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Improving Deep Mutual Learning via Knowledge Distillation

Department of Information Management, School of Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei City 106335, Taiwan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(15), 7916;
Submission received: 24 July 2022 / Revised: 1 August 2022 / Accepted: 4 August 2022 / Published: 7 August 2022
(This article belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)


Knowledge transfer has become very popular in recent years, and it is either based on a one-way transfer method used with knowledge distillation or based on a two-way knowledge transfer implemented by deep mutual learning, while both of them adopt a teacher–student paradigm. A one-way based method is more simple and compact because it only involves an untrained low-capacity student and a high-capacity teacher network in the knowledge transfer process. In contrast, a two-way based method requires more training costs because it involves two or more low-cost network capacities from scratch simultaneously to obtain better accuracy results for each network. In this paper, we propose two new approaches, namely full deep distillation mutual learning (FDDML) and half deep distillation mutual learning (HDDML), and improve convolutional neural network performance. These approaches work with three losses by using variations of existing network architectures, and the experiments have been conducted on three public benchmark datasets. We test our method on some existing KT task methods, showing its performance over related methods.

1. Introduction

Research on the modification of deep convolutional neural networks has been very popular in recent years because it can improve the performance of many computer vision tasks to solve many problems, such as object detection and semantic segmentation [1], image classification [2], or image recognition [3], such as neural network model for diagnostic chest X-ray images [4]. This research uses a hybrid CNN whose method is a combination of inception V4 and multiclass SVM. Both of these methods have their respective tasks, namely inception V4 functions to perform feature extraction of chest X-ray images while multiclass SVM is a classifier. Another study on the identification and classification of cassava leaf disease [5] used an enhanced convolutional neural network that applied its novelty in the form of the global average election polling layer (GAEPL) to replace the fully connected layer. They claim that it can reduce the dimensionality from three-dimensional to one-dimensional, which can overcome over fitting. Further, the implementation of convolutional neural networks is widely applied, including in their research in the form of customized CNN for natural language recognition [6]. They apply the CNN bilinear method, which consists of two CNN branches functioning as feature extractors, while the output vectors are pooled bilinearly via an outer function. Although in general, many proposed methods run slowly, mostly because their developed networks are associated with many parameters, leading to wider or deeper networks [7]. Several research methods have emerged to overcome the slow and large network on completing tasks. One of them has become very popular recently, being knowledge distillation (or KD for short) proposed by Hinton et al. [8], which offers the concept of the teacher–student paradigm to carry out knowledge transfer (or KT for short) from the teacher model. (i.e., cumbersome networks) to an untrained small student network using KD. This technique is a development by Ba and Caruana [9]. They demonstrated the ability of a shallow net compression model to approximate a trained SOTA deep model using the same parameters to mimic the original model. This model is not trained directly on the original labeled data, but is trained to approximate the functions that have been studied by a more complex and larger model or a high-capacity model. In addition, recent research in [10] tries to improve the accuracy of KD by using a new approach with contrastive objectives for representation learning. They show better accuracy results than some previous methods by using different variation network architectures.
Some previous research approaches originally used method [8] to transfer knowledge from the teacher model, perhaps formed from several complex networks to a small student network by minimizing the KL divergence outputs between the teacher and student models. They later tried to solve this knowledge transfer problem with different techniques, one of which is DML [11], combining two or more networks that learn from each other simultaneously to solve common tasks without the help of a network teacher. This technique uses two losses in the training process: a conventional supervised learning loss for each network and a KLD-based one as the mimicry loss to align the probability estimates of each pair. The test accuracy of this technique is better than that of the KD using the experimental setting in [12], but the accuracy is much worse when using the experimental setting in [10]. To overcome this problem, we use the concept of (i) two or more student networks, each of which has a transfer of knowledge from a teacher network to teach each other simultaneously (FDDML), and (ii) one student network has a transfer of knowledge obtained from a powerful (wide and/or deep) teacher network that can teach each other student network simultaneously (HDDML) using the concept of mutual learning. Both of our approaches still use the teacher–student paradigm.
