences to users based on human senses exploration (usually, more than one), but when combined with adequate distributed architectures, can unlock very important features, such as sustainable scalability, full availability in terms of data access, as well as large content flow and bandwidth management. Notwithstanding this, planning and design are very important steps to achieve success in any project, and those scoped within IoT mulsemedia are not an exception. Such steps have the goal to not only guide further development stages, but also ensure specification adequacy to stakeholders’ requirements, as well as to mitigate the waste of resources. Whilst purpose and location are certainly decisive in laying out a mulsemedia setup, they are also key factors when planning and creating each experience. The results are setups that can be composed of different software, hardware and contents combinations. Moreover, when delivering context-aware interactive experiences—time-, spatial- or sensor-based—contents may change and be experienced through one or more of the human senses, which implies being delivered by different types of hardware. All of this adds up to the complexity of planning, designing, implementing, managing, maintaining and updating mulsemedia setups.
Planning capacity, what-if hypothesis formulation and analysis/proactive management can be explored through IoT simulation environments, as highlighted in [27], which proposed a design-oriented approach, using as a case-study smart services for smart cities and decentralized areas. It was pointed out that multi-level simulation techniques provide means to mimic wide geographical areas, with a multitude of replica-based agents. A significant variety of reported works followed the same research line. For example, Sensyml [28] consists of an environment capable of simulating large-scale data during application development, in which multiple types of sensors with physical and geographical characteristics similar to real devices can be hosted, allowing performance to be tested under edge conditions (power consumption, data growth) and to evaluate scale-up potential. Focusing on IoT big data processing, in [29], a platform IOTSim was designed and implemented upon known cloud simulation services—such as CloudSim [30]—with the goal of allowing the analysis of the impact and performance of IoT-based applications before a real system setup. In [31], a cloud-centric IoT application store was designed and implemented to host virtual objects of different IoT domains, which can be integrated by technologists to build IoT applications requiring little or no modification. Relying on the specific Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) standard, DPWSim [32] is a Java-based prototyping tool designed to speed up the simulation of IoT applications. Admittedly, more work related to the generation of virtual devices is required for a better acceptance of this simulator by its target audience, which is Industry. More focused on interaction, in [33], the new generation of VR technology (head-mounted displays and game engines) was explored in the form of a prototyping tool to control and monitor a virtual smart home environment.
This paper considers the apparent scarcity of works addressing the specific topic of IoT-based mulsemedia setups simulation and proposes a prototyping software towards the suppression of such gap, which is comprised of: (1) a web-based application to manage virtual IoT setups; (2) “things” side virtual environment; and (3) MQTT connections to wire everything. This work was developed within the Cooperative Holistic view on Internet and Content (CHIC) project scope. It is a funded initiative that, among other goals, aims at the digital innovation of multimedia field at both industrial and entrepreneurial levels, with the purpose to develop tools capable of providing enhanced multisensory virtual/augmented/mixed reality experiences based on setups that may be sustainably remotely managed. The following main aspects were prioritized in this work:
  • to settle agnostic specification for IoT simulation—as far as possible independent from hardware and software—aiming to lessen complexity in providing projects of sustainable management;
  • to provide flexible programming-oriented processes capable of ensuring scalability for devices and respective functionalities;
  • to align a general IoT simulation solution that, although, can meet mulsemedia setups specific requirements;
  • to outline interfaces and engagement structures envisaging the integration of digital twin-based approaches.
Rather than covering IoT security issues, this paper limits its focus to IoT simulations under an architectural/structural/setup perspective, more centered in stimulus delivery pipeline, either based on event scheduling or though sensor condition triggering. However, the transposition to real-world deployments must encompass suitable levels of protection across IoT layers, considering different security aspects, as addressed, for example, in [34].
This paper continues by presenting the proposed IoT mulsemedia environments prototyping software architecture, followed by implementation details. Demonstrations, conclusions, and future work are drawn at the end of the document.

2. Prototyping Software Architecture

As previously stated, this work was developed within the CHIC project scope. As such, it is important to briefly present it to provide readers with a more thorough context. CHIC aimed to develop, test, and demonstrate a set of innovative processes, products, and services for both the audiovisual and multimedia sectors. Due to the underlying transversality, results are expected to have an impact in other important business sectors within culture’s scope (e.g., cultural heritage, exhibiting arts). An extended set of activities was carried out toward three essential domains: (i) open platforms for the management and distribution of digital contents, supported by the cloud; (ii) management of cultural heritage related contents, based in open-systems for preservation and interaction; and (iii) content creation, production and consumption focusing quality of service and experience, resorting to very high-definition immersive environments.
One of the main tasks established within CHIC’s scope was the development of an independent IoT system as-a-service, qualified to enable the swift configuration of scalable mulsemedia setups and their remote management. These mulsemedia setups must support the configuration of groups of wireless mulsemedia equipment—“things”, such as displays, fans, lights, smell delivery devices, varied types of sensor, etc.—within a given interior space, i.e., an interactive room. To provide meaningful experiences to users and induce engagement, involved device sets—mostly, actuators—are expected to work on-demand, in an orchestrated and time-effective manner, to adequately deliver a specified stimulus. Considering the requirements laid out, Figure 1 presents the proposed architecture for the IoT mulsemedia environments prototyping software. It is composed of a virtual environment of “things” and a remote-control panel, which are connected by a publishing/subscriber (P/S) messaging protocol.
The virtual environment can be regarded as an IoT mulsemedia environment virtual representation, providing both a software and hardware agnosticity layer—device abstraction layer—as well as a virtual representation of each device that is a part of the different mulsemedia experiences. Moreover, each virtual device representation has an profile containing its properties and available functions. As for the IoT server, it enables remote and on-demand control and management capabilities through a context-aware integrated discovery service (setup/device discovery). Communication between both elements is assured by a P/S protocol, specifically the ISO/IEC 20922 standard, also known as message queue telemetry transport (MQTT). The P/S broker is placed in the server side, as usual.

