Fundamental Investigations on the Performance of Micro Steel Fibres in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete under Monotonic and Cyclic Tensile Loading
:1. Introduction
2. Fibre Design Philosophy
3. Investigation Strategy
- Micro steel fibre (“bare”)—part 1.
- Plain UHPC—part 2.
- UHPC–fibre interaction of single fibres and fibre groups—parts 3 and 4.
- Tensile tests on small UHPFRC samples—part 5.
4. Experimental Program
4.1. Test Specimen and Test Configuration
4.2. Monotonic Loading
4.3. Cyclic Loading
5. Fibre Groups Embedded in UHPC
5.1. Test Specimen and Test Programme
5.2. Monotonic Tensile Loading
5.3. Cyclic Tensile Loading
- Phase I marks the initial non-linear increase in strain.
- Phase II begins between 5% and 10% of the ultimate load cycle number with the transition to a constant, small increase in deformation.
- Phase III is reached at around 95% of the breaking load cycle number . The total deformations increase rapidly, disproportionately, leading to failure of the concrete.
- This type of failure would actually have been expected with a fibre orientation of 30°, because greater bending stresses occur in the steel fibre compared to an orientation of 60° (cf. Figure 9). The following explanation can be given for this:
- With a fibre orientation of 30°, no fibre breakage occurs because the “snubbing effect” causes a larger concrete breakout, which in turn considerably shortens the bond length. This reduces the bending stresses on the one hand and increases the bond stresses on the other. The latter causes the fatigue damage of the bond zone to progress faster than the material damage. This eventually leads to fibre pullout.
- With 60°-inclined fibres, on the other hand, the “snubbing effect” leads to less concrete breakout and the bond length is reduced less (in comparison to a fibre orientation of 30°). The relationship between the damage of the bond zone and the fibre material (bending effects) is in an indifferent state, where both fibre pullout (VMZ60-1) and fibre breakage (VMZ60-2) can occur. Both failure modes can also be seen in Figure 12.
6. Conclusions and Outlook
- The stress–strain relationship of the high-strength micro steel fibres showed no considerable ductility like conventional steel. The failure is brittle.
- The brass coating of the high-strength micro steel fibre hides gouges located in the longitudinal direction of the fibre underneath. The gouges reduce the cross-sectional insignificantly and do not affect the tensile strength in a considerable manner.
- The mean S/N curve of the high-strength micro steel fibre showed in the first instance no good agreement with prestressing steel. After converting the mean S/N curve into characteristic values, a comparison with prestressing steel was possible and provided relatively good agreement for the high-cycle fatigue. Equation (4) provides a recommendation for a mathematical formulation of the S/N curve.
- The used high-strength steel fibres always pulled out of the concrete matrix under monotonic loading, i.e., no fibre rupture occurred. The maximal pullout resistance in the test program was approximately one-third of the fibre’s tensile strength. After the peak load, the pullout curves show an almost linear decreasing course of curves.