In this paper, we propose a combination of both KD and DML methods to improve the accuracy of student networks in carrying out the tasks to solve KT problems. We offer two techniques, namely full deep distillation mutual learning and half deep distillation mutual learning, and we measure the network accuracy with a learning metric in the form of a confusion matrix.
To sum up, our contributions of this paper are follows:
  • Developing a new approach (FDDML and HDDML) that combines the two methods DML and KD into a formula to improve the performance of DML with adopting three losses by using variations of existing network architectures to improve the network performance;
  • Exploring the effect of variations in the number of batch size on knowledge transfer from a teacher model has been trained with the original sample size in the TinyImageNet dataset to several untrained students with a downsampled size of 32 × 32;
  • We show the effectiveness of our approach with Cinic-10 that two different batch size includes 64 and 128.
There are many related methods that have been proposed regarding knowledge distillation using knowledge transfer and mutual learning, which are summarized as follows.
Knowledge transfer. Since Ba and Caruana [9] published the results of their research on the compression model, their method has become popular. The idea is to find a way to improve the accuracy of simple network architecture at a low cost so that it can approximate a cumbersome network or a network architecture of larger or more complex architecture requiring a larger cost. Furthermore, the idea of the compression model is improved by Hinton et al. [8] via a new approach, namely knowledge distillation. It uses soft probabilities to transfer knowledge from a teacher network (i.e., larger or more cumbersome or complex model architecture) to a simpler and less expensive untrained student network using a temperature (T) that can be changed. Then, Zhang et al. [11] proposed a new method, inspired by the method from [8], namely “attention map” which is a response pattern obtained from the teacher and student feature maps, with better results reported than KD. Tung et al. [13] proposed another form of KD using b × b similarity matrices from the activation maps, generated from a teacher and student networks. Here b is the dimension of the input mini-batch of images whose accuracy performance has surpassed several previous methods using a variety of network architectures, for the teacher and student models. Later, Peng et al. [14] proposed a new distillation framework method using correlation congruence to transfer correlation knowledge between instances to the student network. In addition to computer vision, KD is also used in the field of automatic speech recognition [8]. Their research can improve frame classification accuracy using the WER dataset. Meanwhile, [15] used KD to enhance the accuracy of the acoustic model performance ensemble for CTC-attention shared end-to-end speech recognition.
Mutual learning. Zhang et al. [11] has proposed the idea of mutual learning (or ML in short) as an alternative for learning to keep pace with the recent popularity on knowledge distillation neural networks. The distillation method works in the one-way direction where knowledge from a large network as a teacher can be transferred to a simple or compact network as a student. On the other hand, ML works on two or more student networks collaboratively during the training process. Two losses are used for each student, namely a cross entropy loss as a supervised loss and a KL divergence loss as a mimicry loss. Yao and Sun [16] developed a KT research in the form of a dense cross, based on ML by inserting an auxiliary classifier during the training process between a teacher and a student. The well-designed auxiliary classifier function makes it easier for this framework to work optimally by not only considering the probabilistic predications in the last layer but also the hidden layers for each network. Another experiment performed by Park et al. [17] shows that the transfer of mutual data examples can increase the accuracy of the student network significantly.
In contrast to all existing methods, we design a novelty approach which is similar to the deep mutual learning (or DML in short) method, that is, apart from training two or more untrained students collaboratively, we also add knowledge distillation from a high-capacity teacher to teach the untrained students during the training process, which can further improve the accuracy achieved by the student networks. Table 1 summarizes of recent related works.

