Operational Improvements to Reduce the Climate Impact of Aviation—A Comparative Study from EU Project ClimOP
:1. Introduction
- Trajectory optimization including in-flight measures that reduce the climate effect along trajectories by re-routing or improving procedures without changing the investigated flight network itself. The climate impact can directly be related to one individual mission. Exemplary measures are weather-optimized flight planning [21,22], climate-optimized trajectories [17,23,24], flying at reduced altitudes and speeds [14,25,26], direct or wind-optimal routing [21,27], continuous climb and descent operations [21,28], and routing optimization for contrail avoidance [16,29].
- Climate-optimized operation of airline networks comprising in-flight measures that affect the network for example by changes in the network flight schedule, where reduction in the climate impact is not directly related to one individual mission. This includes approaches such as Formation flight [19], Intermediate Stop Operations (ISO) [15,30] and climate-aware network design and planning [31,32,33], e.g., by merging or separating flights, reassigning aircraft, frequencies, and creating optimal hub-and-spokes or point-to-point operations.
- Operational measures on-ground being implemented at the airport both air- and land-side including, for instance, the upgrade of existing airport infrastructure according to energy-efficiency criteria [34], sustainable taxi operations, e.g., by switching to single-engine, electric, or hybrid solutions [21,35,36], electrification of ground vehicles [37,38], or producing renewable energy at airports [39].
2. Comparative Method
2.1. Operational Improvements to Be Compared
- Mitigation potential of the OI to significantly reduce the climate impact of aviation in terms of CO and non-CO emissions.
- Scientific relevance, i.e., the OI is discussed and considered promising in the specialized literature on climate change and aviation.
- Technological readiness, which directly affects the timescale of implementation in everyday operations and a low cost/benefit ratio of the implementation to facilitate the measures realization.
- Coverage of all areas of operations, namely the airport operations, the aircraft ground operations, and the aircraft operations at network and trajectory levels.
- Modeling feasibility, capability and expertise of involved parties of the project including the ability to model changes of the relevant operations, and to quantify the impact on the climate and the stakeholders.
2.2. Selected Metrics for Comparison
2.3. Scaling Approach
2.3.1. Comparing Climate Mitigation Potentials for Different In-Flight OIs
2.3.2. Comparing Climate Mitigation Potentials for Different On-Ground OIs
2.4. Data and Application of the Scaling Approaches
2.4.1. Application for In-Flight-Related OIs
2.4.2. Application for Ground-Related OIs
- SETX: We estimate the taxi times at the different airports based on average taxi times at Europe’s most frequented airports for one representative aircraft type.
- ELEC: We assume an equal distribution of ground fleet vehicle categories regarding vehicle sizes and mileages, while the fleet size itself is expected to scale with the annual air traffic at the considered airports.
- INFR: We incorporate the climate zones corresponding to the airport location as this is expected to significantly influence the efficacy of the selected energy-efficiency measures.
3. Results: Comparing Different Operational Mitigation Measures in Aviation
3.1. Mitigation Potential from Assessment of Individual OIs
3.1.1. Individual Mitigation Potential of Trajectory-Related OIs
3.1.2. Individual Mitigation Potential of Network-Related OIs
3.1.3. Individual Mitigation Potential of Ground-Related OIs
3.2. Generalization and Comparison within Measure Types
3.2.1. Comparison of Trajectory-Related OIs
3.2.2. Comparison of Network-Related OIs
3.2.3. Comparison of Ground-Related OIs
3.3. Comparison across Measure Types
4. Discussion
5. Outlook and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
aCCF | Algorithmic climate change function |
ANSP | Air navigation service provider |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers |
ASK | Available seat kilometers |
ATR | Average temperature response |
ATR20 | Average temperature response over 20 years |
ATR100 | Average temperature response over 100 years |
ATC | Air traffic control |
ATS | Air traffic service |
BADA4 | Base of aircraft data v.4.2 |
BAU | Business-as-usual |
CiC | Contrail-induced cirrus |
CLIM | Operational improvement of climate-optimized flight planning |
ClimOP | Climate assessment of innovative mitigation strategies towards |
operational improvements in aviation | |
CO | Carbon dioxide |
CO-Eq | CO equivalents |
CORSIA | Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation |
DLR | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (German Aerospace Centre) |
DOC | Direct operating cost |
ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts |
ELEC | Operational improvement of electrification of ground vehicles |
ETS | European Union Emissions Trading System |
F-ATR | Future-emission-scenario-based ATR |
FABEC | Functional Airspace Block Europe Central |
FREE | Operational improvement of free routing |
GHG | Greenhouse gas |
GPU | Ground power unit |
GSE | Ground support equipment |
GTP | Global temperature potential |
GWP | Global warming potential |
H&S | Hub-and-spoke network |
HO | Water, water vapor |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
INFR | Operational improvement of upgrade of airport infrastructure |
ISO | Intermediate stop operations |
ISOC | Operational improvements of climate-optimized intermediate stop operations |
ITU | Istanbul Technical University |
LCC | Low-cost carriers |
LTO | Landing–take-off |
KPI | Key performance indicator |
LOSL | Operational improvement of reduced cruise altitudes and speed |
MXP | Milan Malpensa airport |
NCEP | National Centers for Environmental Prediction |
NETW | Operational improvement of network optimization |
NO | Nitrogen oxides |
OI | Operational improvement |
OD | Origin–destination |
RedEmP | Reduced Emission Profiles |
RF | Radiative forcing |
SETX | Operational improvement of sustainable taxi operations |
TCM | Trajectory Calculation Module |
TGT | Trajectory Generation Tool |
TOM | Trajectory Optimization Module |
TOT | Trajectory Optimization Tool |
WIND | Operational improvement of wind-optimal flight planning |
Appendix A. Assessment of Individual OIs
Appendix A.1. Trajectory-Related Measures
Appendix A.1.1. Assessment Method
- An implementation of the OI LOSL was modeled by considering combinations of altitude shifts of 2000, 4000, and 6000 ft and speed reductions of 0, 5, and 10% in comparison to the reference case. The optimized set-up is selected based on minimum ATR20. The reference case was defined by a sample of flights on four representative days performed with two selected representative wide-body aircraft types on missions from or to the ECAC area.
