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TD-DNN: A Time Decay-Based Deep Neural Network for Recommendation System

Electronics and Computer Discipline, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667, India
Institute of Management, Christ University, Bengaluru 560029, India
Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida 201313, India
School of Computer Science, Kyungil University, Gyeongsan 38428, Kyungbuk, Korea
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(13), 6398;
Submission received: 19 May 2022 / Revised: 15 June 2022 / Accepted: 20 June 2022 / Published: 23 June 2022
(This article belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)


In recent years, commercial platforms have embraced recommendation algorithms to provide customers with personalized recommendations. Collaborative Filtering is the most widely used technique of recommendation systems, whose accuracy is primarily reliant on the computed similarity by a similarity measure. Data sparsity is one problem that affects the performance of the similarity measures. In addition, most recommendation algorithms do not remove noisy data from datasets while recommending the items, reducing the accuracy of the recommendation. Furthermore, existing recommendation algorithms only consider historical ratings when recommending the items to users, but users’ tastes may change over time. To address these issues, this research presents a Deep Neural Network based on Time Decay (TD-DNN). In the data preprocessing phase of the model, noisy ratings are detected from the dataset and corrected using the Matrix Factorization approach. A power decay function is applied to the preprocessed input to provide more weightage to the recent ratings. This non-noisy weighted matrix is fed into the Deep Learning model, consisting of an input layer, a Multi-Layer Perceptron, and an output layer to generate predicted ratings. The model’s performance is tested on three benchmark datasets, and experimental results confirm that TD-DNN outperforms other existing approaches.

1. Introduction

A recommender system (RS) [1,2] is an intelligent system that provides recommendations to users based on their previous ratings. It can easily provide relevant information to users from massive volumes of Internet data; as a result, it is widely used by many platforms to recommend items, movies, music, books, etc. The accuracy of RS mainly depends upon the recommendation algorithm, which is classified into Content-based (CB), Collaborative Filtering (CF), Demographic-based, Knowledge-based, Community-based, or hybrid [3,4]. The CB technique [5] generates recommendations based on the user and item profiles. It has the advantage that it can quickly adjust recommendations in response to changes in user preferences, but it suffers from a lack of recommendation novelty and cold start problems and requires a detailed description of items and user profiles. The CF [6] technique is the most popular and commonly used technique of RS, which determines users of relevant interest by calculating the similarity, and it recommend items to them. It makes accurate recommendations based on user–item interactions such as clicks, browsing history, and ratings given. The advantages of the CF technique include scalability and that it does not require much information about users or items to create a profile. Although this method is simple and effective, its effectiveness drops due to the sparsity problem, which increases with the rapid increase in users and items. More importantly, it cannot generate recommendations for a new item that has not received user ratings. Therefore, many researchers have begun to look for other ways to improve the recommendation system performance. Demographic-based RS [7] provides recommendations based on the demographic profiles of users’ attributes, i.e., user’s country, education, gender, or age. This technique is not complex and easy to implement, but profiles are rarely updated. In Knowledge-Based RS (KBRS) [8], item recommendations are based on the domain knowledge about a user’s needs and preferences. As the recommendations are independent of the user ‘s preferences, a KBRS can quickly change its recommendations when a user’s interest change. The limitation of KBRS is that it must understand the product domain well. Community-based RS [7] suggests items based on the preferences of the user’s friends. A hybrid recommendation system combines two or more techniques, as discussed above.
In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) [9] has made significant progress and achieved notable success in many sectors such as healthcare [10], cybersecurity [10], natural language processing [11], audio recognition [11], computer vision [12], etc. The promising capabilities of DL have encouraged researchers to use deep architecture for recommendation tasks [13,14]. For instance, Cheng et al. [15] introduced a deep architecture for google play recommendations, Covington et al. [16] proposed a deep learning-based method for the YouTube recommendations, and Okura et al. [17] used a Recurrent Neural Network for news recommendations. These approaches have displayed remarkable success and outperformed traditional RS methods.
Developing personalized RS using the Deep Neural Network (DNN) has become a potential trend due to its high computing power and huge data storage capabilities. The simplest DNN [13] consists of three layers, i.e., the input layer, the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and the output layer. The input layer converts low-dimensional features into N-dimensional features and passed them to the MLP layers. In MLP, n-dimensional features are learned and passed onto the activation functions of each layer. Finally, the MLP’s output is passed to the last layer, which predicts the ratings. Some researchers have recently developed Deep Learning-based recommendation models to improve the system’s accuracy. They make some experimental changes on the MLP layer or the output layer: for instance, changes in the number of layers, activation, or loss function. Two or more approaches are also merged to predict the ratings. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no study that performs preprocessing on data before providing it into the DNN. It is important because input quality determines output quality. Therefore, the research focuses on preprocessing the original data to improve the input data quality. This is completed as follows: (1) identifying the dataset’s noisy (inconsistent) ratings and correcting them using the matrix factorization approach; and (2) assigning weightage to the recent ratings using the time function, i.e., Power. The resultant data matrix is provided as the input into the DNN model for training purposes. The embedding layers are used in the DNN because they reduce the input size and computational complexity, leading to faster training times.
As such, we summarize the contributions as follows:
  • In this paper, a Time Decay-based Deep Neural Network (TD-DNN) is proposed, in which, firstly, the noisy ratings are identified from the dataset and corrected using the Matrix Factorization approach. After this, to give the weightage to the most recent ratings, a power decay function is used. The resultant data matrix is inserted as the input into the DNN model for the training purposes.
  • The model incorporates the embedding layer to a Multi-Layer Perceptron to learn the N-dimensional and non-linear interactions between users and movies. The Huber loss function, which has shown outstanding efficacy across all the loss functions, is used.
  • The experiment has been conducted on benchmark datasets to examine the new model’s efficiency and compare it with the existing approaches. The results on the MovieLens-100k, ML-1M and Epinions datasets show that the proposed TD-DNN architecture enhances recommendation efficiency and solves the data sparsity problem.
The paper is organized as follows: The literature review is examined in Section 2, which is followed by the problem statement discussed in Section 3. The proposed model is evaluated in Section 4, and the results are presented in Section 5. The paper comes to a conclusion in Section 6.