2.1. IoT Server

The IoT server provides an interface to remotely monitor, control and manage devices that are a part of a virtual mulsemedia environment. It is composed of two essential components: (i) a setup discovery service responsible for obtaining information about connected virtual configurations grouping virtual devices; and (ii) a control panel—through a graphical interface—with the software’s available operations, namely to obtain virtual devices’ features, manage control packets, schedule actuators, and define sensor-based events. A web-browser establishes the applicational layer for this service, allowing direct access to the control panel graphical interface.

2.2. Virtual Environment

The virtual environment has a coordinator that interfaces with incoming messages and provides appropriate responses. It is supported by a device abstraction layer that handles queries and matches them with the targeted virtual equipment to retrieve data (e.g., current feature status) or to prompt state alteration events (e.g., activate artificial smell device). As for data model support, the virtual environment keeps track of virtual devices and their relation with profiles, features, states, and data (Figure 2). A virtual device represents equipment with both an internet protocol (IP) address and a media access control (MAC) address. Each virtual device is also associated with a profile, i.e., settings describing the device’s interface. These settings are mapped into a structure called feature (power, rotation, video content, sensing channel, etc.) that, in turn, can have a set of states (e.g., on/off, fan rotation level). The data structure keeps a record of timestamped and device-aware state alterations.
VirtualDevice has a context-sensitive graphic user interface (GUI) that changes according to its state. Moreover, it can be further characterized in one of two types: Sensor or Actuator. While the former consists in a device that simulates environmental variables measurement (e.g., temperature, motion), the latter represents equipment capable of delivering stimuli (e.g., wind, light, heat, cold). Figure 3 presents the relations between VirtualDevice’s elements.
Details about communication between the IoT Server and the virtual environment will be provided in the next subsection.

2.3. IoT Server/Virtual Environment Communication

Resorting to a P/S protocol and following a simple messaging strategy, essential capabilities for the communication of both IoT server and virtual environment are ensured. Whenever a new virtual environment is put together, a kick-off acknowledgment message composed of the coordinator’s MAC address and a verification code is sent to the IoT server. There, the message is handled by an authenticated user—with management access—that carries out the virtual environment registration in the system. Once that happens, four main inter-operations can be launched by the IoT server (Figure 4):
  • Devices request: retrieves a list of endpoints and respective capabilities associated to a given virtual environment coordinator;
  • Control packet request: orders a condition change in a virtual environment’ actuator;
  • Actuators scheduling: configures a relative time-based event list to chronologically engage actuators’ capabilities in a virtual environment;
  • Sensor-based event triggering: configures an event listener that is looking out to the virtual environment’ sensors values. When a sensor measures the defined value, an automatic action is triggered in the virtual environment’s actuators.
The next section will present an implementation proposal for the IoT mulsemedia environments prototyping software.

3. IoT Mulsemedia Environments Prototyping Software

A proof-of-concept implementing the architectural elements described in Section 2 is used, so that this section may be more perceptible to the reader. It comprised a web-based application manager (IoT Server) and a couple of virtual environments—2D and 3D—wrapping up virtual devices that simulate sensors’/actuators’ capabilities. Whilst the application manager provides a control panel to remotely manage events in the “things” side, each virtual environment implements a coordinator that acts as a request dispatcher engaged with a set of associated virtual devices. Moreover, it also binds a virtual device’ state with a corresponding graphical representation, for visual intuition purposes. A local MQTT broker needs to be kept alive to enable connectivity between both ends. For this implementation, Mosquitto 1.5.31 release—compatible with Windows 10—was used.

3.1. MQTT Enhanced Web-Based Application

Figure 5 presents the developed web-based application manager. Its modules—control panel and dashboard—were developed using modern programming languages and scripting tools PHP, JavaScript, resulting in an Internet-based client-server approach to enable access through common web browsers. Furthermore, it resorts to a Mongo database to store useful information, mainly for synchronization purposes with the virtual environment side (e.g., setup registration, virtual devices’ status, event-driven rules). MQTT over WebSocket ensures connectivity between both sides. Paho-MQTT JavaScript was the library adopted on the server side.
The web-based application manager enables the registration of new virtual environments. These are represented by a coordinator (handshake) through both a pseudo-MAC address and a verification code, which may be validated by the user responsible for the configuration process. After a successful pairing procedure, the application manager gains access to resources associated to the virtual environment coordinator, specifically virtual devices, and respective capabilities. Through MQTT requests—that also declare a topic to which the coordinator answers back—the IoT server side can perform queries concerning virtual devices for data retrieval purposes, as well as send actuating commands. Table 1 presents the defined message format.

