Vision-Based Automatic Collection of Nodes of In/Off Block and Docking/Undocking in Aircraft Turnaround
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1. Collection of KMNs
2.2. Preprocessing for the Collection of KMNs
3. Dataset Collection
3.1. Dataset Comprising Single Images
3.2. Dataset Comprising Video Sequences
4. Preprocessing Module
4.1. Detection and Recognition
4.2. Position Prediction
4.3. Association
5. Collection of KMNs
5.1. Aircraft Confirmation at the Current Position
Algorithm 1. Aircraft confirmation at the current position |
Inputs: bounding boxes of aircraft , i = 1, 2, …, n. W and H are the width and height of the input image, respectively. for i = 1:n if wi>W/2 or hi > H/2 Si = wi × hi else Si = 0 end if end for Outputs: the bounding box of the aircraft at current position is . |
5.2. Motion State Estimation for a Single Target
5.3. Collection of KMNs Based on a Single Target
Algorithm 2. In-block and off-block node collection |
Inputs: For a sequence with num frames, the bounding box of aircraft in each frame is , i = 1,2,…,num. Thc and ThIoU of Equation (10) are initialized (manually determined). for t = r + 2:num-r-1 Computing and , and , and . Computing C1(t − 1), C1(t), and C1(t + 1) using Condition 1 of Equation (10). if C1(t − 1) = 0 and C1(t) = 1 and C1(t + 1) = 1 In-block node is t. else if C1(t − 1) = 1 and C1(t) = 0 and C1(t + 1) = 0 Off-block node is t. end if end for Outputs: In-block and off-block nodes. |
5.4. Collection of KMNs Based on Multi-Object Interaction
Algorithm 3. Docking and undocking stairs node detection |
Inputs: For a sequence with num frames, and are the bounding boxes of aircraft and mobile aircraft landing stairs in each frame, respectively, i = 1,2, …, num. Thc and ThIoU are the thresholds of σc and σIoU of Condition 1, respectively. for t = r + 2:num – r − 1 Computing Condition 2 C2(t) using and if C2(t) = 1 Using the bounding boxes of mobile aircraft landing stairs and Condition 1 to compute C1(t − 1), C1(t), and C1(t + 1). if C1(t − 1) = 0 and C1(t) = 1 and C1(t + 1) = 1 Docking node is t. else if C1(t − 1) = 1 and C1(t) = 0 and C1(t + 1) = 0 Undocking node is t. end if end if end for Outputs: Docking and undocking stairs nodes. |
6. Experimental Results and Analysis
6.1. Experimental Results of Detection and Recognition
- (1)
- PrecisionC
- (2)
- RecallC
- (3)
- Mean Average Precision (mAP)
6.2. Experimental Results of the Prediction and Association
6.3. Experimental Results of the Collection of KMNs
7. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Related Work | Detection | Tracking | KMNs Collection |
Thai et al. 2022 [21] | AirNet (In terms of its architecture, AirNet is a one-stage detector with a module of bidirectional feature pyramid network module) | By comparing the positions of object bounding boxes and classes between previous and current frames, the same object in adjacent frames is matched. | Activity identification by the relationship between the involved objects and aircraft, the speed of the object, and the Intersection over Union (IoU) of the object and aircraft. |
Yıldız S et al. 2022 [22] | YOLO v3 | The MOSSE (Minimum Output Sum of Squared Error) | Ground services are recognized by using the motion status (stopping and moving) of the vehicles providing services. |
Ours | Improved YOLO v5 to obtain more precise bounding boxes. | Position prediction and bounding boxes of association in adjacent frames based on IoU. | Two methods for collecting KMNs are proposed, aiming at nodes based on a single target and nodes based on the interaction of two targets. |
Category | No. 734 | No. 939 | Total |
In-block | 14 | 2 | 16 |
Off-block | 13 | 3 | 16 |
Docking of mobile aircraft landing stairs | 3 | 4 | 7 |
Undocking of mobile aircraft landing stairs | 2 | 1 | 3 |
Total | 32 | 10 | 42 |
Class/Metric | Precisionc | Recallc | mAP |
Aircraft | 93% | 90.1% | 94% |
Mobile aircraft landing stairs | 89.3% | 90.1% | 91.9% |
Lreg | Precisionc | Recallc | mAP |
IoU-loss | 91.7% | 90.3% | 94.2% |
GIoU-loss | 91.1% | 93.1% | 94.3% |
DIoU-loss | 93.5% | 90.8% | 93.6% |
CIoU-loss | 93.6% | 91.6% | 94.7% |
Nodes | num | IDSW | MOTA | MOTP |
Off-block 1 | 323 | 3 | 94.25% | 90.56% |
Off-block 2 | 323 | 13 | 89.79% | 91.25% |
In-block 1 | 292 | 0 | 96.61% | 95.63% |
In-block 2 | 324 | 12 | 92.35% | 94.56% |
Docking stairs 1 | 239 | 0 | 97.34% | 94.4% |
Docking stairs 2 | 874 | 0 | 99.54% | 91.3% |
Undocking stairs 1 | 252 | 5 | 96.52% | 91.23% |
Undocking stairs 2 | 421 | 0 | 94.29% | 92.1% |
Position No. | Nodes | L | FE(Unit: Frame) | TE(Unit: Second) |
No.939 | In-block | 2 | 51 | 10.2 |
Off-block | 3 | 9 | 1.8 | |
Docking stairs | 4 | 27 | 5.4 | |
Undocking stairs | 1 | 29 | 5.8 | |
No.734 | In-block | 14 | 63 | 12.6 |
Off-block | 13 | 8 | 1.6 | |
Docking stairs | 3 | 46 | 9.2 | |
Undocking stairs | 2 | 36 | 7.2 |
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Share and Cite
Xu, J.; Ding, M.; Zhang, Z.-Z.; Xu, Y.-B.; Wang, X.-H.; Zhao, F. Vision-Based Automatic Collection of Nodes of In/Off Block and Docking/Undocking in Aircraft Turnaround. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7832.
Xu J, Ding M, Zhang Z-Z, Xu Y-B, Wang X-H, Zhao F. Vision-Based Automatic Collection of Nodes of In/Off Block and Docking/Undocking in Aircraft Turnaround. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(13):7832.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXu, Juan, Meng Ding, Zhen-Zhen Zhang, Yu-Bin Xu, Xu-Hui Wang, and Fan Zhao. 2023. "Vision-Based Automatic Collection of Nodes of In/Off Block and Docking/Undocking in Aircraft Turnaround" Applied Sciences 13, no. 13: 7832.
APA StyleXu, J., Ding, M., Zhang, Z.-Z., Xu, Y.-B., Wang, X.-H., & Zhao, F. (2023). Vision-Based Automatic Collection of Nodes of In/Off Block and Docking/Undocking in Aircraft Turnaround. Applied Sciences, 13(13), 7832.