2. Literature Review

This section discusses the state-of-the-art techniques used in recommendation systems. The collaborative filtering technique-based recommendation algorithms are discussed first, which is followed by the deep learning techniques for recommendation.
The collaborative filtering technique considers historical data to recommend items to the target users. It is mainly categorized into memory-based and model-based techniques. Out of these two, the memory-based approach is most popular and is subdivided into user-based [18] and item-based [19] approaches. Many similarity measures, i.e., Modified Proximity Impact Popularity (MPIP) [20], RJaccard [21], TMJ [22], etc., have been introduced in recent years. The CF approach is popular because it is simple to implement; nonetheless, it suffers from a data sparsity problem. Many model-based algorithms, such as Bayesian models [23], Latent Semantic models [24], Regression-based models [25], Matrix Factorization models [26], etc., have been proposed to overcome the challenge mentioned above. Among these models, the most prominent is Matrix Factorization, which maps the users and items into vectors representing the users’ or items’ latent features. Some variants of the Matrix Factorization (MF) model are Nonparametric Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (NPCA) [27], Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [28], and Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF) [29]. The latent features learned by matrix factorization approaches are ineffective when the rating matrix is highly sparse. In addition, numerous researchers construct an effective recommendation system using additional data, such as time, trust, and location information. For instance, the authors in [30] utilized the user’s trust and location information to improve the prediction accuracy of RS. Some researchers incorporated time information at the similarity computation [31], prediction [32], or rating matrix levels [33] of the recommendation process.
On the other hand, deep learning [34] is a growing field of machine learning research that mimics the human brain’s behavior for interpreting data such as images, sounds, and texts. It is a Multi-Layer Perceptron with multiple hidden layers stacked on each other. Hinton et al. [35] introduced the concept of Deep Learning and proposed an unsupervised algorithm based on deep belief networks (DBN). These Deep Learning techniques have recently succeeded in many complex tasks, i.e., computer vision, natural language processing, etc. Therefore, researchers have begun to apply Deep Learning algorithms to recommending music [36], books [11], videos [16], medical [37], interfaces [38], etc. The first Deep Learning-based recommendation model was Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) [39], which targets the poor representation of MF in a low-dimensional space and replaces it with neural network architecture. Since MF is a popular technique used in RS, several works have been proposed using Matrix Factorization and Deep Neural Networks. Xue et al. [40] proposed a Deep Matrix Factorization (DMF) model in which features are extracted from the user–item matrix and integrated into the neural network. The author also proposed a new loss function based on binary cross-entropy to minimize the error. A new approach based on personalized Long and Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Matrix Factorization techniques is presented in [41]. In [42], the authors developed an improved matrix factorization technique. A movie recommendation system that predicted the Top-N recommendation list of movies using singular value decomposition and cosine similarity is proposed in [43]. In the Deep Learning model for a Collaborative Recommender System (DLCRS) [44], user and movie IDs are concatenated as one-hot vectors. Unlike the basic MF approach, where inner products combine the user and movie ratings, DLCRS performs the element-wise multiplication of user and movie ratings. A novel recommendation strategy based on Artificial Neural Networks and Generalized Matrix Factorization is proposed by Kapetanakis et al. [45]. It improves the overall quality of the recommendations and minimizes human intervention and offline evaluations. Wang et al. [46] propose a hierarchical Bayesian model to obtain content features and a traditional CF model to address the rating information. A ConvMF model, which combines the Convolution Neural Network with the Probabilistic Matrix Factorization, is proposed in [47]. Some more studies on the recommendation system are given in [13,34].

3. Motivation

Among the various approaches used to develop the recommendation systems, the memory-based Collaborative Filtering technique is most popular and widely used, but it has some limitations as discussed below.
In the CF approach, the efficiency of the RS mainly depends upon finding the effective neighbors which are based on the similarity calculated by a similarity measure. There are various traditional and recently developed similarity measures, but they mainly suffer from the sparsity, cold- start and scalability problems. Some traditional and popular similarity measures in the CF technique compute incorrect similarity in some cases. For instance, the cosine measure [48,49] computes the maximum similarity between users when they have only rated only one item. Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) calculates low similarity regardless of the similar ratings of two users. The Jaccard measure [49] does not count the absolute values of ratings, while the Mean Squared Difference (MSD) measure ignores the proportion of common ratings. The combination of these two is JMSD, which does not utilize all the ratings provided by both users. Some recently developed similarity measures, i.e., Relevant Jaccard (RJaccard) and Relevant Jaccard MSD (RJMSD), compute inaccurate similarity when the user rates the items with equal ratings. In addition, the accuracy of the CF techniques is also affected when some inconsistency/noisy ratings [50] exist in the dataset. In this case, similarity measures compute inaccurate similarity. These existing CF algorithms only consider the historical ratings when computing similarity, but as time goes by, users’ tastes may change; therefore, the generated recommendation might not be relevant.
To address the aforementioned problems and improve the performance of recommendation systems, a Time Decay-based Deep Neural Network (TD-DNN) has been proposed in this paper. In this, firstly, we do some preprocessing on data to remove noise and give weightage to the most recent ratings. For correcting the noisy ratings, the Matrix Factorization approach is used, while the power decay function is used to give weightage to the most recent ratings. The resultant data matrix is inserted as the input into the DNN model for training purposes, and it produces the predicted ratings as output.

4. Proposed Methodology

Deep Learning [51] (also known as deep artificial neural networks) learns the latent features of users and movies and inserts them as input into a multi-layered feed-forward architecture to predict the ratings as output. DNN can learn the complex decision boundaries for classification and non-linear regression. A typical deep neural network has three distinct functional layers [12]: the input layer, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and the output layer. The output of each layer is promoted to the next layer in a multi-layer neural network. For example, the output of the input layer is of user and item vectors, which are sent to a Multi-Layer Perceptron. The MLP has large numbers of hidden layers and is used to train the obtained N-dimensional non-linear features, and the output of this is forwarded to the last layer to forecast the ratings. Unlike other Deep Learning models, where the original/raw data matrix is inserted as input into the input layer of the model, the proposed model takes into consideration a preprocessed data matrix. In the preprocessing step, first, the noisy ratings are detected and corrected, and then, a time decay function is applied to give weightage to the recent ratings. The resultant matrix is fed into the neural network model to predict the ratings. The development of the proposed model constitutes two phases.
  • Data Preprocessing Phase
  • Constructing Deep Neural Network
The detailed description of each phase is given below.

