Multi-Attribute NMS: An Enhanced Non-Maximum Suppression Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
- For each pedestrian, only a rigid or a dynamic threshold is used to divide the single suppression interval, and all the proposals within the interval are considered duplicates;
- A uniform suppression operation is applied in the suppression interval, such as discarding, or a suppression weight function for re-scoring, making it more difficult to remove the highly similar duplicate proposals of pedestrians while preserving the proposals of occluded pedestrians.
- In order to accurately remove duplicate detections, a Multi-Attribute NMS (MA-NMS) is proposed. Rather than using a uniform suppression interval, it refines the suppression intervals based on density attributes to perform adaptive suppression, which effectively preserves potentially occluded pedestrians, while substantially removing duplicate proposals. Additionally, the suppression intensity is further adjusted according to the count attributes, which further reduces the generation of false positives.
- To obtain the density and count attributes of pedestrians, an attribute branch (ATTB) is proposed. In ATTB, a context extraction module (CME) is designed to obtain the context of pedestrians. Furthermore, it concentrates the context with the feature of pedestrians from the generic detection branch to obtain more representative feature, which allows for a more comprehensive consideration of pedestrians and their surrounding occluded pedestrians.
- With the proposed ATTB, a pedestrian detector for crowded scenes is constructed based on MA-NMS. It simultaneously considers the density and count attributes of pedestrians and adjusts the NMS based on these two attributes for more accurate pedestrian predictions in crowded scenes.
2. Related Works
2.1. Pedestrian Detection
2.2. Intra-Class Occlusion Handling
2.3. NMS
3. The Proposed Method
3.1. Greedy NMS
- Sort all the bounding boxes in set in descending order based on their confidence scores.
- Calculate the intersection-over-union () of the first bounding box , which has the highest confidence score, and the sequenced bounding boxes . If exceeds the rigid threshold , the confidence score of will be set to zero.
- Move the proposal , with bounding box , into the set , which is initialized with an empty set.
- Repeat the above three steps for the remaining bounding boxes in until complete traversal.
3.2. Multi-Attribute NMS
Algorithm 1: The procedure of Multi-Attribute NMS. |
Input: is the list of initial bounding boxes; is the list of corresponding confidence scores; is the list of corresponding density attributes; is the list of corresponding count attributes; is the rigid NMS threshold. Output: |
1: begin: 2: 3: While do 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: for in do 9: if then 10: if then 11: 12: else 13: 14: 15: else if then 16: if then 17: 18: else 19: 20: 21: end for 22: end while 23: return 24: end |
3.3. Attribute Branch
3.4. Pedestrian Detector for Crowded Scenes
3.5. Ground Truth for Pedestrian Density and Count Attributes
4. Experiments
4.1. Datasets and Evaluation Metrics
4.1.1. Datasets
4.1.2. Evaluation Metrics
- : Average precision, which summarizes a precision–recall curve of detection results, is one of the most popular evaluation metrics in generic object detection. In the subsequent experiments, we follow the metric in PASCAL VOC [44] (the larger, the better) and consider proposals with to be positive. This metric effectively measures the accuracy of a detector.
- : The maximum recall, for a fixed number of proposals, represents the proportion of true positives detected by a detector out of the total number ground truths. This metric evaluates the ability of a detector to accurately detect the true ground truths. Larger values indicate better performance.
- : Log-average miss rate, which is calculated using false positives per image (FPPI) in the range of , is a commonly used evaluation metric in pedestrian detection. This metric is particularly sensitive to false positives, especially those with high confidence scores. Smaller values of indicate better performance of a pedestrian detector.
- : Frames per second, which represents the number of frames processed per second, is a commonly used metric for measuring the speed of detectors. Larger values of indicate faster processing speed of a detector.
