A State of the Art Review on Sensible and Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Processes in Porous Media: Mesoscopic Simulation
:1. Introduction
2. Sensible Heat Storage (SHS) Method
2.1. Sensible Heat Storage Materials (SHSMs)
2.2. Sensible Heat Storage in Porous Media
3. Latent Heat Storage (LHS) Method
- The phase change enthalpy of PCMs is much higher than the sensible heat;
- LHS materials (PCM) have a storage density that can be five to 14 times greater than that of SHS materials [60];
- The LHS method takes place in a quasi-isothermal manner unlike the SHS process where the materials temperature is too high;
- SHS systems using rocks (resp. water) require three times (resp. 1.5 times) more volume than LHS systems using paraffin wax [34];
- Seasonal overheating problems can be avoided in LHS systems due to the involved low mass.
3.1. Latent Heat Storage Materials (LHSMs or PCMs)
- In terms of thermal properties, the PCM must have a phase change temperature corresponding to the operating temperature of the LHS application. Moreover, it must have a latent heat and a specific heat. PCMs with high thermal conductivity are advocated to facilitate phase transition and interstitial heat transfer;
- Regarding physical properties, PCMs should exhibit large density, small volume changes and low vapor pressure during the phase transition process while respecting the operating temperature range to limit containment issues;
- As for kinetics properties, subcooling and supercooling should be avoided, and a sufficient crystallization rate should be achieved;
- For chemical properties, PCMs should be compatible with the materials in the application. They should retain their chemical stability for long-term cycles (no chemical degradation and breakdown). In addition, the latent heat storage material should be a non-toxic, non-flammable, non-corrosive, and even less explosive substance. Moreover, charging and discharging periods must be fully completed;
- Low-cost PCMs should be preferred in terms of economic properties.
3.2. Latent Heat Storage in Porous Medium
- Manufacture of a composite by associating a PCM and a porous matrix (metal foam or expanded graphite) [106];
4. Latent Heat Storage (LHS) vs. Sensible Heat Storage (SHS)
5. Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBMs)
5.1. Single Relaxation Time (SRT) Collision Model
5.2. Multiple Relaxation Time (MRT) Collision Model
5.3. Two Relaxation Time (TRT) Collision Model
5.4. Application to Fluid Flows by Advection/Diffusion with Phase Change in Porous Media
5.4.1. Forced Convection Melting of a PCM in a Latent Heat Thermal Energy System (LHTES)
5.4.2. REV-LBM Simulation of Unsteady Flow and Heat Transfer around and through a Confined Diamond-Shaped Porous Block
6. Conclusions
- Through the bibliometric analysis that was carried out on TES methods, it is the LHS category that appeared to be the most relevant technique investigated.
- SHS and LHS systems are most widely used systemsin different applications due to their high availability. However, most TCHS devices are not commercially available, except in a small range of applications, due to their unstable lifetime and high prices.
- The SHS method has been widely used in solar applications where water is the most used material due to its low cost and high specific heat capacity. Note that porosity is one of the main parameters that influences the performance of any SHS system.
- Despite their low thermal conductivity, PCMs can still be integrated into applications using various modes of incorporation, of which the impregnation of PCMs in porous structures appears to be the most relevant solution due to the high thermal conductivity engendered.
- It turns out that PCMs can store an appreciable amount of energy which ismore than that ofSHSMs in a small relative storage volume.
- Using foam metal in thermal energy storage can improve heat transfer rate while shortening charge/discharge periods.
- Decreasing the porosity speeds up the melting phenomenon
- Increasing the PPI can enhance the forced convection heat transfer performance of the liquid PCM.
- Pore-scale and REV-scale LBM approaches showed great potential for thesimulation of phase change phenomenon and sensible storage in a porous medium due to their inherent transienceand robustness to handle complexphysics. They can help to understand the complex interactions between different processes, which are challenging to obtain even for the most advanced experimental techniques. Their combinations with macro/micro/nano scale fabrication techniques will certainly lead to new generation porous media.