4.1. Data Preprocessing Phase

Most recommendation algorithms calculate inaccurate similarity when noisy ratings are present in the dataset. In addition, many CF-based measures do not adopt the time information while computing similarity. As a result, the recommendation of low quality might be generated. To avoid this, data preprocessing is applied in the proposed model in two steps. In step 1, the noisy ratings (i.e., inconsistent data) are identified and corrected. A time decay function is applied in the following steps to give weightage to the most recent ratings. It may improve the performance because the user preferences change over time. As the time stamp decreases, the weight decreases. Figure 1 explains the flow of the data preprocessing step. A detailed description of each step is given below:

4.1.1. Detecting and Correcting the Noisy Ratings

There are two types of noise [50]: malicious noise and natural noise. Malicious noise is introduced by an external agent, whereas natural noise is what users introduce. It might happen due to a user’s inconsistent or negligent behavior. This paper focuses on natural noise because it is a relatively new issue that has received far less attention. It occurs due to the inconsistency in the user preference and item ratings.
To identify natural noise/noisy ratings, the user, item, and ratings are classified into predetermined classes (based solely on ratings). In this classification, if the user and item fall in the same category, then the rating must also belong to the same category. If the rating does not verify this, it is considered a noisy or noise or inconsistent rating. The noisy ratings are determined as follows:
Firstly, users are categorized into Weak_user, Average_user, and Strong_user sets, and items are categorized into Weak_item, Average_item, and Strong_item sets, as given in Table 1. The belongingness of the users and items in their respective sets depends upon the condition specified in Table. If the rating is less than the T1_u then add the rating to the Weak_user set, if the rating is greater than or equal to T1_u and less than T2_u, then add the rating to the Average_user set, and if the rating is greater or equal to T2_u, then add the rating to the Strong_user set. In the same way, if the rating is less than T1_i, then add the rating into the Weak_item set, if the rating is greater or equal to T1_i and less than T2_i, add the rating to the Average_item set, and if the rating is greater than the T2_i, then add the rating to the Strong_item set. In Table 1, T1_u and T2_u are the threshold values of users, and T1_i and T2_i are the threshold values of items. These threshold values are obtained through the formula specified in Table 2.
In Table 2, Rmin and Rmax are the minimum and maximum values in the rating scale, respectively. After determining the threshold values, the users, items, and ratings are classified into three categories, as displayed in Table 3. In the table, users are classified into Critical, Average, and Benevolent. Items are classified into Weakly recommended, Averagely recommended, and Strongly recommended, and ratings are classified into Weak, Average, and Strong. A critical user is the one who gives a low rating to items, an average user provides the average rating to items, and a benevolent user is the one who gives a high rating to items. Similarly, if the majority of people dislike the item, it is Weakly recommended, and if the majority of users averagely like it, it is Averagely recommended. If most users prefer the item, it is categorized as Strongly recommended. Similarly, if the rating is less than T1 (threshold value), it is a Weak rating. If the rating is greater or equal to T1 and less than T2, it is an Average rating, and if the rating is greater than T2, it is a Strong rating.
Table 4 defines the three categories of homologous classes according to the classes of users, items, and ratings defined in Table 3. If the classes associated with the user and item are similar, then the ratings must also belong to a similar category. If this does not happen, we can say that the rating is noisy. For example, if the user is strong, the item is strongly recommended, and if the rating is average, we can say that the rating is noisy.
After detecting the noise/inconsistent rating, it is not removed but fixed. There are many ways of dealing with natural noise [50,52,53,54]. For instance, O’Mahony et al. [53] ignored the noisy ratings, while others [55,56] used some extra information, such as metadata, to correct the noisy ratings. Li et al. [57] detect the “noisy but non-malicious” users by assuming that a user’s ratings on closely related items should have similar values. It assesses underlying noise for each user profile, identifying those with the highest noise levels. Toledo et al. [50] detected the noisy ratings by categorizing items and users according to their ratings. To correct the noisy ratings, the author used the Pearson Correlation Coefficient for similarity computation and predicted the new ratings for the noisy ratings. In this approach, new ratings are determined at k’s value of 60, but this may differ depending on the dataset. Thus, finding the k’s optimal value is a drawback; hence, the Matrix Factorization [58] approach is used to correct the noisy rating. In this approach, the user–item rating matrix is decomposed into two lower dimensionality rectangular matrices, and a product is taken to obtain the new ratings for the noisy ratings. The matrix factorization approach can be described in brief as follows:
R =   P   × Q T = R ^
In Equation (1), R is the actual rating matrix, R ^ is the predicted rating matrix, P (|U| × k) matrix denotes the user–features association, and matrix Q (|I| × |k|) represents the item and features association. The predicted ratings are the dot product of these two matrices. In the process of correcting noisy ratings, if the difference between the predicted and noisy ratings is greater than 1 (a threshold value, i.e., δ = 1), then only the predicted rating is accepted in place of the noisy rating. The steps of detecting and correcting the noisy ratings are given in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: Steps of Detecting and Correcting Noisy Ratings
Inputs: set of available ratings {r(user, item)},
Threshold for Classification—T1_u, T2_u, T1_i, T2_i, T_u, T_i, δ = 1
1. Weak_user = {}, Average_user = {}, Strong_user = {},
2. Weak_item = {}, Average _item = {}, Strong_item = {},
3. Possible_noise = {}
4. for each rating in set of available ratings r(user, item)
5.          if r(user, item) < T1_u
6.                   Add r(user, item) to the Weak_user set
7.          else if r(user, item) ≥ T1_u and r(user, item) < T2_u
8.                   Add r(user, item) to the Average_user set
9.          else
10.                   Add r(user, item) to the Strong_user set
11.          if r(user, item) < T1_i,
12.                   Add r(user, item) to the Weak_item set
13.          else if r(user, item) ≥ T1_i, and r(user, item) < T2_i
14.                    Add r(user, item) to the Average_item set
15.          else
16.                    Add r(user, item) to the Strong_item set
17.    end for
18. for each user in the r(user, item)
19.       Classify each user into Critical, Average and Strong user as follows:
20.              Critical user:
21.                      if |Weak_user| ≥ |Strong_user| + |Average_user|
22.              Average user:
23.                         if |Average_user| ≥ |Strong_user| + |Weak_user|
24.              Strong user:
25.                         if |Strong_user| ≥ |Average_user| + |Weak_user|
26. end for
27. for each item in the r(user, item)
28.          Classify each item using the above discussed sets
29.                Critical items:
30.                         if |Weak_item| ≥ |Strong_item| + |Average_item|
31.                Average item:
32.                         if |Average_item| ≥ |Strong_item| + |Weak_item|
33.                Strong item:
34.                         if |Strong_item| ≥ |Average_item| + |Weak_item|
35.  end for
36. for each rating r(user, item)
37.                         if user is Critical, item is Weakly_recommended, and r(user, item) ≥ T1
38.                                               Add r(user, item) to the {Possible_noise}
39.                         if user is Average, item is Averagely_recommended and (r(user, item) < T1 or r(user, item) ≥ T2)
40.                                              Add r(user, item) to the {Possible_noise}
41.                         if user is Benevolent, item is Strongly_recommended, and r(user, item) < T2
42.                                              Add r(user, item) to the {Possible_noise}
43.  end for
   #Correct the noisy ratings
44. for each rating r(user, item) in {Possible_noise}, predict a new rating R(user, item) using Matrix Factorization approach
45. k = 3 # it represents the features
46.         if (abs (R(user, item) − r(user, item)) > δ)
47.                           Replace r(user, item) by R(user, item) in the original rating set r
48.  end if
49. end for
Output: r = {r(user, item)} − set of corrected ratings
This process of detecting and correcting noisy ratings is illustrated by taking the example given in Table 5.
Table 5 consists of four users and four items, and on them, Algorithm 1 is applied with determined threshold values T1 = 2, T2 = 4. We classified users into Weak_user, Average_user, Strong_user sets, and items into Weak_item, Average_item, and Strong_item sets. With the help of the above-discussed sets, we identify each user’s and item’s classes. As shown in Table 6, there are three benevolent users (1, 3, and 4) and one average user (2), three strongly recommended items (2, 3, and 4), and one averagely recommended item (1) in the taken example. The final step is to find the contradictions according to the categories defined in Table 4. As a result, we found that the rating r U 2 I 1 is noisy, because the user U2 is benevolent, item I1 is strongly recommended, but the rating is not strong; therefore, we consider it a noisy rating. After the detection, the noisy rating is corrected using a matrix factorization technique. According to the results displayed in Table 7, the Matrix Factorization approach predicts rating 3 for the corresponding noisy rating.