3.2. Virtual Environment

The prototyping software’s part simulating the “things” side is built upon 2D and 3D virtual environments composed of entities role-playing coordination, actuation and sensing devices, thus inducing real object-like behaviors. Virtual devices’ profiles are stored in a JSON file, along with their respective features and states (summarized in Table 2). This aims not only to define a general template for profiles management, but also to provide a data source to smoothly associate virtual devices during code-based programmatic specification. These associations allow capabilities for virtual devices to be set up, which on the IoT simulation/application boot are signed up in the midway coordinator as MQTT services, thus enabling end-to-end bidirectional communication.
Behavioral simulation relies on a hierarchical folder structure concordant with set up JSON-based profiles, wherein the assets are placed. Representations for 2D environments are images, while wavefront files (.obj format) storing 3D models’ configurations are preferred for 3D environments. Folders and files are organized according to the path format “./{profile_id}/{feature_id}/{state_id}”, where state_id must have a set of possible representational assets, named after the value they stand for, considering the value set specified in Table 2, for each feature and profile. Whenever a virtual device state changes, an adjustment in the graphical representation—associated asset—is immediately reflected, accordingly the type of entity involved. While sensors change their state with a pseudo-random approach that selects a set of supported values—established by the JSON-based profiles archive—and considering an interval in seconds, actuators are affected on-demand. Figure 6 depicts the process associated to virtual devices’ state changing.
Two-dimensional environment implementation was carried out in Python (v. 3.7), installed in a Linux Ubuntu virtual machine. A coordinator object was set up as an MQTT-based (Paho-mqtt 1.5.1. Available in, accessed on 1 December 2020) dispatcher that replies to queries and redirects control requests to associated virtual devices (please revisit Table 1). These operate as follows: actuators subscribe MQTT topics for each profile-based assigned feature; sensors are pseudorandom-based agents that select values out of a profile-defined range, publishing them to a proper coordinator’s MQTT topic. The part regarding the graphical representation reflecting the state of each virtual device is implemented over Python’s Tkinter library (Tkinter. Available in, accessed on 1 December 2020). To run a simulation within the software, one must simply execute, asynchronously: (1) the server file, holding an instance of the coordinator; (2) a script with basic instances of the required virtual devices. The instantiation of these prebuilt objects is done by simply code writing Server(), Fan(), Motion(), etc. in the aforementioned Python scripting files. A Mongo database keeps track of the data exchange within the environment of virtual devices. Figure 7 depicts virtual device examples working on the prototyping software.
Three-dimensional environment implementation was addressed resorting to Unity 3D (Unity 3D. Available in, accessed on 1 December 2020)–2018.x version–, following a similar approach as the proposed in the 2D environment. A coordinator manages querying and controls messages. It is wired by a MQTT library (M2Mqtt. Available in, accessed on 1 December 2020), which is the protocol that also suits the associated virtual devices that subscribe topics for state manipulation—in case of actuation profile—or publish state messages to the main broker as sensors. For each prebuilt device set for instantiation—by simply code writing new Lamp(), new Display(), and so on in the Unity’s MonoBehavior class responsible for graphically managing environment actions and events—representations are assumed that rely on 3D models (wavefront files) loaded from locally stored folders structures that respect the relation between profile, feature, and state, as described above. In fact, the possible 3D models regarding a given virtual device profile are imported into the environment as an object group organized according to the structure “{device_id}/{profile_id}/{feature_id}/{state_id}” when the application boots up, facilitating the efficient representational switching. Import operations are ensured by ObjReader plugin (Unity Asset Store—The Best Assets for Game Making | ObjReader. Available in, accessed on 1 December 2020), which allows 3D models to be integrated from local storage, in execution time. Due to the powerful abstractions for handling complex computer graphics transformations provided by Unity, classes providing devices’ visual representations can be quick and easily scripted for simple animations (e.g., fan rotation). For the particular case of displays, a folder acting as a video repository also needs to be specified. Figure 8 depicts a fully functional IoT virtual environment.
For both virtual environments—2D and 3D—the inclusion of new devices is relatively easy to achieve. It takes two steps: (i) specialization from base classes actuator or sensor; and (ii) ID association to a profile lying in the already mentioned JSON-based list. New profiles can also be added to the existing set, along with the desired representational assets properly placed, following the previously suggested folder organization.
The next section will present the results regarding both the 2D and 3D IoT virtual environments, built with the proposed prototyping software.