- There is no doubt that LB methods will continue to play an increasingly important role in the study of solid-liquid phase change heat transfer in porous LHTES. However, this will certainly have to entail a development of a numerically stable and accurate multi-scale simulation method by combining the REV-scale and pore-scale methods.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Specific interfacial area (m−1) | |
Biot number, | |
c | Lattice speed () |
Specific heat capacity at constant pressure () | |
Sound speed () | |
Darcy number, | |
df | Mean ligament diameter (m) |
dp | Mean pore diameter (m) |
Eckert number, | |
Discrete velocity in direction i | |
Forchheimer form coefficient | |
Body force per unit mass () | |
Discrete body force in direction i () | |
Distribution function in direction i | |
g | Gravity |
Equilibrium distribution function in direction i | |
Symmetric distribution function | |
Antisymmetric distribution function | |
H | Characteristic length scale (m) |
h | Enthalpy |
Interfacial heat transfer coefficient () | |
Porous medium permeability (m2) | |
Kn | Knudsen number |
Thermal conductivity ratio, | |
Latent heat () | |
M (N) | Transformation relaxation matrix |
m (n) | Velocity moment |
meq (neq) | Equilibrium moment |
Pressure () | |
Prandtl number, | |
R | Universal gas constant |
Ra | Rayleigh number |
Reynolds number, | |
Pore Reynolds number, | |
Heat capacity ratio, | |
Source terms | |
Sf(Sg) | Diagonal relaxation matrix |
Stefan number, | |
Temperature () | |
PCM melting temperature () | |
Dimensionless temperature | |
Time (s) | |
Velocity () | |
Inlet velocity() | |
Cartesian coordinates () | |
Greek symbols | |
Gradient operator | |
Divergence operator | |
Thermal diffusivity () | |
Thermal expansion coefficient () | |
Media porosity | |
Pore density (PPI) | |
Thermal conductivity () | |
Dynamic fluid viscosity () | |
PCM melting fraction | |
Kinematic viscosity () | |
Density () | |
Free relaxation time | |
Single relaxation time | |
Relaxation rates | |
Viscous relaxation time | |
Monitor factor | |
Collision operator | |
Weight coefficient in direction i | |
Superscripts/subscripts | |
Effective | |
f | Fluid |
Direction opposite to i | |
m | Melting |
Initial state | |
Ref | Reference |
s | Solid |
Abbreviations | |
ARM | Adaptive mesh refinement |
BGK | Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook |
CFD | Computational fluid dynamics |
CFL | Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy |
CNT | Carbon nanotubes |
DBTE | Discretization of Boltzmann transport equation |
DSMC | Direct simulation Monte Carlo |
DNS | Direct numerical simulation |
DPD | Dissipative particle dissipation |
EG | Expanded graphite |
ES | Energy storage |
EU | European union |
ESS | Energy storage system |
FDM | Finite difference method |
FEM | Finite element methods |
FVM | Finite volume methods |
GKM | Gas-kinetic method |
HPC | Hierarchical porous carbon |
HPP | Hierarchical porouspolystyrene |
HTF | heat transfer fluid |
IRENA | International renewable energy agency |
LES | Large eddy simulation |
LBM | Lattice Boltzmann method |
MD | Molecular dynamics |
MOF | Metal organic framework |
MRT | Multiple relaxation time |
NSCG | Non-uniform staggered Cartesian grid |
PCM | Phase change material |
PPI | Pore density (Pore Per Inch) |
RANS | Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes |
REV | Representative elementary volume |
TCHS | Thermochemical heat storage |
TES | Thermal energy storage |
TRT | Two relaxation time |
LHTES | Latent heat thermal energy storage |
LHS | Latent heat storage |
PCP | Porous coordination polymers |
SHS | Sensible heat storage |
SHSM | Sensible heat storage material |
SRT | Single relaxation time |
STES | Seasonal thermal energy storage |
ZEB | Zero energy buildings |
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Energy Storage Methods | ||||
Thermal | Mechanical | Electromechanical | Electrical | Chemical |
Sensible thermal | Pumped hydro | Electrochemical capacitors | Capacitors | Hydrogen storage |
Latent thermal | Compressed air | Batteries | Super capacitors | Synthetic natural gas |
Thermochemical | Flywheel | Fuel cells | Super conducting magnetic ES (SCMES) |
TES Technique | Capacity (kWh/ton) | Power (MW) | Efficiency (%) | Storage Time | Cost (€/kWh) |
Sensible heat | 10–50 | 0.001–10 | 50–90 | d/m | 0.1–10 |
Latent heat | 50–150 | 0.001–1 | 75–90 | h/m | 10–50 |
Thermochemical heat | 120–250 | 0.01–1 | 75–100 | h/d | 8–100 |
SHS Techniques | Classification | |||
Underground thermal energy storage | Aquifer thermal energy storage | Borehole thermal energy storage | Tank thermal energy storage | Pit thermal energy storage |
Thermal energy storage in tanks | Vertical (thermocline) | Horizontal | ||
Thermal energy storage in packed bed | Stationary beds | Fluidized beds | ||
Thermal energy storage in building structures |
SHSM | Type | Density (kg·m−3) | Thermal Conductivity (W·m−1·K−1) | Specific Heat (kJ·m−1·K−1) |
Water (80 °C) | Liquid | 970 | 0.67 | 4.19 |
Water (40 °C) | Liquid | 990 | 0.63 | 4.19 |