4.1.2. Applying Time Decay Functions

The CF technique-based algorithms provide recommendations based on the user’s historical rating data, but the user’s interest changes with time. Therefore, to give weightage to the most recent ratings, a time decay function [59] is incorporated with ratings. These time functions [60,61,62] determine the appropriate time weights and provide high weightage to the recently rated items. In Table 8, a list of time decay functions is given, and they are applied to the ML-100k dataset to identify the best option. The results are displayed in the next section.
Here, µ, α, β, ω, γ   and λ are the tuning parameter, while t is the difference between the recent timestamp and timestamp at which item is rated.
The first time-based recommendation algorithm was developed by Zimdars et al. [64], who reframed the recommendation issue as a time series prediction problem. In CF, time decay functions can be applied at the similarity computation, prediction, or rating matrix levels. Since we are not predicting the ratings using a similarity measure in this paper, we can apply these time functions at the rating matrix level only. Here, the ratings closer to the current time are given a larger weighting coefficient. The time-weighted ratings can be retrieved as follows
  R u , i   =   r u , i ×   Time   Decay   Function
where R u , i   is the predicted rating, r u , i is the actual ratings, and the time decay functions are listed in Table 8. The results of time functions are displayed in Section 5.5, clearly stating that the performance of the power decay function is superior; hence, it is used in the research. With the help of the power time function, firstly, weights are computed and then multiplied with the non-noisy rating dataset to give weightage to the most recent ratings. Here, high weightage is assigned to recent timestamp ratings. The resultant non-noisy-time weighted (NNTW) ratings are fed into the Deep Neural Network to improve the recommendation system performance further. A brief description of the DNN model is given below.

4.2. Constructing Deep Neural Network

A Deep Neural Network (DNN) [65] is an Artificial Neural Network with several layers between the input and output layers. These neural networks come in various shapes and sizes, but they all have the same fundamental components: neurons, weights, biases, and functions. A typical DNN consists of three layers: an input layer, MLP, and output layer. The description of each layer is given below.

4.2.1. Input Layer

Every Deep Neural Network architecture relies heavily on its input layer, whose principal function is to process the data that has been provided. Unlike other Deep Learning models, where the raw data matrix is provided in the input layer, we provided a Non-Noisy Time Weighted (NNTW) rating matrix (that we obtained from the previous step) to the input layer. In this layer, there are two input vectors Vu (for user u) and Vi (for item i). After the input layer, there is an embedding layer with a bias term which is a fully connected layer that turns a sparse vector into a dense one. The produced embedding may be considered as the user/item latent vector that are concatenated to create an effective deep learning-based recommender system.
  x 0 =   concatenate v u , v i
In Equation (3), the concatenate function () joins two vectors, i.e., users and movies. The x0 is passed to the first hidden layer of MLP, whose description is given below.