2. Materials and Methods

In this section, we describe the detailed formulation and implementation of our approach, which is different from previous methods.

2.1. DML and KD

In this section, we are the first to combine both DML [11] and KD [8]. In Deep Convolutional neural network, Given the N samples of training data D   = { x i } i = 1 N from a collection of C classes, with Y   = { y i } i = 1 N as a label set and yi ∈ {1, 2, 3, …, C}. The idea of this DML is to use two simpler networks to learn together as a knowledge transfer technique between one another without using a pre-trained teacher to improve the classification accuracy of the two or more networks. In addition to using cross-entropy loss as a supervised learning loss to predict the correct labels for training instances, this techniquealso uses KL-divergence loss to equalize the estimated probability between pairs and measure [11] the match of predictions p1 and p2. The supervised learning loss formula [18] that we use is:
L s   =   i = 1 N y i   log ( p ( x i ) ) + ( 1 y i ) log ( 1 p ( x i ) )
where p is the probability of the class and yi is the corresponding class label. Figure 1 shows that both G1 and G2 networks produce outputs in the softmax layer in the form of logit zc. So, the probability of class C from sample xi is defined as:
p c ( x i ) = e ( z c ) m = 1 M e ( z c )
Then, the KL divergence formula is used to calculate the mimicry loss to denote p1 and p2 predictions of each network, which is defined as:
L k d ( p 2 p 1 )   =   N = 1 N c = 1 C p 2 c ( x i ) log p 2 c ( x i ) p 1 c ( x i )
Thus, the entire loss function for the G1 network using the formula can be calculated as:
L G 1 =   L s 1 +   λ L k d ( p 2 p 1 )
where λ = 1, is a weight factor. Similarly, for network G2 that the entire loss function can be calculated as:
L G 2 =   L s 2 +   λ L k d ( p 1 p 2 )
Knowledge distillation in [8] is one of the most popular knowledge transfer methods today, and it uses a teacher–student framework. The basic idea of this method is that a pre-trained teacher network (i.e., a cumbersome network or the biggest network) using certain hyperparameters are then used to train an untrained student network (i.e., small network) for the purpose of transferring knowledge. This process uses a distillation knowledge equation where a temperature (T) is involved and can be varied to obtain a soft probability output from a class C image which can be calculated as:
P c ( x i )   =   e ( z i c / T ) c = 1 C e ( z i c / T )
Suppose the teacher network is marked as Gt and the student network is Gs, then the distillation loss can be defined as:
L k l d ( P t , P s )   = 1 N n = 1 N c = 1 C P t c ( x i ) log   P s c ( x i )
As a result, the student loss function contained in Figure 2 is minimized during the training process based on (6) and (7) as:
L G s =   L s ( G s , D , Y ) +   λ L k l d ( P t , P s )
where λ is a balancing value between the two losses. The main purpose of the teacher–student framework is to force the student output probability to imitate or match the pre-trained teacher network’s probability output.

2.2. Full Deep Distillation Mutual Learning

Inspired by the concepts of DML [11] and KD [8], we developed a new approach that combines the two methods into a formula to improve the performance of DML. If the concept used by DML is to pair two or more networks in the form of a cohort that aims to conduct training simultaneously by utilizing KL divergence loss to guide another network to increase the posterior entropy of each student. As a result, the process can converge to the minima more reliably, and a cohort can be the same small network and can also be various network pairs or even peer between several large and small networks. Note that this does not require a pre-trained teacher to improve the performance of a single student as was performed in previous studies using KD [8]. Therefore, we propose the full deep distillation mutual learning (FDDML) method as shown in Figure 3, which still uses the teacher–student framework.
Our proposed method adopts more than two KL divergence to improve the network performance. In the first stage, the teacher knows how to reduce the cross-entropy loss with the hyperparameters that we have determined (more details are given in the next Section) to produce a pre-training model, just like how the knowledge distillation method works in [8]. Then a cohort of untrained student networks using the DML concept in [11] work with a simultaneous training process where each student network deals with three losses.
The first one is a cross-entropy loss, used as a classification loss. The second one is a KL divergence, as a mimicry loss, to adjust each student’s posterior class to suit the needs of another probability class student. The third one is a KL divergence, as knowledge distillation loss, to transfer knowledge from a pretrained large teacher network to a cohort student network (i.e., a pool of small networks). As a result, FDDML is trained to minimize LFGs1 for the first student network’s loss.
L F G s 1 =   L s 1 ( FG s 1 , D , Y ) +   λ L k l d ( P t , P s 1 ) + β L k d ( p 2 p 1 )
Similarly, for their peer student network LFGs2 loss:
L F G s 2 =   L s 2 ( FG s 2 , D , Y ) +   λ L k l d ( P t , P s 2 ) + β L k d ( p 1 p 2 )
where λ and β are weight balancing factors these three loss terms that we set to become 1. While the temperature (T) that we use for each student network is 4.

2.3. Half Deep Distillation Mutual Learning

Furthermore, the second proposed method is half deep distillation mutual learning, as shown in Figure 4. In this method, we use the knowledge distillation method only on the HGs2 student network, while we leave the HGs1 student network as usual by only interacting with the HGs2 network. As a result, the loss for HGs1 can be calculated as:
L H G s 1 =   L s 1 +   λ L k d ( p 2 p 1 )
Plus, a loss for Gs2 can be defined as:
L H G s 2 =   L s 2 ( HG s 2 , D , Y ) +   λ L k l d ( P t , P s 2 ) + β L k d ( p 1 p 2 )

3. Results and Discussion

In this section, we describe the results of the evaluation of several comparisons with existing methods, including KD [8], DML [11], attention transfer (or AT for short) [19], similarity preserving (or SP for short) [13], correlation congruence (or CC for short) [14], and, most recently, contrastive representation distillation (or CRD for short) and CRD+KD [10]. Next, we show the effectiveness of our proposed method by comparing it with DML, especially in terms of increasing the number of networks. We only limit the number of networks to be four in the cohort. Then we use the batch size and temperature (T) variations to demonstrate the reliability of our approach in transferring knowledge between teacher models with the originally trained size to several untrained students with downsampled sizes on the TinyImageNet and only batch size variations on cinic-10 dataset.