4. Results

A set of 2D and 3D testing scenarios was established to demonstrate both event and schedule-oriented behavior modelling. On the one hand, event-oriented operations specify trigger-based dependencies between virtual devices, i.e., an influence chain among simulation virtual devices. On the other hand, schedule-oriented execution relies in defining associations between actuators’ capabilities to time-based key-points. To provide a better interpretation of the possible behaviors that can be assumed by the involved virtual entities, contextual symbology was defined and adopted along this section, according to Table 3. Such entities are of three types: coordinator (central manager/dispatcher), sensor (temperature and motion), and actuator (lamp, fan, and display). This section ends with performance tests providing an overview of time consumption associated with local MQTT connections, with a few variations in the number of publishing requests and target subscription topics.

4.1. Testing Scenario 1: 2D Virtual Environment Schedule-Oriented Behavior Modelling

The 2D virtual environment is composed of a coordinator, two lamps, two fans, a temperature sensor, and a motion detector. Each is identified with a unique random MAC address. Table 4 presents the details of the virtual devices associated with this scenario.
To test the event-oriented control through the definition of activation rules that trigger actuators’ state changing, a scenario was specified accordingly to Table 5. While a set of rules regarding the temperature sensor was set up to induce different levels of rotation in Fan A, variations in the motion sensor were considered as triggers for Lamp A. Indeed, a temperature control rules set was intentionally established: the occurrence of the two highest levels of temperature triggers the fan to a medium rotation level, while the lowest temperature events lead the fan to be turned off. Following the exact same process, a motion monitoring rules set was defined to induce the lamp to be turned off or turned on, according to the motion sensor state.
The configuration of a virtual scenario exemplifying actuators scheduling can be observed in Table 6. A lamp (Lamp B) and a fan (Fan B) were the virtual devices in this mulsemedia experience simulation, which was configured to last 30 s. Initially, both virtual devices were set up to be turned off. Some time-based key-points were defined to show their possible variation of states, which end up being turned off when the simulation finishes.
Figure 9 depicts the set of devices used in the 2D environment testing scenario, wherein the variation of states can be observed for both lamps and fans, as well as for temperature and motion sensors.
The next subsection will also address actuators scheduling but focusing on the 3D virtual environment.

4.2. Testing Scenario 2: 3D Things’ Virtual Environment

The 3D environment being presented is composed of a coordinator, two lamps, a fan, and a display. Each one of these virtual devices has an attributed random MAC address, as presented in Table 7.
The schedule-driven scenario entailed (manual) synchronization of video content with both the virtual fan and the lamp, aiming the simulation of air-flow increase in (observationally perceived) windy scenes, as well as to impact visual perception with induced illumination wobbling. As shown in Table 8, this scenario lasted for 60 s and starts by turning off the fan, display and both lamps. After displaying a DC Comics video, some effects with the Lamp A and virtual fan were coherently set up to match the scenes characterized by an apparently reduced air-flow, as well as to cope with higher or poorer illumination frame sets. After swapping the display content to a Marvel video, the fan was set up for maximum rotation and Lamp A switched state with Lamp B. In the end (second 60), all the virtual devices were shutdown.
The different devices and respective variation states used in the 3D environment testing scenario are depicted in Figure 10.
In both 2D and 3D approaches, important real-time visual insights were provided after each event-based or schedule-driven state change associated to a given device, which allowed us to confirm the proper functioning and usefulness of the proposed prototyping software.
Additional tests were made to assess the system’s performance, in a computer characterized by the following relevant specifications:
  • Processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30 GHz 2.30 GHz;
  • Random Access Memory (RAM): 32 GB @ 2933 MHz SODIMM;
  • Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, 16.0 GB GDDR6 RAM (Laptop edition);
  • Storage: 1 TB, 3500 MB/R, 3300 MB/W;
  • Operative System: Windows 10 Home 64 Bit.
Regarding delays impacting in communications and considering that simulations run within a local host environment, MQTT publishing to subscribed topics is instantaneous (equal to or less than 1 ms). Moreover, substantial information on decentralized IoT-related protocols performance, several other studies—such as that found in [35]—are available. Therefore, performance tests focusing both the system’s database and graphical component were carried out. Firstly, timestamp-based monitorization for registrations and updates of virtual devices states in a local Mongo database allowed to measure delays between 17–35 ms. Afterwards, graphical component tests were conducted, starting with the 2D environment, in which a set of timers were implemented to measure delays in between virtual devices state transitions. Figure 11 depicts the results, from which can be denoted a correlation between the number of states that each device may assume, and the average time required by it to consolidate a state switching.
The 3D environment was also assessed in terms of performance, as shown by Figure 12, considering a couple of perspectives: (1) latency of a device while changing its state; and (2) impact of diverse displays playing content at the same time, in terms of frames per second (FPS). The left plot of Figure 12 shows the time required by the 3D endpoints to switch their state, more specifically, for lamp and fan turning representations according to their condition (power and rotation level) and for displays loading video content. Table 9 data seem to point out that video transmission features influence the computational burden during content loading, i.e., the higher the transmission rates are, the more time is needed to load a video. At the right plot of Figure 12, which intends to show 1 vs. 10 displays’ performance impact, a slight performance increase can be noticed when the computational burden is intensified (with the displays number extension). Such an observation may be corroborated by the exceptional specifications of the graphic card in use that was clearly above the demands, leaving space for a frame rate step up.
Overall, content switching seems to be faster in the 3D environment, in spite of the higher complexity associated with this context. Such an observation can be explained by the performances that characterize each adopted development technology. On the one hand, as an interpreted programming language, Python (2D environment)—along with Tkinter graphical user interface library—is a widely used cross-platform tool that, however, suffers from known performance issues. On the other hand, Unity (3D environment) works over .NET platform, which is natively interfaced by Windows (10) operative system, and deploys target-oriented compiled solutions with, usually, better execution times than similar applications resulting from interpreted programming languages.
The next section draws the main conclusions and makes a few recommendations for continuing this work in the near future.