- Under cyclic loading, fibre rupture occurred partly at orientations of 60° but not for 30° and 90°. The fatigue curves of the un-cracked micro steel fibres showed the typical course of curves like fatigue of concrete: strain stabilisation, linear strain increase, and exponential strain increase.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | Number | Diameter | Ultimate Tensile Strength | Ultimate Strain |
[-] | [Num.] | [mm] | [N/mm2] | [‰] |
VFS-A | 9 | 0.19 | 3575.8±80.2 | 22.8±0.7 |
VFS-B | 6 | 0.13 | 4250.4±95.2 | 24.6±2.3 |
Name | Tensile Strength | Standard Deviation | 5%-Quantile of | |
[-] | [mm] | [N/mm2] | [N/mm2] | [N/mm2] |
VFS-A | 0.19 | 3575.8 | 80.2 | 3462.4 |
VFS-B | 0.13 | 4250.4 | 95.2 | 4080.7 |
Name | Quantity | Upper Stress Level | Lower Stress Level | Load Amplitude | Load Amplitude | Load Cycles |
[-] | [num.] | [-] | [-] | [-] | [N/mm2] | [num.] |
VFZ-1 | 3 | 0.90 | 0.10 | 0.80 | 2860.7 | 962±5 |
VFZ-2 | 3 | 0.80 | 0.10 | 0.70 | 2503.1 | 1008±46 |
VFZ-3 | 3 | 0.70 | 0.10 | 0.60 | 2145.5 | 1593±344 |
VFZ-4 | 3 | 0.60 | 0.10 | 0.50 | 1787.9 | 2382±260 |
VFZ-5 | 3 | 0.50 | 0.10 | 0.40 | 1430.3 | 4240±580 |
VFZ-6 | 3 | 0.40 | 0.10 | 0.30 | 1072.7 | 3364±40 |
VFZ-7 | 3 | 0.30 | 0.10 | 0.20 | 715.2 | 7986±1963 |
VFZ-8 | 3 | 0.20 | 0.10 | 0.10 | 357.6 | 57,375±10,073 |
VFZ-9 | 3 | 0.15 | 0.10 | 0.05 | 178.8 | 1,000,000±0 |
Reinforcing Steel Bars: | High-Strength Micro Steel Fibre: | |
| ||
| ||
Components | UHPC-1017 |
[-] | [kg/m3] |
Cement CEM I | 795.0 |
Silica fume | 168.6 |
Superplasticiser | 24.1 |
Quartz powder | 198.4 |
Quartz sand 0.125/0.5 mm | 971.0 |
Water | 189.9 |
Name | Number | Orientation | Length | Max. Pullout Resistance | Displacement at Max. | Load Changes Num | Failure Mode |
[-] | [No.] | [°] | [mm] | [N/mm2] | [mm] | [No.] | [-] |
VMS30-1 | 3 | 30° | 3.25 | 376.9±41.2 | 1.46 | - | Pullout |
VMS30-2 | 3 | 6.50 | 993.6±66.6 | 2.28 | - | Pullout | |
VMS60-1 | 3 | 60° | 3.25 | 480.7±71.0 | 0,63 | - | Pullout |
VMS60-2 | 3 | 6.50 | 1176.3±26.7 | 0.60 | - | Pullout | |
VMS90-1 | 3 | 90° | 3.25 | 568.7±42.4 | 0.45 | - | Pullout |
VMS90-2 | 3 | 6.50 | 1159.1±53.3 | 0.50 | - | Pullout | |
VMZ30-1 | 3 | 30° | 3.25 | - | - | 158±116 | Pullout |
VMZ30-2 | 3 | 6.50 | - | - | 250±42 | Pullout | |
VMZ60-1 | 3 | 60° | 3.25 | - | - | 88±19 | Pullout |
VMZ60-2 | 3 | 6.50 | - | - | 848±442 | Pullout/Rupture | |
VMZ90-1 | 3 | 90° | 3.25 | - | - | 455±399 | Pullout |
VMZ90-2 | 3 | 6.50 | - | - | 373±12 | Pullout | |
∑ 36 |
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Lanwer, J.-P.; Empelmann, M. Fundamental Investigations on the Performance of Micro Steel Fibres in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete under Monotonic and Cyclic Tensile Loading. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9377.
Lanwer J-P, Empelmann M. Fundamental Investigations on the Performance of Micro Steel Fibres in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete under Monotonic and Cyclic Tensile Loading. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(20):9377.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLanwer, Jan-Paul, and Martin Empelmann. 2021. "Fundamental Investigations on the Performance of Micro Steel Fibres in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete under Monotonic and Cyclic Tensile Loading" Applied Sciences 11, no. 20: 9377.
APA StyleLanwer, J.-P., & Empelmann, M. (2021). Fundamental Investigations on the Performance of Micro Steel Fibres in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete under Monotonic and Cyclic Tensile Loading. Applied Sciences, 11(20), 9377.