3.1. Dataset

The dataset that we use in this experiment is the CIFAR-100 [20], which consists of 100 classes with a size of 32 × 32 color images drawn, which are divided into 10,000 testing images and 50,000 training images. Plus, the second dataset that we chose is TinyImageNet [21], which consists of 120,000 images divided into 200 classes with a size of 64 × 64 color images drawn, with a total of 500 training images and 50 testing images per class. This second dataset is larger both in number and dimensions, so it can show the reliability of the proposed method. Then, we use Cinic-10 dataset [22] as a third dataset consists of 270,000 images as an extension of CIFAR-10 [20] by combined with images chosen from ImageNet [23] and converted to 32 × 32 pixel images.

3.2. Network Architectures

3.2.1. On CIFAR-100 Training and Testing

For MobileNetV2 [24], we use a multiplier of 0.5. For VGG [25], we use its original ImageNet. For wide residual network [12], we use the width factor w and depth d. For Resnet [7], we use Resnet8 × 4 and Resnet32 × 4, indicating a 4 times wider network (64, 128, 256 channels for each of the block) and Resnet-d to represent cifar-style Resnet with three groups of basic blocks. For ShuffleNetV2 [26], we adapt them to input 32 × 32.

3.2.2. On TinyImageNet 64 × 64 Image Size Training and Testing

For Resnet [7], which represents ImageNetstyle Resnet using bottleneck blocks and more channels. For VGG [25], we use their original ImageNet-style. In this study, we use vgg16, vgg13, and vgg8.

3.2.3. On TinyImageNet 32 × 32 DownsampledImage Size Training and Testing

For Resnet [7], we use Resnet-d with three groups of basic blocks and Resnet8 × 4 with a four times wider network to input TinyImageNet with downsampled size input of 32 × 32. For wide residual network [12], we use downsampled size input of 32 × 32.

3.2.4. On Cinic-10 32 × 32 image Size Training and Testing

We use wide residual network [12], with wide Resnet with width factor w and depth d. Resnet [7], and ShuffleNetV2 [26] that the input dimension as 32 × 32.

3.3. Implementation Details

In all of these experiments, we used the NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 GPU and used the Ubuntu 16.04 operating system, while the training and testing procedures were running using PyTorch 1.0 version [27]. To maintain fairness during comparisons, we follow the settings used in [10]. We train all models with 240 epochs for both CIFAR-100 and TinyImageNet. For CIFAR-100, we used the optimization with SGD, initial learning rate of 0.1, momentum of 0.9, weight decay of 5 × 10−4, and the batch size of 64. For TinyImageNet, we used the initial learning rate of 0.01, batch size of 40, momentum, and weight decay to be the same as in CIFAR-100, as well as using the SGD optimizer. Both types of experiments adopt data augmentation, including random crops and horizontal flips. Then, we use Cinic-10 datasets has the same hyperparameter as the two previous datasets except two different batch size include 64 and 128.