5. Conclusions and Future Work

Mulsemedia setups can be considered as a unique combination of hardware, software and contents made available in given geographic and social contexts with the purpose to deliver sensory-aware experiences. Each can also be regarded as a work in progress as they should evolve and interact differently through time, to retain visitors’ engagement.
However, to design, maintain and modify mulsemedia setups requires a team effort and is usually done by specialized companies. Often, scheduled and emergency maintenance operations must be made in loco. These costs can be significant and represent a deterrent for mulsemedia setups owners to keep their experiences in perfect working order, but mainly to change them and update contents.
This paper proposes a prototyping software to enable IoT mulsemedia environments simulation, based on virtual environments that enable the design, configuration, maintenance and update of experiences regardless of software and hardware used. Two virtual environments were created and tested, demonstrating success. The prototyping software is currently being used by a multimedia company that manages several mulsemedia setups both nationally and internationally. It is noteworthy that rather than competing with existing solutions developed with similar purposes (e.g., [28,32]), the proposed system intends to provide an alternative agnostic approach to simulate IoT environments before their deployment, privileging quick planning strategies for arranging mulsemedia setups, being more flexible to programmers, and capable of being extended with digital twin features for the management of actual infrastructures, supported by more intuitive interfaces.
Future work will, thus, address the extension of this solution to real environments, exploring concepts of digital twinning for remote control and supervision of IoT setups with enhanced levels of interaction engagement, as well as cost-effective maintenance, pursuing a multi-context platform for a wide variety of applications, ranging from business-to-business (to-customer) commercial transaction models to Industry 5.0-related challenges.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, T.A. and E.P.; data curation, T.A. and T.P.; formal analysis, L.G.M., E.P. and J.J.S.; funding acquisition, E.P.; investigation, T.A., T.P. and L.P.; methodology, T.A, T.P. and E.P.; project administration, E.P.; resources, T.A. and E.P.; software, T.A. and T.P.; supervision, E.P. and L.G.M.; validation, T.P., E.P. and L.G.M.; visualization, T.A., T.P. and L.P.; writing—original draft, T.A., T.P. and E.P.; writing—review and editing, E.P., L.G.M., L.P. and J.J.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was financed by project “CHIC—Cooperative Holistic View on Internet and Content” (N° 24498), financed the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through COMPETE2020—the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (OPCI).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Architecture overview of the IoT mulsemedia environments prototyping software. It is composed of a control server and, at least, one virtual environment of “things”, managed by a virtual coordinator.
Figure 1. Architecture overview of the IoT mulsemedia environments prototyping software. It is composed of a control server and, at least, one virtual environment of “things”, managed by a virtual coordinator.
Applsci 11 08854 g001
Figure 2. Data model proposed for the IoT mulsemedia prototyping software. It is formed by many associations involving virtual devices (representing real equipment), profiles (or capabilities descriptors) grouping features and states, and data for handling timestamped action requests (e.g., turn on a lamp, set display to reproduce a video) to virtual devices.
Figure 2. Data model proposed for the IoT mulsemedia prototyping software. It is formed by many associations involving virtual devices (representing real equipment), profiles (or capabilities descriptors) grouping features and states, and data for handling timestamped action requests (e.g., turn on a lamp, set display to reproduce a video) to virtual devices.
Applsci 11 08854 g002
Figure 3. VirtualDevice structure and generalization: it is composed of a representational state and it can be specialized in Sensor or Actuator.
Figure 3. VirtualDevice structure and generalization: it is composed of a representational state and it can be specialized in Sensor or Actuator.
Applsci 11 08854 g003
Figure 4. Sequence diagram depicting the four possible interactions between the IoT server (via control panel interface) and the virtual environment (using the virtual environment coordinator), regarding control and managing activities: (1) devices request returns a list of usable equipment; (2) send control packet results in a device state switching; (3) in schedule devices, a time-based rules set (trigger anchors) is defined to establish a limited temporal sequence for device state switching; finally, (4) set up sensor-based event shows the process to specify triggers for switching the state of a given device as a consequence of another device behavior—considering that, typically, a sensor can influence an actuator—as long as both belong to the same setup.