4.2.2. Multi-Layer Perceptron

A feed-forward neural network with several (one or more) hidden layers between the input and output layers is called the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Since a simple vector concatenation is insufficient to represent the interactions between the user’s and the item’s latent features, MLP is used. It add hidden layers to the concatenated vector to easily modulate the non-linear interactions between users and items.
This work learns the N-dimensional non-linear connection between users and movie vectors by a fully connected Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture. We may utilize functions such as sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent (tanh), and Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) to activate neurons in MLP layers, but each has its restrictions. For instance, the sigmoid function does not have a zero-centric function, which may reduce the model’s efficiency. It also suffers from a gradient vanishing problem. The tanh function, which has a zero-centric function, is a rescaled variant of the sigmoid activation function. It is more computationally expensive than the sigmoid function. Therefore, it is also not appropriate. On the other hand, the ReLU activation function has no gradient vanishing problem and is less expensive. In addition, it is well suited for sparse datasets and makes Deep Neural Networks tenable to be overfitting; hence, it is used. To prevent the model from overfitting, L2 Regularizer is applied. Each neural network architecture follows the standard tower structure; there are more neurons at lower levels and fewer at higher levels [66].
In the MLP’s forward propagation process, the first hidden layer output is obtained by the following equation:
  x 1 =   activation   W 1 x 0 + b 1
where x0 is the input layer’s output, W1 denotes the weight between the input and first hidden layers, and b1 denotes a bias vector. The activation function makes a non-linear and meaningful neural network. The ReLU [12,67] activation function is used since it is more effective and easier to tune. The following is the output of the lth hidden layer:
x l   = R e L U   W l x l 1 + b l  
The predicted ratings are determined by the size of the final hidden layer, which indicates the model’s capabilities.

4.2.3. Output Layer

The aim of TD-DNN is to predict the user’s rating in the output layer, using the equation below:
R ^ u , i = s i g m o i d W o u t x h + b o u t
where R ^ u , i represents the predicted rating of user u for an item i, h represents the number of hidden layers, xh is the last hidden layer output, and Wout and bout represent the weight and bias of the output layer, respectively. In Equation (6), the sigmoid activation function is applied to the last layer. The Huber loss function is used in the training process to evaluate the difference between the predicted ratings R ^ u , i and actual rating ri,j. The Adam optimizer is used to modify the weight, which helps reduce the overall loss and improves accuracy. The Huber loss function and Adam optimizer are described in the next section. The architecture of our Deep Neural Network is displayed in Figure 2.

4.2.4. Training Process

Our proposed deep learning model includes the data preprocessing step in the basic neural network architecture. The Deep Learning architectures compare the predicted ratings with the actual ones and constantly refine the target loss to achieve the final optimal fit. In the training of every neural network model, the loss function and optimizer are very important, which are described below:

Loss Functions

The loss function measures the difference between the actual output and the model’s predicted output. Selecting an appropriate loss function is most important. There are mainly two types of loss function [11]: pointwise and pairwise loss function. The recommender systems problem is transformed into a multi-classification or regression problem using a pointwise loss function. In contrast, the problem is transformed into a binary classification problem using a pairwise loss function. The pointwise loss functions include classification and ordinal regression, whereas pairwise loss functions includes Bayesian Pairwise Ranking (BPR) [11] and Area Under the Curve (AUC). The proposed neural network model predicts the ratings, which is a regression problem. So, the binary cross and multi-class information are inappropriate for the model. We can employ squared, absolute, and any other common pointwise regression losses [68], but the Huber loss function is used to mitigate the issues of the squared and absolute loss functions. The drawback of the squared loss is that it is particularly susceptible to outliers, whereas the absolute loss function can provide a non-biased estimation of the arithmetic average. The Huber loss [11] is described as follows:
H u b e r   L o s s = 1 2 × r u , i R u , i 2 ,     i f   r u , i R u , i     δ δ × r u , i R u , i 1 2     δ 2 ,       O t h e r w i s e    
where the true value of user u invoking movies I is r u , i , R u , i   is the predicted rating of user u invoking movies i and δ is the threshold value, which is set to 1.0.