3.4. Experiment on CIFAR-100

We use three experimental scenarios to demonstrate experimental results on the CIFAR-100 dataset. The first scenario uses the same type of architecture network for the student network, while for a teacher network, we use a slightly more complex type of architecture in terms of the number of parameters, as shown in Table 2, the accuracy results of our approach outperform the existing methods, except the case where Resnet32 × 4 as a teacher and Resnet8 × 4 as a student shows better accuracy in CRD+KD for being 75.53%. Meanwhile, the comparison between the two methods that we propose shows that FDDML dominates over HDDML. On the CIFAR-100 dataset, learning between two students together improves accuracy with the support of directions from knowledge transfer by a teacher to increase the accuracy of these students. When compared with KD and DML, the accuracy of our method far exceeds them, and even the accuracy of the students can exceed the accuracy of the teacher.
Next, in the second scenario, we use a method similar to the one in the original DML test, namely using different student network architectures whose accuracy results are shown in Table 3, it indicates a significant increase in accuracy, such as in the test using WRN-40-2 as a teacher and MobileNetv2 and Resnet32 as the first and second students, with an accuracy of 73.85% for students. Note that the accuracy of the second student outperforms the accuracy of FDDML and DML, where only the maximum accuracy for the second student is shown, to be 73.0% and 71.84%, respectively. This test also shows better accuracy when compared with the same network architecture of students in Table 2, where WRN-40-2 as a teacher and MobileNetv2 as the first and second students can only obtain the highest accuracy on the first and second FDDML students, namely 70.63% and 69.88%. Next, in the last scenario, we take the same test steps as [22], namely with a larger student cohort, to observe the training process of multiple student networks by increasing the number of networks to demonstrate the advantages of our approach, as shown in Figure 5.
By simultaneously training multiple students, the accuracy results increase when the number of student networks is added to the cohort. This test scenario uses WRN-40-2 as the teacher network and Resnet32 as the student network for our two proposed methods, while DML is the baseline as in the original form without using the soft probabilities of the teacher network.
In all experiments, the variation in the number of additions to the student network shows the superiority of our method, especially when the total number of student networks being three, where the highest accuracy was achieved by FDDML with 73.75%, followed by HDDML with 73.65%, but this trend of accuracy gradually decreases as the number of students increased in a cohort.
On the other hand, for DML itself, the trend of accuracy is increasing but is not better than our proposed method. This shows that the minimization of mimicry loss for the transfer of teacher knowledge to a pool of student networks trained simultaneously can work better.

3.5. Experiment on TinyImageNet

Then, to see if our method is robust or not, we conducted a test with a larger dataset using TinyImageNet with the original size of 64 × 64 images. In this test, we use two training scenarios. In the first scenario, we use the dataset of the original size, as shown in the test results as follows.
In contrast to the testing using the CIFAR-100 dataset, in the second scenario, we show the accuracy of our approach in Table 4, where the highest accuracy is generally by HDDML, and one CRD+KD [10] process is dominant over other tests, that is, when VGG16 is the teacher and VGG8 is a student, which is marked in bold, followed by the second-highest accuracy marked with underline. It can be seen that the performance of our proposed methods can exceed the accuracy produced by the teacher network, also shown in the existing method [10], which is able to beat the accuracy of the teacher network, but it is not better than HDDML, one of the two methods we propose. Then, to ensure the performance of our proposed method, we tested it by downsampling the TinyImageNet datasets to become 32 × 32.
The downsampled images carried out in this experiment are intended to demonstrate the reliability of our proposed method in adapting to different conditions and to illustrate the results of comparisons with similar methods [11] as a baseline.
Although it appears that the student network accuracy performance has decreased due to the changes in image size and image resolution compared with the cases when trained with the original image size, it can adapt well when compared with the baseline. Table 5 shows that the method we propose is still superior to the accuracy of teachers in general. The last scenario in the experiment is that we adapt our proposed method to the transfer of knowledge of student network trained using a downsampled image from the original image for being an example of a previously trained exemplary teacher. This test involves variations in temperatures and variations in batch sizes.
In Table 6, the highest accuracy is marked in bold for each method. Here, we use two types of networks, namely, Resnet50 as a teacher and WRN-16-2 as a student, with an accuracy of 55.34% and 28.32%, respectively. The results are the accuracy of the teacher model using the original image size of 64×64 and the accuracy of the independent student using the downsampled image size of 32×32 image. It can be seen from the comparisons that this method tries to approximate the accuracy of a pre-trained teacher, and we use variations in temperatures and batch sizes to see how well the existing and proposed methods of knowledge transfer are able to adapt to the downsampled dataset.
Although almost all of the involved methods are not able to approach or even exceed the individual student accuracy, except for HDDML, which is one of our proposed methods with an accuracy of 28.36% (student 1) with the hyperparameter batch size of 128 at temperature 5, and batch size of 64 at temperatures 5 and 6, the accuracy only reached 28.20% and 28.12% for student 1, respectively.
It turns out, the results of this experiment show that all existing methods and our proposed method suffer from using downsampled size data because there is a lot of information loss due to the changes in image resolution so that it is not optimal for conducting a training to classify test sample images, even though it is assisted by a pre-trained teacher with soft probabilities.