Figure 4. Sequence diagram depicting the four possible interactions between the IoT server (via control panel interface) and the virtual environment (using the virtual environment coordinator), regarding control and managing activities: (1) devices request returns a list of usable equipment; (2) send control packet results in a device state switching; (3) in schedule devices, a time-based rules set (trigger anchors) is defined to establish a limited temporal sequence for device state switching; finally, (4) set up sensor-based event shows the process to specify triggers for switching the state of a given device as a consequence of another device behavior—considering that, typically, a sensor can influence an actuator—as long as both belong to the same setup.
Applsci 11 08854 g004
Figure 5. Web-based application manager: (a) general access panel to a room of test, corresponding to a virtual setup; (b) event scheduler to configure actuators features activation in a chronological manner; (c) control panel interfacing endpoints’ features at the virtual setup side; (d) data table regarding the registries associated to the activity of an exemplifying device (smart lamp).
Figure 5. Web-based application manager: (a) general access panel to a room of test, corresponding to a virtual setup; (b) event scheduler to configure actuators features activation in a chronological manner; (c) control panel interfacing endpoints’ features at the virtual setup side; (d) data table regarding the registries associated to the activity of an exemplifying device (smart lamp).
Applsci 11 08854 g005
Figure 6. A pair of virtual devices associated to different profiles—an actuator and a sensor—exemplifying things’ state changing process: lamps show a representation of a turned on or off bulb according to a given power state transition, while temperature sensors toggle between different levels of heat, considering a pseudo-random value selected from the respective profile’s predefined set, for instance 13, 18, 25, and 32 (in °C).
Figure 6. A pair of virtual devices associated to different profiles—an actuator and a sensor—exemplifying things’ state changing process: lamps show a representation of a turned on or off bulb according to a given power state transition, while temperature sensors toggle between different levels of heat, considering a pseudo-random value selected from the respective profile’s predefined set, for instance 13, 18, 25, and 32 (in °C).
Applsci 11 08854 g006
Figure 7. Two-dimensional environment virtual devices with associated profiles. From left to right: a lamp that can be turned on and off, a passive infrared (PIR) sensor that randomly changes its state at 30 s intervals from idle to activated and vice versa, a fan with three levels of rotation and a temperature sensor with four heat levels that randomly toggles each 60 s.
Figure 7. Two-dimensional environment virtual devices with associated profiles. From left to right: a lamp that can be turned on and off, a passive infrared (PIR) sensor that randomly changes its state at 30 s intervals from idle to activated and vice versa, a fan with three levels of rotation and a temperature sensor with four heat levels that randomly toggles each 60 s.
Applsci 11 08854 g007
Figure 8. A 3D virtual environment composed of a coordinator and profiled virtual devices. A display, a pair of lamps, and a fan can be identified.
Figure 8. A 3D virtual environment composed of a coordinator and profiled virtual devices. A display, a pair of lamps, and a fan can be identified.
Applsci 11 08854 g008
Figure 9. Two-dimensional actuators and sensors in action: (a,b) with regard to Lamp A and B, respectively, turned on and turned off; (c,d) represent the pair of fans (Fan A and Fan B) simulating different rotation intensities, from stopped to highest level; (e) depicts the temperature sensor with the lower and the higher reading; and, finally, (f) shows the motion sensor, performing in idle and active state.
Figure 9. Two-dimensional actuators and sensors in action: (a,b) with regard to Lamp A and B, respectively, turned on and turned off; (c,d) represent the pair of fans (Fan A and Fan B) simulating different rotation intensities, from stopped to highest level; (e) depicts the temperature sensor with the lower and the higher reading; and, finally, (f) shows the motion sensor, performing in idle and active state.
Applsci 11 08854 g009
Figure 10. Three-dimensional actuators and sensors in action: the pair of lamps varying from turned off to on are represented by (a,b) regards to the fan, in idle state and during rotation; finally, in (c), lies the display reproducing different content.
Figure 10. Three-dimensional actuators and sensors in action: the pair of lamps varying from turned off to on are represented by (a,b) regards to the fan, in idle state and during rotation; finally, in (c), lies the display reproducing different content.
Applsci 11 08854 g010
Figure 11. Two-dimensional environment performance results for each implemented virtual endpoint (lamp, fan, as well as temperature and motion sensors). Bars represent both image sizes (KB) and state switching latency (ms) per device, and the implicated axis is the left one. The line regards to the number of possible states that each device may assume, with scale in the right-hand axis.