An optimizer is a function that changes a neural network’s weight and learning rate. As a result, it contributes to decreasing overall loss while also improving precision. There are several optimizers [69,70], i.e., Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Adagrade, Adadelta, Adam, etc. Gradient Descent [69] updates weight and bias using the entire training data. It is the simplest basic optimizer, which reduces the loss and reaches the minima by simply using the derivative of the loss function and the learning rate. Stochastic Gradient Descent [69] is a modified version of the GD method, where the model parameters are updated on every iteration. Mini-batch [70] is a version of this GD technique in which model parameters are changed in small batches. As a result, the model uses less memory and has a low variance. Gradient Descent with Momentum [69] calculates an exponentially weighted average of the gradients and update weights using that gradient. The learning rate is constant in all of these optimizers. In the Adagrad optimizer [69], different learning rates are used for each parameter. It adapts the lower learning rate to the parameters associated with frequently occurring features and the larger learning rate for parameters associated with infrequent features. Adadelta [71] is an Adagrad addition that aims to slow down the program’s aggressive, monotonically declining learning rate. Instead of accumulating all past squared gradients, Adadelta restricts the window of accumulated past gradients to some fixed size. The RMSprop [71] optimizer is a momentum-based version of the gradient descent technique. It limits oscillations in the vertical plane. As a result, we can boost our learning rate to a horizontal direction and converge faster. The Adam optimizer [11] is an extension of stochastic gradient descent which leverages the power of adaptive learning rates methods to find individual learning rates for each parameter. Its name comes from the fact that it adapts the learning rate for each neural network weight using estimations of the first and second moments of gradient descent.
Apart from these, some fractional calculus-based new optimizers have been introduced recently, i.e., Fractional Stochastic Gradient Descent, Moving Information-based Stochastic Gradient Descent, and Normalized Fractional Stochastic Gradient Descent. The Fractional Stochastic Gradient Descent (FSGD) [72] is implemented using fractional calculus ideas for efficient matrix factorization. A fast and accurate form of SGD called Moving Information-based Stochastic Gradient Descent (MISGD) [73] is introduced to successfully address the fuzzy nature of preferences by capturing the collective effect of ratings from previous update histories. The Normalized Fractional Stochastic Gradient Descent optimizer (NF-SGD) [74] is a normalized form of F-SGD with a time-varying learning rate. It adapts the learning rate and delivers quick recommendations based on users’ preferences.
Among the most popular optimizers, the Adam optimizer is [75] is simple to implement, computationally efficient, uses little memory, and can handle massive data sets and parameters; hence, it is used in developing the model. The Adam optimizer combines two gradient descent methodologies [76]: Momentum and RMSProp, with Momentum providing smoothing and RMSProp efficiently changing the learning rate.
The weight and bias update in Momentum are given by:
w = w α · v d w b = b α ·   v d b
The weight and bias update in RMSProp are given by:
    w = w α   · L / w / s d w + ε   b = b α · L / b / s d b + ε  
where w and b are the weights and bias, respectively, v d w is the sum of gradients of weights at time t, v d b is the sum of gradients of bias at time t, s d w is the sum of square of past gradients of weights, s d b is the sum of square of the past gradients of bias, L   is the derivative of loss function, w is the derivatives of weight at time t, and w is the derivative of bias. Initially, v d w ,     s d w , v d b and s d b all are set to zero. On iteration t, they are computed as follows.
v d w = β 1   v d w t 1 + 1 β 1   L w v d b = β 1   v d b t 1 + 1 β 1   L b s d w = β 2   v d w t 1 + 1 β 2   L w 2 s d b = β 2   v d b t 1 + 1 β 2   L b 2
In Momentum and RMSProp, initially, v d w , s d w ,     v d b     and   s d b   were initialized to 0, but it is observed that they become 0 when both β1 and β2 are near to 1. The Adam optimizer [76] fixed this issue by using the corrected formula as given below. This is also completed to keep the weights under control when they approach the global minimum. The corrected formulas for v d w , s d w ,     v d b     and   s d b     are given below:
v d w c o r r e c t e d = v d w 1 β 1 t v d b c o r r e c t e d = v d b 1 β 1 t s d w c o r r e c t e d = s d w 1 β 2 t s d b c o r r e c t e d = s d b 1 β 2 t
Put these correct values in Equation (12) to compute the weight and bias in Adam optimizer.
w t   = w t 1   + η   v d w c o r r e c t e d s d w c o r r e c t e d + ε b t   = b t 1   + η   v d b c o r r e c t e d s d b c o r r e c t e d + ε
where wt and wt−1 are the weights at time t and t − 1, respectively. β1 (=0.9) and β2 (=0.999) are the moving average parameters, ϵ, usually of the order of 1 × 10−8 and η is a learning rate, whose best values is tuned by performing experiments.

5. Experimental Evaluation

5.1. Data Description

Three real-world datasets [4,18] are taken to evaluate the performance of the proposed NN model: MovieLens-100k, MovieLens-1M, and Epinions. The MovieLens-100k dataset (, 28 December 2022) was generated by the University of Minnesota’s Group Lens Research Group. In this, every user assessed at least 20 films on a scale of one to five, with one being the worst and five being the best rated.
Another dataset is MovieLens-1M (, 1 January 2022), in which users rated at least twenty items. We employed the Epinions dataset (, 1 January 2022) to evaluate the proposed model efficiency on a sparse dataset. Ratings are given on a scale of 1 to 5, with five being the most highly regarded values. The statistics for the datasets are given in Table 9.

5.2. Evaluation Measure

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) [18] metrics are used to test the accuracy of the TD-DNN proposed model. In both of them, the predicted and actual ratings are compared, and obtaining a lower value for either model means that the model is better. The MAE and RMSE metrics are calculated using the following formulas:
MAE = 1 E i = 1 E R ^ u , i r u , i
RMSE = 1 E i = 1 E R ^ u , i r u , i
where r u , i is the actual rating of user u on item i, R ^ u , i is the predicted rating of user u on an item i and |E| is the cardinality of the test set.

5.3. Evaluation of TD-DNN Model

The following well-known and state-of-art recommendation algorithms are used to compare the performance of the proposed TD-DNN model. These approaches are selected as they are implemented in RS.
  • Item-based CF (IBCF) [77]: In the CF technique, the Adjusted Cosine (ACOS) measure is used to compute the similarity between items. It is a modified version of vector-based similarity that accounts for the fact that various users have varying rating methods; in other words, some people may rate items highly in general, while others may prefer to rate them lower.
  • User-based (UBCF) CF [20]: The performance of the proposed model is compared with the user-based CF approach. To compute the similarity among users, a recently developed MPIP measure is used. It combines the modified proximity, modified impact, and modified popularity factors in order to compute the similarity.
  • SVD [28]: The SVD method is used to reduce the dimensionality for prediction tasks. In this algorithm, the rating matrix is decomposed and is utilized to make predictions. The SVD technique has the advantage that it can handle matrices with different numbers of columns and rows.
  • DLCRS [44]: In the DLCRS approach, embedding vectors of users and movies are fed into layers which consist of element-wise products of users and items. It then outputs a linear interaction between user and movie. In contrast, in the basic MF model, the dot products of the embedding vectors of users and items are faded.
  • Deep Edu [11]: This algorithm map features into the N-dimensional dense vector before inserting them into a Multi-Layer Perceptron. It is applied to the movie’s dataset to compare its performance with the proposed model.
  • Neural Network using Batch Normalization (NNBN) [78]: This approach applies batch processing on each layer to prevent the model from overfitting.
  • NCF [39]: NCF is the most popular deep learning technique used for movie recommendations. Neural Collaborative Filtering replaces the user–item inner product with a neural architecture. It combines the predicted ratings of Generalized Matrix Factorization (GMF) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) approaches.
  • Neural Matrix Factorization (NMF) [45]: In this approach, pairs of users–movies embeddings are combined using Generalized Matrix Factorization (GMF), and then, MLP is applied to generate the prediction.