3.6. Experiment on Cinic-10

In addition to verifying our proposed method, we use the dataset, namely Cinic-10. The dataset section that we use consists of two parts, namely the training set and the testing set. We use the Resnet20 network, Shufflev2 as a different student and the WRN-40-2 network as the teacher, each of which has an accuracy of Resnet20: 81.42%, Shufflev2: 74.03%, and WRN-40-2: 85.07%.
The experiment results in the form of top-1 accuracy are shown in Figure 6. Compared with the results from students for 5 different methods, namely DML, FDDML(ours), HDDML(ours), KD, CRD, and CRD+KD who were trained with two different batch sizes, namely 64 and 128. In Figure 6a, in batch size 64 FDDML achieved the highest accuracy of 84.70% followed by HDDML with an accuracy of 84.54% all obtained by student 1 (S1) while student 2 (S2) FDDML still outperformed the other four methods besides HDDML. While, when using batch size 128 all methods experienced a decrease in accuracy such as FDDML for (S1) was reduced by 0.5%, (S2) was reduced by at least 0.14% as well as DML (S1) decreased by 0.65%, (S2) 0.43%, and KD at least 0.27% while CRD and CRD+KD tend to increase in accuracy but not better than other methods. Then in Figure 6b, when using the ShuffleV2 network as a student, the accuracy of all methods tends to increase when using batch size 128 except for CRD, there is a decrease in accuracy of 0.51%. This section shows that the highest accuracy occurs in FDDML (S2) as much as 86%, then followed by HDDML (S2) with 85.92%.

4. Conclusions

In this study, the new approaches with knowledge transfer that we propose, namely FDDML and HDDML, that show the main key of teacher’s knowledge are able to significantly improve the accuracy performance of a convolutional neural network with a teacher–student framework and can outperform several existing methods as well. We conduct experiments with three public benchmark datasets on images classification task. On the CIFAR-100 dataset, TinyImageNet and Cinic-10 show that the influence of a pre-trained teacher or teacher’s knowledge is very large in the knowledge transfer student’s network. On CIFAR-100 with twin student networks, FDDML obtained the highest accuracy of 75.75% for students and teachers WRN-16-2 and WRN-40-2, respectively. While for different students, the paired student of ShuffleV2 and MobileNetv2 with VGG13 as the teacher obtained 75.71% accuracy. Good results are also shown by HDDML twin students with vgg13 and vgg16 as a teacher with 54.24% accuracy on TinyImageNet. Likewise, when the dataset was resized to 32 × 32, FDDML with Resnet18 as a pair of students and Resnet50 as a teacher with the highest accuracy reached 33.77%. In the cinic-10 experiment, FDDML has the highest accuracy compared to other methods.For further research, we will explore our proposed method for implementing general applications related to object recognition, incremental learning, and object tracking.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.L. and C.-K.Y.; methodology, A.L.; software, A.L.; validation, A.L. and C.-K.Y.; formal analysis, A.L.; investigation, A.L.; resources, A.L.; data curation, A.L.; writing—original draft preparation, A.L.; writing—review and editing, C.-K.Y.; visualization, A.L.; supervision, C.-K.Y.; project administration, A.L. and C.-K.Y. and funding acquisition, C.-K.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan under the grants MOST 109-2221-E-011-133, MOST 109-2228-E-011-007, MOST 110-2221-E-011-099-MY3 and MOST 110-2221-E-011-095-MY3.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