Figure 11. Two-dimensional environment performance results for each implemented virtual endpoint (lamp, fan, as well as temperature and motion sensors). Bars represent both image sizes (KB) and state switching latency (ms) per device, and the implicated axis is the left one. The line regards to the number of possible states that each device may assume, with scale in the right-hand axis.
Applsci 11 08854 g011
Figure 12. Three-dimensional environment performance assessment: the left plot shows the time required for 3D endpoints (lamp, fan and display) state switching, while in the one placed at the right, the performance impact (in FPS) of having a single display running a video vs. 10 more of them in the same conditions is presented.
Figure 12. Three-dimensional environment performance assessment: the left plot shows the time required for 3D endpoints (lamp, fan and display) state switching, while in the one placed at the right, the performance impact (in FPS) of having a single display running a video vs. 10 more of them in the same conditions is presented.
Applsci 11 08854 g012
Table 1. IoT server-side publishing topics for communication with subscriptions assigned in the virtual environments side. Different topics/messages are available: “info” topic can be used to retrieve a whole virtual environment; “out” topic requests a state alteration in an endpoint at the virtual environment side; “rule” topic specifies an actuator trigger according to a given sensor’ behavior, at the virtual environment side; “query” topic variants can be issued to retrieve sensors’ readings and actuators’ actions, integrally or confined to a time interval. Note that in each case, an expiring subscription topic with a timestamp (/response/#timestamp) is specified in the messages, allowing the coordinator of the targeted virtual environment side to reply.
Table 1. IoT server-side publishing topics for communication with subscriptions assigned in the virtual environments side. Different topics/messages are available: “info” topic can be used to retrieve a whole virtual environment; “out” topic requests a state alteration in an endpoint at the virtual environment side; “rule” topic specifies an actuator trigger according to a given sensor’ behavior, at the virtual environment side; “query” topic variants can be issued to retrieve sensors’ readings and actuators’ actions, integrally or confined to a time interval. Note that in each case, an expiring subscription topic with a timestamp (/response/#timestamp) is specified in the messages, allowing the coordinator of the targeted virtual environment side to reply.
/info/{c}/response/#timestampRequests coordinator features, as well as associated endpoints along with respective capabilities.
Requests a state change regarding a given virtual coordinator’s endpoint.
/rule/{e}/{f}/{s}{“expression”: #exp, “trigger”: #trigger}|
Specifies a rule for a given virtual coordinator that consists in opportunely triggering an endpoint action in response to another’s behavior.
Retrieves data (readings/actions) from a given coordinator/endpoint/feature, optionally framed by a time range.
{c}—Virtual coordinator ID (MAC); {e}—Virtual endpoint ID (MAC); {f}—Feature ID; {s}—State ID; #timestamp—Unix-based timestamp taken at runtime; #value—mutable attribution inducing a change in a given endpoint state; #exp—simple mathematical expression defined to establish a rule for a given feature associated to a virtual coordinator/endpoint device; #trigger—state change repercussion in a feature of a given virtual coordinator/endpoint device as a response to a verification of an #expression_rule; #optional_time_range—definition of an hyphen separated time interval (year1/month1/day1 hour1:minute1:second1–year2/month2/day2 hour2:minute2:second2).
Table 2. Profiles, features, and states considered for the proposed IoT mulsemedia environments prototyping software proof-of-concept, mapped in a JSON structure: Lamp, Fan, Display, Temperature and Motion.
Table 2. Profiles, features, and states considered for the proposed IoT mulsemedia environments prototyping software proof-of-concept, mapped in a JSON structure: Lamp, Fan, Display, Temperature and Motion.
IDNameIDNameTypeIDNameValue Set
Table 3. Demonstration symbology regarding the 2D and 3D virtual environments established by using the proposed prototyping software.
Table 3. Demonstration symbology regarding the 2D and 3D virtual environments established by using the proposed prototyping software.
RepresentationEnvironmentDesignationTypePossible States
Applsci 11 08854 i0012D/3DCoordinatorManager/DispatcherN/A
Applsci 11 08854 i0022D/3DLampActuator Applsci 11 08854 i003
Applsci 11 08854 i0042D/3DFanActuator Applsci 11 08854 i005
Applsci 11 08854 i0063DDisplayActuator Applsci 11 08854 i007
Applsci 11 08854 i0082DTemperatureSensor Applsci 11 08854 i009
Applsci 11 08854 i0102DMotionSensor Applsci 11 08854 i011
Table 4. Two-dimensional virtual environment devices. Lamp, fan, temperature, and motion detection profiles were used to set up this virtual environment.