5.4. Selection of Hyper Parameters

Before beginning the experiment, we must define certain parameters that will be utilized to train our model. For example, in the proposed TD-DNN model, an activation function is used to determine whether a neuron should be activated or not. It is performed by computing a weighted sum and then adding bias to it. The activation function is included in an Artificial Neural Network to aid in the learning of complex patterns that exist in the data. Some of the existing activation functions [79] are Linear, Tanh, Sigmoid, ReLu, Leaky ReLU, SoftMax, etc. In the proposed model, the ReLU activation function is used, since it does not activate all the neurons simultaneously; therefore, it is superior to the other activation functions. A regularizer [12] is utilized to penalize the layer parameters or layer activity while optimizing. A network optimizes the loss function by adding all of these penalties together. The L1 and L2 are the two regularizers, where L1 penalizes the sum of absolute values and produces multiple solutions, whereas L2 penalizes the sum of square weights and produces a single solution. Out of the two, L2 Regularizer is chosen because it can learn complex data patterns and provide more accurate predictions [11,12]. In addition, it is useful when we have features that are collinear or codependent.
Apart from these, some parameters’ best values have been discovered during experimentation. For example, a loss function measures the difference between the actual output and model’s predicted output. It accepts two inputs: our model’s output value and the anticipated output. The output of the loss function tells how well our model predicted the outcome. A higher loss value indicates that our model performed badly, and a lower value of loss indicates that our model worked well. In the experiment, the performance of Huber loss function is compared with the Absolute and Squared loss functions. Figure 3 shows the experimental findings, which indicate that the MAE and RMSE values of Huber loss are lower than the Squared loss and Absolute loss; hence, it is utilized in the proposed model. It is also deduced that the Absolute loss function performs better than the Squared loss function.
Another crucial parameter is the optimizer [69] that modifies the weights of a neural network. As a consequence, it aids in the reduction in total loss while also increasing accuracy. In the proposed work, the Adam optimizer [11] is used because it is simple to construct, computationally efficient, takes minimal memory, and can easily handle the large data sets and parameters. Its performance is compared with the Adamax and Adagrade optimizers. The experimental findings shown in Figure 4 depict that the Adam optimizer’s MAEs and RMSEs are lower than the other two optimizers; hence, it is better.
In addition, determining the effective number of hidden layers is also an important parameter. A neural network [11] is made up of neurons that are organized in layers, i.e., an input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. The number of input and output layers in the network is only one, but the hidden layers can vary according to the problem. The hidden layers collect data from one set of neurons (input layer) and send it to a different set of neurons (output layer); thus, they are hidden. The advantage of adding more hidden layers is that we can allow the model to fit more complex functions. We employed our model with three, four, and five MLP layers, where the number of neurons is present as <256, 64, 8>, <512, 256, 64, 8>. and <512, 256, 128, 64, 8>, respectively. The MAE and RMSE results of the experiment shown in Figure 5 indicate that our proposed approach achieves the lower values when MLP is set to 4.
Another parameter is a learning rate [11], which depicts how well our model converges to a local minima. It determines how rapidly a network’s parameters, such as weights and biases, are updated. Since finding the optimal learning rate is most important, an experiment is conducted to determine the optimal learning rate. Figure 6 shows that the model produced a better result at a learning rate of 0.001 than 0.01 and 0.0001 learning rates; hence, it is used.
In addition to these, there is also a term epoch that refers to the unit of time required to train a neural network in one cycle, using all the training data. In an epoch, all of the data were used exactly once. There are one or more batches in an epoch. The hyper parameters used in the proposed model are displayed in Table 10.

5.5. Experimental Results with Discussion

To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method, an experiment has been carried out on a variety of datasets, i.e., ML-100k, ML-1M and Epinions datasets. The performance of the proposed method TD-DNN is compared with the eight existing techniques: ACOS, MPIP, SVD, DLCRS, DeepEDU, NNBN, NCF, and NMF, through MAE and RMSE metrics. Every dataset is split into a 20–80% ratio, where 80% of the data is utilized for training and the remaining 20% is used for testing purposes. This method is performed five times, and the final result is the average of all.
Unlike other Deep Learning models, where a raw matrix is inserted as input, a non-noisy time weighted rating matrix is inserted as input in the proposed work. To acquire this, firstly, noisy ratings from the dataset and then a time decay function is applied to give weightage to the most recent ratings. The steps of removing the noisy ratings from the dataset are depicted in Algorithm 1, and a list of time decay functions are given in Table 8. Since there are lots of time decay functions, to identify which one is best, all of them are applied to the ML-100k dataset. The findings displayed in Table 11 show that the power decay function produces better outcomes for all k values (neighbors); hence, it has been used in the proposed model.
Since power is an efficient time decay function according to the results displayed in Table 11, therefore, using it, the weights are calculated and multiplied with the respective non-noisy ratings. Then, resultant non-noisy time-weighted ratings are inserted as input to the NN model for the training purposes, which produces the predicted ratings as output. The performance of each model in terms of MAE and RMSE is shown in Table 12, clearly indicating that the proposed TD-DNN method obtains a lower MAE and RMSE than each comparable method; hence, it is superior.
On the ML-100k dataset, the performance of the TD-DNN approach is best, while item-based CF (using ACOS) is the worst, and our method gives almost 20% better results than MAE and RMSE in comparison. After TD-DNN, the performance of NCF is better, and our method yielded about four better results than that in terms of MAE and RMSE comparison. Similarly, on the ML-1M dataset, our method achieved 20% better results than the IBCF method. On the high-sparsity Epinions dataset, the TD-DNN method gives lower MAE and RMSE values than all other methods. It produces better results than IBCF in MAE (≈25%) and RMSE comparison (≈30%). On this dataset, the performances of NCF and Deep EDU methods are almost similar.