This research was trained and tested on open source CIFAR-100 [20], TinyImageNet [21], and Cinic-10 [22] datasets.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Deep mutual learning (DML) diagram [11] that the network G1 and G2 trained simultaneously together, and using a KLD-based.
Figure 1. Deep mutual learning (DML) diagram [11] that the network G1 and G2 trained simultaneously together, and using a KLD-based.
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Figure 2. Training teacher–student framework using knowledge distillation (KD).
Figure 2. Training teacher–student framework using knowledge distillation (KD).
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Figure 3. Full deep distillation mutual learning(FDDML) schematic.
Figure 3. Full deep distillation mutual learning(FDDML) schematic.
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Figure 4. Half deep distillation mutual learning (HDDML) schematic.
Figure 4. Half deep distillation mutual learning (HDDML) schematic.
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Figure 5. Accuracy performance (top-1) on CIFAR100 with teacher WRN-40-2 to different numbers of Resnet32 student networks in a cohort.
Figure 5. Accuracy performance (top-1) on CIFAR100 with teacher WRN-40-2 to different numbers of Resnet32 student networks in a cohort.
Applsci 12 07916 g005
Figure 6. Comparing top-1 accuracy on Cinic-10 datasets. (a) WRN-40-2 as a teacher and Resnet20 as a student when the batch size 64 and 128, and (b) WRN-40-2 as a teacher and ShuffleV2 as a student when the batch size 64 and 128.
Figure 6. Comparing top-1 accuracy on Cinic-10 datasets. (a) WRN-40-2 as a teacher and Resnet20 as a student when the batch size 64 and 128, and (b) WRN-40-2 as a teacher and ShuffleV2 as a student when the batch size 64 and 128.
Applsci 12 07916 g006aApplsci 12 07916 g006b
Table 1. Comparison of recent related works.
Table 1. Comparison of recent related works.
Ref No.Dataset NameNumber of Images
100 million labeled images,
KDNo Information
[9]TIMIT phoneme recognition,
6300 sentences(5.4 h)
60 K images
Model CompressionNvidia GTX 580 GPUs
60 K images,
1.2 million images from 1 K classes for training and 50 K for validation,
Training set of 5 K labeled images from 10 classes and 100 K unlabeled images and a test set 8 K images,
120 K images
Contrastive Representation DistillationTwo Titan-V GPUs
Cars 196
200 images,
196 images
Relational Knowledge distillation
60 K images,
1.2 million images from 1 K classes for training and 50 K for validation
Correlation Congruence for Knowledge Distillation16 TiTAN X
270 K images,
60 K images
Similarity-Preserving Knowledge DistillationNo information
60 K images,
1.2 million images from 1 K classes for training and 50 K for validation
Knowledge Transfer via Dense Cross-Layer Mutual-DistillationGPUs
[11]CIFAR-100, Market-150160 K images,
1501 images
DMLSingle NVIDIA GeForce 1080 GPU
60 K images,
120 K images
270 K images
Single NVIDIA GeForce 1080 GPU
Table 2. Comparing resultstop-1 accuracy on the CIFAR-100 datasets with twin student network.
Table 2. Comparing resultstop-1 accuracy on the CIFAR-100 datasets with twin student network.
Network Architecture
Student 1Resnet20Resnet20Resnet56Resnet20MobileNetv2Resnet8x4WRN-16-2Resnet44
Student 2Resnet20Resnet20Resnet56Resnet20MobileNetv2Resnet8x4WRN-16-2Resnet44
Test Accuracy (%)
Student 169.0569.0572.0469.0564.5571.1473.1571.54
Student 269.0569.0572.0469.0564.5571.1473.1571.54
KD [8]70.570.3374.4170.8868.5175.2474.7673.87
AT [19]69.4270.9174.5469.9559.2772.4673.0271.46
SP [13]70.1669.7173.8369.6564.8273.1273.7473.54
CC [14]68.7868.4571.8969.0665.9172.472.9772.06
CRD [10]70.9570.6375.170.8669.6275.1475.4274.36
CRD+KD [10]71.167174.9970.9269.7875.5375.5474.43
DML: [22]
Student 169.9869.9873.3969.9867.3171.5873.7472.14
Student 269.7169.7173.2669.7166.8871.7273.9672.8
Student 170.670.97571.0470.6375.2775.2174.31
Student 271.1771.1674.970.8569.8874.9975.7574.49
Student 170.7170.8773.769.9868.7573.8174.5674.31
Student 270.1868.4675.1170.7970.1474.5275.4372.88