Table 4. Two-dimensional virtual environment devices. Lamp, fan, temperature, and motion detection profiles were used to set up this virtual environment.
Applsci 11 08854 i012Test Room 2D56-DB-F6-6E-84-37
Applsci 11 08854 i013Lamp AA8-DD-A4-75-FF-EE
Applsci 11 08854 i014Lamp BAE-85-48-8D-A8-F3
Applsci 11 08854 i015Fan AE3-8D-9E-C2-6E-2D
Applsci 11 08854 i016Fan B9B-F7-F4-42-16-1E
Applsci 11 08854 i017Temperature6E-A4-07-13-FE-CD
Applsci 11 08854 i018Motion7B-03-4D-95-AB-8E
Table 5. Two-dimensional virtual environment devices: event-oriented control testing scenario.
Table 5. Two-dimensional virtual environment devices: event-oriented control testing scenario.
Temperature Control/rule/6E-A4-07-13-FE-CD/1/1{“exp”:“>18”, “trigger”: “/out/E3-8D-9E-C2-6E-2D/1/1 Medium”} Applsci 11 08854 i019 Applsci 11 08854 i020
/rule/6E-A4-07-13-FE-CD/1/1{“exp”:“<=18”, “trigger”: “/out/E3-8D-9E-C2-6E-2D/1/1 Off”} Applsci 11 08854 i021 Applsci 11 08854 i022
Motion Monitoring/rule/7B-03-4D-95-AB-8E/1/1{“exp”:“=1”, “trigger”: “/out/A8-DD-A4-75-FF-EE/1/1 On”} Applsci 11 08854 i023 Applsci 11 08854 i024
/rule/7B-03-4D-95-AB-8E/1/1{“exp”:“=0”, “trigger”: “/out/A8-DD-A4-75-FF-EE/1/1 Off”} Applsci 11 08854 i025 Applsci 11 08854 i026
Table 6. Two-dimensional virtual environment devices: schedule-oriented control testing scenario.
Table 6. Two-dimensional virtual environment devices: schedule-oriented control testing scenario.
DescriptionTime (s)RequestOutput
Initialization0/out/AE-85-48-8D-A8-F3/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i027
Initialization0/out/9B-F7-F4-42-16-1E/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i028
Turn on lamp B5/out/AE-85-48-8D-A8-F3/1/1 On Applsci 11 08854 i029
Set fan B rotation to 110/out/9B-F7-F4-42-16-1E/1/1 Low Applsci 11 08854 i030
Set fan B rotation to 220/out/9B-F7-F4-42-16-1E/1/1 Medium Applsci 11 08854 i031
Set fan B rotation to 325/out/9B-F7-F4-42-16-1E/1/1 High Applsci 11 08854 i032
Turn off lamp B30/out/AE-85-48-8D-A8-F3/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i033
Turn off fan B30/out/9B-F7-F4-42-16-1E/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i034
Table 7. Three-dimensional environment virtual devices, composed of two lamps, a fan, and a display.
Table 7. Three-dimensional environment virtual devices, composed of two lamps, a fan, and a display.
Applsci 11 08854 i035Test Room 3D6C-D5-1C-76-E3-85
Applsci 11 08854 i036Lamp AD6-BB-99-92-99-3A
Applsci 11 08854 i037Lamp BE1-8C-83-02-28-DD
Applsci 11 08854 i038Fan1C-B2-89-0F-20-01
Applsci 11 08854 i039DisplayA9-94-43-C9-EB-8C
Table 8. Three-dimensional environment virtual devices: schedule-oriented control testing scenario.
Table 8. Three-dimensional environment virtual devices: schedule-oriented control testing scenario.
ActionTime (s)RequestOutput
Initialization0/out/D6-BB-99-92-99-3A/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i040
Initialization0/out/E1-8C-83-02-28-DD/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i041
Initialization0/out/1C-B2-89-0F-20-01/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i042
Initialization0/out/A9-94-43-C9-EB-8C/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i043
Turn on display1/out/A9-94-43-C9-EB-8C/1/1 On Applsci 11 08854 i044
Play DC vídeo1/out/A9-94-43-C9-EB-8C/2/1 DC Applsci 11 08854 i045
Turn on lamp A1/out/D6-BB-99-92-99-3A/1/1 On Applsci 11 08854 i046
Set fan rotation to 11/out/1C-B2-89-0F-20-01/1/1 Low Applsci 11 08854 i047
Play Marvel Video30/out/A9-94-43-C9-EB-8C/2/1 Marvel Applsci 11 08854 i048
Set fan rotation to 338/out/1C-B2-89-0F-20-01/1/1 Medium Applsci 11 08854 i049
Turn off lamp A45/out/D6-BB-99-92-99-3A/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i050
Turn on lamp B45/out/E1-8C-83-02-28-DD/1/1 On Applsci 11 08854 i051
Turn off lamp B60/out/E1-8C-83-02-28-DD/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i052
Turn off fan60/out/1C-B2-89-0F-20-01/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i053
Turn off display60/out/A9-94-43-C9-EB-8C/1/1 Off Applsci 11 08854 i054
Table 9. Specifications of the videos used in the proposed IoT simulation tool.
Table 9. Specifications of the videos used in the proposed IoT simulation tool.
VideoSize (px)Data Transmission RateTotal Transmission Speed (bits)FPS
Marvel.mp41280 × 7201208 kbps1334 kbps30
DC.mp41280 × 7201942 kbps2069 kbps24
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MDPI and ACS Style

Adão, T.; Pinho, T.; Pádua, L.; Magalhães, L.G.; J. Sousa, J.; Peres, E. Prototyping IoT-Based Virtual Environments: An Approach toward the Sustainable Remote Management of Distributed Mulsemedia Setups. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8854.

AMA Style

Adão T, Pinho T, Pádua L, Magalhães LG, J. Sousa J, Peres E. Prototyping IoT-Based Virtual Environments: An Approach toward the Sustainable Remote Management of Distributed Mulsemedia Setups. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(19):8854.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Adão, Telmo, Tatiana Pinho, Luís Pádua, Luís G. Magalhães, Joaquim J. Sousa, and Emanuel Peres. 2021. "Prototyping IoT-Based Virtual Environments: An Approach toward the Sustainable Remote Management of Distributed Mulsemedia Setups" Applied Sciences 11, no. 19: 8854.

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