- The OIs FREE and WIND have been implemented by focusing on one high-complexity en-route airspace in the ECAC area, namely EDUU, and using the flight plans and weather information on a representative winter day in 2018. Three case studies of OI implementation are evaluated to explore the mitigation potentials of the concept with different objective functions (i.e., the shortest path for FREE, the weighted sum of travel duration and fuel consumption, or prioritizing decreasing NO emissions by also considering fuel consumption and travel duration for WIND).
- The CLIM OI applies aCCFs to describe the climate impact of CO and non-CO effects in a set of trajectory optimization experiments. Therefore, the climate mitigation potential with respect to ATR20 was determined by avoiding climate-sensitive regions associated with different fuel penalties. Four city pairs with departures from the ECAC area were selected for the representative winter day.
Appendix A.1.2. Results
Appendix A.2. Network-Related Measures
Climate Mitigation Potential | Change in DOC | Limitations | |
LOSL [45,70] |
FREE [47] | −24.4% on 11 December 2018 | −4.3% on 11 December 2018 |
WIND [47] |
CLIM [48] |
Appendix A.2.1. Assessment Method
Appendix A.2.2. Results
Change in ATR100 | Change in Profit/DOC | Limitations | |
NETW [31,71] |
| Profit decrease by
ISOC [20] | −40.3% | DOC increase by 20.9% |
Appendix A.3. Ground-Related Measures
Appendix A.3.1. Assessment Approach
Appendix A.3.2. Results
Emissions | Fuel | Energy | ATR100 | Limitations | |
| −54.2% | Inf | −54.4% |
| −100% | Inf | −84.1% |
| - | −18.5% | −21.0% |
Appendix B. Validation of In-Flight Scaling Approach
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In-Flight Measures | Ground-Related Measures | ||
Trajectory-Related OIs | Network-Related OIs | ||
Definition of OI type |
Considered measures |
Assessment | Individual trajectory optimization regarding CO and non-CO effects under specific weather conditions | Reduction in climate impact from CO and non-CO emissions for an extensive flight plans in a climatological approach | Reduction of carbon emissions and their respective climate impact on-ground |
Reference publications | [45,46,47,48] | [20,31] | [49,50,51] |
Properties | RF | GWP | GTP | ATR |
Direct relation to | no | no | yes | yes |
Accounts for lifetime | no | yes | yes | yes |
Accounts for thermal inertia | no | no | yes | yes |
Dependence on time horizon | strong | weak | strong | weak |
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Share and Cite
Zengerling, Z.L.; Dal Gesso, S.; Linke, F.; Clococeanu, M.; Gollnick, V.; Peter, P.; Matthes, S.; Baspinar, B.; Ozkol, I.; Noorafza, M.; et al. Operational Improvements to Reduce the Climate Impact of Aviation—A Comparative Study from EU Project ClimOP. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 9083. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13169083
Zengerling ZL, Dal Gesso S, Linke F, Clococeanu M, Gollnick V, Peter P, Matthes S, Baspinar B, Ozkol I, Noorafza M, et al. Operational Improvements to Reduce the Climate Impact of Aviation—A Comparative Study from EU Project ClimOP. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(16):9083. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13169083
Chicago/Turabian StyleZengerling, Zarah Lea, Sara Dal Gesso, Florian Linke, Maximilian Clococeanu, Volker Gollnick, Patrick Peter, Sigrun Matthes, Baris Baspinar, Ibrahim Ozkol, Mahdi Noorafza, and et al. 2023. "Operational Improvements to Reduce the Climate Impact of Aviation—A Comparative Study from EU Project ClimOP" Applied Sciences 13, no. 16: 9083. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13169083
APA StyleZengerling, Z. L., Dal Gesso, S., Linke, F., Clococeanu, M., Gollnick, V., Peter, P., Matthes, S., Baspinar, B., Ozkol, I., Noorafza, M., Roling, P., Branchini, E., Grampella, M., Abate, C., & Tedeschi, A. (2023). Operational Improvements to Reduce the Climate Impact of Aviation—A Comparative Study from EU Project ClimOP. Applied Sciences, 13(16), 9083. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13169083