6. Conclusions and Future Scope

In this paper, we propose a novel Time Decay-based Deep Neural Network (TD-DNN), which takes the preprocessed data at the input layer of DNN. In the data preprocessing step, firstly, the noisy ratings from the dataset are detected and corrected using the Matrix Factorization approach, and then, a power function is applied to emphasize the most recent ratings. The neural network model learns these non-noisy time weighted ratings and feeds them into MLP to produce predicted ratings as output. Extensive experimentation on real-world datasets demonstrates that our model achieves better outcomes than all other models. Our method may greatly increase the accuracy of movie recommendations when compared to existing collaborative filtering techniques.
In the future research, it is planned to extend another Deep Learning approaches such as encoder, decoder to improve the performance and solve the data sparsity and cold start problems. It is also planned to include the advanced tuning parameters with the other contextual data into the movie recommendation in future work. Apart from the time and contextual data, trust is also an important parameter that helps in improving the accuracy of RS; therefore, it will be considered in the development of RS.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, G.J. and T.M.; methodology, G.J. and T.M.; software, G.J.; validation, T.M. and S.C.S.; formal analysis, G.J.; investigation, T.M., S.C.S., S.A., H.K.; resources, G.J.; data curation, G.J.; writing—original draft preparation, G.J.; writing—review and editing, T.M., S.C.S., S.A. and H.K.; visualization, G.J. and S.A.; supervision, T.M., S.C.S. and H.K.; project administration, H.K.; funding acquisition, H.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2017R1D1A1B04032598).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets used in this paper are publically available and their links are provided in the reference section.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Data preprocessing steps.
Figure 1. Data preprocessing steps.
Applsci 12 06398 g001
Figure 2. Architecture of our Deep Neural Network model.
Figure 2. Architecture of our Deep Neural Network model.
Applsci 12 06398 g002
Figure 3. Comparison between loss functions.
Figure 3. Comparison between loss functions.
Applsci 12 06398 g003
Figure 4. Comparison between Optimizers.
Figure 4. Comparison between Optimizers.
Applsci 12 06398 g004
Figure 5. Comparison between Layers.
Figure 5. Comparison between Layers.
Applsci 12 06398 g005
Figure 6. Comparison between Learning Rates.
Figure 6. Comparison between Learning Rates.
Applsci 12 06398 g006
Table 1. Categorized Users and Items into Sets.
Table 1. Categorized Users and Items into Sets.
Users Sets
If r (user, item) < T1_uadd rating into Weak_user set
If r (user, item) ≥ T1_u and r (user, item) < T2_uadd rating into Average_user set
If r (user, item) ≥ T2_uadd rating to the Strong_user set
Item Sets
If r (user, item) < T1_iadd rating into Weak_item set
If r (user, item) ≥ T1_i and r (user, item) < T2_iadd rating into Average_item set
If r (user, item) ≥ T2_iadd rating into Strong_item set
Table 2. Thresholds.
Table 2. Thresholds.
T1_u or T1_i or T1Rmin + round (1/3 × (Rmax − Rmin)
T2_u, or T2_i or T2Rmax − round (1/3 × (Rmax − Rmin)
Table 3. User, Item and Rating Classes.
Table 3. User, Item and Rating Classes.
User Classes
If |Weak_user| ≥ |Strong_user| + |Average_user|User is Critical
If |Average_user| ≥ |Strong_user| + |Weak_user|User is Average
If |Strong_user| ≥ |Average _user| + |Weak_user|User is Benevolent
Item Classes
If |Weak_item| ≥ |Strong_item| + |Average_item|Item is Weakly recommended
If |Average_item| ≥ |Strong_item| + |Weak_item|Item is Averagely recommended
If |Strong_item| ≥ |Average_item| + |Weak_item|Item is Strongly recommended
Rating Classes
If r (user, item) < T1Rating is Weak
If T1 ≤ r (user, item) < T2Rating is Average
If r (user, item) ≥ T2Rating is Strong
Table 4. User, Item and Rating Classes.
Table 4. User, Item and Rating Classes.
CategoriesUser ClassItem ClassRating Class
Table 5. An Example.
Table 5. An Example.
Table 6. User and Item Classification for the Given Example.
Table 6. User and Item Classification for the Given Example.
ItemsI1121Averagely recommended
I2013Strongly recommended
I3102Strongly recommended
I4103Strongly recommended
Table 7. Corrected Ratings for the Given Example.
Table 7. Corrected Ratings for the Given Example.
Table 8. List of Time Decay Functions.
Table 8. List of Time Decay Functions.
FunctionMathematical ExpressionReferences
Exponential e µ T u a , k [31,63]
Concave α T u a , k [62]
Convex 1 β t T u a , k [62]
Linear 1 T u a , k t . γ [62]
Logistic 1 1 + e λ   T u a , k [33,59]
Power T u a , k   ω [59]
Table 9. Dataset Description.
Table 9. Dataset Description.
Features ML-100k ML-1M Epinions
# of users (M)943604040,163
# of items (N)16823952139,738
# of ratings (R)100,0001,000,000664,824
# of noisy ratings10,602112,93853,247
# of corrected noisy ratings309232,80712,780
# of ratings per user106.6165.816.55
# of ratings per movie59.5253.034.75
Density Index6.304.180.01
Time rangeSep’97–Apr’98Apr’00–Feb’03Jul’99–May’11
Table 10. Hyper Parameters.
Table 10. Hyper Parameters.
Activation FunctionReLU
Loss FunctionHuber
RegularizerL2 (le−6)
Learning Rates0.001
Total Hidden Layers4
Neuron in Layers512-256-64-8
Table 11. MAE Results of Time-Decay Function.
Table 11. MAE Results of Time-Decay Function.
Table 12. MAE and RMSE values of various models.
Table 12. MAE and RMSE values of various models.
Deep EDU0.67250.89320.65710.87940.76340.9891
NCF 0.65130.87100.63380.85320.76210.9835
TD-DNN (Proposed)0.62750.83120.61960.82840.73640.9638
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MDPI and ACS Style

Jain, G.; Mahara, T.; Sharma, S.C.; Agarwal, S.; Kim, H. TD-DNN: A Time Decay-Based Deep Neural Network for Recommendation System. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 6398.

AMA Style

Jain G, Mahara T, Sharma SC, Agarwal S, Kim H. TD-DNN: A Time Decay-Based Deep Neural Network for Recommendation System. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(13):6398.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Jain, Gourav, Tripti Mahara, Subhash Chander Sharma, Saurabh Agarwal, and Hyunsung Kim. 2022. "TD-DNN: A Time Decay-Based Deep Neural Network for Recommendation System" Applied Sciences 12, no. 13: 6398.

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