Superpixel Image Classification with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Learnable Positional Embedding
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Superpixel Segmentation Algorithms
2.2. Advances in Graph Convolution definition
2.3. Superpixel Image Classification Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
2.4. Graph Positional Embedding Methods
3. Proposed Method
3.1. Notation
3.2. Standard Message-Passing Process
3.3. Learnable Positional Embedding Methods
3.4. ArcFace Loss Function
4. Experiments
4.1. Datasets
4.2. Experiment Details
4.3. Results Details
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Preprocess | Model | Dataset | ||||||
F-MNIST (28 × 28) | CIFAR10 (32 × 32) | SVHN (32 × 32) | CAR196 (224 × 224) | CUB200 (64 × 64) | CUB200 (128 × 128) | EuroSAT (64 × 64) | ||
SLIC-75 | GCN-1Layer | 87.542 | 46.497 | 72.682 | 51.498 | 58.477 | 58.070 | 66.487 |
GCN-2Layers | 89.794 | 57.219 | 73.454 | 53.842 | 62.813 | 63.466 | 67.921 | |
GAT-1Head | 89.688 | 57.693 | 79.211 | 58.903 | 65.813 | 67.544 | 71.608 | |
GAT-2Heads | 90.874 | 61.103 | 80.726 | 59.582 | 67.560 | 69.620 | 74.863 | |
ChebNet (K = 25) | 79.167 | 33.297 | 52.045 | 27.663 | 47.093 | 45.647 | 54.236 | |
IMGCN-LPE | ||||||||
GCN-1Layer | 89.183 | 50.563 | 74.133 | 55.712 | 61.916 | 64.866 | 65.736 | |
GCN-2Layers | 90.561 | 60.464 | 75.486 | 57.808 | 65.848 | 67.212 | 66.388 | |
GAT-1Head | 90.618 | 66.480 | 80.511 | 61.438 | 68.223 | 69.838 | 74.758 | |
GAT-2Heads | 92.013 | 68.632 | 81.986 | 62.729 | 70.192 | 72.101 | 76.373 | |
ChebNet (K = 25) | 91.21 | 73.086 | 80.714 | 60.861 | 70.484 | 69.637 | 75.482 |
Method | Model | Dataset | ||||||
F-MNIST (28 × 28) | CIFAR10 (32 × 32) | SVHN (32 × 32) | CAR196 (224 × 224) | CUB200 (64 × 64) | CUB200 (128 × 128) | EuroSAT (64 × 64) | ||
SLIC-75 | RAG-GAT | 83.07 | 45.93 | 80.72 | - | - | - | - |
DISCO-GCN | 90.02 | 70.01 | - | - | - | - | - | |
HGNN | - | 70.61 | - | - | - | - | 75.22 | |
GCN-2Layers | - | - | - | 53.84 | 62.81 | 63.49 | - | |
GAT-2Heads | - | - | - | 59.58 | 67.56 | 69.62 | - | |
IMGCN-LPE | ||||||||
Baseline models | 92.01 | 73.09 | 81.99 | 62.73 | 70.48 | 72.10 | 76.37 |
Preprocess | Model | Dataset | ||||||
F-MNIST (28 × 28) | CIFAR10 (32 × 32) | SVHN (32 × 32) | CAR196 (224 × 224) | CUB200 (64 × 64) | CUB200 (128 × 128) | EuroSAT (64 × 64) | ||
SLIC-75 | IMGCN-LPE | |||||||
GCN-1Layer | 89.18 → 89.32 | 50.56 → 55.85 | 74.13 → 75.38 | 55.71 → 55.79 | 61.92 → 63.01 | 65.74 → 65.93 | 65.74 → 66.04 | |
GCN-2Layers | 90.56 → 90.98 | 60.46 → 60.84 | 75.47 → 76.61 | 57.61 → 57.88 | 65.85 → 65.92 | 67.21 → 67.74 | 66.39 → 66.77 | |
GAT-1Head | 90.62 → 90.90 | 66.46 → 67.28 | 80.51 → 81.17 | 61.44 → 61.76 | 68.22 → 69.06 | 69.90 → 72.45 | 74.76 → 74.96 | |
GAT-2Heads | 92.01 → 92.25 | 68.63 → 69.71 | 81.99 → 82.52 | 62.73 → 63.46 | 70.19 → 70.62 | 72.10 → 73.85 | 76.37 → 76.96 | |
ChebNet (K = 25) | 91.21 → 91.63 | 73.09 → 73.22 | 80.71 → 82.02 | 60.86 → 61.20 | 70.48 → 72.99 | 69.64 → 71.26 | 75.48 → 76.61 |
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Share and Cite
Bae, J.-H.; Yu, G.-H.; Lee, J.-H.; Vu, D.T.; Anh, L.H.; Kim, H.-G.; Kim, J.-Y. Superpixel Image Classification with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Learnable Positional Embedding. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 9176.
Bae J-H, Yu G-H, Lee J-H, Vu DT, Anh LH, Kim H-G, Kim J-Y. Superpixel Image Classification with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Learnable Positional Embedding. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(18):9176.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBae, Ji-Hun, Gwang-Hyun Yu, Ju-Hwan Lee, Dang Thanh Vu, Le Hoang Anh, Hyoung-Gook Kim, and Jin-Young Kim. 2022. "Superpixel Image Classification with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Learnable Positional Embedding" Applied Sciences 12, no. 18: 9176.
APA StyleBae, J.-H., Yu, G.-H., Lee, J.-H., Vu, D. T., Anh, L. H., Kim, H.-G., & Kim, J.-Y. (2022). Superpixel Image Classification with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Learnable Positional Embedding. Applied Sciences, 12(18), 9176.