4.2. Implementation Details
4.3. Ablation Study
4.4. Hyperparameters
4.4.1. Rigid Threshold
4.4.2. Exponential Constants
4.5. Speed
4.6. Comparison
4.6.1. Results of CrowdHuman
4.6.2. Results of CityPersons
4.7. Visualization
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Objects | CrowdHuman | CityPersons |
Images | 15,000 | 2975 |
Persons | 339,565 | 19,238 |
Ignore regions | 99,227 | 6768 |
Person/image | 22.64 | 6.47 |
Unique persons | 339,565 | 19,238 |
Subsets | Visibility |
Reasonable () | |
Bare () | |
Partial () | |
Heavy () |
Methods | SS | WS | SF | AP | Recall | |
Baseline | 85.0 | 88.1 | 44.8 | |||
MA-NMS(ours) | √ | 88.6 | 92.7 | 45.1 | ||
√ | √ | 89.1 | 94.2 | 43.7 | ||
√ | √ | 89.3 | 93.5 | 42.5 | ||
√ | √ | √ | 90.2 | 94.6 | 42.0 |
Methods | AP | Recall | FPS | ||
Greedy NMS | 0.5 | 85.0 | 88.1 | 44.8 | 10.75 |
Soft NMS [16] | 0.5 | 86.6 | 90.8 | 44.5 | 10.62 |
Adaptive NMS [17] | 0.5 | 87.3 | 90.0 | 45.2 | 10.45 |
MA-NMS (ours) | 0.5 | 90.2 | 94.6 | 42.0 | 10.33 |
Method | Backbone | AP | Recall | |
PBM + R2NMS [48] | ResNet-50 | 89.3 | 93.3 | 43.4 |
NOH-NMS [40] | ResNet-50 | 89.0 | 92.9 | 43.9 |
RepLoss [39] | ResNet-50 | 85.6 | 88.4 | 45.7 |
AutoPedestrian [50] | ResNet-50 | 87.7 | 93.0 | 46.9 |
LLA.FCOS [51] | ResNet-50 | 88.1 | 93.4 | 47.9 |
JointDet [18] | DarkNet-53 | 88.8 | - | 43.4 |
IDADA [49] | ResNet-50 | 88.0 | 93.6 | 45.3 |
CouLoss [52] | ResNet-50 | 89.8 | 91.0 | 42.4 |
MA-NMS (w/o) | ResNet-50 | 89.1 | 94.2 | 43.7 |
MA-NMS (w) | ResNet-50 | 90.2 | 94.6 | 42.0 |
Methods | Backbone | R | H | P | B |
RepLoss [39] | ResNet-50 | 13.2 | 56.9 | 16.8 | 7.6 |
TLL [53] | ResNet-50 | 15.5 | 53.6 | 17.2 | 10.0 |
TLL + MRF [53] | ResNet-50 | 14.4 | 52.0 | 15.9 | 9.2 |
ALFNet [54] | ResNet-50 | 12.0 | 51.9 | 11.4 | 8.4 |
PBM + R2NMS [48] | VGG16 | 11.1 | 53.3 | - | - |
NOH NMS [40] | ResNet-50 | 10.8 | 53.0 | 11.2 | 6.6 |
AutoPedestrian [50] | ResNet-50 | 11.5 | 56.7 | - | - |
CSP [13] | ResNet-50 | 11.0 | 49.4 | 10.4 | 7.3 |
MA-NMS (w/o) | ResNet-50 | 10.6 | 49.5 | 9.9 | 6.5 |
MA-NMS (w) | ResNet-50 | 10.0 | 48.9 | 9.0 | 6.3 |
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Share and Cite
Wang, W.; Li, X.; Lyu, X.; Zeng, T.; Chen, J.; Chen, S. Multi-Attribute NMS: An Enhanced Non-Maximum Suppression Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 8073.
Wang W, Li X, Lyu X, Zeng T, Chen J, Chen S. Multi-Attribute NMS: An Enhanced Non-Maximum Suppression Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(14):8073.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Wei, Xin Li, Xin Lyu, Tao Zeng, Jiale Chen, and Shangjing Chen. 2023. "Multi-Attribute NMS: An Enhanced Non-Maximum Suppression Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes" Applied Sciences 13, no. 14: 8073.
APA StyleWang, W., Li, X., Lyu, X., Zeng, T., Chen, J., & Chen, S. (2023). Multi-Attribute NMS: An Enhanced Non-Maximum Suppression Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes. Applied Sciences, 13(14), 8073.