A New Affinely Adjustable Robust Model for Security Constrained Unit Commitment under Uncertainty
:1. Introduction
2. Theorical Background
2.1. Affine Arithmetic
2.2. Affinely Adjustable Robust Optimization (AARO)
3. Deterministic Model for Security Constrained Unit Commitment
4. AARO Model for Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC)
4.1. AARO Formulation to Solve the SCUC Problem
Algorithm 1: Method for Adding N − 1 Security Constraints as user cuts |
4.2. Uncertainty Sets
5. Tests and Results
5.1. 6-Bus System
5.2. IEEE RTS 24-Bus Power System
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AA | Affine arithmetic |
AARO | Affinely adjustable robust optimization |
AAROUC | Affinely adjustable robust optimization unit commitment |
AGC | Automatic generation control |
BD | Benders decomposition |
DRO | Distributionally robust optimization |
LODF | Line outage distribution factor |
LR | Lagrangian relaxation |
LSF | Linear sensitivity factors |
MCS | Monte Carlo Simulations |
MILP | Mixed-integer linear programming |
OF | Objective function |
OTDF | Outage transfer distribution factors |
PTDF | Power transfer distribution factor |
SCUC | Security constrained unit commitment |
ROUC | Robust optimization of the UC |
SOUC | Stochastic optimization for the unit commitment |
SSCUC | Stochastic security constraint unit commitment |
UC | Unit commitment |
Appendix A. Nomenclature
Appendix A.1. Indexes and Notations
i | Index of conventional generators, 1 to I |
w | Index of Wind generators, 1 to W |
p | Index of PV generators, 1 to P |
l, k | Index of lines and contingencies, respectively, 1 to L |
s, ss | Index of buses, 1 to S |
t, tt, | Index of time periods, 1 to T |
Appendix A.2. Parameters
Generation map for conventional generators | |
Generation map for wind generators | |
Generation map for PV generators | |
Fixed production cost of thermal generator [USD] | |
Operating variable cost of generator [USD] | |
Startup cost of conventional generator [USD] | |
Shut down cost of thermal generator [USD] | |
Demand in bus s at time t [MW] | |
Minimum down time of thermal generator i [h] | |
Minimum up time of thermal generator i [h] | |
Time that thermal generator i has been down before [h] | |
Time that thermal generator i has been up before [h] | |
Rated capacity of thermal generator i [MW] | |
Minimum output of thermal generator i [MW] | |
On-Off status of generator i at (equal to 1 if | |
and 0 otherwise) | |
Power Forecast of wind generator w, at time t | |
Power Forecast of PV generator p, at time t | |
Load Forecast of demand at bus s, at time t | |
Maximum Capacity of the line l [MW] | |
Transmission capacity factor of the line l | |
Length of time the thermal generator i has to be off at the start | |
time of the planning horizon [h] | |
Length of time the thermal generator i has to be on at the start | |
time of the planning horizon [h] | |
Ramp-down limit of thermal generator i [MW/h] | |
Ramp-up limit of thermal generator i [MW/h] | |
Matrix of Power transfer distribution factors | |
Matrix of Line Outage distribution factors | |
Matrix of Outage transfer distribution factors | |
Materialized forecast error of the wind generator w, at time t [MW] | |
Materialized forecast error of the PV generator p, at time t [MW] | |
Materialized forecast error of the the demand located at bus s, | |
at time t [MW] | |
Maximum forecast error of the wind generator w, at time t [MW] | |
Maximum forecast error of the PV generator p, at time t [MW] | |
Maximum forecast error of the demand located at bus s, at time | |
t [MW] |
Appendix A.3. Variables
Conventional generator power output, of the generator i at time t [MW] | |
Binary variable equal to 1 if the thermal generator i is producing at time | |
t, and 0 otherwise | |
Binary variable equal to 1 if the thermal generator i is started at the | |
beginning of time t and 0 otherwise | |
Binary variable equal to 1 if the thermal generator i is shutdown at the | |
beginning of time t and 0 otherwise | |
Net power injection in bus s, at time t [MW] | |
Power flow of the line l, at time t, under normal operation [MW] | |
Power flow of line l under the contingency k, at time t [MW] | |
Central value of power output, of the generator i at time t [MW] | |
Central value for net power injection in bus s, at time t [MW] | |
Upper bound of the highest cost for the dispatch problem [USD] | |
Adjustment of the generator i at time t given by the deviation of forecast | |
error of the wind generator w in the past periods [p.u.] | |
Adjustment of the generator i at time t given by the deviation of forecast | |
error of the PV generator p in the past periods [p.u.] | |
Adjustment of the generator i at time t given by the deviation | |
of forecast error of total demand in the past periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for the objective function given by the deviation of | |
forecast error of the wind generator w at time t [USD/MW] | |
Adjust variable for the objective function given by | |
the deviation of forecast error of the PV generator p at time t | |
Adjust variable for the objective function given by | |
the deviation of forecast error of the total demand at time t [USD/MW]. | |
Adjust variable for power limits of the generator i at time t given by | |
the deviation of forecast error of the wind generator w in the past | |
periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for power limits of the generator i at time t given by | |
the deviation of forecast error of the PV generator p in the past | |
periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for power limits of the generator i at time t given by | |
the deviation of forecast error of total demand in the past periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for ramping limits of the generator i at time t given by | |
the deviation of forecast error of the wind generator w in the past | |
periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for ramping limits of the generator i at time t given by | |
the deviation of forecast error of PV generator p in the past | |
periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for ramping limits of the generator i at time t given by | |
the deviation of forecast error of the total demand in the past | |
periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for power flow limits of the line l at time t given by the | |
deviation of forecast error of the wind generator w in the past | |
periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for power flow limits of the line l at time t given by the | |
deviation of forecast error of the PV generator p in the past | |
periods [p.u.] |
Adjust variable for power flow limits of the line l at time t given by | |
deviation of forecast the demand at bus s in the past periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for power flow limits of the line l under contingency of | |
the line k at time t given by the deviation of forecast error of the wind | |
generator w in the past periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for power flow limits of the line l under contingency of | |
line k at time t given by the deviation of forecast error of the PV generator | |
p in the past periods [p.u.] | |
Adjust variable for power flow limits of the line l under contingency of | |
line k at time t given by the deviation of forecast error of the demand | |
at bus s in the past periods [p.u.] |
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Share and Cite
Sierra-Aguilar, J.E.; Marín-Cano, C.C.; López-Lezama, J.M.; Jaramillo-Duque, Á.; Villegas, J.G. A New Affinely Adjustable Robust Model for Security Constrained Unit Commitment under Uncertainty. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 3987. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11093987
Sierra-Aguilar JE, Marín-Cano CC, López-Lezama JM, Jaramillo-Duque Á, Villegas JG. A New Affinely Adjustable Robust Model for Security Constrained Unit Commitment under Uncertainty. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(9):3987. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11093987
Chicago/Turabian StyleSierra-Aguilar, Juan Esteban, Cristian Camilo Marín-Cano, Jesús M. López-Lezama, Álvaro Jaramillo-Duque, and Juan G. Villegas. 2021. "A New Affinely Adjustable Robust Model for Security Constrained Unit Commitment under Uncertainty" Applied Sciences 11, no. 9: 3987. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11093987
APA StyleSierra-Aguilar, J. E., Marín-Cano, C. C., López-Lezama, J. M., Jaramillo-Duque, Á., & Villegas, J. G. (2021). A New Affinely Adjustable Robust Model for Security Constrained Unit Commitment under Uncertainty. Applied Sciences, 11(9), 3987. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11093987