Table 3. Comparing resultstop-1 accuracy on the CIFAR-100 datasets with different student network.
Table 3. Comparing resultstop-1 accuracy on the CIFAR-100 datasets with different student network.
Network Architecture
Student 1ShuffleV2WRN-28-2MobileNetv2Resnet32x4Resnet56Vgg8ShuffleV2
Student 2Resnet32Resnet32Resnet32MobileNetv2WRN-16-2Resnet32MobileNetv2
Test Accuracy (%)
Student 171.8873.8964.5571.1472.0469.8371.88
Student 270.1270.1270.1264.5573.1570.1264.55
DML: [11]
Student 176.7175.5869.1377.874.0372.7373.81
Student 272.3472.7271.8468.274.1472.3767.72
Student 177.3177.0469.9378.6874.5573.6175.71
Student 273.2373.527370.574.9173.0469.82
Student 176.2975.8369.5577.674.0372.374.24
Student 274.2373.3273.857074.9573.5869.54
Table 4. Comparing results top-1 accuracy on the TinyImageNet datasets with 64-Image size.
Table 4. Comparing results top-1 accuracy on the TinyImageNet datasets with 64-Image size.
Network Architecture
Student 1Resnet34Resnet18Vgg16Vgg8Vgg13Vgg8
Student 2Resnet34Resnet18Vgg16Vgg8Vgg13Vgg8
Test Accuracy (%)
Student 137.9436.0449.241.6848.141.68
Student 237.9436.0449.241.6848.141.68
KD [8]55.2655.7253.9244.4252.444.68
AT [19]50.1350.2245.6844.8448.9243.18
SP [13]55.3855.6854.2845.0651.8844.66
CC [14]50.949.8248.7242.148.0841.68
CRD [10]57.4855.9255.8245.1251.145.38
CRD+KD [10]57.1456.9455.7446.0851.9846.88
DML: [11]
Student 155.154.8653.8844.9452.8444.94
Student 255.1354.9253.2645.1653.7645.16
Student 157.3356.5856.1245.0253.2246.3
Student 257.9855.8856.5444.5253.144.36
Student 157.0555.153,6646.0652.3246.26
Student 258.2757.4856.6846.2654.2445.74
Table 5. Comparing results top-1 accuracy on The TinyImageNet datasets resize with 32-image size.
Table 5. Comparing results top-1 accuracy on The TinyImageNet datasets resize with 32-image size.
Network Architecture
Student 1Resnet34Resnet18Resnet18WRN-16-2Resnet34Resnet8x4
Student 2Resnet34Resnet18Resnet18WRN-16-2Resnet34Resnet8x4
Test Accuracy (%)
Student 129.9629.6829.6828.3229.9629.42
Student 229.9629.6829.6828.3229.9629.42
DML: [11]
Student 130.9232.0632.0628.830.9230.12
Student 232.8630.9430.9429.2232.8629.46
Student 133.5633.7732.4429.5433.1830.06
Student 232.6233.6631.9430.0632.7629.9
Student 132.331.5231.7830.831.5229.7
Student 233.0233.532.6429.5432.6831.18
Table 6. Knowledge transfer from original images sample 64 × 64 model teacher pre-trained to train student with images downsampled to 32 × 32 using TinyImageNet dataset.
Table 6. Knowledge transfer from original images sample 64 × 64 model teacher pre-trained to train student with images downsampled to 32 × 32 using TinyImageNet dataset.
Network ArchitectureKDCRDCRD+KDFDDMLHDDMLTeacherStudent
Batch size 64
Resnet50 (T)
4WRN-16-2 (S)14.5827.7825.0624.0627.04
WRN-16-2 (S) 24.9224.94
Resnet50 (T) 55.3428.32
5WRN-16-2 (S)14.5227.1625.5624.0828.2
WRN-16-2 (S) 24.9625.82
Resnet50 (T)
6WRN-16-2 (S)15.2227.7425.5225.3428.12
WRN-16-2 (S) 24.8426.62
Batch size 128
Resnet50 (T)
4WRN-16-2 (S)14.1826.9225.5223.623.22
WRN-16-2 (S) 24.2823.94
Resnet50 (T)
5WRN-16-2 (S)14.627.4825.3424.0428.3655.3428.32
WRN-16-2 (S) 25.1425.16
Resnet50 (T)
6WRN-16-2 (S)14.5626.3224.4223.2226.76
WRN-16-2 (S) 24.6225
Batch size 180
Resnet50 (T)
4WRN-16-2 (S)13.8227.224.5222.5826.46
WRN-16-2 (S) 24.0424.16
Resnet50 (T)
5WRN-16-2 (S)13.927.2225.5224.3427.4655.3428.32
WRN-16-2 (S) 23.9623.86
Resnet50 (T)
6WRN-16-2 (S)13.7826.0824.6823.9427.48
WRN-16-2 (S) 24.5825.62
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MDPI and ACS Style

Lukman, A.; Yang, C.-K. Improving Deep Mutual Learning via Knowledge Distillation. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7916.

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Lukman A, Yang C-K. Improving Deep Mutual Learning via Knowledge Distillation. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(15):7916.

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Lukman, Achmad, and Chuan-Kai Yang. 2022. "Improving Deep Mutual Learning via Knowledge Distillation" Applied Sciences 12, no. 15: 7916.

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