Water (10 °C) | Liquid | 1000 | 0.6 | 4.19 |
Oil | Liquid | 880 | 0.14 | 1.88 |
Ethanol | Liquid | 790 | 0.171 | 2.4 |
Propanol | Liquid | 800 | 0.161 | 2.5 |
Butanol | Liquid | 809 | 0.167 | 2.4 |
Ceramic brick | Solid | 1800 | 0.73 | 0.92 |
Rock | Solid | 2800–1500 | 3.5–0.85 | 1 |
Concrete | Solid | 2000 | 1.35 | 1 |
Wood | Solid | 700–450 | 0.18–0.12 | 1.6 |
Aluminum | Solid | 2707 | 204 | 0.896 |
Copper | Solid | 8954 | 385 | 0.383 |
Granite | Solid | 2640 | 4.0–1.7 | 0.82 |
Sand and gravel | Solid | 2200–1700 | 2 | 1.18–0.91 |
Clay or silt | Solid | 1800–1200 | 1.5 | 2.5–1.67 |
Limestone | Solid | 2600–1600 | 2.3–0.85 | 1 |
Cement mortar | Solid | 1800 | 1 | 1 |
Brick | Solid | 1600 | 1.2 | 0.84 |
Marble | Solid | 2500 | 2 | 0.88 |
Plastic board | Solid | 1050 | 0.5 | 0.837 |
Classification | Benefits | Drawbacks |
Organic PCMs | No subcooling No supercooling No phase segregation Large storage capacity High latent heat Recyclable substances Certain renewable substances (fatty acids and alcohols) Available for all temperature range Compatible with other materials | Low thermal conductivity () Flammable Large volume change Certain non-renewable substances |
Inorganic PCMs | High thermal conductivity High latent heat High storage capacity Small volume change Availability and low cost | Supercooling Corrosion Presentation of chemical instability |
Eutectics | No segregation High storage density Adjustable phase transition temperature | Lack of test data for certain thermophysical characteristics Same drawbacks of pure organic or inorganic PCMs |
Operating Principle | Benefits | Materials | Application Domains | |
SHS | Temperature change (Increase/Decrease) | Inexpensive; Simple operation | Water, rock, concrete, etc. | Concentrated solar power (CSP) Plants or desalination Building heating |
LHS | Phase change (Solid–Liquid) | Large storage density; Large latent heat; Stable temperature | Paraffins, salt hydrates, metallics, etc. | Solar applications Building heating/cooling Heat pump Thermal control Industrial waste heat storage |
Heat Storage Density | Storage Period | Heat Transfer Time | Technical Maintenance | |
SHS | limited | short | uncomplicated | |
LHS | limited | short | complicate |
Problem | Method | Ra | Re | Grid Number | Iterations Number | CPU Time (s) |
Buoyancy-driven flow | LBM FDM | 710 | - | 50 × 50 | 11,146 8501 | 282 542 |
LBM FDM | 105 | - | 50 × 50 | 27,352 30,148 | 705 1904 | |
LBM FDM | 106 | - | 100 × 100 | 58,101 32,029 | 4802 8594 | |
Lid-driven flow | LBM FDM | - | 100 | 100 × 100 | 10,963 5149 | 886 1131 |
LBM FDM | - | 400 | 150 × 150 | 30,557 10,848 | 5249 5360 | |
LBM FDM | - | 1000 | 200 × 200 | 50,853 13,964 | 15,902 12,214 |
Method | REVScale | PoreScale | ||
Simulation approach | Volume average simulation (FVM, FEM, LBM). | Direct numerical simulation (LBM, DNS). | ||
Advantages | Fluent implementation and programming; less computational requirements; large computational domain size. | Reflection of pores’ effect on mechanisms involved; interstitial heat transfer study; no need for empirical models. | ||
Disadvantages | Less reflection of pores’ transport mechanisms; need for semi-empirical models. | Important computing platform; small computational domain; high computational demands; tedious implementation and programming. | ||
Computational domain [160,161] | | | ||
Momentum equations [114,118] | (14) | (15) | ||
Energy equations [114,118] | For liquid phase | For liquid phase | ||
(16) | (17) | |||
For solid phase | For solid phase | |||
(18) | (19) | |||
Application conditions | Macroporous material | Macro/meso/microporous material | ||
Flow field [160,162] | | | ||
Thermal field [124,163] | | | ||
Evolution of solid/liquid phase interface [124,163] | | |
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Mabrouk, R.; Naji, H.; Benim, A.C.; Dhahri, H. A State of the Art Review on Sensible and Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Processes in Porous Media: Mesoscopic Simulation. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 6995. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12146995
Mabrouk R, Naji H, Benim AC, Dhahri H. A State of the Art Review on Sensible and Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Processes in Porous Media: Mesoscopic Simulation. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(14):6995. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12146995
Chicago/Turabian StyleMabrouk, Riheb, Hassane Naji, Ali Cemal Benim, and Hacen Dhahri. 2022. "A State of the Art Review on Sensible and Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Processes in Porous Media: Mesoscopic Simulation" Applied Sciences 12, no. 14: 6995. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12146995
APA StyleMabrouk, R., Naji, H., Benim, A. C., & Dhahri, H. (2022). A State of the Art Review on Sensible and Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Processes in Porous Media: Mesoscopic Simulation. Applied Sciences, 12(14), 6995. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12146995